The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has announced the preliminary results of the party’s elections for its President and Vice President.
The results currently show that former Fisheries Minister Dr Ibrahim Didi has won the presidency of the party with 6909 votes, in close competition with the President’s Special Envoy Ibrahim Zak (6554 votes).
Meanwhile former Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party MP Alhan Fahmy has beaten Hussein Adam and Environment Minister Mohamed Aslam for the MDP Vice-Presidency with 7709 votes. Aslam received 5421 votes while Adam received 71 votes.
Fahmy changed sides to the ruling party in early 2010 after he was brought before the DRP’s disciplinary committee for voting against its party line on a motion to dismiss then-Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed for opening relations with Israel.
Housing Minister Aslam has congratulated Alhan for his victory, following the release of the preliminary results. 121 ballot boxes of 218 have been counted so far, with official results to be announced in three days.
Aslam has also congratulated MDP Chairperson Mariya Ahmed Didi on running a successful election.
Alhan did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.

It is a sad day for MDP as people wanted Alhan and not Aslam. Alhan came to MDP after supporting Gayyoom in presidential election and winning the parliamentary seat as DRP member.
This result can also be interpreted as a defeat for the government as both losers are high profile personalities in politics and holding top posts in the government and close friends of Anni and backed by him in the election.
Since the party is becoming so much Addu we should rename it as ADM.
MDP is a strong political party where members make informed choices. Congratulations to Aslam who ran a good campaign and showed his maturity in acknowledging defeat to Alhan. good on you Aslam.. I only hope didi has the patience to run a party like MDP.
The results reflect the possibility of a publicly unspoken divide between residents of Addu and Male'. This result might also lead to factionalism in MDP.
Didi & Alhan are my choices too. Zaki did an unsatisfactory job during the years as VP. The low turn over shows his failure. Undemocratic & selfish forces were behind Zaki & Aslam. Hope the new leaders have the guts to run the party.
Congratulations to Alhan and Didi, I believe MDP has shown maturity in their conduct as a political party. It is time now for President Nasheed to take stock of the changing dynamics of the party and re-evaluate his policies in gearing up for the 2013 elections.
Surely now, the ownership of the party has shifted from Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) to becoming a peoples party, and to this end Anni should be proud. That he has created and handed over the first ever-political party to the people of Maldives. He has done what he has set out to do. That is bringing about democracy to the Maldives.
It is also time for President Nasheed to reflect on his achievements and ask himself what more can he do,
Manik, Hussein-
This is no reflection between Addu, Male or any other place, it shows members of the party are more progressive than the Zaeem-Zealot factional DRP.
Anni wanted to bring democracy to Maldives ,pleeaaassse vakyrie stop kissin Annis behind in public, we have gone two steps back from democracy.
lastest update on MDP website
Alhan 10171
Aslam 5985
A difference of 4186 votes. Seriously! What did Aslam's campaign team do?
Alhan must have run a well organised campaign that MDP could use for 2013.
People of the party have spoken. The sooner you accept this the better it'll be for your ego and to the party.