Maldives fasting as month of Ramadan begins

The Maldives has entered its second day of fasting after the holy month of Ramadan began yesterday.

The Islamic Ministry of the Maldives declared that yesterday was the first day of Ramadan and that people should begin fasting, abstaining from eating and drinking between dawn to sundown. Muslims who are ill or travelling are permitted to delay their fast.

Ramadan marks month in which the Quran was revealed to mankind, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

The rituals of month – such as fasting and sexual abstinence – are intended remind those who follow Islam of their duty as a Muslim, by keeping them away from worldly temptations to tame the mind and instill determination.

“Ramadan is an occasion to renew family ties and brotherly relations among Muslims,ā€™ā€™ said President Mohamed Nasheed, requesting that disputes and disagreements people be left behind as people work for the benefit of the country.

The daytime pace of life in Male’ has already slowed, with the capital’s usually vibrant cafe culture shifting to the evening, after sunset. Government offices close at 1:30pm during Ramadan, rather than 4:00pm, and the streets are noticeably quieter.

Interestingly, the popularity (and price) of watermelon surges during Ramadan in the Maldives, with the fruit valued as a ‘break fast’ specialty because of its high water content and easily-absorbed sugars.

The Islamic Ministry will meanwhile hold religious sermons every day after Asr prayer. Special functions will be held on every Friday and Monday evening, when religious scholars will preach on different topics. The Islamic Ministry has said those present will be able to querying the scholars who attend.

State Islamic Minister Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed explained that in all Islamic countries it is also prohibited for non-muslims to eat or drink anything on the streets during Ramadan.

”Non-Muslims should respect the month of Ramadan, and our beliefs and culture,” said Shaheem. ”That doesnt mean that they can’t eat in their homes, in their private life.”

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that police would take action against foreigners observed to be eating publicly during the holy month of Ramadan, ”and as for Maldivians, we will send cases to the Prosecutor General’s office and to court. With foreigners also we will take action according to suggestions from the PG.”

President of the Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Hussein Rasheed Ahmed, has posted Ramadan greetings to the president and first lady of the Maldives, as well as the Vice President and his wife, senior state executives, leaders of all the political parties, diplomats from different countries, members of the party and the people of the Maldives.

Vice president of religious NGO Jamiyytahul Salaf, Sheikh Hussein Moosa Fikry has delivered a sermon on how to correctly observe fasting, according to the habits of Prophet Mohamed [PBUH].

Famous religious scholar Sheikh Adam Shameem Bin Ibrahim has also has delivered a sermon related to the holy month of ramdan.


69 thoughts on “Maldives fasting as month of Ramadan begins”

  1. Praise be to God,
    Peace and blessing of Almighty GOD be upon all of us.

    Ramadhan Mubarik, and I hope this article and this comment page would be given some respect by our brothers and sisters who had shown a very different view on the topic in review. May Allah guide them to Truth.

    I wish to give a little reminder for ourself:
    In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful;Master of the Day of Judgment.Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.Show us the straight way,The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
    [Meaning of :Surah 1 - Al Fatiha (The Opening)]

    In Almighty GOD we Trust.

  2. The spiritual warrior is he who breaks an idol; and the idol of each person is his Ego. - Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayri

  3. Freedom of choice has to be an important part of any civilised society. I reserve the right to have a quiet wine whenever I like it. You can come and get me if you are smart.

  4. Busmuth, the idols of the Taliban were the Bamiyan Buddhas. They probably overlooked this Gusairee Gasim dude.

  5. Bismuth, how does it feel when you realise that the type of respect you demand only comes when you censor, behead and beat the excrement out of people? Unfortunately for you we are in cyberspace discovered using our superior infidel technology. Your barbaric laws do not apply here.

  6. Ramadan Mubarik from Muslims of Australia to Muslims of Maldivesā€¦

    Inshallah May we use Ramadan to remember that compassion is more important than the pursuit of power.

    May politicians be in politics to spread kindness to the people, not for personal powerā€¦

    Can we all forgive each other, and work TOGETHER not for power but for true wellbeing of all. Only Allah judges the Niyat, the intention, but may our heart (Al-Qulp) strain to draw towards the Rahman and the Rahim, the Mercy and Grace of the Creatorā€¦ and may we all genuinely make J-H-D (striving) to care for each other and respect the sancity of the human dignity... each and every Maldivian, each and every person, is special because created by Allah...

    May we fast in our ruh (our spirit) as well as in our body from greed for power and greed to look down or judge one another.

    I will make Duā€™ah for the hospitals of the Maldives, and the ppl of Maldives to trust on excellent medical care no matter how poor or where frommmā€¦

    I wish my sincerest Salamā€™s to all Maldivians, even those ones who had hurt me in my time with Maldivians, you know who you are I forgive you...

    I forgive all, may we all do the sameā€¦

    Jazakallah Khair

  7. yes yaamyn, its a as simple as that... in some "civilised" countries inocent girls get arrested for covering their head with piece of cloth.

  8. @Wine Lover on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 4:05 PM
    You surely don't understand, yet you will yell and make noises, But May God forgive you and give you guidance.

    Perhaps, you need a huge lesson on being "Barbaric" and how it deffer from being "Muslim".

    Just a little example: Rapes, Gang violence and murders on the street, child abuse,drug abuse, etc.. that you so passionately reject has strong consequence in Islamic Sharia. That is to protect the wider public from evils. For the "Outlaw" it would seem barbaric, but if anyone looks into it logically and impartially it makes perfect sense.Without strong and effective punishments it doesn't make sense for the "outlaw' to stop his/her evil activities. For example - take the recent cases of [Minivan News:Politics:]"Criminal Court fines former Lale principal Rf 200 (US$14) for assaulting children" & [Minivan News:Society]"Woman alleges senior police officer sexually abused her inside police car" & "Criminal court orders release of seven men arrested on suspicion of murdering 17 year-old"

    Of course you don't know that and you are very illogical to think Islam rejects knowledge, science & technology.

    Surely you are parroting the ideas propagated by the proponents of ISLAMOPHOBIA.

