Adhaalath and their NGO minions are asking all “those who love Islam” to wear white and meet up at the Artificial Beach today. By all means, go. Women and men, Maldivian citizens – go to this gathering, but do not wear white.
Do not support the degradation of our society, the proposed harm to our economy, and the manipulation of our religion for purely political purpose. Go to the rally, but do not wear white.
The Legislation Will Work
I have now met with over 100 current and recovering addicts in Maldives, and even over the course of this last year it was clear that the costs of alcohol was going through the roof as a result of effective police sweeps. This legislation gives the police the authority and means to ensure that resorts and hotel companies are held accountable for every single drop of alcohol that is brought into this country.
Daily logs, thorough accounting, security cameras and a whole host of other measures are made mandatory by this legislation. The Economic Development Ministry has found an ingenious compromise between progressive development – which will benefit our entire nation – and reinforcing stringent control over alcohol. The very notion that this legislation makes getting alcohol easier, just because it is now on the same island as many of us, is completely ludicrous and neglects every provision stipulated in the legislation.
Alcohol Based Economy
The Maldivian economy cannot be maintained without alcohol. This is the bottom line. Tourism is the largest sector of our economy, accounting for more than 28 per cent of our GDP. Without maintaining the strength of this industry, our nation will fail.
If we look into the industry itself, the three leading nationalities of tourists (Italians, Britons, and Germans) are all groups with traditionally high alcohol consumption rates. But if we go beyond that to look at marketing strategies, every single tour operator emphasizes the idyllic image of lying on a beach with a tropical alcoholic drink by one’s side. This is not unique to the Maldives, but inherent to every single tropical island paradise.
There is no difference between an island resort and a city hotel. The average resort will have around 150 staff members at any given time. 150 people are enough to call an island inhabited, and therefore if alcohol is banned because of Maldivians’ reside on the island, then they should be banned in resorts as well. But while we run around calling for bans on alcohol, we are simultaneously calling for more Maldivians to be employed by the tourism industry – instead of Bangladeshis, Indians, and Nepalis. We have soaring unemployment rates, and if we were to ban Maldivians from the largest economic provider in the country, how will we progress as a nation? How will we progress as a people, while destined to be eternally impoverished?
The answer to these problems is not greater exclusion, but rather inclusion of the Maldivian people in our largest and fastest growing industry. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is taking the first steps to ensure that all Maldivians can benefit from tourism. Imagine entire islands whose local economies are vibrant and sustained by a perpetual inflow of tourists. Imagine a nation where 40% poverty rates were a thing of the past and everyone has equal access to education and adequate healthcare. The answer is not more separatism, but rather integration.
Disunity in Government
The best way to develop is through promoting tourism and integrating it with our communities, and this piece of legislation is the first step. However, it has led to great disunity in the government. We have Adhaalath breaking away and GIP (Gaumee Itthihaad Party) being hung out to dry.
In the past few months, Mohamed Rasheed – Minister for Economic Development (and a GIP member) – has come under significant pressure to put forward this legislation. Unlike myself, the GIP general membership’s will is firmly against legalizing these restricted alcohol sales in inhabited islands. However, because GIP has an active policy of supporting the government and being a “good coalition member,” Rasheed was determined on working within the current development framework for the overall betterment of this nation.
If the President’s Office decides to do a turn around, and hang him out to dry – the Government’s most steadfast coalition supporter will be slighted. Though the party has only 4,000 people in its membership – GIP has remained unwavering in its support of the government, even while its center left policy was neglected and its Island and Atoll councilors were sacked for supporting two GIP candidates during the Majlis election. At every step GIP has defended government policy and will continue to do so till the 2013 election.
Adhaalath, on the other hand, is already maneuvering for the Presidential election in 2013. That is what this demonstration is about. It is not about religion, it is not about alcohol. It is only about political gain. While State Minister of Islamic Affairs – Shaheem has said he will not call for anyone’s resignation, Adhaalath has said explicitly that any government that allows for economic growth through alcohol on inhabited islands needs to be removed. As State Minister, Shaheem is actively organizing dissent and a fully fledged demonstration against the government he is supposed to represent.
