Kolamaafushi Court in Gaafu Alifu Atoll has sentenced a man to 39 lashes and 16 years imprisonment after he was found guilty of raping his mother, in the presence of a minor.
According to police, 31 year-old Abdulla Nizam was sentenced to six years imprisonment and 39 lashes for the rape of an “unmarriageable” person, and a further 10 years imprisonment for having sex in the presence of a minor.
The latter charge is a criminal offence under the Child Sex Abuse Special Provisions Act.
The investigation of the rape was concluded and sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office in April 2010, while the investigation into the presence of the minor was was concluded in September the same year.
The case was investigated by the Villingili Police Station based on the island of Villingili in Gaa Alifu Atoll.
In October last year, police arrested a 26 year-old man for allegedly sexually assaulting his 62 year-old grandmother on the island of Hithadhoo of Addu City.
Local media Haveeru reported that time that the 26 year-old man was a grandson of the woman, who was half-paralysed.
In April 2011, a 19 year-old man was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a 74 year-old elderly woman on the same island.

Why are all "Nazim's" out of control??
This man's willy should be cut in the public so that he should feel what a disgusting thins he has done. 🙂
good god. his freudian impulses got the better of him. 16 years seems too light a sentence given the sheer heinousness of the act.
16 years imprisonment is not enough, should be lifetime!
.........and the woman who falls pregnant from having intercourse with a "marriageable" man gets 100 lashes? What kind of justice is this?
The Baagees need this kind of people. Forget about the sentences, he'll get released.
39 lashes? 16 yrs the govt is going to feed him in prison? This is mockery of the judicial system...
What a Shameless Beast. He should get life sentence. Otherwise Who knows What his next victim will be. Perhaps his own daughter.
Horrific man. He should be put away forever.
this headline is a bit misleading. it should say SIX years. that is what he got for raping his mother. the rest is for a different crime.
and it is such a shame! shame shame shame! consensual sex between adults and sexual assault/rape are almost equal for us? public's views on the moral gravity these crimes are all messed up. ziney is ziney is ziney it seems. & in seriousness of these crimes in law...it is all the same. rape or even adultery is not even included in the penal cold despite being a common 'crime'. rather it is covered under a regulation.... see what i mean? http://prntscr.com/8au54
He must be MDP scum! is there anything MDP scum wont do?!? they are completely sick in the head!
MDP or Bahghee ??
who taught him this.... from where he studied this....was he not taught .......he will be from another county..... we will defenitly be a k--f--r,