“The Maldives, once considered a liberal Islamic nation, has been increasingly adopting fundamentalist Muslim practices,” the Washington Times newspaper claimed yesterday.
The piece, which appeared in the paper’s diplomatic news column Embassy Row, noted that the Maldives has been “hosting Taliban terrorists from Afghanistan and breeding a youth attracted to Islamic jihad. Many analysts report that Maldivian young people have been recruited by Pakistani terrorists.”
“The US ambassador to the Maldives is discussing the possibility of transferring some terrorism suspects from the USmilitary prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the tropical island nation in the Indian Ocean, which some analysts say is a ‘paradise for Islamic radicalism’,” the newspaper claimed.

USA is increasingly becoming a gay and dictatorial and in-human country in the free world! This is perception of Majority of earth citizens!! USA cizitens wake up and change your system!
Washing Time is one of the many Illuminati mouth pieces for creating deceptive and false propaganda for mind control towards achieving Zionist Godless New World Order. What they call Liberal actually means Godlessness.
the American liberal Illuminati Elite are killing and enslaving innocent women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
erm.. besides the fact that USA is "gay(?!), dictatorial, inhuman, Illuminati mouthpieces, creator of false propaganda, Zionist, Godless, enslaver of innocent women and children" the fact still remains that Maldives IS becoming increasingly fundamentalist.
Fali on Thu, 27th May 2010 9:07 AM : HAHAHAH i really agree on you on that mate.! the tpoic is our land going under mullas. these pests are spreading like wildfire. Im sure our tourim wont be there to be enjoyed by our childrens , children, if things are going on this rate. They will become goat/date farmers.
egon and falhi, Its amusing to see that you want to spread the same disease of having sex with ur sisters and mom!
We are an Islamic nation hence we have to stick to fundamentals of Islam. Many Muslims around the world are turning back to and sticking to fundamentals of their faith. Islamic revival as well as targeting it with malicious propaganda is a fast growing worldwide phenomena. The West's labeling of "moderate" "liberal" and fundamentalist is their so-called right. let them do the branding.
just keep in mind that tolerance is fundamental to Islam!
Of course it is, what other country insults its guests by calling them swines and infidel. This goes on at a wedding, supposed to be a nice occasion.
The only time I see the Maldives in the news is when it is something to do with Islam and it is always negative.
People used to not even realise that the Maldives was Islamic, it was known for beautiful islands. Now sadly it is known for being another extremist Muslim country which will stop people visiting.