    Allah Knows Best

    In Almighty GOD we Trust

  9. @yaamyn on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 2:39 PM
    Says:"Wow.We can now get arrested for not fasting?"

    No,you get arrested for braking the law and rule of law is a huge chuck of "democracy" as well. The rule of law is for protection of interests of the general public.

    Allah Knows Best

  10. It is quite sad to read comments that are illogical and ignorant. However that portrays the degree of civilization and understanding of basic tenants of human life that we, Maldivian posses. yet we advocate the highest standards and democracy which is a broad and civilized concept. Is ignorance bliss or ...?

  11. Bismuth, you are parroting off the term "Islamophobia" invented for you by Liberals in the West. As a person programmed by Islam, can you ever be original? You make me laugh, Bismuth. You get arrested for not fasting when you have a barbaric law that says you will be arrested for not fasting. If you didn't have such a savage law no one will break that law.

  12. Heh heh heh.. hahaha...

    "The rule of law is for protection of interests of the general public."?

    Not in this country.

    Don't lie. It makes your case look weak - and can DESTROY your testimony.

  13. @Wine Lover on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 2:52 PM
    Says:"Freedom of choice has to be an important part of any civilised society. I reserve the right to have a quiet wine whenever I like it. You can come and get me if you are smart."

    So does the choices has to be for people who implement "Rule of Law". Every civilized society is about rule of law as well. And the law reserves the right to stop all evils. šŸ˜‰ It's another thing to deal with your "secret" love affair with wine... isn't that so? I'd accept you as a courageous person if you could GO to Republican Square and declare that.Its childish to hide behind the curtain and challenging an unknown "you" to come and get you.

    Wine Lover on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 3:01 PM
    Says:"Busmuth, the idols of the Taliban were the Bamiyan Buddhas. They probably overlooked this Gusairee Gasim dude."

    You have answered partially by saying "overlooked" šŸ˜‰ ... AND btw Taliban must have done a huge favor to all the Buddhists by destroying those Idols. You must have not known but Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)never instructed to make a statue of him to worship? Of course you didn't know that.

    Are you a Buddhist? If so you must have not read your scriptures.

    Or are you a "Christian"? If so you must have not understood teachings in Bible. Bible prohibits alcohol.

    And If you are an Atheist or an Agnostic , you must have not understood the moral values of a society that most of them believes as well.

    In any of the above scenarios, you are out of the league and unaware of your destiny.

    However I wish you best and I wish you'll take a lesson out of this little encounter.

    May GOD forgive us all and guide us to Truth.

  14. Ramadan is a month of eating and fating for Maldivians. The ladies come out for dancing in the night and the men for sports. Very few Maldivians follow the actual religious ramadan. And the government never controls the creeping price of good as ramadan is a month of cashing in for all the businessmen.
    This is what ramadan is all about for Maldivians.

  15. @Ahmed Aliased on Fri, 13th Aug 2010 2:26 AM

    "Not in this country.
    Donā€™t lie. It makes your case look weak ā€“ and can DESTROY your testimony."

    If you don't understand the statement, it doesn't mean what you want it to be meant.. anyhow... "perception" my friend... it's just how you perceive it.... I was talking in general terms!
    The rule of law is required for protection of the general public. I hope you got my point now... šŸ˜‰

    Ramadan Mubarik,
    May Allah Bless us all

  16. @Wine Lover on Fri, 13th Aug 2010 2:12 AM

    Simple answer for you is,you are "too smart" for me.... šŸ˜‰ NOW are you happy? šŸ˜‰

    What savage laws are you talking about, Do you even understand the meaning of law, respect, honesty and decency? I don' think so.... you are just funnily deaf, dumb & blind to understand any thing that goes against your twisted and barbaric Ideology. Now, how do you feel... GOOD or angered? ... šŸ˜‰

    You are 100% suffering from ISLAMOPHOBIA.

    May GOD forgive me!

    Allah Knows Best
    May Allah help us unveil the hypocrites of our society

  17. bismuth aka shiru; allah KNOWS best. u said that, but i dont think u really meant that. it is BECAUSE allah knows best that we dont have to go around forcing people to love him. allah dont need your worshipping. the sawaab counts you guys make are of no use, the only thing that is taken to allah are your intention and LOVE. i dont see much love in these angry screaming faces thristy for kafir blood.

    wahhabis have done to islam, what the catholics did for christianity. some of the sahabahs have played the role of paul and turned the attention from message to the messenger. a preisthood have been established in the name of 'ilmuverin'. i call upon all muslim brothers and sister of this nation to stop being obsessed with 'islam' (as if it is an object or a person!) and start following the Quran and the message of the Prophet; LOVE.

    concentrate on spirituality and not on world domination and enslaving kafirs.because allah knows best. Maye he fill my hollow maldivian brothers and sister with love in this ramadan. amen.

  18. i would like to recall the words of Ben Plewright above.

    to add a comment: "Government offices close at 1:30pm during Ramadan, rather than 4:00pm" i think this is wrong in many ways. i thought Ramadan is meant to be a sacrifice and test of your spirit. to live a normal life for a month, abstaining from food, drink and sex and other desires. if everything is made easy because you fast, what is the point?
    i think you ought to work just like other months. then only true reward of Ramadan can be realized and obtained.
    i think you should not tell your non-muslim colleagues that you are fasting and "angry man is a hungry man"; BECAUSE you are fasting to abstain from desires and nasty emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy etc. if you think you have the right get angry because you are hungry, then better don't fast.
    I also think, its very childish to ask others not eat in front of you. you should fast by choice and the purpose of fasting is abstenance. if that is the case, i encourage ppl to see others eat just to see how well you can control your desires. test your spirit and work on it.

    its just like religion here in maldives. they think if someone else believe in something else, they'll be tempted and turned over to that religion. nonesense. you should practice religion by choice and should not order others to not to.

    for me Ramadan is a delightful month that come every year. but day by day, very few share this delight i guess.In ramadan you get to improve your spiritual part by controling some basic desires and trying to practice more compassion and love. its not about spitting on the streets, or playing cards or going prayer and camping at a mosque and reading quran all day.