In spite of the government reaching out to Adhaalath, giving them autonomy, allowing them to lead in all Islamic affairs, and placating conservative trends, Adhaalath is not satisfied. They are not willing to meet the government half way, and are now actively working to destabilize it and flex their political power. This gathering is about both flexing that power and measuring it. It is a traitorous action, and against the developmental framework of this government.
New Islamic Leadership
They have drawn the battle lines, taken action against their coalition partner, and now Adhaalath needs to be expelled from this government. We need new Islamic leadership in the country. One that is moderate, willing to promote dialogue and not repress anyone (yes, even the conservatives). We need to promote balanced view points.
All of our new media regulations require fair and balanced coverage. This principle needs to extend to religion as well so that it is not only the radical conservatives who gain the airwaves.
What do I mean by moderate? Well, someone like President Gayoom. Now, I believe Gayoom’s administration to be responsible for the arrest and torture of eight of my thirteen uncles (as well as countless others), but there is no denying that his version of Islam is far more moderate than the conservatives we have running around.
It is time we stop skirting around the issue of religion. Stop living in fear of speaking our minds. We need to revolutionize the Ministry for Islamic Affairs with moderate sheikhs who will promote greater religious understanding, instead of only Salafi based conservative dogmatism.
As the result of a policy of appeasement during the First and Second World Wars, action came too late for many and millions died. For us, it’s not too late. We need to protect the security and economic prosperity of our nation. We need to save its soul from losing that which makes us inherently Maldivian.
Defiance of Tyranny
It is time to expel them from this government as one would poison from fatal wound. They have shown themselves to be uncompromising, unyielding, and unwilling to work with this government. Adhaalath is using these events and Islamic preaching to try and gain momentum that will bring them a 2013 Presidential victory, or at the very least, a Parliamentary one.
As they strut today, to and fro, albino peacocks on the stage of public Islamic opinion, remember their political motive. Go witness the spectacle, and do not wear white. If you must have white in your clothing, wear another color as well. Wear blue or turquoise. Pink or magenta. Wear green for Islam (though green and white is GIP’s colors). Wear yellow for our government. Black for the death of freedom and justice. Just do not wear white alone.
All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to [email protected]

salim waheed u go to hell
"All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to [email protected]"
thats what u say, but u have never published anything sent by us! u only gives opportunity to people like jeffery waheed, who are hell bent on destroying islam
Minivan News encourages the submission of comment pieces from all members of the community, and we are actively seeking comment pieces regarding the alcohol licensing issue. The coalition of NGOs has expressed interest but have yet to respond with an article. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to [email protected].
The ideal length for a comment piece is between 600-1200 words, and must adhere to our Commenting Guidelines.
Woah, Salim. you have said far more here. I am not too sure how to react. But, its an interesting article and you being one of the insiders (I assume, given your fathers position in the Government), I don't know how appropriate it is to publicly say the GIP and MDP relationship...or rather the drama that goes on. I sincerely hope this Government succeeds. Be it GIP or MDP or together. This can be a lot easier. The purpose should be to ensure the democracy experiment does not fail.
Hear hear, Salim i hope someday this goverment has the guts to throw out Adhaalath, and replace them with someone who is more moderate.
Islam is not solely salaf ideology.
Adhaalath is a total hypocrite, staying in the goverment and calling for its overthrow, basically trying to head a revolution against it.
This is not just about alcohol they are scared of loosing their hold over the people all this so called Sheikhs, if hotels open up in inhabited islands and do well, the whole country will benefit, islanders will have more things to do than listen to all this ban this ban that talk.
Salim has his analysis spot on as usual. lets get rid of this pestilence at the heart of government
Its not only adaalath that's getting ready for 2013 is it? Do we have another packing your bags and leaving on a jet plane situation at hand? The reality is that Anni gave you a hand when you didn't have enough members to completely register your party at that meeting only 20 or so of your extended family members were present. You can hide behind the 20% MDP won in the first round.Reality is the second round was won by the greater coalition. For all the work MDP did for 4 years they managed 20% Ithihaadh contribution will be about 1%. The education ministries policy of forcing people to sign in to the GIP is also something DRP did when they were in power. At the moment only ONE inhabited island has permits issued the majority of supply that comes to male' is from RESORTS. You just cant get that quantity from individual permits. EACH person gets only 2 liters and a case of beer under the permits. 240 bottles is 240 peoples permits for a month.
