Famous religious scholar Sheikh Ilyas Hussein delivered a sermon to the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) yesterday entitled ”those who desire compassion.”
The object of the sermon was to spiritually prepare the MNDF officers for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan.
In his sermon, Sheikh Ilyas highlighted the importance of praying, faithfulness and remaining on the rightful path. He also highlighted noble habits in the religion of Islam.
”There is no policy on this land that is profitable and valuable other than the religion of Islam,” said Sheikh Ilyas. ”As Allah (SWT) wants nothing from us, yet has provided us these privilege after announcing to believe in the perfect policy.”
“The holy quran has stated that Satan is our enemy, and Satan’s aim is to appear as our allies and to drop us into the house of punishment from the house of compassion,” Sheikh Ihyas said.
”Nobody has the ability to alter a declaration of God, no one can play with it, it is a must for us to ask from the lord of the universe,” he said. ”Those who desire compassion will accept this principle.”
Sheikh Ihyas preached that the month of Ramadan is a month of piousness and self-restraint, and a month to reinforce faith.
”Today Muslims have become feeble because they isolated the words of God, and moved forward on the path of development according to their selfish desires,” he said. ”As long as we do not change our own situation, Allah will not change it either.”
He claimed that although Muslims around the world had come into great power, they did not have faith.
”If they had faith, Muslims will be powerful and all will stay united,” he added.

The good sheikh physically exerts himself too much. It makes me afraid for his health. He must remember that this is not ancient arabia and that the audio systems are for a purpose.
Sheikh, if I may pose a question: why must Muslims be powerful? A lot of bad Muslims are already wrecking havoc and terror on this world with the little power they have.
Typical of MinivanNews. Give something for the islam-haters to flood with their rambling comments here. Pathetic.
i was watching a part of that sermon. but its very difficult to convince me that his sermons or any sermon if going to bring peace to this country. it just does not work. no matter how loud one shouts and how magnificiant the words are!
The only purpose these sermons serve is help the good sheik's self-importance to rise a notch and satisfy the already converted. It will be better if the sheikh does some useful social work instead of standing on a podium and disturbing the entire island with his loud and content-less lecture.
”If they had faith, Muslims will be powerful and all will stay united,” he added.
AND what happens to non-muslims? fall and divide? how can you unite when you have an ideology?
"and sir, I shall go to Paradise and frolic in the Gardens of heaven for eternity", he added.
"it just does not work."
It does not work for you because you are deaf,dumb and blind!
It did work for me!
His lecture on "Those Who Desire Paradise" did change my life for the better.
Let’s see how this conversation ends?
If you guys are so desperate to challenge Sheikh Ilyas, I believe that isn't a problem. Go ahead. Have FUN! 😉
But don't try to challenge the words of our Lord, our Creator. That surely would be a gravest mistake for a human.
@Sooraj on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 4:31 PM
Says: "Sheikh, if I may pose a question: why must Muslims be powerful? A lot of bad Muslims are already wrecking havoc and terror on this world with the little power they have."
YOU ARE WRONG! Saying a "LOT" itself is an exaggeration and by the way a true Muslim will never create terror, corruption or mischief on the land. [just by putting a label such as "Sooraj" you don't belong to any community, sect or a religion. You are who you are and what you really believe. And GOD knows every single thought that comes to our mind (Through the Noble Recorders on both sides of our shoulders). While Islam is the Deen of Truth and Peace, just naming someone Ahmed, Mohamed or Ali is not enough. Sorry but you are too far away from the reality.
The biggest mischiefs are done by the non-believers (Kafirs) in the name of freedom & rights while belittling the whole Muslim Community for the acts of few misguided ones (which is in any community prevalent). Sorry,but you are fooling yourself and trying to make others believe your twisted ideas.
MUSLIMS(TRUE) WILL BE STRONG AND THAT IS A DECLARATION BY THE ALMIGHTY GOD. THAT WILL NOT CHANGE.MUSLIMS WERE STRONG FOR 800-900 YEARS and when they left the way of life and drifted towards mischief they were defeated. Last remnants of Ottoman Empire, was defeated in the year 1917. (Just to give an example: Do we expect a mischief maker, an ignorant and idle student in a class to get distinction? No! Likewise if Muslims doesn't follow the way of life chosen to us by Almighty GOD, we will fail. That's Commonsense)...The next year 1918 WW1, in 1935 WW2 (who did it? Muslims? Who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims? No).
