Islanders on Filadhoo in Haa Alifu Atoll have reacted with outrage to news of an Israeli agricultural delegation scheduled to arrive on the island next Saturday, warning that the visitors from Teshuva Agricultural Products “will go no further than the island jetty.”
On its website the company claims its advanced agricultural methods “allow for fresh culinary herbs to be grown in soil-less hydroponic systems.”
Filadhoo islander Mohamed Hamidh told Minivan News that the majority of the island’s 550-strong population were against the visit by the Israeli company.
Hamidh said that when the islanders first received information about the delegation, they prepared a petition signed by 100 islanders and submitted it to the island council.
“That night the Island Council called the islanders for a meeting and 83 islanders attended the meeting. Councilors called for a vote and 82 out of the present 83 citizens voted that they do not want to let the Israeli delegation step on the island,” Hamidh said.
Local media reported that the petition signed by the 100 citizens claimed the Israeli delegation intended to preach Christianity on the island and conduct un-Islamic activities, although they came under the banner of an agricultural delegation.
An earlier press release by the Deputy Leader of the Adhaalath Party accused the agricultural delegation of being agents from Mossad, the Israeli secret service.
Hamidh meanwhile said the islanders would not welcome the delegation because Israelis “have been mistreating the Muslims in Palestine” and have “killed so many Palestinian men and left many Palestinian women widowed.”
“We have reports that although the islanders oppose their presence, they will still head towards our island. They are supposed to be arriving on Saturday morning around 8:30am, so we will keep an eye on the jetty and will not let them enter this island,” he said.
Island Council Member Mohamed Vijan told Minivan News that the council was “left with no other choice” but to support the will of the citizens.
“Last Monday the Atoll Council informed the Island Council that this delegation from Israel will visit Filadhoo on Saturday,” he said.
He said the council will be “with the citizens” whether they were in favour or opposed to the visiting delegation.
Earlier this month Deputy Leader of the Adhaalath Party Dr Mauroof Hussein called for alarm after alleging that a delegation from Teshuva Agricultural Products was due to arrive in the Maldives to assess the country’s agricultural potential.
The last time an Israeli delegation visited the Maldives – a team of volunteer eye surgeons – protests erupted across Male’ that saw the burning of Israeli flags and calls to “ban all Israeli medical teams” from practicing in the Maldives.

That is an admirable goal!
The Jews have their demonic whims instilled in them at an early age and are most relentless people. They lose much sleep, pacing to and fro in the bulk of the night time; toiling and plotting without cessation, for the sole purpose of bringing many calamitous disasters on the Muslim faithful in a daily sequence!
If we are to combat their evil, save our eyeballs from being pluckded, our organs from being harvested and our markets from being contaminated by their Satanism; by God, we must do the same!
Filladhoo islanders are committing a crime and violating the Islamic Unity regulation. The regulation prohibits demonizing other religions and people based on their religious believes. Besides who want to invest in an island where people don't understand the difference between Christianity and Judaism. Such hypocrites.
this is mere stupidity of morons. Who is more capable of harming them, ALLAH or us! If ALLAH wishes they be doomed, it will not take even a second. So are we more capable than ALLAH in harming them. This is a sign of Kufru from these islanders. We cannot declare a jihad against anyone coming in peace, no matter which religion. So as our guests and visitors coming in peace to our country, we Muslims should show them respect and dignity. How many delegations of Mushriks visited to prophet Mohammad PBUH. He only showed care and love and the best of hospitality to them as they came in peace.You morons are making us Muslims look like barbaric stupid demons.
These stupid beardies run around saying " sunnah" Sunnah" Sunnah". But they only think having a beard is enough to follow prophets teaching. You morons!. Sunnah means to follow prophet in all good deeds. He never chased the jews and never showed disrespect to jews in Madina until they declared war against Muslims. So you better know sunnah is not just a beard and wearing some pyjamas. BY the way Prophet never wore pyjamas like the ones you wear.
Maybe I am completely wrong but I would think Jews would preach Judaism, not Christianity. There is nothing worse than ignorance.
Dammit, I'm trying hard here to get outraged over the Israeli Christians building temples in the name of 'freedom of religion'.
But seriously, I maintain that Maldivian Muslims have no moral authority to speak about Palestine. I'm sure the "majority of Israelis" want their government to do exactly what it is doing, and therefore everything is justified.
Surely, we all believe in "democracy", Maldivian style?
