Zakir Naik banned from entering UK to lecture on freedom of expression

The UK has banned Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik from entering the country, preventing him from giving a series of lectures in Sheffield and northern England on ‘Freedom of Expression: An Islamic Perspective’.

Dr Naik recently presented a series of lectures in the Maldives at the invitation of the Ministry for Islamic Affairs. One session in particular made headlines when Naik was confronted by a self-declared apostate, who later reconverted to Islam after two days of counselling in police custody.

News agency Reuters reported that Conservative Home Secretary Theresa May had barred Dr Naik from entering the country because “numerous comments made by Dr Naik are evidence to me of his unacceptable behavior.”

“Coming to the UK is a privilege not a right, and I am not willing to allow those who might not be conducive to the public good to enter,” she said.

The UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported Ministry sources as saying the decision to refuse entry to Dr Naik was based on footage in 2006  in which he appeared to endorse terrorism against the United States: “If he [Osama Bin Laden] is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist … I am with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist,” Naik says in the clip.

Naik has argued that these comments were taken out of context, and has since issued a statement saying he “unequivocally condemns acts of violence including 9/11, 7/7 and 7/11 [the serial train bombing in Mumbai], which are completely and absolutely unjustifiable on any basis.”

The Telegraph also claimed Dr Naik had said Western women made themselves “more susceptible to rape” by wearing revealing clothing.

“Western society has actually degraded (women) to the status of concubines, mistresses and social butterflies, who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers,” the paper quoted him as saying.

One of the topics of Dr Naik’s planned speeches in the UK was ‘freedom of expression’, and the decision to deny him entry to the country has sparked vigorous debate in the UK among civil rights campaigners.

The Muslim Council of Britain has also expressed “grave concern” over the decision, with Secretary General  Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari stating that “this exclusion order demonstrates the double standards practised by the government concerning freedom of speech. While preachers of hate such as Geert Wilders are free to promote their bigotry in this country, respected Muslim scholars such as Dr Naik are refused entry to the UK under false pretences. It is deeply regrettable this is likely to cause serious damage to community cohesion in our country.”

A spokesman for Dr Naik told the BBC that the Home Ministry’s decision was “deeply regrettable” and that the UK had “bowed to pressure” from “certain groups” to exclude him.

He said Mr Naik had been holding talks in the UK for 15 years and the decision to bar his entry was “disappointing.”


68 thoughts on “Zakir Naik banned from entering UK to lecture on freedom of expression”

  1. We had to do the same. But Maldivian government being a pro-wahhabi not only allowed him in, but invited him and his family and paid state fund to propagate taliban style Islam and stir hatred to the west. We should learn from Britain.

  2. I have absolutely no problem in UK banning Zakir Naik, which is their right, problem I have is When someone writes books against prophet Mohamed, that is absolutely fine...OK..OK thats their right also...but where is the double standard

  3. He has delivered the message without even giving the speech.
    Now everybody knows what FOE means.

    Freedom of Expression : The freedom to express one thoughts through different channels of communication without fear or interference from external sources given the thoughts are inline with mainstream western ideology.

  4. Hey Thakurey,Just because you're circumcised (or not) doesn't mean you're a muslim. We Maldivians need a Religious lecturer like him. Show your self to a physiologist

  5. Dr. Nakir Naik is best man i ever seen in my life he is speech is perfect ....we support him a lot

  6. @ Thakurey

    Did you say "We should learn from Britain."

    Yeah! Learn from imperialists who dared to paste 'civilized' notices all over colonial India which read "DOGS AND INDIANS NOT ALLOWED"

    Learn from the government who supported APARTHEID South Africa against the will of the whole civilized world??

  7. Should be banned from preaching this hatred in all the countries. Peace TV also should be banned. Funny how this joker promotes intolerance, fear and hate, yet call his TV channel " PEACE TV".

  8. This Naik guy is a world class con artist.

    He has trained his wife, his 16 year old son and 3 daughters to make a life for themselves to con people.

    To understand what an idiot he is, take a look at

  9. Aniya will be very happy for this as she tried to do the same thing in Maldives which she failed to do. what a shame for the county who is fighting all day for freedom of expression.

  10. Anni will meet his Waterloo if he allows people the like of this idiot Naik is allowed to enter our country too.

  11. @Loknest

    i think there is two sides to that point. people like naik will shout out abt freedom of expression when they want to sell their garbage BUT if someone says something agaist islam it is offensive? why double standard there as well?