AND Europe's enlightenment started during 16-17th Century and they recorded it as achieved in 18th Century. And that is a Millennium after Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W). Did you got some ideas?
Do your history lessons and don't follow the deceitful ideology spread through out the world against ISLAM/MUSLIM. Don't look at Sheikh Ilyas (just evaluate his words and go check it up, In fact he gave references for the listeners.),or don't even look at the so called followers in this community as exemplary Muslims but just do your own studies , read Quran with understanding (with translations), refer to Hadhits and if you are doubtful do more research and ask a local or a foreign learned person. The best thing you can do is to make a simple supplication "O Allah guide me to Truth" (That has to be from bottom of your heart and with sincerity and humility)
@Gman on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 5:18 PM
Quite true in a way, Bro... 😉 Problem is some had out of their own desire and for convenience chosen to be deaf, dumb and blind to understand Truth. If someone chooses to be like that, then surely nobody can help them, for they are on their own doing wrong to themselves. And Almighty GOD does not love wrongdoers. Believing and having faith is different. Satan (Iblis,Azazyl,Shaithan) too knows and believes in Almighty GOD, Signs of Almighty GOD through the book (teachings, commandments), Prophets, Angels, etc, but he chose to disobey out of hubris factor, arrogance and despair (btw Iblis means despairing, that's how Azazyl got his new name Iblis, And Shaithan means Mischief Maker or one who disobeys teachings/commandments of Almighty GOD)
Without knowing the meanings of common words we use and without knowing true teachings of ISLAM and the real meaning of MUSLIM, how can anyone criticize us MUSLIMS by just parroting the ideas spread through mainstream media of the world and ISLAM/MUSLIM Haters under their deceitful propaganda to spread ISLAMOPHOBIA.
TRUTH IS CLEAR, It's all around us if we are willing to understand and open our hearts and minds.
GOD is:one and unique,absolute and eternal, begets not nor begotten, And there's nothing like him.
In Almighty GOD we Trust.
Oh! But we, in Maldives have been fasting and celebrating the month of Ramadan for 800 years without Sheikh Ilyas.
And now Sheikh Ilyas is as important as the new moon to start the holy month.
And did the Sheikh mention the 72 virgins and the nice lovely boys who serve the wine in the Heaven?
I luurrrvvve that speech.
Though after his speech I'm very scared for myself of his Heaven. I don't want to go through the pain of getting re-unvirginized.
But I'm looking forward to enjoy Sheikh Ilyas' online graphic magazine on the Heavens and the Virgins.
It is obvious God is the one who divided humanity us versus them, any god who divides humanity and incite hatred, should be rejected; we have our own logics to decide what is good and bad. We have not been given a choice whether we want be created to be slaves of so called god, and what rights he has to ask us to worship him and threaten us of hellfire. This must be mad god who never thought that we human will evolve to such superiority that he will be astonished. Can we ask mullahs to find us a more civilized god than these savage gods?. We have conquered slavery now we are democracy; we need a god who understands democracy and freedom and give us choice before he creates us whether we want be his salves or not.
There are many people these days who preach for universal freedom of religion. As far as I know this also include respect for the religion of each other.Do not insult Islam.
My request to Editor of MN is please do not make your website as billboard for those who want insult Islam.
MNDF invited Sheikh Ilya because they trust him.
@Sooraj: if you are not a Maldivian, just stay out of the affairs of Maldives!This is none of your bloody business!
What is a Noble Recorder?
Please explain the way of life a Muslim must follow to unite the Ummah, destroy the infidels and accomplish world domination?
Ilyas is very boring and his lectures are silly and obscene. He should immediately return to al-Madina al-Munawwara, the blessed city of the Muslims, where he can freely wear his gold-embroidered Jubba and chase goats with a miswak in his right hand while his left hand cleanses his posterior.
If you are not Muslim follow the brave kid - Ismail Mohamed Didi!
Show some respect to his sacrifice.