1. By Al-'Asr (the time).2. Verily! Man is in loss,3. Except
those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds,
and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to
perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Mu...nkar)which
Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the
sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's
Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.).
Good article. Shaheem has major plans to run for the presidency and he is using religion as a guise to gain support.
The sooner Anni realises this and kick them out the better.
Your statement that Adhaalat is getting ready for 2013 is a big joke. You are accusing them to discredit them. You are very unhappy because AP is trying to remove all the un-Islamic things in our country. They are educating the masses on the true teachings of Islam. However, its not the type of Islam you want to practice. You want to be an atheist but for some political aspirations or your father, Fili Waheed, being VP you cannot come out of the shell fully.
We do not want an Islam that you guys like. An Islam that allows to get drunk, sex of all forms -heterosexual,homosexual, incet, orgies, bestiality- & leaving the Salah (prayers) and Siyaam (Fasting).
AP is doing the right thing with other NGOs. It is purely religious. Not at all political.
The only impression I got from your long article is that of a drowning man clutching to a straw.
Thanks for enlightening us on the internal rifts created between the parties who are supposed to be working together. If this is the real situation of our government, I guess many members of DRP and PA will go smiling after they read this article.
What you have written under ‘Legislation will work’ seems to me such a fantasy that dreaming of it will also be difficult for most Maldivians let alone enforcing it in reality.
The idea that our economy cannot thrive without serving alcohol in inhabited islands is just utterly ridiculous. Tourists including Italians, Britons and Germans can have as much alcohol as they want in their resorts. They can have their alcohol on the beach or even in the spa. But why do we need them to have alcohol when they visit our inhabited islands?
You agree that we have soaring unemployment rates. But why do you think we are asking to ban Maldivians from the tourism industry? Not employing them in the bars does not mean they should be banned from employment in resorts. Why don’t we get rid of the Bangladeshis, Indians, Sri Lankans and Nepalis and employ our own people?
If Adhaalath is making an impression, that is because the government is paving way for them to make an impression. Why does the government go ahead with something like issuing a permit to sell alcohol when most Maldivians are against it? The Economics Ministry, in my mind, should have known better. It looks to me that the government is just digging its own grave. They have not leant from what happened to Dr Shaheed’s no confidence vote.
And before you call on to expel anyone from the government, think about it. From what I have learnt from this issue, the bigger problem lies not with them, but with the government who is giving them the opportunity. Why wouldn’t Adhaalath or any other party make use of such an opportunity? Such moves hurt many Maldivians and not just the supporters of Adhaalath. I am pretty sure there will be MDP supporters and GIP supporters who would be dead against this alcohol permit. It would be worthwhile to have a look around starting from your own party.
And by the way, if someone wears a white t-shirt and a coloured trouser, I would not think he or she must have listened to your call.
Here I am waiting for the MDP to kick Adhaalath party out of the coalition and NOT replace them with anyone.
We do not NEED this Ministry. It's a waste of money, and a huge obstacle to all our progress.
And seriously, who ever elected the Adhaalath in the first place? No one.
Salim i dont understand y u r always being one sided? i think there is a problem with what u have studied or the place where u were brought up...u talked about "Adhaalath, on the other hand, is already maneuvering for the Presidential election in 2013" Dont u think this alcoholism game is an polical agenda of MDP?
and you spoke off "There is no difference between an island resort and a city hotel. The average resort will have around 150 staff members at any given time. 150 people are enough to call an island inhabited, and therefore if alcohol is banned because of Maldivians’ reside on the island, then they should be banned in resorts as well"........what a silly arguement? Do u think still maldivians are watching "nanaahuvafen"? salim u dont have any ability of reasoning and u r just writing what ever comes to ur mind. Tell me, suposse a local shop is opened right in front of ur home and there is another local shop which is opened in far away place then from which shop u r likely to be affected more? use ur logic?.....there is no big deal here. about alcoholism everything is so obvious.....u dont hav to teach a lesson to maldivians thinking u kws better. salim better be practical than believing abstract thoughts....
