Islanders on Filadhoo in Haa Alifu Atoll have reacted with outrage to news of an Israeli agricultural delegation scheduled to arrive on the island next Saturday, warning that the visitors from Teshuva Agricultural Products “will go no further than the island jetty.”
On its website the company claims its advanced agricultural methods “allow for fresh culinary herbs to be grown in soil-less hydroponic systems.”
Filadhoo islander Mohamed Hamidh told Minivan News that the majority of the island’s 550-strong population were against the visit by the Israeli company.
Hamidh said that when the islanders first received information about the delegation, they prepared a petition signed by 100 islanders and submitted it to the island council.
“That night the Island Council called the islanders for a meeting and 83 islanders attended the meeting. Councilors called for a vote and 82 out of the present 83 citizens voted that they do not want to let the Israeli delegation step on the island,” Hamidh said.
Local media reported that the petition signed by the 100 citizens claimed the Israeli delegation intended to preach Christianity on the island and conduct un-Islamic activities, although they came under the banner of an agricultural delegation.
An earlier press release by the Deputy Leader of the Adhaalath Party accused the agricultural delegation of being agents from Mossad, the Israeli secret service.
Hamidh meanwhile said the islanders would not welcome the delegation because Israelis “have been mistreating the Muslims in Palestine” and have “killed so many Palestinian men and left many Palestinian women widowed.”
“We have reports that although the islanders oppose their presence, they will still head towards our island. They are supposed to be arriving on Saturday morning around 8:30am, so we will keep an eye on the jetty and will not let them enter this island,” he said.
Island Council Member Mohamed Vijan told Minivan News that the council was “left with no other choice” but to support the will of the citizens.
“Last Monday the Atoll Council informed the Island Council that this delegation from Israel will visit Filadhoo on Saturday,” he said.
He said the council will be “with the citizens” whether they were in favour or opposed to the visiting delegation.
Earlier this month Deputy Leader of the Adhaalath Party Dr Mauroof Hussein called for alarm after alleging that a delegation from Teshuva Agricultural Products was due to arrive in the Maldives to assess the country’s agricultural potential.
The last time an Israeli delegation visited the Maldives – a team of volunteer eye surgeons – protests erupted across Male’ that saw the burning of Israeli flags and calls to “ban all Israeli medical teams” from practicing in the Maldives.

Agree with U.
Filladhoo plans on planting date palms with the help of Saudis ..... a few camels has already being taken to Filladhoo to show their solidarity with the arabian culture. next time any Israeli come around the Filladoo people will revert back to stone throwing ...
We dont like Jewish investments on Filladhoo. Instead we prefer Christian Hindhoo and Budist investments.
The plantation method does not matter ... be it Jewish, Christian or Isalmic, still a carrot is a carrot ... and ummm a cucumber is not always a cucumber unless its a 100% muslim cucumber.
tsk tsk,
Let's talk when this 'no longer dominate the truth' countries make as much technological advances and have as much stability as the West.
Calling me a pretentious wannabe blah de blah does nothing to change my view that western values - not politics, but values - are superior in every way to the Adhaalath that you think 'knows what they're talking about'.
Women's empowerment is good. Promoting Science is good. Freedom of expression is good. Open debates are good. Being able to criticize authority is good.
Possessing the power to peacefully change your government is good. Having
a free media is good.
These truths are self-evident and not even up for debate, as long as we pretend to be a democracy.
The Adhaalath party has publicly proven itself hostile to each of these ideas - and yet to baselessly tout them as 'knowing what they're talking about'.
This stupid, weakling 'zionist' victim mindset is what fuels them - and you, apparently.
It's not just the West - every country in the world has a foreign policy that attempts to gain something in return. And I clearly see greater benefits in aligning with one hemisphere over the other. Get over it.
Not every opinion that goes against your useless, self-defeating victim mindset comes from a lack of reading books.
And you still call others 'pretentious, know it all".
I repeat the question you ignored the last time. You keep criticizing practically every article on MN.
What IS your alternative? Which country on Earth are you upset that we're not engaging with? What really has the 'UN Mafia' and the West ever done to you?
Would you enlighten us unlettered folk on your vastly superior foreign policy ideas, please?
"...The Adhaalath party has publicly proven itself hostile to each of these ideas – and yet to baselessly tout them as ‘knowing what they’re talking about’."
This is incorrect and only expected from an anti islam blogger. The fact is that Adhaalath party is very supportive of democratic values and norms. Attempts to malign the name of Adhaalath party in various charges is the last attempt of dull, desperate atheist bloggers who ran out of decent arguments against Adhaalath party.
paid Adhaalath troll,
So criticizing Adhaalath party makes on an Atheist these days?
I stand by my words: "Women’s empowerment is good. Promoting Science is good. Freedom of expression is good. Open debates are good. Being able to criticize authority is good.
Possessing the power to peacefully change your government is good. Having
a free media is good."
Read the original draft of the Religious Unity regulations drafted by MoIA and pushed for hard by the Adhaalath Party and its blue eyed boy.
And tell me how they're not hostile to each of these ideas?
And have you ever heard Illiyaas's speeches?
For all you paranoid Israeli freaks: especially the bloody frogs in the well - read this. I hope you get submerged quickly.
@Yameen kalo.
don't live the lie. Admit you are an athiest. I thought you will be more courageous than to hide behind words. I have read your blog from end to end and you have convinced me totally. You are an athiest and a die-hard one at that. Not only you but there are many athiests in our country but you are one of the most prominent. Just admit it, be courageous, speak what you believe in. Its very unlikely you will be assasinated for atheism in maldives. you know people here are very tolerant generally. they will call names and make faces at you but they surely will not harm you. believe me, i am a blue-blooded maldivian (DRP)
musa ibrahim,
Not only am I an atheist, but also one of the "most prominent in the country"?
And you got this from reading my blog end to end?
Good for you man..