This is a revolt cooked by few Mullahs. The Israelis have cutting edge technologies when it comes agricultural farming. People of Filladhoo or any other island could hugely benefit from the Israelis if only they leave aside the religion just only for one moment! What a bunch of helpless stupid bunch?
This is the problem. Whats the point of denying their entry. What do we gain by that. When did we become such racists. Adhaalath Party is this countries destruction.
Our prophet lived and fought keeping them by his side..why cant we. As muslims we all believe we are offspring's from Adam and Eve. So doesn't that make the Jews our brothers as well.
The main problem is a huge potion of our society is misinformed about this issue...and the so called preachers are spreading all this hate among us for an alternative reason
Whats next!! petitioning to disallow Christians from coming to our resorts.
Who will be the looser? Unquestionably “Filadhoo” people will miss a good opportunity learn modern methods of cultivations.
Dr Mauroof Hussein is spreading hatreds and misleading innocent primitive Island folks. As an educated person it is not decent of him to deceive people who can’t judge by themselves rights and the wrongs.
And what exactly would our commitment be to the Israeli delegation for providing their gracious existence to us?
As a Maldivian citizen and member of the international community (which we are by the way), I would not do a single thing for another country without expecting anything in return. Especially if the 'thing' I do requires spending my own money.
So people please. The days of believing in free handouts is over.
Oh boy! How I wish the opportunistic Moroccan never visited the Maldives a few centuries ago. Then again, stupidity and ignorance would still run deep within us....
Oh forget it. To wish a better Maldives and seeing it happen would be like the ultimate miracle on earth, no doubt beating the book by far!...
Thats a tall wish!!!
Israel wants international legitimacy to their Jewish enterprise. They do not care about maldives or maldives agriculture. There are more fertile countries and bigger countries to do proper agriculture and they know it. They are not particularly keen to help Maldives with their state-of-art technologies (mostly stolen from US scientists work). Who are we for them? The small tiny dots of islands in the indian ocean?
If they care about anything, it is PR. Public Relations; they want to be seen as a regular country doing regular things throughout the world. But they are infact created and maintained by the most irregular way in modern history.
As for the islanders, they are not doing particularly good by appearing hostile to guests. We shall be more diplomatic than that. We shall treat our guests honorably. That's what islam teaches. We shall take our fight to the government which is trying to help Israel with their PR works. But at the same time if they (israeli's ) somehow came to our islands, we shall show them hospitality and treat them the most generous way.
It seems the Jewish people only have the agricultural cutting age tech.
What rubbish..!?
The Islamic Unity regulations must make it mandatory for all Maldivians traveling abroad wear ear plugs, lest an evil kafir whisper the message of the shaitan- converting us instantly and thus condemn us to eternal damnation. I hear the word of a Jew is like the bite of a zombie, we Muslims must always be vigilant.
And we must also pass a law to gag any Jews who come as tourists, they can remove the gag only when the plane leaves Maldivian airspace.
We need innovative solutions to prevent a zionist takeover! People, please present your ideas!
"...100 citizens claimed the Israeli delegation intended to preach Christianity on the island..."
For hundreds of years, Christians trying to preach Christianity to the Jews(people of Israel).
Now, this is the first time I read that the Jews want to preach "Christianity" to the Muslims...very interesting.
You are right that Jewish's religion is Judaism but Jews normally don't share and spread their faith. That was one of the reasons, the Jews were constantly punished by God the Creator through out the history of humankind.
OMG ... where did all go wrong in Maldives. Gangs, Drugs, Discrimination, religious & political fights. What else do we need. I feel very sorry for the innocent hard working Maldivian who are tying to put three meals on the table.. As TSK have said no hand outs but at least you can take advantage of may be new knowledge and investment opportunity... The beardies and the followers should go fishing and they should stop exporting there fish to non muslim countries. They should not get involved in a economy where majority of the money is coming from non muslims. By the way engines are also coming from non muslims so you should sail and row2 row your boat. Hypocrites. These duoch bags will not change before they spoil everything for the rest
If the Jews (people of Israel) will preach Christianity, that will be the end of the world!
Jews are not Christians as they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah! For hundreds of years Christians trying to evangelize them and now "100 citizens claimed the Israeli delegation intended to preach Christianity on the island".
People were outraged out of wrong information. Please get the fact right before getting angry!
Whats wrong with all you commentators? Its the islanders right to accept who ever they want to accept as visitors to their island. If they don't want Israelis in their island, thats their right and it should be respected. We have no right to criticize against the islanders and call them names. I feel the ignorants are all of you rather than the islanders. Would you allow somebody you don't want to enter into your own house and property? Get real.