  12. Read the link

  13. Who cares about UK and old Europe and their colonialism, that is history, they have old school of aging whites jealous of other progressive people, they are on the verge of loosing everything once they had. Its China Brazil and India on the rise, no matter what these folks in Europe say or do.Dr. Naik can reach people as he want through media, there is absolutely no way they can stop Dhauwa of Islam. I knew when Sappe first brought this topic on his propaganda machine DO, it will be a filed day for Minivan brand to give opportunity to bash Dr. Naik on this website once again.

  14. Shameem Seikh and Majeed Sheikh and the divine Adhaalath will possibly declare to go on nation-wide stike against the British Govt? huh?

  15. All political parties of Maldives plus all the websites including minivan must also banned for spreading hatred and harm. At least we can sleep peacefully after that, i guess.

  16. hehe lol freedom of expression!! why was this conservative government poking there nose in to this tiny Maldives, regarding human rights and freedom of expression, while they only allow people whom they fancy .. that way you guys in minivannews should understand that some articles by that aaniya and muneera goes against our constitution, cause our constitution and which could be catogorized as agaisnt islamic sharia .. so please before somebody file a case against your website .. please try and limit those unwanted articles, that's the reason why i say there's no such thing called human rights, each and every country will limit all those rights in the name of national security

  17. Great to see that the UK is profiling out terrorists. Today the terrorists, tomorrow their terror cult. I wonder why the terrorists use the technology of the advanced world to do their "Dhauwa". Perhaps beating camel-skin tom-toms doesn't do the trick any more.

  18. Ridicule....Have you ever listened to the great man, DR.Naik....i have never heard him say anything that "promotes intolerance, fear and hate" i would love if you calls provide me some of his quotes that promotes intolerance , fear and hate????

  19. PeaceTV support the murder of the innocent by supporting Osama Bin Laden...

    This guy should be exposed by someone.. That he runs a huge business in the name of religion.


    Zakir Naik condemns all forms of violence and terror in his various statements!

    IF he supported violence he should have asked to KILL Nazim for apostasy, BUT what did he say?


    Westerners are just jealous Zakir knows how to hit the right chord and expose all fallacy and idiocity!

    Freedom of expression, my @$$, in the western society!.

  21. Hehe. and these guys want to teach US about freedom of expression and civil liberty. All they care about is their own selves.
    Whether the UK likes or not, it is a fact that US supports the biggest terrorist state in the world, Israel. Israelis only talk about international conventions and UN security council resolutions if they are to their advantage. They are punishing innocent civilians in the Gaza strip collectively and Mossad agents cross international borders with forged passports with the sole intention of killing people.
    We shall always detest the US for its support to the shameless terrorist state which is willing to do anything in the name of protecting its people... treating non-israelis as less human...

  22. Why must we seek advice from anyone, let alone Naik? Everyone's got a brain to think and an amount of free will to live as you wish. If your moral standards should come from Quran and Hadith, these are available too, all over internet and in the bookshops. Please go do the research yourself. there's nothing that Naik, Bilal of Shaheem can tell you that you already don't know.

    I feel like listening to these mediocre con artists (such as shaheem, naik and bilal) is a fast-developing fetish. Some Maldivians just need to sit and listen to someone telling them about the greatness of heaven and the awesomeness of hell, for hours on end. Either you are lazy or you get excited from hearing these conmen speak.

    so Britons, well done on saving your populace from developing such weird fetishes and extreme lassitude.

  23. Who cares! I'm sure President Nasheed would be happy to give Zakir Naik citizenship of Maldives - theat way he can enter UK visa free for six months.

  24. Government should bane Mr. Zakar Naik from entering Maldives too, because he eats goat & behave like a goat also looks like one.Nothing personal with goats. Supporters of Naik please don't get angry, he's not a prophet, he's just a business man whose trying to run his business, in business these things happen, don't worry judgment will be made by only mighty Allah not by these selfish Mullas.

  25. "the decision to deny him entry to the country has sparked vigorous debate in the UK among civil rights campaigners".

  26. People who neither value, nor understand, nor approve of the western concepts of freedom of expression should not be expressing their views on this.

    This is no way anything 'against' Islam - as many of the usual commentators are quick to jump to.

    The UK has its share of radical clerics already within its shores and able to preach mostly in the open.

