Police regulations need Majlis scrutiny – amendments to Police Act proposed

All police regulations would need Majlis approval in amendments to the Police Act proposed by MP for Fares-Mathoda, Ibrahim Muththalib.

Police can amend regulations at any time, and such unconditional powers are not necessary, says Muththalib.

According to the new proposals, police regulations on Using Weapons, Police Immunities and regulations concerning the Police Integrity Commission, would have to be sanctioned by the Majlis.


Five men arrested for assault on Hithadhu in Seenu Atoll

Five men have been arrested on Hithadhu in Seenu Atoll for attacking another group of men while they were watching world cup inside an abandoned house, reported SunFM.

SunFM reported that three men were injured during the incident.

One of the three men was seriously injured and was treated in the Intensive Care Unit of the local hospital.

Police are further investigating the case.


Four men stab 16 year-old boy on Ameenee Magu

A 16 year-old boy was stabbed by a group of four men last Thursday night.

The men came on motorbikes when the victim was near Fen building on Ameenee Magu, a person familiar with the victim told Minivan News.

”There were some friends of the boy nearby,” he said, ”but before they could help him, the attackers fled.”

He said the victim was stabbed once in the back and that he was not seriously injured.

”The attack on the boy was not because he was looking for a fight.  It was a random attack,” he said. ”When they see anyone of us alone, they will come and stab that person. It doesn’t matter even if he is a friend.”

He said that the gangs have been fighting with each other for a long time, and sometimes stop for a while, but the battle is never really over.

The victim was admitted to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for treatment.

One suspect has been arrested, says police sergeant Abdul Muhsin.

Another 19 year-old man was stabbed in Mahchangolhi during broad daylight last Wednesday.

The man was stabbed four times, said a person familiar with victim.

”He had a deep cut in the back and injured lungs. His left arm was cut very seriously when he tried to block an attack aimed at his head,” said a friend of the victim.

The victim stabbed on Wednesday night told Minivan News that he was attacked on his way home.

”I was near Petral teashop when I met an old friend and he called out to me,” said the victim. ”I stopped to have a chat with him.”

Suddenly a crowd circled around and stabbed him in the back three times, according to the victim.

”Then they all ran away,” he said. ”I was unconscious till I reached hospital.”

When they reached the hospital, he fainted and when he gained consciousness he could not breathe properly because he had been stabbed in the lungs.

He said that his attackers used a normal knife, ”but it had a very thick blade.”

”I do not know why they stabbed me,” he said.


Police arrest man abusing 10 year old girl

Police have arrested a man in the act of sexually abusing a 10 year-old girl in Hithadhoo, reports Haveeru.

Haveeru reported that police heard a girl crying while they were patrolling in the area. The man was arrested at the scene.

This was the sixth child abuse case to occur in Hithadhoo, Haveeru noted.


Crowd leaves man lying in street after gang stabbing, no arrests made

A group of more than 10 men beat and stabbed a 19 year old man in Male’ yesterday in front of many witnesses, as he was walking down a street in Mahchangolhi, Male’.

An eye witness told Minivan News the group of men “appeared and circled around him, then they started beating him and [eventually] stabbed him.”

The man claimed that many people gathered to watch the man being attacked, “but no one step forward to cared to lend a helping hand.”

After the attack the crowd dispersed, “leaving the victim on the street bleeding.”

The witness said when he tried to help the wounded man to hospital, “the taxi refused to take him because he might put blood on seat.”

The man was stabbed in four places, said a person familiar with victim.

”He had a deep cut in the back and injured his lungs. His left arm was injured very seriously when he tried to block an attack aimed at his head.”

The victim was eventually admitted in Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and in undergoing operations on his lungs and left hand, the source said.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said no one has yet been arrested in connection with the incident, and police were investigating.

Meanwhile, daily newspaper Haveeru reported that an 18 year-old boy was admitted to ADK Hospital with severe injuries after he was stabbed while watching the World Cup tournament.


Family of man who self-immolated in custody decide to bury body

The family of the man who died in police custody have decided to bury his body after keeping him for four days for investigation.

The man set himself ablaze after pouring petrol onto his body from a bottle stored in the police station, suffering severe burns. He was transferred to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) but died during treatment on Saturday. However, a member of his family claimed he was tortured in police custody.

Today a family member of the man told Minivan News that the body was buried today Asru prayers.

”We decided not to do the postmortem examination of the body, and besides it’s not very good to keep a dead body without burying,” she said. ”We have not received further information on the case.”

She said that the police were fully cooperating with the family to investigate the case and find out if there was any irresponsibility on behalf of the police.

”We will know further information after the police finish the investigation,” she added.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam confirmed that police were investigating the incident and would reveal details after the investigation.

”The police are ready to provide any assistance that the family requires from police,” Shiyam said. ”They requested police investigate.”

He said that if the family requested police would offer the family postmortem but they wanted to bury them today.

Shahindha Ismail from the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) said that a team from the commission had arrived at Gahdhu Police station [where the incident took place] to investigate the case.

Shahindha said that the details of the case would only be given after the conclusion of the investigation.

”After finishing the investigation we will issue a press statement to give details of the case,” she said.

She assured that action would be taken against police if they were found to have been negligent.