Dear Salim Waheed,
I fully support your article. We need to get rid of "Adalath party" and any other group that even utter "Allah Akbar" or anything related to Islam or any faith which is free of "Athesists". We need to create bars and nighclubs all around the country, specially in Male'! We need a place where we can have a beer like in States as you commonly do every evening now. We need to have semi or fully nude beaches in Male' and atolls so that we can feast our hungry eyes and enjoy! ..who do these Salafies think they are? They want our lovely sexy ladies and "legal" aged (18 and above) to cover their bodies from us? huh? What the **** do they think? Why is so called Sheik Ilyas talk about Havean..when we know for sure we can live and merry along in life with beer and girls? boy, please stand up for next council election or MP..and send all these Salafies to Afganistan! You, Anni and your father can do it! And when the last person leaves we will have beer in the president office..cheers! Convert all mosques to musiums! Come on boy! And dear please come to Male' and speak the way you speak now in MDP or GIP rallies and see the differenc!
Dear Salim Waheed,
I think Maumoon Abdul Gayoom did the right thing forcing your family to be expelled from the Maldives.Cowards like you hide behind your dads bodyguards and use your propaganda behind a website who claimed to be the first to stand for Independence.But instead i see the website sailing towards destroying what this country stood for.
We are an Islamic nation we love our religion.The protest this evening had been the biggest/nonviolent protest held in the Maldivian history.ONCE AGAIN ISLAM HAD SHOWN THE HYPOCRITES LIKE YOU HOW BLESSED IS OUR BELOVED RELIGION.
great article....
also i agree with yaamyn above...we do not need to replace them with anyone....this is absurd..these barbarians believe they are the ultimate authority...and the sharia is above our constitution,...the question is what are the so called democrats going to do???? give in???
I agree with ALI, in my opinion Governments decision to permit alcohol to inhabited islands is not such a bad idea after all, im an optimist and as i see this would really boost Tourism and bring in more investors. I believe this is one of the strategies of the government to attract more investors in to the country. Well look at the bright side, Government has revealed that it is going to give land from inhabited islands for those interested investors to build city hotels given that they contribute to the development of the atolls by providing amenities like safe drinking water, sewage system and many more. Promising investors wont invest in Maldives if they cant cover the cost as it involves billions of dollars.
Tourists wont just come for the sake of enjoying the white beaches. Other than that we have nothing to historical sites, no mountains to hitch hike in which case guests would get bored just sitting inside a room. So atleast a glass of wine would give them a kind of solace.
If we standby our faith there is no need for alcohol. Why are Maldivians making such a big fuss over this issue?? People, we got to open our eyes, permitting alcohol to foreigners is no excuse for us to stray away from tenance of islam.
Now as it is the diplomats are allowed to have 2 liters, but by using their clout they get more than 2 liters and sell the rest in black market. Thus, availing the alcohol to locals that too in high prices. All this will vanish when the current regulation come in to force and the license of diplomats to posses alcohol is suspended and are given the opportunity to have alcohol in city hotels instead. So in short, this permission would decrease the misuse of alcohol by the local and even foreign diplomats would be forced to minimize the consumption of alcohol as they have to visit the city hotels which would obviously be costly.
In spite of the government reaching out to Adhaalath, giving them AUTONOMY..."
The Islamic ministry is supposed to be autonomous according to Anni's promise. They can stand up against the government unlike GIP if they feel this alcohol issue is a threat to Islam in Maldives.
You and me, we don't like extremism and it cant work for our country. But who gave the power and autonomy to Adhaalath? Who is to blame now?