Do a bit of "vagu ruku alhaning" at midnight and pretend that you had a sudden seizure and fall straight down into some fresh cat poop down at the trunk of the coconut palm!
"And now Sheikh Ilyas is as important as the new moon to start the holy month."
What? Are you JEALOUS?
You lied! If you had been fasting for 800 years your would all be skins and bones by now!
@Virgin on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 7:24 PM
These are spread by the ISLAM/MUSLIM Haters and you guys just blindly follow their drum beats and dance with them in anyway they wanted... HOW pathetic!
Just for convenience, let me quote an article...
"The incorrect assumption that “Islam promises 72 Virgins for Martyrs in Heaven” unfortunately signifies deep misconceptions in the West with regards to Islam. It is a myth repeated so often that has misled many people in accepting it as truth and an evidence of an obviously insane religion."
"Quran makes it certain that people will enter Heaven with their wives and children: "And (as for) those who believe and their offspring follow them in faith, We will unite with them their offspring..."(52:21). Verse 40.8 also says the same thing, " Our Lord! and make them enter the gardens of perpetuity which Thou hast promised to them and those who do good of their fathers and their wives and their offspring, surely Thou are the Mighty, the Wise."
As far as the descriptions of Paradise are concerned in the Quran, the idea is that each person who believes in God and has good deeds would be rewarded in the hereafter with whatever his or her heart desires. [It is expected that a person would be wise and noble before he or she enters Heaven]. There is a well known Hadith, reported both in Bukhari and Muslim, that says, "God has said that for my good and obedient servants, I have prepared that which no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no heart has considered." Ibn Abbas, one of the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w), also stated that except for names, there is no comparison between what exists on earth and what will be in the hereafter.
@Virgin - Sad how some are so misguided that they only criticize something which they themselves cannot challenge or do. Allah (swt) has challenged those who think they are so smart to do a book like the Quran if they can and have the same effect has it has around the world, if they can. If a person can succeed this, he could talk big. Ofcoz I already know no one can, but just thought of advicing since Im pretty sure some don't understand the Quran or realize that when they die.. they take nothing with them to protect them against the punishments they face. Or do they even know the types of punishments that exist. Instead of learning about Paradise which unbelievers will never see or Muslims just by name most likely wont reach for a millennium or more.. try to learn about death and what hellfire has in store for you. It is not just about getting thrown into a fire.. oooh it is sooo much more painful 😉
@Sooraj on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 8:20 PM
You asked me a question and I shall answer it in detail, but let me suggest you to refer to correct sources and do your own research first.
In Almighty GOD we trust.
Attention to virgin and Sooraj. If you think that the Quran is spreading lies and do not believe in god, then I challenge you to get out of this planet that Allah has created for us human beings and stay outside their without the created oxygen.If you can do so, then I would be your first follower. It's quite amazing!!! Each time the opponnents of islam try to defame and hurt islam, islam comes out of it more strongly. After 9/11 when muslims were being captured and tortured,34000. I ask you, which muslim army went to America between Sep 11 2001 and Aug 2010??? Islam will spread insha allah through out the world whether the non muslims like it or not.
"Please explain the way of life a Muslim must follow to unite the Ummah, destroy the infidels and accomplish world domination?"
It's not the Muslims who are going in hordes into others' lands with heavy artillery and trying to ACCOMPLISH world domination!
@ heck
"If you are not Muslim follow the brave kid – Ismail Mohamed Didi!"
Heck, life is not a joke.
You can never know what state the recipient of this comment is in. So please, don't give such foolish advice. I know you did not mean it but still, it worries me.
I request Minivan News to please delete the line I just quoted from heck's earlier comment made on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 8:48 PM.
@Akbar on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 7:58 PM
Says:"It is obvious God is the one who divided humanity us versus them, any god who divides humanity and incite hatred, should be rejected; we have our own logics to decide what is good and bad."
Really? You don't even have any power to stay awake when you feel sleepy yet you are challenging GOD. How illogical your flawed arguments are.