    Ramadan is a story we Maldivians shared. we fast not just to score more points, but because its a part of our culture and it used to bring people and communities together. we share our food during ramdan, our doors were open for everyone for breakfast or tharaveeh time. we share our time and people are expected to be more humble and quite during fasting.
    Some of my best childhood memories are from Ramadan when i used to spent quality time with my father and when mothers will cook their best...

    Ramadan mubarak to all Maldivians!

  19. Bismuth, It is irrelevant whether or not Buddha wished people to make his statutes but they did and the Bamiyan Buddhas were a world heritage. There are hundreds of statutes of prominent people commissioned all the time. Memorials to people such as the American Founding Fathers, Queen Victoria, Gandhi and Mother Teresa are all over the world in the form of their statues, but I am not sure they were all built at the request of those people. Statues are part of the art of civilised societies. As you, Bismuth, represent the most barbaric and savage culture ever to exist on earth, I am not surprised that you are unable to appreciate that.

  20. Bismuth you said "Itā€™s another thing to deal with your ā€œsecretā€ love affair with wine". You must be absolutely balmy to think that I wish to keep my appreciation of good wine a secret.

  21. PS: please correct the spelling errors in my post and read "statues"

  22. @Ahmed Aliased on Fri, 13th Aug 2010 2:26 AM
    Says:ā€œNot in this country.
    Donā€™t lie. It makes your case look weak ā€“ and can DESTROY your testimony.ā€

    If you donā€™t understand the statement, it doesnā€™t mean what you want it to be meant.. anyhowā€¦ ā€œperceptionā€ my friendā€¦ itā€™s just how you perceive itā€¦. I was talking in general terms!
    The rule of law is required for protection of the general public. I hope you got my point nowā€¦

    Ramadan Mubarik,
    May Allah Bless us all

  23. @Wine Lover on Fri, 13th Aug 2010 2:12 AM & all other comments you gave....
    Simple answer for you is,you are ā€œtoo smartā€. NOW are you happy?

    What savage laws are you talking about, Do you even understand the meaning of law, respect, honesty and decency? I donā€™ think soā€¦. you are just funnily deaf, dumb & blind to understand any thing that goes against your twisted and barbaric ideology. Now, how do you feelā€¦ GOOD or "Puffed"? ā€¦

    You are 100% suffering from ISLAMOPHOBIA......And aping extremist "Islamophobia"

    You SAID this "Bismuth, It is irrelevant whether or not Buddha wished people to make his statutes but they did and the Bamiyan Buddhas were a world heritage. There are hundreds of statutes of prominent people commissioned all the time. Memorials to people such as the American Founding Fathers, Queen Victoria, Gandhi and Mother Teresa are all over the world in the form of their statues, but I am not sure they were all built at the request of those people. Statues are part of the art of civilised societies. As you, Bismuth, represent the most barbaric and savage culture ever to exist on earth, I am not surprised that you are unable to appreciate that."

    It makes a whole lot of difference with the statutes that you have mentioned and an IDOL for worship. Are you suggesting in the name of world heritage it's more important to safeguard Idols and places of interest rather than protecting the human dignity that you so vehemently trying to portray as your modern ideology while you are spewing anything that comes to your mind out of hatred towards ISLAM/MUSLIMS. WHAT are you? You are certainly out of touch with reality. Why?

    Being "Out of touch with reality" is when a person is responding to non-existent stimuli (environment) and/or not responding to existent (present environment) stimuli.

    In other words, a person is interacting with 'something that is not there'
    or not interacting with their environment that is definitely present.
    That is being out of touch with reality.

    Bible says: Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." And we Muslims perfectly agree with that.

    The blood of a Muslim Believer is more precious than the entire Kaaba:

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said in his famous saying that:"Demolishing the Kaaba completely is much more preferred to Allah Almighty than shedding the blood of a Believing Muslim."

    And Quran says: 5:32 indicating "....if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity."

    It's how much human life is protected in ISLAM. But that doesn't mean just because we are peaceful we are weak. We are also instructed to confront with braveness to those who aggressively oppress us.

    You said "Bismuth you said ā€œItā€™s another thing to deal with your ā€œsecretā€ love affair with wineā€. You must be absolutely balmy to think that I wish to keep my appreciation of good wine a secret."

    Man oh Man.. read it carefully , I used "SECRET" as a metaphor with "inverted commas"... šŸ˜‰ This proves that you have chosen yourself to be deaf, dumb & blind.... so conveniently , so beautifully....

    You can call me any thing you wish, yet the fact doesn't change. ISLAM is the other name for peace, honesty, dignity, respect, unity, justice, rights and limits, and everything that is GOOD. BUT Islam is also to strive and struggle against all injustice, evils, flawed ideas like yours and etc... If you don't know ISLAM and it's true teachings why are you bothered...

    May GOD forgive me!

    Allah Knows Best
    May Allah help us unveil the hypocrites of our society

  24. btw... Wine Lover... if you are looking at those people who do mischief in the name of ISLAM as exemplary Muslims.. you are wrong... and If that is the case you hate ISLAM/MUSLIM... I'd advice you to not look into these misguided people ( in any community there will be evil ones who portray themselves as part of a group, but in reality taking a cover for their evil acts- & that makes perfect sense for hypocrites to do that)

    Even I'm against that kind of behavior and actions... in short if that is the reason for you I'm with you 100% to condemn those... but don't just defame ISLAM & MUSLIMS as a whole.

    May Allah unite us in Truth..

  25. "If you donā€™t understand the statement, it doesnā€™t mean what you want it to be meant.. anyhowā€¦ ā€œperceptionā€ my friendā€¦ itā€™s just how you perceive it... I was talking in general terms! The rule of law is required for protection of the general public. I hope you got my point now. ;)"

    You're so quick to label me as incomprehensible, aren't you. Did I hit a sore spot?.

    Here's what you said.