If you look at the issue of the liquor permits from a social viewpoint, this regulation would certainly make the availability of permits more scarce, and transparent. Any leakage into the community would be easier to source if only hotels, resorts and diplomats have permits, and therefore the situation would become more manageable for the authorities. If there are reports of any Maldivian being served at a hotel, it would be easy to hold the hotel accountable too. Assuming of course that enforcement authorities do their job.
From an economic viewpoint, as Adil Saleem had said in his interview to Minivan News a few days back, if Maldivians believe that liquor should not be permitted in resorts and hotels, then Maldives needs to find another economic industry. What I find interesting is that it was not really even this government who initiated the city hotel concept. It was the previous government - I wonder how they would have developed the tourism sector in the atolls, bringing in brand names without providing liquor permits. In my view, Adhaalath and religious NGOs have fallen very neatly into a trap laid by opposition politicians to disrupt the economic development agenda of the current government. This is probably a point we would have got to in any case, because any government would have had to make this decision if tourism was to be developed in the atolls, and any opposition would probably have played the same cards. And who but religious entities could most easily be used as the flag bearers?
@fracture whats religious about being against permitting foreigners to drink in our country under a regulation? btw in Ottoman times in the court of great caliphs wine was served to westerners..hospitality is a part of religion yesterday today and tommorow..intolerence has to go..
Salim. I totally agree with the Disunity in Government bit. I was shocked this afternoon from what I saw in VTV. This party called Gaumee Ithihaad had a press release condemning the regulation, and how the 'government' went about it. Disunity is very evident here especially when the Economic Development Minister belongs to this Ithihaad party!
Come on guys,say and do what you want within the law.This is one of the most precious gift this government fought for and finally delivered.Good to see you guys enjoying that.Anni is never gonna send you to grave for your expressions nor your family.Keep enjoying 🙂
This is all dirty politics. Anni wanted this but now he is making the economic minister the culprit. No one is with the minister. He did what he has to do. what the government wanted.
Salim find dont u jus F*** off...we dont nyd u thr...we dont nud help of cowards....thr were lots of ppl.....
Lets kick waheed from government and its no suprise you dont have to wear white...i dont know if you are a muslim or not...grew up with atheist i believe...n we love adhaalath n many maldivians swing to the side taken by adhaalath.
but dont worry..u can continue drinkin ban'guraa....
You said:
"Daily logs, thorough accounting, security cameras and a whole host of other measures are made mandatory by this legislation. The Economic Development Ministry has found an ingenious compromise between progressive development – which will benefit our entire nation – and reinforcing stringent control over alcohol. The very notion that this legislation makes getting alcohol easier, just because it is now on the same island as many of us, is completely ludicrous and neglects every provision stipulated in the legislation."
Yeah, this is the world's least corrupt most accountable country. Dude, you know that we can't even keep O/L papers safe even when it is guarded by MNDF.
Politics the ugly game of power that the mighty play to hold their domination over the weak. in my opinion permission to sell alcohol is another trick of misleading, there are many facts, 1. Recall recent developments, e.g pay cuts of civil servants, and i found it difficult to count the number of shipments that has been seized during the last one year, if any one gives a thought "how and where does all this stuff come from? Police never released any information on these seizes, but why??? There will be a port of origin, because it just didn't appear out of no where, for me it seems very efficiently organized, game of mass misleading.
back to the issue of legalizing alcohol sale in the inhabitant islands, 1. prices are sky rocketing, 2. Wages are reduced and 3. Opening more doors rather than closing, I happen to witness 360 turn in fulling the pledges. Guess I am in a held up in a fools paradise!!
so this the consequence of trying to establish democracy...we get something worse than what we had...really raises the question...was Anni genuine bout establishing democracy or all that was just about having revenge on golhaa and nothing matters anymore???? I still hope not....but now the future is not looking very bright....
"This party called Gaumee Ithihaad had a press release condemning the regulation, and how the ‘government’ went about it."
Salim-- miah dhivehi bahun kiyanee ....f**kah fai erun"
minivan idiots......................
Robin on Fri, 26th Feb 2010 2:39 PM
The only impression I got from your long article is that of a drowning man clutching to a straw.