Let me quote a perfect answer from: The Big Questions (part 1 of 3): Who Made Us? (By Laurence B. Brown, MD)
..Another argument to dismiss the concept of Creationism focuses upon what people perceive to be the imperfections of creation. These are the “How can there be a God if such-and-such happened?” arguments. The issue under discussion could be anything from a natural disaster to birth defects, from genocide to grandma’s cancer. That’s not the point. The point is that denying God based upon what we perceive to be injustices of life presumes that a divine being would not have designed our lives to be anything other than perfect, and would have established justice on Earth.
Hmm … is there no other option?
We can just as easily propose that God did not design life on Earth to be paradise, but rather a test, the punishment or rewards of which are to be had in the next life, which is where God establishes His ultimate justice. In support of this concept we can well ask who suffered more injustices in their worldly lives than God’s favorites, which is to say the prophets? And who do we expect to occupy the highest stations in paradise, if not those who maintain true faith in the face of worldly adversity? So suffering in this worldly life does not necessarily translate into God’s disfavor, and a blissful worldly life does not necessarily translate into beatitude in the hereafter.
I would hope that, by this line of reasoning, we can agree upon the answer to the first “big question.” Who made us? Can we agree that if we are creation, God is the Creator?
If we can’t agree on this point, there probably isn’t much point in continuing. However, for those who do agree, let’s move on to “big question” number two—why are we here? What, in other words, is the purpose of life?
Says:"We have not been given a choice whether we want be created to be slaves of so called god, and what rights he has to ask us to worship him and threaten us of hellfire. This must be mad god who never thought that we human will evolve to such superiority that he will be astonished."
Again just stay awake forever till your last day on this earth (death shall be the end of this life and start of a new dimension and you are no exception like all creatures)... or at least create a single wing of a housefly if you are truthful in your statement.You are just a little tiny winy brain and you are deaf,dumb and blind out of your own desires and choices,and freewill that GOD had willed for us humans.
WHO are you to dictate and challenge GOD? Nothing! DO you even know who GOD is? (GOD is:one and unique,absolute and eternal, begets not nor begotten, And there’s nothing like him.) i have a feeling you know it but you are just trying to be over-smart here. GOD will not punish anyone instantly here while the test of life is going on out of his mercy for all his creations but surely after the test, in afterlife it shall be judged most justly by GOD. You may face some consequences here or be a perfect candidate as a "HUMAN SATAN" for the test of others as you chose that as your own way, out of freewill given to you. Then don't blame GOD for your own choice of way of life. It's just your chosen destiny and you will deserve it. But GOD is oft-forgiving if you repent sincerely before your time here ends (death).
For example: In a test a student who neglected studies failed and can he blame the teacher for his failure? No! It's what he deserved and if out of mercy the teacher gives passing marks to him.Is that Just? No! It isn't for the students who worked hard day and night.
GOD is more merciful than we can think of yet he will not be unjust in the least degree.
Says:"Can we ask mullahs to find us a more civilized god than these savage gods?"
Really? What gods are you talking about? Why do you want a GOD when you think you are much better than GOD? Why do you want "mullahs" help? Do you need any help anyway? I thought you are presuming you as the "Greatest". Even you have chosen "Akbar" (Meaning Greatest in Arabic) as your nickname. This is the hypocrisy of yours that proves you crave for a GOD who is ultimate and eternal yet you want to be too smart (You are not the first and the last to say such hateful things towards GOD and the end of all those was miserable even on this earth) AND the GOD we Muslims believe in is. Most merciful, Most Gracious and Absolute and Eternal. I have given GOD's description before (that is also a simple translation of Sura Al-Ikhlas in Glorious Quran)
Says:"We have conquered slavery now we are democracy; we need a god who understands democracy and freedom and give us choice before he creates us whether we want be his salves or not."
Stupidity and illogical argument of you that shows your real feeble nature. You are a slave of your own EGO, The Satan, Materialism, Power hunger illusion and you are claiming you are free. Oh Man! What a cheap way to live a life while we could live under the divine law of our Lord, Our Creator who is Absolute & Eternal, Most Powerful, Most Merciful.And live free from the slavery of these temporary glitters of life here.
I'm sorry if I have hurt your feelings and I seek forgiveness from Almighty GOD for that and all mistakes. I wish to call you to think deeply and learn something out of my response if you are really honest and truthful. You may find the true path with GOD's will. Allah Knows Best.