    Bismuth on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 7:14 PM

    @yaamyn on Thu, 12th Aug 2010 2:39 PM
    Says:ā€Wow.We can now get arrested for not fasting?ā€

    No,you get arrested for braking the law and rule of law is a huge chuck of ā€œdemocracyā€ as well. The rule of law is for protection of interests of the general public.

    Allah Knows Best


    It's quite clear you consider the flawed and corrupt 'rule of law' in this country to be legitimate. There's nothing to misunderstand in what you said.

    So, in your logic, mugging and street harassment - although harmful to the public at large are 'legal' because the perpetrators never get arrested - but consuming food in public is illegal because... how does it harm the public, again?

    Once again, I will warn you that lying, and then attempting to hide it with emoticons and balderdash about perceptions and viewpoints to make your case look good may work in a corrupt court backed by an obsolete rule of law, but it is useless against me.

    And for your last statement... hmm... tell the police, the politicians and the theocrats to stop role-playing allah.

  26. Bismuth, you did say "you are ā€œtoo smartā€. NOW are you happy?". Yes I am and bacuase, you assessed me as deaf-mute (did you also say blind?) I didn't read past that. Your attempt at discussing the Bible (why not the Upanishads?) will not be entertained. Until I feel like getting back to you, have a great day. I'm off to lunch.

  27. Bismuth, so as save you spewing out another barrage of trash, let me tell you this. when I wrote "...I didnā€™t read past that.." the key word was "read".

  28. @Ahmed Aliased on Sat, 14th Aug 2010 4:56 PM
    Up until now I assumed you as a honest and a logical person for some extent (though you shared a lot in common views, with the guys here who are proponents of ISLAMOPHOBIA)... I assumed it was your perception that you started "laughing and giggling" and making fun of my comment, but I was wrong... šŸ˜‰ its your hatred and your twisted ideology that will try to "assassinate any character" who talks in favor of ISLAM.

    Fact:You, my friend.. very well know my logic, my values and my strong support for the total overhaul of the judiciary system and for that matter all my view points against corruption and all other evils of the society.

    You were on the same comment threads where I was trying to make my strong support and condemnations for those (in line with ISLAMIC perspectives) ... forget that as well... the common terms we are together, still I am for those with you.. Just because you don't understand pure teachings of ISLAM and discredit that in a generalized way out of your twisted , illogical ideas I will not make any attempt to disagree with you on other moral, social, economical issues... and those are my values that I try to stick to, out of what I have learned from Quran and Hadthits... Unity in different levels... But in cases where anyone promotes anything against ISLAM , I'll not hesitate to express my views in defense. It's my duty and its a right for me and for lot of others who passionately follow ISLAM (Muslims) šŸ™‚

    Btw I don't take your warnings and your deceiving attempts to label me as a "lier" as anything serious, but I will regard it as a gift from you :), You are not the first and the last who have tried those tricks to silence us. BUT.. that won't work , it's a worn out approach.

    I can use any sorts of "emoticons" as I wish & its silly for you to get agitated over that. šŸ™‚

    In Conclusion :It's your way of interpreting things BUT... I'll stick to my point " The Rule of LAW is for the protection of general public" In context it makes perfect sense and IF you are mad at the Laws and Constitution for having clauses that strongly advocates to uphold all "ISLAMIC" tenets, I believe thats a debate you need to get engaged with the parliamentarians... NOT me šŸ˜‰ : But on a perfect forum on that topic I can share my views as well. šŸ™‚

    Allah Knows Best
    May Allah unite us in Truth

  29. @Wine Lover on Sat, 14th Aug 2010 6:10 PM

    Common, Does it matter if that is entertained by you or not... For me it doesn't.... & lets talk about including other scriptures as well... In short..

    (1) Oneness of God & Prohibition of Idol Worship:- VEDA: Yajurveda 32:3, 40:8, 40:9; Rigveda 1:164:46, 6:45:16; UPANISHAD: Chandogya 6:2:1, Shwetashvatara 6:9, 4:1, 4:20; GEETA: 7:20, 10:3; BRAHMA SUTRA; //BIBLE: Leviticus 26:1; Exodus 20:4.
    (2) Prophet Muhammadā€™s Description:- Bhavishya Purana: Prati Sarag: Parv III: Khand 3: Aday 3: Shaloka 5-8, 10-27; Samveda: Book II: Hymn 6: Verse 8; //BIBLE: Deuteronomy 18:18; John 14:16.
    (3) Prohibition of Alcohol:- Manu Smriti: 9:235, 11:55; RigVeda: Book 8:Hymn 2: Verse 12, Hymn 21: Verse 14; //BIBLE: Proverbs: 20:1, 23:31; Ephesians: 5:18.
    (4) Prohibition of Pork:- //BIBLE: LEVITICUS 11:7-8; Deuteronomy 14:8.
    (5) Non-Vegetarian Food:- Ramayana: 2:20:29; Manu Smriti: 5:30, 39; Mahabharata: Anushan Parva: 88.
    (6) Veil/Head Scarf:- Rig-Veda: 8:33:19; //BIBLE: 1st Corinthians 11:5.
    (7) Prohibition of Usury (Interest on Money/Loan/Credit):- Manu Smriti: 11:62, 8:152; //BIBLE: Leviticus 25:36-37; Ezekiel 18:8,13, 22:12; Psalms 15:5.

    And for you it may be "trash" , and I welcome that comment as well šŸ˜‰

    Let me also return a favor to you ... Shall I call you "Whine Lover" instead of "Wine Lover" ... Sorry , just a little joke .. take care! Have a wonderful time, and I anticipate your reply with much "stronger words" .. You are most welcome.. bash me as much as you like šŸ˜‰

    May GOD bless us all and unite us in Truth

  30. Ooh, a very long reply, just for me?. I'll be happy to take it apart piece by piece, in the spirit of Ramadan.

    "Up until now I assumed you as a honest and a logical person for some extent (though you shared a lot in common views, with the guys here who are proponents of ISLAMOPHOBIA)ā€¦ I assumed it was your perception that you started ā€œlaughing and gigglingā€ and making fun of my comment, but I was wrongā€¦ šŸ˜‰ its your hatred and your twisted ideology that will try to ā€œassassinate any characterā€ who talks in favor of ISLAM."

