MPs to receive special protection from MNDF security force

Parliament members are to receive security from Maldives National Defence Force’s (MNDF) Special Protection Group (SPG) starting this year.

Spokesman for MNDF Colonel Abdul Raheem told local media yesterday (January 2) that a security arrangement with the SPG would be available to MPs in Male’ should they request it.

According to local media, the SPG is made up of 178 specially trained military personnel.

Until now, the SPG has been responsible for the security of the President, Vice President and other well-known figures political and legal figures in the country.

However, under Article 105 (b) of the constitution, state security services are to provide protection and safety to members of parliament.


Preparations for presidential elections underway: President Waheed

President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has assured the public of a “free and fair” presidential election in 2013 as part of his New Year statement.

Waheed used his address to announce that preparations for the 2013 presidential elections were already underway and that the government intended to take “all necessary measures” to ensure a fair election.

Following political tension in the nation following the controversial transfer of power on February 7, 2012, President Waheed said it would be vital in the build up to this year’s election for society to put aside its differences.

“As we prepare for the upcoming elections, I urge the people to strengthen the harmony and unity that have existed in the Maldivian society over the years, and not to allow anyone to disrupt this social harmony,” he said.

“The year 2012 saw major challenges, especially in the political challenges, in the country. It was, however, a year in which steps were taken with patience to maintain the security, safety and harmony of the country and its people,” he said.

The President assured the public that the government intended to improve both the general welfare and security of the people within the capacity of the budget passed by the People’s Majlis on December 27.

“The government will continue to create a safe society with reduced crimes. I call upon the people of the Maldives to put national interest ahead of their political interests,” Waheed added.

President Waheed’s government was brought to power on February 7 last year following a controversial transfer of power later deemed legitimate by a Commonwealth-backed Commission of National Inquiry (CNI).

However, Dr Waheed’s predecessor, former President Mohamed Nasheed, has questioned the CNI’s findings, alleging that he was forced to resign from office under “duress”.

Concerns about the CNI’s conclusions were also raised last month by former Human Rights Minister Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed after she was dismissed by the present government back in November.

“Stolen democracy”

In his own New Year statement, former President Nasheed claimed that democracy had been “stolen” from the public by individuals looking to “further their narrow political ambitions”.

“We have seen a worrying return of police brutality and state-sanctioned violence and intimidation. With this we saw an increase in violent crimes including the tragic murder of Member of Parliament and Islamic scholar Dr Afrasheem Ali, fatal attacks on a journalist and members of public of whom some are children,” Nasheed alleged.

The former President claimed the country had been reported in the world’s newspapers for “all the wrong reasons” and that the Maldives is no longer the “successful Muslim democracy” it once was.

“Instead, the media has been full of stories about human rights abuses, coup d’etat and the government’s disastrous foreign policy decisions that forced out the largest foreign direct investor in the Maldives,” Nasheed added.

“I hope that this year, we will see a genuinely free and fair election, in which everyone is allowed to compete.”


President Waheed meets former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed

President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has met with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed during a private visit to the country.

According to the President’s Office, discussions on the close bilateral relations between the Maldives and Malaysia took place during the meeting.

The President is currently away on an ongoing private visit to Malaysia.

President Waheed invited Dr Mahathir to make a visit to the Maldives at a mutually convenient time, the President’s Office added.


Maldives to implement smoking ban from New Year’s Day

Individuals caught smoking in ‘tobacco-free zones’ such as cafes and public places risk a MVR 500 (US$32) fine under new regulations to be implemented from tomorrow (January 1, 2013).

The ‘Regulation of Determining Tobacco Free-Zones’ (Dhivehi) prohibits smoking inside cafes, tea shops, restaurants, public places where people usually gather in numbers, parks and all government buildings.

Public Health Programme Coordinator at the Centre for Community Health and Disease Control (CCHDC) Dr Fathmath Nazla Rafeeq told Minivan News today that notices were expected to be put up around Male’ to inform the public of tobacco-free zones in the city.