In Almighty GOD we trust.
@ilya on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 5:51 PM
ilya quotes from the article: ”If they had faith, Muslims will be powerful and all will stay united,” he added.
ilya Says:"AND what happens to non-muslims? fall and divide? how can you unite when you have an ideology?"
Unity is in Truth. And Truth is Islam for Muslims and that doesn't mean to be enemies of non-Muslims except we are allowed to retaliate when they show hostility towards us. We have to defend ourself against that.It's what Quran and Hadiths teaches us Muslims (though some may believe otherwise).
In fact Islam teaches more respect (than widely thought in the mainstream societies of today) to other faiths,religions yet we are advised not to mingle with them in Shirk or disbelief. Being friends with non-Muslim is not prohibited as long as they doesn't interfere in Muslims belief,faith and way of life.
[See the link for more info on Islam and Non-Muslims: http://www.islamreligion.com/category/85/]
YOU take a little piece of paper and draw a small circle , and a bigger circle out of it and still bigger circle out of that. You have three circles in unity. But each has it's own domain and the center is the unity in humanity.
The smaller circle is where Muslims unite with Muslims in belief and faith and other social and economic activities. In next circle we unite with Faith,Social,Economic and other moral activities with all other beliefs with in Muslims (sects) but we don't let them intrude our beliefs. This may be sects with in Muslims [sects aren't allowed in Islam but that exist today and that is another topic]In the next and the largest and outer circle we unite with all Non-Muslims in Social, Economical activities and other moral issues but doesn't allow them to intrude in to our faith and beliefs but instead we are to spread the message of truth and call them to embrace Islam in peace. We are not to force them to believe but just to convey the message. If they accept that is good , otherwise we just remain friends as long as they doesn't influence us to change our way of life.
This is the unity we have to stick to.Hope you got our point.
In Almighty GOD we trust. May Almighty GOD unite us in Truth.
@ heck
"His lecture on “Those Who Desire Paradise” did change my life for the better."
Sheikh Ilyas is as self promoter to rear support and revive his upcoming campaign.
MNDF needs disciplines in ethics, rule of law and professionalism. The last thing they need is a religious scholar delivering a sermons, contents of which is known to all. These lectures normally lead people to follow radical Islam. They spread hatred towards people of faiths other than Islam.
I don't understand why people even attend these so called "sermons"...utter waste of time...they talk about peace, and yet they are the most intolerant of us all..
Please, all, don't insult famous Sheikh Ilyas. If he wasn't there, I'd miss lots of entertainment. There is no better comedy than him!
I love Ilyas lectures. They make me laugh a lot. Thank you Sheikh Illyas. You are so funny.
Oh great. Radicalise MNDF, thats just what this country needs to turn into pakistan.
"Heck, life is not a joke....
I know you did not mean it but still, it worries me."
Sorry! Robin.
I take back my previous advice.
What happened was when I was writing that comment I was watching Velezinee stomping her feet and giving out orders on TV! I think that's why the comment also got a bit out of proportion!
Without my knowledge my fingers started stomping on the keyboard and I ended up with that foolish comment!
I would like to replace my advice to Virgin as this;
Get a thick husband and get down to business and stop being a virgin! That's will solve your problem!
"I love Ilyas lectures. They make me laugh a lot."
Like that mad lady in comedy circus?
If you were hired as a judge in Comedy Circus, I am sure they would ask for a refund!
Because your laughter is absolutely INCONSEQUENTIAL !
I wonder when Ilyas will appear next in public to make people happy and laugh. God bless you, Ilyas. you're the best clown in Maldives.
I wonder what would happen if somebody preaches another religion to Maldivians? Be honest. How many would turn? Deep down are we afraid that our faith in our religion is weak?
I am not advocating it. Just a question for some intelligent debate.
@alibeyya on Thu, 5th Aug 2010 10:43 AM
Says:”Sheikh Ilyas is as self promoter to rear support and revive his upcoming campaign.”
Maybe you are right and you are wrong there. Anyway have fun making fun of anyone who speaks the truth.
Says:”MNDF needs disciplines in ethics, rule of law and professionalism. The last thing they need is a religious scholar delivering a sermons, contents of which is known to all.”