    Wait, you're talking in favor of islam?. I'm really sorry, but that's not how you come across.

    There you go, labeling anyone who dares to debate with you as 'islamophobic'. And then you people have the nerve to wonder WHY people like you are hated worldwide.

    Assume all you want. It does not matter - you see, you work for me now. So, please proceed.

    "Fact: You, my friend.. very well know my logic, my values and my strong support for the total overhaul of the judiciary system and for that matter all my view points against corruption and all other evils of the society."

    I don't have a problem with that - the problem began when you were in favor of a corrupt judiciary and vague terms that
    describe the "tenets of islam", AND you lied about the fact that in this country, the rule of law almost never serves the citizen.

    "You were on the same comment threads where I was trying to make my strong support and condemnations for those (in line with ISLAMIC perspectives) ā€¦ forget that as wellā€¦ the common terms we are together, still I am for those with you.. Just because you donā€™t understand pure teachings of ISLAM and discredit that in a generalized way out of your twisted , illogical ideas I will not make any attempt to disagree with you on other moral, social, economical issuesā€¦ and those are my values that I try to stick to, out of what I have learned from Quran and Hadthitsā€¦ Unity in different levelsā€¦ But in cases where anyone promotes anything against ISLAM , Iā€™ll not hesitate to express my views in defense. Itā€™s my duty and its a right for me and for lot of others who passionately follow ISLAM (Muslims) :)"

    You think I don't know the teachings of this islam you speak of?. Oh, I know what this teachings are all about, believe me. And every day brings them all closer to justice as they scream for "islam", while their deeds degrade the very core ideals of prophet Mohammed.

    So quick to accuse me of twisting words, aren't you. I didn't twist anything around, nor did I discredit islamic teachings. If anyone did, it's the screaming mullahs on the airwaves.

    That's where I got my education on islam, by the way. From the "imrightyourewronggotohell" mullah crew.

    Don't blame me for something I never did - it makes your case look bad.

    "Btw I donā€™t take your warnings and your deceiving attempts to label me as a ā€œlierā€ as anything serious, but I will regard it as a gift from you šŸ™‚ , You are not the first and the last who have tried those tricks to silence us. BUT.. that wonā€™t work , itā€™s a worn out approach."

    I didn't label you a liar - I simply pointed out the flaws in your argument and told you to avoid lying, as it would cause all sorts of embarrassing problems for you.

    And no, I won't try to silence you or your little friends. Why?. Why, you ask?. Because there is no mirth in silence.

    "I can use any sorts of ā€œemoticonsā€ as I wish & its silly for you to get agitated over that. :)"

    You're so easy to manipulate.

    "In Conclusion :Itā€™s your way of interpreting things BUTā€¦ Iā€™ll stick to my point ā€ The Rule of LAW is for the protection of general publicā€ In context it makes perfect sense and IF you are mad at the Laws and Constitution for having clauses that strongly advocates to uphold all ā€œISLAMICā€ tenets, I believe thats a debate you need to get engaged with the parliamentariansā€¦ NOT me šŸ˜‰ : But on a perfect forum on that topic I can share my views as well. :)"

    Are you quite sure that oppression and hypocrisy is an "islamic tenet"?. Are you assuming that the parliamentarians are honest?. And above all, why are you trying to avoid the question I placed for you?


    With that out of the way, you should answer my question.

    In case you forgot, I'll reiterate it for you.

    So, in your logic, mugging and street harassment ā€“ although harmful to the public at large are ā€˜legalā€™ because the perpetrators never get arrested ā€“ but consuming food in public is illegal because... how does it harm the public, again?

  31. @Ahmed Aliased on Sun, 15th Aug 2010 3:39 AM

    You said:"With that out of the way, you should answer my question.
    In case you forgot, Iā€™ll reiterate it for you.
    So, in your logic, mugging and street harassment ā€“ although harmful to the public at large are ā€˜legalā€™ because the perpetrators never get arrested ā€“ but consuming food in public is illegal becauseā€¦ how does it harm the public, again?"

    Haven't I answered it already? How do you want my reply to be? Perhaps, you just forgot my reply and asking that again! Common.., give me a break.. AND you my friend is just acting too funny.Keep it going. Lets see who is more funnier? šŸ˜‰

    Why don't you laugh and giggle about this? hmmm!

    Btw you are same as them, deceiving and truth twisting. Illogical and yes! your hatred on ISLAM/MUSLIMS is quite obvious. AND I don't have to prove that you. Any sensible person will see it quite clearly. Of course except you!

    You can come again with some foolish reply, and try to hide your shame under twisted words and illogical arguments as you wish... You are most welcome to make a "Jester" out of yourself.

    Hold on! wait! Don't jump up on that , but just reply to me again with your twisted "logic" šŸ™‚

    Man! you will make an issue out of anything, but of course that is your happiness and you should do that more often. Go ahead Man! I'll be here as long as you can hold on. Perhaps,your buddy "yaamyn" will be there to cheer you!...with " Go, Ahmed A..Go! Go get him ..." (how this started I still remember, you might have forgotten šŸ˜‰

    Facts doesn't change! I do hope you will come with some "funny" and "strong" reply soon.I'm always available to be mocked, picked , and bashed. And Sky is the limit. Hope you got that right this time! šŸ˜‰

    Till then, have a wonderful time. Good day..

    In Almighty GOD We Trust

  32. I don't hate islam or muslims, but you are making me reconsider my stance. Are all of you this arrogant and pompous?

    It's a shame - the myth of the "peaceful and polite muslim" remains just that; a myth, no thanks to people like you.

    Deceiving and truth twisting?. Oh, I'm so hurt. Where have I done that?


    What's so illogical about me questioning your testimony?.