    It is a joke to give an 'intolerant' label to a country that has generously permitted large scale immigration of Muslims (and others) and given them opportunity and equal status in a first world country - opportunities that simply do not exist in the dictatorships , theocracies and sheikhdoms in the middle east and North Africa.

    It must be pointed out that the UK has in the past banned Geert Wilders, a known Islamophobe and another hate monger, an israeli zionist MP, from entering their shores.

    A commentator on Ban the Adhaalath fb group also points out that Snoop Dogg was apparently banned from the UK too.

    It is what the government of a decent civilized people DOES.

    It is what the Maldivian government ought to have DONE when the taliban in its ranks thought of inviting Bilal Philips (banned in Australia for terror links) and Naik (Osama supporter and 9/11 conspiracy theorist)

    This just proves that the UK government is several notches above ours when it comes to safeguarding their citizens against violent ideologies.

  27. How lowly a decision this is. Shame on the Home Minister. But with Conservatives it is not surprising?

  28. minivan news must be very happy to publish this article.hahaha,a site which runs with the full blessing from Anni. this is what u guys call democracy and freedom of speech,useless effort,Insha Allah u wil never be sucessful in yr goal to make this country secular.Hashim

  29. Ali Hashim,

    Insh Allah, this country WILL be a prosperous and successful modern, secular democracy.

    Insh Allah, the proud Dhivehi nation will not get reduced to just another backward Arab satellite state.

  30. I always had wondered when UK will show its true colours.. under Tony Blair they used to say that the "United Kingdom is for peace and freedom" and they try to justify that invading Iraq is to bring Freedom to the people which includes freedom of expression.. All these statements would not fool any educated person these days are up to date of world events and reads about history as well as current politics, hence are hard to fool.

    But the Conservative Government which has a strong Israeli/Jewish Lobby as shown by UK's Channel Four investigation, will slowly take Britain closer to Israel then ever before.

    Also in the year 2010, they had allowed a publicly announced Anti-Islamic preacher and racist into the British House of Lords to show all of them a movie which calls Islam the work of the Devil and the Quran as evil. He already has a number of death warrants from various Muslims countries. Yet, the British government allowed him to enter with high security all from public tax money.

    There was someone who stated that Geert Wilders was not allowed to enter UK, however this is not so if we do our research. Even the Israeli war criminals who wants to enter UK has actually asked the government to change the Law so that Israeli officials cannot be issued arrest warrants by any British court. How funny is that? When the UK courts wants to do what is right, the government says the courts should not give out these warrants, even if they have taken part in killing civilians.

    So where is the balance of justice going to in the UK? I have lived there for many years before and taken part in many demonstrations as well as meet MPs during the days when MDP was working from overseas. However it is one thing to say thanks to a country for helping, but we should not feel like we are in debt to anyone and not say something when they are hugging the Israeli war criminals and banning Muslim speakers who wants to talk about Freedom of Expression? What is so wrong with the title freedom of expression? I would have no problem if he was banned for trying to tell Muslims living in UK to kill his neighour. But instead he wants to examine this notion of "freedom of expression". What are the religious conservative government in UK scared of? Does anyone know who the Torries are and how the Conservatives got their name Torry?

    Please educate yourselves and your friends. UK government is not a secular government anymore. Do your research about the Israeli Lobby in UK politics. These are documented by UK news media, not some Islamic news media which secularist might see as bias. When you are secular in your views, at least learn about your views and who is who in world politics. Knowledge is really power and God willing, we all will learn and research before making a fool out of ourselves.

  31. mi dhivehi rajjey akee amaan thanah kamah lahvaan dhey adhi mi rajjeyga ulhey hurihaa meehun sulha maslahatha loabikuraa adhi islam dheenah loabikuraa baeh kamah lahvaandhey....ameen

  32. The following clip shows the stance of Dr. Naik on Terrorism. It is for truth seekers only.

  33. There is only one explanation for this. And we all know who is behind this. Yes, it's the Zionists again! The Conservative Friends of Israel, the Labour Friends of Israel and all other Zionist lobbies in the United Kingdom would have poured money and resources into the laps of UK politicians to get these favours.

    The Zionist lobbies are the most powerful opponents of Freedom today. Instead of fighting USA or UK or anyone else, the target should be the Zionists as they are behind all this.

  34. We should learn from UK and start profiling out all those who talk against our Maldivian constitution and Muslim values, and ban them from entry to our country!