So, You know everything yet you chose to say this. Don’t you even know human nature? Science of our memory capacity and human’s forgetful nature? NO! You FORGOT because you are just a simple human like all others. Discipline,ethics,professionalism, Moral Values out of Teachings of ISLAM made the world’s once most notorious and ignorant people to bear the torch of hope,peace,knowledge & light for almost a millennium (Arabs and Muslims became the people who revolutionized the whole world. If you don’t know that that doesn’t mean you can just go on making empty statements. DO YOUR RESEARCH, LEARN THE HISTORY FIRST – AND THAT IS A HUMBLE ADVICE.
IT is a duty towards every human to advice the truth, patience and to have faith. How can you go against the human nature?
Says:”These lectures normally lead people to follow radical Islam.”
Why didn’t you thought about this. In my opinion these lectures lead to radical secularists, Islam haters to rage in furious and shows intolerable attitudes just as you are doing, out of hatred towards teachings of ISLAM or out of fear that some of your so called secular glitters of this world (excessive desires for worldly things) may need to be abandoned.ISLAM in all sense is peace and Truth.
Says:”They spread hatred towards people of faiths other than Islam.”
NO,they do not (Some misguided individuals may have done such things; any community will have black sheeps and this community or Muslim nations are no exception. Hypocrisy and hypocrites are real and that exist ) BUT WE ARE just advised not to mingle with people of other faiths and belief in a way they can intrude Muslim’s way of life. Unity in social, economical and other moral issues are fully welcomed. AND you are a perfect example of that, who must have glued “eyeballs” all day on mainstream media, and other sources of ISLAMOPHOBIA.
@firefly on Thu, 5th Aug 2010 11:15 AM
Says:”I don’t understand why people even attend these so called “sermons”…utter waste of time…they talk about peace, and yet they are the most intolerant of us all..”
AND you believe that your so called tolerance is proven by saying all that? These are nothing but “word twisting” and “truth twisting” games from the proponents of ISLAMOPHOBIA.
Why in the first place you bothered to comment on a topic that you hate so much? Why waste time on waste?
AND Let me answer that to you for your convenience as I believe you love convenience in the way of life. The answer is because you just can’t keep quite when a Sheikh speaks about ISLAM and it’s beautiful teachings. And about “Waste Topic”, You only want to show that it is a waste of time for people to hear sermons but in fact for you it is a perfect golden opportunity to spew all your disgust on ISLAM/MUSLIMS.
Sorry but you deserve such compliments. But my intention is only to reveal the truth and if that had hurt your feelings I must say “Sorry for that”. That is what we MUSLIMS are taught
@Sooraj on Thu, 5th Aug 2010 12:45 PM
Says:”I love Ilyas lectures. They make me laugh a lot. Thank you Sheikh Illyas. You are so funny.”
AND I am so SAD to see you act so foolishly while you have some potential to be a real person someday. But how can anyone help you when you just want to be a “JESTER” and make fool out of yourself everywhere you GO.
BUT Thanks for showing your traits as that really helped sensible people to understand who are these “ISLAMOPHOBIANS” and reasons behind it. enjoy your time. Perhaps some day (if GOD willed) if you wish to think, you might slowly get to know the truth. Allah Knows Best.
In Almighty GOD we trust. May Almighty GOD forgive us for our foolishness, forgetfulness, and grant us the ability to think and understand the TRUTH.
MAY Allah guide us all to the straight path and protect us from mischiefs of the society and Iblis and his followers.
@State on Fri, 6th Aug 2010 12:50 AM
Says:"I wonder what would happen if somebody preaches another religion to Maldivians? Be honest. How many would turn? Deep down are we afraid that our faith in our religion is weak?
I am not advocating it. Just a question for some intelligent debate."
@State on Fri, 6th Aug 2010 12:50 AM
Comparative Religion Points from Christianity and Hinduism with respect to Islam:
(1) Oneness of God & Prohibition of Idol Worship:- VEDA: Yajurveda 32:3, 40:8, 40:9; Rigveda 1:164:46, 6:45:16; UPANISHAD: Chandogya 6:2:1, Shwetashvatara 6:9, 4:1, 4:20; GEETA: 7:20, 10:3; BRAHMA SUTRA; //BIBLE: Leviticus 26:1; Exodus 20:4.