Dr Rafeeq added that designated “social areas” including the artificial beach area in Male’, are also set to become no-smoking areas.

“Male’ City Council (MCC) has made a list of these [public] areas where smoking is forbidden and we are expecting the council to announce these areas. It is expected that island councils are to do the same outside of Male’.  If a member of the public sees someone smoking in a tobacco-free zone, there will be a contact number on the no-smoking notices that they can notify the police with,” Rafeeq said.

The CCHDC estimates that roughly 44 percent of the total population of the Maldives uses tobacco – mainly through smoking.  Despite the high number of smokers in the country, Dr Rafeeq claimed that the majority of comments received by the CCHDC from the public were in favour of the regulation.

“We understand there will be people who do not like the new rules and there has been some concern raised over its implementation, but most of the people we have spoken to, which includes many cafe owners, have told us they are very positive about the regulation,” she added.  “Now might be a good time for people to make ‘quitting smoking’ a new year’s resolution.”

According to the 2009 Maldives Demography and Health Survey (MDHS), 42 percent of people in the between the ages of 20-24 are smokers in the country.  The same figures indicate that 20 percent of Maldivians aged 15-19 years also smoke.

In order to provide smokers with advice on how to quite smoking, Dr Rafeeq added that the CCHDC will be printing and distributing booklets on the subject in the new year.

“Smoking regulations have successfully been implemented in countries all over the world. If it can work in countries like India, where there is a large and diverse population, it can definitely work here,” she added.

Effect on business

Under the new regulation, cafes and restaurants will be able to provide designated smoking areas within their premises upon application of a licence from the Ministry of Health.

Businesses wishing to apply for the licence will have to pay MVR 1000 (US$64) for the privilege. The type of smoking area permitted will depend on the establishment, according to the CCHDC.

“The regulation states that establishments defined as an ‘open space’ can have have a designated open air area for smoking, whereas businesses defined as a ‘closed space’ will need to designate a separate smoking room,” Dr Rafeeq said.  “According to the regulation, a closed area is defined as a space connected by at least two walls and a roof. Unfortunately this might mean that some “closed space” businesses may require some modifications to their premises that they will have to pay for.”

The regulation further states that if the owner of a premises does not put up a sign board to inform customers that smoking is disallowed, the Ministry of Health has the authority to fine the venue MVR 500 for a first warning.  Additional fines of MVR 5000 (US$3200) would then be charged by the ministry in case of any subsequent failures to display the required signs.

Should the owner of an establishment allow smoking in such places without authority they can be fined MVR 1000 (US$64), according to the regulation.

When asked of the potential negative impact the new regulation could have on independent businesses, Dr Rafeeq said that research had suggested that cafes and restaurants could experience an “initial decline” in business following the implementation of the new rules.

“There has been some concern raised from local cafe and restaurant owners, but we have carried out thorough research on the matter by looking at how similar smoking restrictions have affected businesses in other countries,” she said.  “Our research shows that while businesses may suffer slightly to begin with, eventually businesses will see the benefits regulation brings.”

Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MNCCI) Vice President Ishmael Asif was not responding to calls from Minivan News at the time of press.

Public opinion

Ahead of the implementation of the new regulation, smokers and non-smokers interviewed by Minivan News expressed mixed views on the restrictions.

“Smoking is dangerous not just to yourself, but to everyone around you. I’m glad the government is finally taking the lead to make a place this small safer health-wise,” a non-smoking 31-year-old civil servant explained.

Meanwhile, a 19-year-old male living in Male’, who did not wish to be named, said it was his individual freedom to smoke wherever he liked and that the new regulation will “force” smokers to break the law.

“[The regulation] is a very bad thing. It’s our freedom to smoke anywhere we like, and it’s others freedom to stay away from the smoke if they are getting disturbed,” he added.

“Regulations could be made allowing people to smoke in the public and non-smokers can move away from the smoke.”

