Attorney General Azima Shukoor has expressed doubt over the legality of the privatisation of state property that took place under the last government.
Talking last night on DhiTV, the Attorney General said that the correct legal processes had not been followed.
“We have noted that when the state properties had been transferred, no detailed list or opening balance sheet had been created. And these properties have been leased to other parties or councils in the absence of any legal guidelines,” Shukoor said.
“That’s why the Auditor General is involved in the process of transference of state property from one entity to another. But that role had been bypassed.”
The Attorney General informed DhiTV that her office, as well as the Anti-Corruption Commission would be investigating. Regarding the GMR airport deal, she said that a decision had not yet been made.

The previous government didn't do anything legally. They were a bunch of lunatics who never thought of following rules and laws in anything.