  35. The British government has given protection to Salman Rushdie. They have recently allowed Geert Wilders, who described Quran as a fascist book, to appear at the House of Lords to screen his anti-Islam film Fitna.

  36. UK has been double faced here. Zakir has been lecturing in UK since last 15 years and they never stopped him from entering UK. Why now? Its just a dirty move of the new UK government to become famous of infront of their people in some way, just like the anni is doing blunders. What do you think? Zakir is anyway on TV 24 hrs in UK. Why are they not banning those TV channels? His lectures are watched and listened by many people in UK through SKY TV system.

  37. It was a "right" for Dr Naik and his Family to enter Maldives not a privilege as per our Islamic Ministry and fellow Maldivians. Sorry to say.. thats why he came to Maldives to terrorize us..Before he arrive to Maldives some of us said not to bring him to the Maldives because he said he is a terrorist.hehe

    Luckily Britain took their decision quickly...before he terrorize their beloved Britons.

  38. finally,, did you all know that he is even banned lecturing in some states in India?

    thank you god.. i hope one day, some sense making person with highest authority ban his lectures completely.. amen.

  39. even all the people try to spread the word of islam, it is not going to get any effect. UK is jealous of him becos they cannot a single preacher of pig eating christians to challenge him... so we dont care wat these sodomite civiliasations do... islam is destined to supercede all religions....

  40. Make no mistake that Western governments specially conservatives will make up excuses of convenience to keep Islam at bay while allowing blatant anti-islam propaganda to frourish by aniti-islamic extremists. In their messages, these extremists are far more blunt in their hate mongering than the so-called Islamist.

    But to put things in perspective, we still need to accept how UK manages their country's affairs. Would Maldivian government allow a Chritian missionary to give lectures in Maldives? So we can hardly complain can we?

    Also I don't believe Naik is specially a good lecturer. He does not come out as someone who can win non-believers over. He can have blood-boiling support from his followers but the rest will see him as too controvercial. I did not like his quick tempered outbursts.

  41. What is wrong with being a 9/11 conspiracy theorist? Many people even in the US do not believe the government's version of the attack.
    Have a look at this

  42. @Yaamyn:
    "Insh Allah, this country WILL be a prosperous and successful modern, secular democracy."

    What is this when you dont believe in the existence of Allah.

  43. @ HassanK

    "But to put things in perspective, we still need to accept how UK manages their country’s affairs. Would Maldivian government allow a Chritian missionary to give lectures in Maldives? So we can hardly complain can we?"

    HassanK you are comparing apples and oranges.

    UK is not a 100 percent Christian country. There are many Brits who are Muslims.

    On the contrary we are a 100 percent Muslim country.

    What do you mean we can hardly complain? Of course we can complain. And we will complain too because complaining seems to be th eonly thing we can do.

    Wasn't it UK who thought they should go and fix Iraq?
    Just tell me one good reason why they have to fix Iraq when the whole world was thinking they have no right to do it?

    Just look at the mess they have created there! They have destroyed the whole country and also the people.

    And here, people like you think we can hardly complain about the double standards they show?

  44. @Hassan K

    Hassan K!
    Better keep your mouth BANDAGED if you can't speak well!

    The Maldivians constitution bars any faiths other than Islam to be preached in Maldives! IT'S NOT THE SAME WITH THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION!

    YOU, having ranted the gibberish, I am sure if you look in the mirror, you will see the reflection of a JACKASS! Yippeeee!

  45. @yaamyn
    Did you say:
    "People who neither value, nor understand, nor approve of the western concepts of freedom of expression should not be expressing their views on this"

    THE WESTERN CONCEPT of freedom of expression = freedom to draw(!) cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which more than one fifth of humanity regard as offensive???!!

    Bow down your head and let me CROWN you ; THE MOROSE MORON!

  46. I wonder how Anni will explain how his government handpicked and sponsored this guy.

    Haha from the comments in this article it's clear how selfish these self proclaimed Muslims are.


    Is having an ego the size of Jupiter part of being a Muslim too?

    The UK/US has more Muslims than the Maldives by tens of thousands.

    You expect those countries to aid us when we're in trouble.

    You use their technology, their medical advances, their universities.

    Yet you throw such hate at them as if you wish all of them were dead.

    What is the world coming to. What is Islam coming to. Full of intolerance, greed and hypocrisy.


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