While not objecting to allowing smoking at specific premises, a 38 year-old female accountant from Male’ told how she believed larger public areas should become ‘tobacco-free zones’.

“To be honest, I don’t mind people smoking on streets or cafes, but it’s difficult when people smoke in crowds such as at gatherings or music shows of sports events,” she said.


Beckhams still in the Maldives: Haveeru

Football superstar David Beckham and his family are still in the Maldives, despite claims the family had cut short their holiday due to bad weather, local newspaper Haveeru has reported.

“The Beckhams have cut short their £250,000 Christmas break in paradise in the Maldives – because it would not stop raining,” UK-based newspaper, The Sun reported on Saturday (December 29).

According to Haveeru, an official source within Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) and an official from the company operating the Reethi Rah Resort confirmed to the newspaper that the Beckhams were still in the country.

“The reports that he [Beckham] had left is a blatant lie. He is still in the resort. The weather there is also quite good,” an anonymous official told Haveeru.

The Beckhams were reported to have booked the “priciest” suite available at the One and Only Reethi Rah resort, costing £8,600 (MVR 213,892) a night. The Sun newspaper also stated that the family had booked three more suites, each costing £3,7000 (MVR 92,015) a night.

Senior tourism figures have previously welcomed unconfirmed reports that Beckham was in the Maldives with his family, claiming such a high profile figure creates significant publicity for the destination following well publicised unrest earlier this year.


MVR 15.3 billion state budget might not last until end of next year: Finance Minister

Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad has claimed that the MVR 15.3 billion (US$992 million) state budget approved by parliament this week might not last until the end of 2013 – requiring supplementary finance for the state.

Parliament reduced Jihad’s proposed budget of MVR 16.9 billion (US$1 billion) by more than MVR 1 billion (US$64.8) before passing it on Thursday (December 27).

Jihad told local media today that a supplementary budget may have to be implemented at some point next year should the funds allocated by parliament not be enough to cover expenses.

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Dr Abdulla Mausoom today told Minivan News that concerns expressed by Jihad concerning the budget were “reasonable” given that the Finance Minister had originally requested a larger figure to see out state spending for the year.

“For the government to function properly I would not be surprised if they need the supplementary budget to be introduced. If it is, I should imagine it will be in the last quarter of 2013, after the election,” said Mausoom.

Earlier this month, Parliament’s Budget Review Committee had proposed MVR2.4billion (US$156 million) worth of cuts that some of its members claimed had been made had largely by reducing “unnecessary recurrent expenditures” within the budget.

However, the budget was eventually passed with MVR 1 billion (US$64.8) in cuts by 41 votes in favour, 28 against and no abstentions. The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs voted against the budget.

Jihad today told Sun Online that with services being provided by the government having doubled, it would become more difficult for the government to manage its budget.

“Because the budget is reduced, it will become difficult to manage expenses at a certain point. We think that a supplementary budget has to be introduced,” he was quoted as saying.

Due to the amendments in the budget made by the parliament, Jihad said the state had been forced to reduce spending. According to the Finance Minister, talks have already taken place with various offices to reduce their budgets.

“We don’t have any other choice. Due to the amendments brought into areas that were planned for further revenue generation, we have to reduce the expenses,” Jihad told Sun Online.

Jihad, State Finance Minister Abbas Adil Riza and Economic Development Minister Ahmed Mohamed were not responding to calls from Minivan News at time of press.

Budget amendments

The estimated MVR 15.3 million budget was passed by parliament with eight additional amendments at Thursday’s sitting.

Amendments voted through included the scrapping of plans to revise import duties on oil, fuel, diesel and staple foodstuffs, as well as any item with import duty presently at zero percent.

An amendment instructing the government to conduct performance audits of the Human Rights Commission and Police Integrity Commission and submit the findings to parliament was passed with 53 votes in favour, ten against and four abstentions.