Don't drink Coke, don't use Accent Express, don't use Facebook, don't use Bank Account's with any international debit or credit card and don't EVER send money via TT or any banks transactions. Because the Zionists or Jews companies will be come rich and use that money to ATTACK Maldives and annex it as part of Israel. Also they will kill Maldivians and Muslims too. haha They will FIRST come and KILL FILLADHOO island people and take their island to Israel. Also they will come and get the Maldivian MULLAS too. hehe
އަނގަތަޅާ މީހާއަކީ ޔަހޫދީން އުފައްދާ ކޮކާ ކޯލާ ހެސްކިޔާފައި ބޯމީހެއް. އަދި ބޮން-އަކުއާ ފެނާއި، އެނޫންވެސް ޔަހޫދީންގެ ކުންފުނިތަކުގެ އުފެއްދުންތައް ގަނެ ޔަހޫދީންތައް މުއްސަނދިކޮށް އެޔަހޫދީންތައް ހަތިޔާރު ގަނެ މުސްލިމުންތައް މަރަން ފުރުސަތު ދޭމީހެއްނުތީ. ދެން ކޮން އަނގައެއް ތަޅުވާކަށް. ތިހާ ދެފުއްދެގޮތް މުނާފިގު އިޔަހޫދިއްޔަ މީހުން ރާއްޖޭގައި ގިނައީ.
And DO NOT ever use US dollars or UK pounds or any other Western monies too. HAHA HEHE HEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Mossad agents who are going to spread christianity in the Maldives. No wonder Filadhoo islanders are up in arms.
On a more serious note, its shameful that in this day and age some Maldivians can be so stupid. Read a book, gain some knowledge will you.
And the bloody councillors are completely useless, instead of trying to talk some sense to the islanders they are also going along with it. I say the Israelis should go where they are welcome and where there expertise will be put to good use, and leave these Filladhoo people alone.
@ Dhivehi Hanguraama - you're an idiot and need to be exterminated! Filith like you doesn't deserve to walk the earth and breath the air that us normal people breathe
@ Ahmed on Thu, 22nd Sep 2011 7:43 PM - Probably the best post i've seen on this topic. A lot of people, Christians and Muslims alike, don't realize they have a lot of similar beliefs (origin, god, etc) but worship a different prophet... Muhammad, Jesus... etc.
I hope that one day the world is rid of religion and lives as one in harmony. Religion has caused more harm than it has done good for todays world 🙁 sadly...
@Dhivehi Hanguraama
Under the new regulation that became law whic was drafted under the Religious Unity Act 1994 (amended 2011) you can be charged in violating the act and banished for 2-5 years. Watch your language, you should have said "Israel" not "Jew" which would exempt you from the Act.
Likewise if filmography residence got that point and never used the word Muslim and Jew in there petition they would be exempt. Its Israel and Palestine or Israeli citizens and ethnic Palestinian (Philistine's)
I do not condone hate mongering towards any particular creed or non creed
@Ahmed Ifthikar
It would be correct to say Moorish, not Morrocan, but then again what you meant to say must have been, oh how i wish that opportunistic Persian (Azeri) never visited these isles.
Jews or not, I do not want the Israelis in my island.
If the Filadhoo people don't want them, how can I get to meet the Israelis, cos I definitely don't have a problem with "Jews" or "Zionists" helping me gain some knowledge and opportunity.
@Yaamyn sorry dude. I was just saying.
koba mage commentu?
Sad how Mad does not understand that the reason for US dollar dominance is not because of Muslims. Its decades of imperialism and controlling regulations of foreign economies in a way which favours US products and currency. Big institutions such as the IMF and World Bank set up to ensure the safety of Western economies and other micro policies through puppet Arab and Asian regimes which supports US government even while its own people suffer from poverty. Why do you think China is buying so much gold to undermine US gold reserve? Why do you think some OPEC countries have said for many years that US dollar is not safe to trade with? Yet all the Western puppets turned this idea down due to economic pressure from the US. Even in Maldives in my opinion, we should stop depending on US dollars as the main currency of trade and tourism because it is unstable and anyone smart could have seen this some years back. Yet again people sometimes tend to not think ahead more than a few days when it comes to these issues.
There are few Maldivians trying to show off and support Israel when ever they try to make suspicious visits to our country. What I say is, why not these Maldivians go and let the Israeli stay in your houses so that your neighbors know that you are a Zionist lover and can keep their children away from you. We need to know who supports apartheid and oppressive regimes and who supports freedom for the oppressed.