Family claims man who self-immolated in custody was tortured

The family of a man who doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire in Gahdhu Police station in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll has claimed he was tortured in police custody.

President Mohamed Nasheed has called on the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) to investigate the death, and determine if there was any criminal negligence of behalf of the police.

24 year-old Ibrahim Afsal of Fulooniyage was arrested by police on after he allegedly disturbed people during Friday prayers.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said the man set himself ablaze after pouring petrol onto his body from a bottle stored in the police station, suffering severe burns. He was transfered to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) but died during treatment on Saturday.

”His family did not complain about it before, but now they have said they want a further investigation of the body,” Shiyam said.

”His parents do not wish to bury him yet,” he told Minivan News, adding ”there were no injuries found on the outside of his body, as he was very badly burned.”

Shiyam said Afsal’s body was now stored in the mortuary, allowing his parents to conduct a further investigation of the body.

Afsal’s brother, Ahmed Tholal, told Minivan News that he did not believe what police had said, or the hospital report.

”We know he was tortured because there are injuries on the outside his body,” Tholal said. ”Half an hour before he set himself on fire, people near the area claimed they heard him shouting and screaming for help.”

Tholal said that injuries on Afsal’s hands showed it appeared he had been handcuffed.

”We suspect that he was handcuffed, and a handcuffed man could not have taken a bottle of petrol and poured it over himself,” Tholal said. ”We will not allow him to be buried before we finish investigating his body.”

He said his family was deciding whether to bring burn experts from overseas, or to take Afsal’s body abroad to conduct a postmortem examination.

”Several days before this incident occurred police arrested him on other charges, and when he was released he came home and showed us bruises on his neck, claiming police tortured him,” Tholal said. ”He also claimed police officers had sprayed a whole bottle of pepper spray into his face.”

He said that today Police Assistant Commissioner Ali Rasheed and a group of police officials had met his family “and admitted that police were irresponsible during the incident.”

”Now the government has said they will help our family with everything to do with the case, even help us to take our brother’s body abroad,” he said. ”They said they will keep his body stored until we finish investigating.”

Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair said that President had asked the PIC to investigate the case because of the accusations made by Afsal’s family members.

”I do not believe the torturing culture is there anymore in custody,” he said, ”there might be some people who have awful intentions,”

The PIC said it would not comment on the case as it was currently under investigation, while the Maldivian Detainee Network failed to comment at time of press.

Correction: An earlier version of this article said Afsal’s family met with Assistant Commissioner Ahmed Fayaz. This has been corrected to Assistant Commissioner Ali Rasheed.


Mystery around Somalian survivors deepens as health improves

A nurse attending to the Somalian man who was first believed to be dead, and was left inside the anchor locker of a small boat after he was found adrift with five other men, has said he is ”progressing” despite his “serious condition”.

The nurse, on condition of anonymity, told Minivan News that the man was brought to Kulhudhufushi Regional Hospital along with the five men yesterday.

”The man’s condition is very serious,” she said. ”He is admitted in the Intensive Care Unit.”

‘The man has injuries to his back bone and shoulder and is very weak, she said.

The other five men’s condition is now stable, she added.

One of the five Somalian man was due to be buried on the assumption he was dead, after rescuers observed he did not move his body or show any sign of being alive.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that the body was handled to police the next day morning, and claimed it was not the responsibility of the police to declare the death of the person.

Daily newspaper Haveeru reported that the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) confirmed the death of the man after he was checked by a doctor at  Haadhaalu Makunudhu Health Centre.

However, MNDF Major Abdul Raheem denied the claims in Haveeru, claiming they were “misleading”.

Abdul said that MNDF did not ask the doctor to check the body and did not declare the death of the body either.

”When Haveeru contacted us, we told that there was one dead body because when MNDF arrived to the island, the doctor at the health centre told us that five men were admitted to the hospital and one dead man was left in the boat in which they came,” said Abdul. ”We cannot ask the doctor, after he says a man is dead, how he knew that he was dead.”

Abdul said that later MNDF understood that the doctor also did not check the body.

Head of Makunudhu Health Centre Ibrahim Shareef confirmed the doctor did not check the body.

”Police and MNDF also did not,” said Shareef, ”and the doctor was busy attending the five admitted men,”

Shareef said the five men first treated at the health centre were now in a stable condition, leaving the only one man’s condition serious.

An official at Makunudhu said that “most” of the islanders believed the six men were pirates.

He said that there was one “very strong” man, who was really fit compared to other five men, ”and seems to be well trained for such incidents.”

”He was the only man that could stand up, while all others did not have any power,” he said. ”He seems to be the leader of them.”

He said that the alleged leader of the crowd answered even when other member of the crew were questioned.

”When we gave them food, he took it all and divided it among everyone, and he told everyone not to eat too much,” he said. ”Maybe because he understands that they have been starving for a long time and it is not good to eat too much.”

MNDF Major Abdul Raheem said that there was no sign that they were pirates.

”We checked their boat and the nearby uninhabited island also,” he said, ”they had nothing with them.”

He said that according to how the wind was blowing during this monsoon, anybody traveling from Somalia who lost control would potentially be carried towards Maldivian waters.

”But we cannot estimate how long it will take, because the wind blows at different speeds at different times,” he said.

”Somalians use those type of boats both for fishing and piracy,” he added.