Amendments proposed by MDP MP Ali Waheed to shift MVR 100 million (US$6.5 million) to be issued as fuel subsidies for fishermen and MVR 50 million (US$3.2 million) as agriculture subsidies from the Finance Ministry’s contingency budget was passed with 68 votes in favour.

A proposal by Dr Maussom to add MVR 10 million (US$648,508) to the budget to be provided as financial assistance to civil society organisations was passed with 57 votes in favour and three against.

Budget cuts

The Budget Review Committee approved cuts of MVR 1.6 billion (US$103.7 million) to Jihad’s proposed state budget of MVR 16.9 billion, however added MVR 389 million (US$25.2million) for infrastructure projects on islands.

On the measures proposed by the Finance Ministry to raise revenue, the committee approved revising import duties, raising the Tourism Goods and Service Tax (T-GST) from eight percent to 12 percent in July 2013, increasing airport service charge from US$18 to US$25, leasing 14 islands for resort development and imposing GST on telecom services.

The Finance Ministry had however proposed hiking T-GST from 8 to 15 percent in July 2013 and raising airport service charge or departure tax from US$18 to US$30.

Rightsizing the public sector to reduce deficit

Aidst proposals to balance state spending during 2013, recommendations to reduce the public sector wage were made by the Auditor General and submitted to parliament prior to the budget being passed.

Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim observed that of the estimated MVR 12 billion (US$778 million) of recurrent expenditure, MVR 7 billion (US$453.9 million) would be spent on employees, including MVR 743 million (US$48 million) as pension payments.

Consequently, 59 percent of recurrent expenditure and 42 percent of the total budget would be spent on state employees.

“We note that the yearly increase in employees hired for state posts and jobs has been at a worrying level and that sound measures are needed,” the report (Dhivehi) stated. “It is unlikely that the budget deficit issue could be resolved without making big changes to the number of state employees as well as salaries and allowances to control state expenditure.”

Following the report, the The Budget Review Committee made cuts to overtime pay (50 percent), travel expenses (50 percent), purchases for office use (30 percent), office expenditure (35 percent), purchases for service provision (30 percent), training costs (30 percent), construction, maintenance and repair work (50 percent) and purchase of assets (35 percent).

The committee estimated that the cuts to recurrent expenditure would amount to MVR 1 billion (US$64.8 million) in savings.


Parliament appointee to MBC board resigns from post

Parliament’s appointee to the Board of Directors of the Maldives Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) Nahula Ali has resigned from her position after deciding to contest as a council member for the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

Local media reported today that the parliament secretary general had confirmed that receipt of Nahlua’s letter of resignation.

Earlier this week, the Independent Institutions Committee said it was looking into whether Nahula could remain in her post after she decided to contest in the (PPM) council member election, according to media reports.

Member of Parliamentary Committee on Independent Institutions Rozaina Adam previously told Sun Online that Nahula’s interest in becoming a PPM council member raised questions over her impartiality in her role as board member for the MBC.

The MBC is an institution commissioned to ensure the media remains free of political, economic and financial influence. Both Television Maldives (TVM) and Dhivehi Rajjeyge Adu are run by the institution.

Following her resignation, Nahula has now decided to compete for PPM council membership next month, Sun Online has reported.


President praises Voice of Maldives as broadcaster turns 50

President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has praised state radio broadcaster Voice of Maldives (VOM) on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, expressing hope the station would work to promote “good social and Islamic values” among young people with its programmes.

Discussing the impact of fifty years of state radio, President Waheed praised the present and former staff of VOM for laying down what he called a “strong foundation” for broadcasting in the nation, according to the Presidents Office.


Department of Immigration and Emigration transferred to Defence Ministry

Responsibility for overseeing the Department of Immigration and Emigration has been switched to the Ministry of Defence and National Security.

According to the President’s Office, the decision to transfer the department to within the mandate of the Ministry of Defence was taken to make administration of the country’s immigration system more efficient.

The Immigration department had previously been operated under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Immigration Controller Dr Mohamed Ali was not responding to calls at the time of press.