I am so proud of the Maldivians in Islanders on Filadhoo in Haa Alifu Atoll for their strong stance against the Israeli mission to Maldives. The politicians in power used to speak up against oppression before they came to power, but now it seems they speak only when it benefits them economically with foreign funds. Since country's economy is down, they need money even if its from the devil. Otherwise next election, they might get less votes. That is exactly how United States takes advantage of economic situations to get support for its domestic & foreign policies. I see many politicians in Maldives as weak hearted in contrast to the strong islanders on Filadhoo and others across Maldives who are standing up against an oppressive country who has committed war crimes against Palestinians for the past 60 years. It might not make huge difference at the moment, but we kicking out any Israeli delegation from Maldives is a symbolic way to support the Palestinian struggle. History has given no importance to people who have sided with the Zionist or American aggression even though they might have had more money or power. But the people who stands up against oppression are always the heroes and the ones that are known to be strong in the face of a stronger & more ruthless enemy.
A good video that shows people in the US and western countries pretty much screwed the global economy with their greed. Whats happening even now is still the long ripple effects of this. So why are we still depending on US and Western economies when their economies are crashing.. who crashes after theirs?
an attempt to discredit an entire island, pple do have rights to choices which they seem best for their values. not everyone has to bow to these random deals that this government keeps making. good for u dilladhoo for making your own decisions
Facts: In Israel the GDP contribution from agriculture:2.4%; Employment in agriculture:2%; agricultural products: citrus, vegetables, cotton; beef, poultry, dairy products
Stakeholder involvement in decision making is crucial to success of any projects - be it involving overseas experts or local idiots!
it is just some idiots who like to be as wild aborigines in 12 century but not in 21 century
in the end they will loose opportunity to learn modern agri technology
Israel wants international legitimacy to their Jewish enterprise. They do not care about maldives or maldives agriculture. There are more fertile countries and bigger countries to do proper agriculture and they know it. They are not particularly keen to help Maldives with their state-of-art technologies (mostly stolen from US scientists work). Who are we for them? The small tiny dots of islands in the indian ocean?
If they care about anything, it is PR. Public Relations; they want to be seen as a regular country doing regular things throughout the world. But they are infact created and maintained by the most irregular way in modern history.
As for the islanders, they are not doing particularly good by appearing hostile to guests. We shall be more diplomatic than that. We shall treat our guests honorably. That’s what islam teaches. We shall take our fight to the government which is trying to help Israel with their PR works. But at the same time if they (israeli’s ) somehow came to our islands, we shall show them hospitality and treat them the most generous way.
I am proud of the people in filladhoo. Isreal is the reason why we have terrorism in the world.. UN cannot touch them because and that they is why people take arms. What will you do it your house is taken away from you and your brother and father is shot dead for throwing stone. I call on all maldivians to put any pressure you can on isreal.
oh the ignorant lots..............pity on you ...pity on you....
I vote for an end to Tourism and the Christian dogs money. I vote for Ignorance, No Education, No Health and Poverty.
I support Palestinians should be allowed statehood. I also support what Obama said about it. "There is no shortcut to peace". What if the UN makes this decision. Will that change the climate around Israel and Palestine. I think it will make it worse. The only way is if come to an agreement between themselves. Some had said above Israel is the root to terrorism. Come on be real... Hamas, al-Qaeda, Abu Nidal Organisation, Al -Qassam Brigade, Jemaah Islaamiyya, Lashkar e Thoiba, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Palestinian Islamic Jihad etc. Are these Jews. I am a Muslim and proud to call my self one. If all the Muslims take the initiative and give up the arms, the world would surely be a better place. If Afghanistan stops the production of heroin which accounts for almost 80% of the worlds supply, the world will be a better place...If we all give up these fighting, so called Jihad and use the resources and and man power we have in building up our nations there is no doubt we will stumble upon the prosperity we once had. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist and Muslims...we all have ten Fingers, Ten Toes, Two hands, Two Legs and Two Eyes...Arnt we all the same.
@ Ahmed on Fri, 23rd Sep 2011 6:00 PM
Congratulations for being the youngest commenter on Minvan News.
Well done.
I hope all guests to any island in Maldives are welcomed and treated well in accordance with Islamic and Maldivian cultures. If the Islanders do not need or do not want the investors to set up a business on their island then the refusal should be conveyed in a civilized and dignified manner.
That's not entirely true when you look at some of the reform groups. There are many who do actively try to recruit though not as aggressively as the Christians by any means.