(2) Prophet Muhammad's Description:- Bhavishya Purana: Prati Sarag: Parv III: Khand 3: Aday 3: Shaloka 5-8, 10-27; Samveda: Book II: Hymn 6: Verse 8; //BIBLE: Deuteronomy 18:18; John 14:16.
(3) Prohibition of Alcohol:- Manu Smriti: 9:235, 11:55; RigVeda: Book 8:Hymn 2: Verse 12, Hymn 21: Verse 14; //BIBLE: Proverbs: 20:1, 23:31; Ephesians: 5:18.
(4) Prohibition of Pork:- //BIBLE: LEVITICUS 11:7-8; Deuteronomy 14:8.
(5) Non-Vegetarian Food:- Ramayana: 2:20:29; Manu Smriti: 5:30, 39; Mahabharata: Anushan Parva: 88.
(6) Veil/Head Scarf:- Rig-Veda: 8:33:19; //BIBLE: 1st Corinthians 11:5.
(7) Prohibition of Usury (Interest on Money/Loan/Credit):- Manu Smriti: 11:62, 8:152; //BIBLE: Leviticus 25:36-37; Ezekiel 18:8,13, 22:12; Psalms 15:5.
Refer the above link for more.
pls pls the people spreading islam here like bismuth, could you pls go to Hilaths blog and read what insane rubbish he is writing?
You really desperately need to "release", man... let it out (all that is brewing inside of you)... 🙂 or alternatively join Sheikh 'effing' Illyas (both options gives you the same result, no?) heh,
“Deep down are we afraid that our faith in our religion is weak?”
NO! You are trying to twist facts.
Maldivians believe they have the blessings of Islam – the only religion or way of life accepted in the sight of God!
If Maldivians want to live a spotless life on their religious fabric – then it is always EASY to kick dirt in the white gleaming fabric of their religion!
It’s not that the fabric is weak but it’s the contamination of the dirt for which Maldivians take so much PRECAUTION!
That is why Maldivians take so much care not to be stained by IMPURITIES or other faiths!
"I wonder what would happen if somebody preaches another religion to Maldivians? Be honest. How many would turn?"
You have not read enough history!
Maldivians DID turn and show their backs to fairy tales 800 years ago!
You think there is no preaching of other faiths in Maldives right now?
Well! I have seen DO Sappe frequenting in and out of our President's office since this government came in place.
He is among those who thinks the Maldives reform movement began in Salibury-UK! The very people from whom Maldives is marking it's independence!
I have seen him and TVM Khaleel sharing friendly chats after coming out of President's office!
You try to surf DO website and check the EDITORS comments on controversial topics related to religion. For instance "flogging of adulterers"
There and many other articles in which you will find he was a person who undoubtedly HATED Islam and posted various vulgar remarks to our Prophet (PBUH) on his various counter arguments!
With that kind of people frequenting the most esteemed office in Maldives, I doubt if there is no clandestine preaching of other faiths in Maldives.
Who knows a MASTERPLAN is not being prepared right now, to kill Islam in Maldives?
@If You Come It Cannot Be Undone! on Sat, 7th Aug 2010 5:46 AM
SAYS"You really desperately need to “release”, man… let it out (all that is brewing inside of you)… or alternatively join Sheikh ‘effing’ Illyas (both options gives you the same result, no?) heh,"
"IF you come it cannot be undone, In Deed..." Another Funny Man! 😉 Honestly,I couldn't stop laughing when I read it. I could imagine your gleeful look, and the giggles of joy when you just pushed "Enter" or "Submit Comment" to post that comment.
Thanks for that laughing treat, anyway... 😉
btw Now that you are so "concerned" of me as a "good friend", I must return a favor as well.
My suggestion is why not you limit "releasing" (all that is brewing inside of you, with every thought that comes in in to your mind, in each second)… that will help you , my man, ..a lot as that will reduce damages to your brain cells, eye sight and hearing (for you need lot of thinking, reading and hearing to know the Truth).....Or simultaneously join so called "Syku" liberalism and be "gay"*.... both options will give you the same result of "Urge to release" , Isn't that so? My Man!) 😉
*Gay in the meaning of :cheery: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer" [This was the actual meaning of GAY and some deceptive fellows had changed such a beautiful word to something else.]