    "And yes! your hatred on ISLAM/MUSLIMS is quite obvious. AND I donā€™t have to prove that you. Any sensible person will see it quite clearly. Of course except you!"

    So quick to label me as an 'islamophobic'. Did you know that when the opposition jumps so quickly like this, there is always a reason?.

    Mm, your angst, your hatred... it is the finest tribute you can offer to me. You claim that I make an issue out of everything when I question the corrupt judiciary and the skewered rule of law here.

    "Lies always beget more lies. Find out the one single lie at the base, and their whole house of cards will collapse."

    It seems your 'house of cards' has collapsed, as you have quickly degenerated from polite muslim apologist to generic screamo in a matter of a few exchanges.

    Last but not least - get out of that victim mindset; no one's mocking you, or picking on you. It is your own mistakes, and your inability to acknowledge your own mistakes that is painting yourself into a corner and forcing you to use silly insults to cover your mistakes.

    With that out of the way, I will ask you again...

    So, in your logic, mugging and street harassment ā€“ although harmful to the public at large are ā€˜legalā€™ because the perpetrators never get arrested ā€“ but consuming food in public is illegal becauseā€¦ how does it harm the public, again?

  33. @Ahmed Aliased on Sun, 15th Aug 2010 10:33 PM:

    Says:"Itā€™s a shame ā€“ the myth of the ā€œpeaceful and polite muslimā€ remains just that; a myth, no thanks to people like you."

    Man, you are mistaken. Don't try this trick as well. We are peaceful and polite but we will make no compromises with such deceptions that you are showing. We will be in peace with polite,honest,truthful and decent people even if they don't agree with us in certain principles we adhere to. BUT... not you and your ilks.

    If anyone is playing victim card it's you, brother ...As if you are " Makana Kalo", did you know that? "Makana kalotha, magey gai jeheetha, jahaafa filieethaa, filaa indhe roneethaa" .... That's your attitude. šŸ˜‰

    Good try Ahmed Aliased, buy not enough to prove anything except your cowardly approach in attempting to brand people "liars" & "apologists" or whatever you guys are calling us, while at the same time trying to hijack our values for your benefit. Did you know that "for peace and truth to prevail someone has to confront you and your ilks with your own "weapons" and don't expect otherwise."

    Did you know? "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction"

    And "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."(George Orwell)

    And for your kind information: Posing your question again and again doesn't prove anything except your inability to perceive or out of your deceitful desire.

    I have seen your blog and anyone who had known you would not disagree when I say "Ahmed Aliased is suffering from Islamophobia".You might pretend otherwise (out of your delusional disorder), but who do you think you are trying to fool. Me? or yourself?

    However I still welcome you for your efforts, and I can deal with you as long as it takes. I have no worries at all, whatsoever. šŸ™‚

    Good day to you! have a wonderful time, AND please do come back with the same questions šŸ˜‰

    May Allah forgive me.
    Allah Knows Best

  34. That's the funny thing about you people.

    You don't consider, you don't have to find out - you take your assumptions as unshakable fact - and act them out. This is how the Taliban executes innocents. This is how al-Shabab massacres entire villages. This is why people are starting to hate your type.

    Wake up, and smell the ashes.

    Similar tactics have been identified as used by the angry screamos. They'll make up all sorts of random accusations - and then pretend that everything they said was "fact".

    Now here's the punchline - when we adopt your values, why do those values become bad?. Don't you like the taste of your own medicine?

    Hatred always has a reason - and you are simply serving as more fuel for the fire when you act out your NO U fantasies.

    You had such a great case, and your words were so well-placed, that I agreed with you on several counts. But in the end, you show us all that your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you. You're no different from that hormone-flooded braggart or that wannabe-pious stalker who tried to dig up dirt on me.

    I truly worry for the fate of islam when people like you are the ones defending it.

    So, why are you unable to answer that one simple question I gave you? Should I use simple english?.

  35. @Ahmed Aliased on Mon, 16th Aug 2010 6:01 PM :

    Aliased, as I have said you are becoming more and more clueless. Why don't you wake up and face the reality first.

    That is the point: You are looking at people and believing all the media frenzy propagating Islamophobia & making a judgment on ISLAM and it's pure teachings.

    While I have answered your question way back still you are adamant and pretending as if you have not understood it. This is the mistake you are doing and perhaps "the trick" ....

    If you want to know ISLAM and it's pure teachings you got to look in to correct sources. NOT me, or another group of people... did you get that?

    btw ... no need to indulge on something I truly have already agreed with you. Let me quote my answer for your convenience,again ... "You, my friend.. very well know my logic, my values and my strong support for the total overhaul of the judiciary system and for that matter all my view points against corruption and all other evils of the society. "
    & I wrote "..I was trying to make my strong support and condemnations for those (in line with ISLAMIC perspectives) ā€¦ "

    Keyword : "Trying"... Who am I to be looked upon to understand ISLAM? I'm just trying to follow the teachings...AND part of that is to counter deceptions and illogical arguments as such you are propagating.

    AND for your point specifically ...":Itā€™s your way of interpreting things BUTā€¦ Iā€™ll stick to my point ā€ The Rule of LAW is for the protection of general publicā€ In context it makes perfect sense and IF you are mad at the Laws and Constitution for having clauses that strongly advocates to uphold all ā€œISLAMICā€ tenets, I believe that's a debate you need to get engaged with the parliamentariansā€¦ NOT me šŸ˜‰ : But on a perfect forum on that topic I can share my views as well. :)"

    AND it translate into all the practicality in dealing with the issue you have raised....

    And let me quote your arrogance, and theoretical ideology to assume "All should be always well", while reality is,this is the material world.Nothing will be perfect here, evils will happen and the good forces should strive and struggle against those.Final Judgment will be on Judgment day, AND Allah will be most just to decide on each and every single soul's deeds.This is the testing ground. Truth is GOD is ONE. We are humans with freewill and ability to make choices (With God's will and decree) while we spend our time here at the allocated time frame for each and every soul.