Israeli's obviously know a lot about farming and they have some of the best farming tech at their disposal as their agricultural output from places like Lotan/Negev desert and the whole Kibbutzim thing demonstrates but Maldives is a quite strange choice for any meaningful project on agriculture as we do not have much land for it.
I'm by no means against them coming and the idea of them trying to convert Maldivians is idiotic but I wonder what the catch is. Like tsk says, there are no free handouts at this level and this is like the third project which they are involved in here, in a very short period of time. I'm guessing it's most probably PR stuff, with the Palestinian UN vote also coming up.
@Richard on Fri, 23rd Sep 2011 2:10 PM
"I am proud of the people in filladhoo. Isreal is the reason why we have terrorism in the world.. UN cannot touch them because and that they is why people take arms. What will you do it your house is taken away from you and your brother and father is shot dead for throwing stone. I call on all maldivians to put any pressure you can on isreal."
I actually laughed out loud reading this your post Dick. Biased opinion much huh?
Haha that's just hilarious! Bloody Maldivian rednecks!
@Rolex on Thu, 22nd Sep 2011 11:56 PM
So you would refuse hospitality even to a fellow Muslim? Haram!
This technology is of relevance to my interests. I will invite them over.
Maldives !!??
Small coral islands !!???
I wonder what they have seen from these small islands. I mean what guys. They want invest in Maldives. That is also in agriculture. This is questionable.
What is wrong with your Maldivian hypocrites.
It seem some hidden agenda is behind this.
if the state of israel wants to be part of the civilised world, they should adhere to international law and the UN resolutions. the only reason why it's tolerated to the extent it is, is because of unconditional american support for the state. and it's insane just how much the current american administration brown noses their israeli counterparts, why even dear george w was in support of a two state solution, with palestinians and israelis living side by side in peace. and here we have obama tearing his heart out for netanyahu and the votes of the jewish first lobby, regardless of their hate for him and his party. it was disgraceful mr. obama. but now it's time for other states with less one sided interests to fill the void america has created in attempting to resolve the palestinian-israeli conflict. so good riddance america. the rest of the world is sick of this middle-eastern drama.
as for filladhoo, the people have spoken. but not everyone in israel is against a palestinian state, a recent poll conducted by jerusalem post suggests as much as 70% are in favour of a two state solution.
and muaz, when can an israeli visit to our shores be beyond suspicion? people can and do read into things, regardless. that a fact can have multiple interpretations doesn't mean each interpretation is equally valid.
Call us rednecks, hicks or other culturally inapplicable terms you want.
There is nothing uncivilized or barbaric about exercising one's own rights under the constitution.
In my memory, both our recent governments have been heavily reliant on the World Bank/IMF/UN mafia. There funding and assistance comes with certain conditions attached. First and foremost is opening the country to US investment. Next is aligning oneself with US foreign policy goals.
There are other states and alliances exercising their geopolitical weight in the world. Some of them bear Islam on their shoulder as an identifying character. These influences have gained a foothold in our country as well. What the Yaamyn Rasheeds and other wannabe pretentious know-it-alls need to do is read a book or two and look beyond media outlets for information. Also, it is vital to actually acknowledge that everybody has a bias.
The West is biased in favor of their foreign policy goals and the rising transnational Islamic movements are biased towards their own. Neither is headed by idiots or savages. Neither lacks funding or intel.
It would be a grave mistake to assume that the Adalat party is a group of nitpicking nannies. They know what they are talking about. Zionist is a political term. The actual issue lies with the balance of power across hemispheres. Read a book or two and open your eyes.
It is our choice if we align ourselves with the West or other forces. America and its soft-power influences may try persistently to make all other ideologies except their own appear to be barbaric and uncivilized. The truth is America no longer holds unquestioned dominance over "truth". Truth as spun by the media and truth as dictated by the pretty words of world leaders.
A couple of new boys are in town.
Our resorts are managed by EU/American powers. Therefore their economic influence is considerably great. American ally India is also trying to establish a strong foothold. China has made offers as well. Neither is evil or good in the dual-paradigmatic way we tend to speak. Political parties in our country may align themselves with either side of the geopolitical spectrum. It is our right as the voting public to decide which side we want our government to form links with.
Firstly, Israel has best agriculture technology in the world. They have managed to grow strawberries and mangoes in desert. If we can learn anything from them then WHY NOT. Secondly, somebody should question Adhaalath Party from where they got this 'stupid' news about Mossad Spies. The new and young AP leaders should have had checked and rechecked their source and fancy story before branding Agriculture Experts as 'spies'.