Anyways , Enjoy... Have Fun,
Btw ISLAM and MUSLIMS, are also entertaining, they can makes fun, laugh and that is one natural human feature of Prophet Mohamed(S.A.W)at his time. He was a HONEST countryman, THE BEST nephew, friend, neighbor, uncle, husband, father, grandfather, statesman & the best exemplary Muslim. He used to make honest and decent jokes & fun with friends, his grand children, wifes,etc. AND by the way He was the first person to honestly talk about "sex" and how it need not to be oppressed as it is a human natural desire BUT to be channeled through right means (Marriage).[**Warning**: Some ISLAM and Mohamed(S.A.W) bashing elements are accusing of him as some thing he was not AND by mentioning being Honest they will come up with that topic: NO WORRIES, Reality and Truth will prevail)
ISLAM has it's unique ways for everything. Namely through correct means and channels while being peaceful.
JUST because we are peaceful and speaks truth that doesn't mean we are WEAK and we have certain standards but will retaliate and counter any sorts of hostilities. Be it by mocking us or by heavy artillery.
All Glory be to Almighty Creator.
In Almighty GOD we trust.
@ heck and Bismuth
I understand and share your commitment and love for our religion.
But my question was directed more to understand the general population's reaction, rather than the learned and informed. I am not sure of the actual figures, but i think it is still a very low percentage of our population that has been abroad and completed their higher studies. Regardless western/ eastern/religious.
What I can't understand is
a) Why did the guys try to kill Nazim at Zakir Naik's session? He was not particularly arrogant; I found Z.Naiks comments more harassing. Nazim was having doubts, and I feel ZN could have done a better job there.
b) Why do some gloat over the suicide of Ismail at Airport.
@shahu on Sat, 7th Aug 2010 1:47 AM
SAYS"pls pls the people spreading islam here like bismuth, could you pls go to Hilaths blog and read what insane rubbish he is writing?"
Please calm down! Shahu, I'm not spreading ISLAM. Who am I? Nothing.Just a simple creature(just like all other humans),of Almighty GOD trying to follow his commandments, The way of life (Deen) chosen and perfected through the Glorious Quran by him to all humanity. Almighty GOD has destined this Deen (Islam: meaning peace acquired by submitting all our will to Almighty GOD) to spread with or without any of us and it will surely be like that NO matter how much the ISLAMOPHOBIANS rage in anger.
"If "Bismuth" is not there, there might be "Lead,Thallium,Indium,Iron,Cobalt or Nickel and so on...." these and all others are creations of Almighty GOD. It's only GOD's will,and any "elements" within us (among humans) will get triggered to act for his cause with understanding and in pure faith in him-Only we have to open up our mind and hearts to understand the Truth, for we are given freewill and ability to make choices in obeying or disobeying Almighty GOD (And that is willed by him for us)"
Forget about THAT BLOG, IT's destined to collapse when time ticks to the right moment. Do we go to "Rubbish Dump"(Kuni Koshi) for dialogs or for knowledge? Definitely not the 99.99%.
Allah Knows Best
In Allah We Trust
What is he mean by our selfish desires? Trying to improve our life standards and stand on our own feet?. this is more civilized world. people know what they doing. Sometimes it will hard digest new ideas. he better be doing some humanitarian work in Pakistan rather than delivery sermon. Did he know how many people effected by floods and heavy rain?
"Why do some gloat over the suicide of Ismail at Airport."
Why do some EULOGISE over a suicide?
"Why did the guys try to kill Nazim at Zakir Naik’s session? He was not particularly arrogant;.."
You can't blame the people's vigilance !
Ask Reeko?
If Nazim wasn't acting, I think he was challenging the Maldivian Constitution in front of the large gathering!
Although I am not justifying violence, I strongly believe that he had no right to do that there.
He was toyfully playing with fire ! Kids who play with fire often get burnt!
Hi Bismuth!
Your comparative religion points link is too good, and very informative.