    For any mistakes I have made I seek forgiveness from Allah, and If I have hurt your feelings, I'm sorry for that.BUT Aliased, don't forget that I will not hesitate to counter anything that goes against ISLAMIC perspective.

    AND also don't forget: ISLAM is also about engaging and debating.Sometimes we can use fun as well. That is not UN-ISLAMIC. You have implanted a very WRONG picture of ISLAM in your head.ISLAM is also for entertainment through all correct channels allowed by Almighty GOD.

    Reality is "evil exists and so does the driving force for that(Satanism)".& ISLAM is a way of life (code of conduct that teaches, self restraint, discipline, courage against evils and deceptions,etc) chosen and accepted by Almighty GOD, the creator of mankind, entire universe and all within universe. Who else would know us better than our Creator? Do you have any other suggestion for that?

    You said:.."Are you quite sure that oppression and hypocrisy is an ā€œislamic tenetā€?. Are you assuming that the parliamentarians are honest?. And above all, why are you trying to avoid the question I placed for you?"

    While you very well knew that wasn't what I have suggested when I wrote a simple general statement that a 4 year old boy could have understood as well.

    AND can't dismiss the entire parliament just because few or maybe as you see most are corrupted.We have them as chosen candidates (on behalf of the people) and we need to keep the differences aside and work with them to find a common ground (finding common grounds when in disputes, is also one principle in ISLAM). Next election advice ourselves to be sincere and honest and fire them all who didn't perform in good spirit. (ISLAM is also about consequences, for wrong actions without which we will be in chaos)

    & I quote from the article ..."Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that police would take action against foreigners observed to be eating publicly during the holy month of Ramadan, ā€and as for Maldivians, we will send cases to the Prosecutor Generalā€™s office and to court. With foreigners also we will take action according to suggestions from the PG.ā€

    So what is wrong in Police following an ISLAMIC law that is quite logical being a Muslim Nation. AND you will again loop it to other evils of the society (that ISLAM totally rejects) in order to raise a deceptive question.

    However Ahmed Aliased,you need to understand the topic here is fasting in the month of Ramadan and following the commandments of Allah. The rule applies to control all other evils of the society as well. AND if you may remember YOU have got something new in this country after a long period of oppression and misleading in the name of ISLAM as well(That doesn't mean ISLAM is wrong, but the people and you have correctly identified that in your comments). THAT is past, and we need to flow with the change we are in and get this nation to a "safe shore" before it's too late. AND I believe It's never too late for something GOOD to be implemented.

    After all "Rome was not built in one day" (all great works take time to finish)

    The Key to success is: " Ikhlas therikan" in each and every person working for good.
    AND refer to The Glorious Quran, Chapter 112, Al-Ikhlas (Purity of Faith) to understand what Ikhlas is in reality.

    Allah Knows Best
    May Allah forgive us and guide us to the Truth.

  36. I lol'd.

    You just called my eyeballs a "media frenzy propagating Islamophobia."

    Then you called the screaming mullahs on Radio Atoll "incorrect sources".

    And then you keep on saying I'm spreading deception and illogic when I asked you a simple question.


    Is that so... islam rejects mugging, street harassment and drugs... etc?. Really now. I'm surprised. Then why is the great adhaalath party and its armada of ngos so silent when it comes to it?. Why is it silent when gross injustice is carried out openly?.

    Generic statements don't work in a debate. Try to be concise, and to the point.

    By the way, the parliament is like a gangrenous section of muscle. Deadlocked by stubborn opposition scum. It will be best for the people if it is removed - it will save vast amounts of money, and will allow the nation's democratically elected leadership to deliver its promises.

    Since I knew you wouldn't answer, I took the liberty of interrogating another one, and he was more cooperative. He told me that the purpose of fasting was to train the mind to 'resist temptations'.

    Which brings us to another question. If you so-called 100% muslim Maldivians need to stop others from eating in public, just to avoid 'temptation', it raises the question of just how faithful the maldivian is to the state-sponsored religion when they need police assistance to stave off 'temptations'.

    Is that why you refused to answer that question?. Was it because it would decide the fate of the maldivian society as one of low faith?.

    Hypocrisy always falls. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Remember this.

  37. @Ahmed Aliased on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 5:27 AM:

    Ahmed Aliased, Do you think you only have all the right to laugh and giggle at anything and everything?... hmmm..

    You are sick , man... and suffering from some kind of a delusional disorder...,

    You actually belong to a place called "Afghanistan"

    May Allah save us from the hypocrites of this society

  38. I'm laughing at you because you let a single, tiny little lie break your entire case.

    I'm laughing at you because you echo the shallow lies of a biased media.

    I'm laughing at your hilarious attempts to label me as "delusional" because I saw the grim, stark truth with my own eyes.

    Since you didn't comprehend my previous question, I'll say it again.
    Why is the great adhaalath party and its armada of ngos so silent when it comes to talking about drugs, crime and injustice?. Why is it silent when gross injustice is carried out openly?.

  39. @Ahmed Aliased on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 3:18 PM
    Laugh as much as you can,:)

    Truth is all over this on this page (for any person to see it him/herself) execpt you!... and btw I am always available for you.

    It's not an assumption anymore> Proven> Visible> How much ever you yell and scream > That is already done. YOU made a "Fool" out of yourself. šŸ™‚

    This is how you & your ilk performs, out of Islamophobia & delusional disorder.

    Good for you!

    In Almighty GOD we Trust

  40. Yelling and screaming?. Who decided to abuse the caps-lock first?.

    I'm simply stating what I observed. And yet you say only I am not allowed to see the truth.

    And you automatically say I'm wrong/delusional/insane because what I saw contradicts your biased media's exhortations.

    You see, when you act like this - it only makes my case stronger. If only you had admitted your mistake, this wouldn't have happened.

    Now look at you - just how many people are laughing at your arrogance now?. Aren't you ashamed to have failed to market your 'religion of peace' properly?.

    You haven't proven anything - all you did was say I am delusional, and took your own words as a fact. Arrogance comes before a fall. Remember that.

  41. @Ahmed Aliased on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 8:02 PM

    SAYS:"Yelling and screaming?. Who decided to abuse the caps-lock first?."

    Yes,& I also wrote this:"(btw this caps is for emphasis- otherwise you will come back branding anyone with all fancy names you have learned from proponent of Islamophobia) "

    But Of course,you chose to ignore what you didn't want to comprehend and made up your mind out of your delusional disorder.

    SAYS:"Iā€™m simply stating what I observed. And yet you say only I am not allowed to see the truth."

    So, did I..& I didn't say you were not allowed to see the truth. I said your perception is what's blocking you to understand what I have written.

    SAYS:"And you automatically say Iā€™m wrong/delusional/insane because what I saw contradicts your biased mediaā€™s exhortations."

    I never said you are wrong, but yes, you my friend is really suffering from a delusional disorder.

    SAYS:"You see, when you act like this ā€“ it only makes my case stronger. If only you had admitted your mistake, this wouldnā€™t have happened."

    Act like what? You mean to say how I counter your delusional and twisted ideology? And If I have made a mistake I have already corrected it.

    What wouldn't happen? Your ranting? It has happened and it would have happened otherwise and I do not expect you to do anything other than that. You should do it more and more often. I have always welcomed you. I like your attitude.

    I wrote this:"For any mistakes I have made I seek forgiveness from Allah, and If I have hurt your feelings, Iā€™m sorry for that.BUT Aliased, donā€™t forget that I will not hesitate to counter anything that goes against ISLAMIC perspective."

    YOU ignored this and perhaps forgot it. Or this is could be out of delusional disorder of yours.

    SAYS:"Now look at you ā€“ just how many people are laughing at your arrogance now?. Arenā€™t you ashamed to have failed to market your ā€˜religion of peaceā€™ properly?."

    Yes, Look at me. I'm still happy and willing to face your illogical ideas. I don't care if the whole bunch laughs at me or not. YOU and your ilk are always welcome to laugh and giggle as much as you guys like.[" Because I care about you"]. That will help you guys a lot. I'm thankful for that.

    Are you suggesting that I hide and stop countering your delusional arguments. Common, be practical.Let me again introduce to you:ā€œTo every action there is always an equal and opposite reactionā€ And ā€œIn a time of universal deceit ā€“ telling the truth is a revolutionary act.ā€(George Orwell)

    AND do you mean to say you are still confused with "religion of peace" notion and ISLAM. ISLAM is not just a religion as you are labeling. It's a complete code of conduct, way of life and I have clearly declared that I wouldn't hesitate to counter your arguments.I never made that a secret that I would defend anything that goes against Islamic perspectives.

    Are you suggesting that just because ISLAM/MUSLIMS are peaceful we have to be weak in front of deceptions and aggressions. Of course that would be more Un-Islamic.

    I wrote this:"AND also donā€™t forget: ISLAM is also about engaging and debating.Sometimes we can use fun as well. That is not UN-ISLAMIC. You have implanted a very WRONG picture of ISLAM in your head.ISLAM is also for entertainment through all correct channels allowed by Almighty GOD.

    Reality is ā€œevil exists and so does the driving force for that(Satanism)ā€.& ISLAM is a way of life (code of conduct that teaches, self restraint, discipline, courage against evils and deceptions,etc) chosen and accepted by Almighty GOD, the creator of mankind, entire universe and all within universe. Who else would know us better than our Creator? Do you have any other suggestion for that? "

    Again, You chose to ignore that and perhaps forgot that due to your delusional disorder.

    SAYS:"You havenā€™t proven anything ā€“ all you did was say I am delusional, and took your own words as a fact. Arrogance comes before a fall. Remember that."

    For you it may not be facts. But the facts are on this page itself. Any truthful and honest person can grasp it easily.

    Btw it was entertaining to get engaged with you in this debate. I am relieved that everything I have written about you had become so true.

    Thank you for all the support and your efforts. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Allah Knows Best
    In Allah we trust

  42. Anyone who doesn't agree unconditionally with you, you label them "islamophobic", "delusional", "dishonest", "illogical" or whatever.

    That's the problem with you. That arrogance of yours will be your downfall.

    And after all this time, you've failed to answer even a single question I placed here, instead - calling me everything from 'delusional' to 'deceitful' in a desperate effort to save face.

    In case you didn't notice - you are hiding. Hiding behind your so-called moral high horse and screaming at anyone who dares to have a differing opinion than you.

    Since you didnā€™t comprehend my previous question, Iā€™ll say it again.
    Why is the great adhaalath party and its armada of ngos so silent when it comes to talking about drugs, crime and injustice?. Why is it silent when gross injustice is carried out openly?.

  43. @Ahmed Aliased on Wed, 18th Aug 2010 10:03 AM

    One word is enough to answer Mulla Ahmed Aliased's screaming and shame ...


  44. Bismuth:

    You still haven't answered his reasonable question.

    "Why is the great adhaalath party and its armada of ngos so silent when it comes to talking about drugs, crime and injustice?. Why is it silent when gross injustice is carried out openly?."

    Is coherent discussion haraam or something?

  45. Am I screaming? Am I ashamed?.


    Keep your fantasies to yourself - because with that attitude of lying, you will never win against me.

    With that out of the way...

    I think it's time to up the stakes a bit. You have three questions.

    1) Why is the great adhaalath party and its armada of ngos so silent when it comes to talking about drugs, crime and injustice?. Why is it silent when gross injustice is carried out openly?.

    2) If the police can enforce 'islamic law', why can't they prevent a young man from being mobbed by gangs?. Or why do they let an innocent youth rot away in 'custody'?. In fact, why did the judiciary let go of a known drug lord, citing lack of evidence?

    3) If we are living in a muslim country, then why are we plagued with a high crime rate?. why is the specter of hard drugs choking Maldives? why are there draconian laws that vehemently oppose true islamic ideals such as freedom of religion?

  46. @Hani on Wed, 18th Aug 2010 1:43 PM
    Nope, Just you have not understood my answers. ... and yet you are asking

    "clueless" , you are..!


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