Thanks for enlightening us on the internal rifts created between the parties who are supposed to be working together. If this is the real situation of our government, I guess many members of DRP and PA will go smiling after they read this article.
What you have written under ‘Legislation will work’ seems to me such a fantasy that dreaming of it will also be difficult for most Maldivians let alone enforcing it in reality.
The idea that our economy cannot thrive without serving alcohol in inhabited islands is just utterly ridiculous. Tourists including Italians, Britons and Germans can have as much alcohol as they want in their resorts. They can have their alcohol on the beach or even in the spa. But why do we need them to have alcohol when they visit our inhabited islands?
You agree that we have soaring unemployment rates. But why do you think we are asking to ban Maldivians from the tourism industry? Not employing them in the bars does not mean they should be banned from employment in resorts. Why don’t we get rid of the Bangladeshis, Indians, Sri Lankans and Nepalis and employ our own people?
If Adhaalath is making an impression, that is because the government is paving way for them to make an impression. Why does the government go ahead with something like issuing a permit to sell alcohol when most Maldivians are against it? The Economics Ministry, in my mind, should have known better. It looks to me that the government is just digging its own grave. They have not leant from what happened to Dr Shaheed’s no confidence vote.
And before you call on to expel anyone from the government, think about it. From what I have learnt from this issue, the bigger problem lies not with them, but with the government who is giving them the opportunity. Why wouldn’t Adhaalath or any other party make use of such an opportunity? Such moves hurt many Maldivians and not just the supporters of Adhaalath. I am pretty sure there will be MDP supporters and GIP supporters who would be dead against this alcohol permit. It would be worthwhile to have a look around starting from your own party.
And by the way, if someone wears a white t-shirt and a coloured trouser, I would not think he or she must have listened to your call.
Jeffrey: Before penetrating into Maldives you better do an PEST analysis.
Salim states that "the Maldivian economy cannot be maintained without alcohol". I beg to differ.
Your assertion is valid only if our economy is going to depend on tourism even in the future. In contrast, if another industry could replace tourism as the engine of our economy then your argument does not hold. So is there such an industry?
Some of the world's busiest shipping routes run through Maldivian waters and the channel between Maldives and India. The government has already announced plans to build a transhipment port. This is a project that has the potential to make Maldives the next Singapore. The direct and indirect revenue flows from such a port would dwarf the revenues from tourism in the long-term.
Therefore it is possible to have a strong Maldivian economy free from alcohol in the long run.
We have a choice. We could use excuses to justify the sale of alcohol. Or we could choose to adhere to the tenets of Islam. It is clear from the following hadhith that selling alcohol is a major sin in Islam.
"Allah's Messenger cursed ten people in connection with wine: the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought." Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
Let us try to make our economy completely free from alcohol in the long-term. It will take time to reach this goal. But we need to start taking steps now. Opposing the regulation in question is an important step that we need to take.
Who is Salim? from which date Jeff has started using Mr. Salim? To get a Maldivian Passport? Mr. Jeff never though Islam by his father nor his mother. They were so busy with seving the UN and to get their life on. In fact Mr. Jeff never beleive in Islam. Just get a suitable Arabic name is not becoming an Islam or a Muslim. The stuff Mr. Jeffry is making will not help his father Dr. Waheed who wants to run for presidency in 2013. People want to forget about the Fili Waheed but If this declared cristian boy Mr. Jeffry keep writing all his anti thoughts against Islam, Dr. Waheed will be on the spot light. I dont blam Dr. Waheed or Madam Ilham for their poor knowledge of Islam but should stop Mr. Jeffrey to comment on Islam a subject he has never studied nor wanted to know till today. Can Amir Khan comment on Islam? because he has a Muslim name? Is it Adalath or GI leaders wanted to contest in 2013 election? Mrl Jeffry should ask the normal man on the street so he will get the reply. Again, MDP is not that popular in Maldives now. If today MDP go for election I bet, MDP will not get ever 20% they got in first round because Anni is keeping more corrupt debdt driven people as his advisor and close networking team. Anni has failed the insperations of his supporter. He has forgotten that people supported to over throw a dictator and a torturer Maumoon Abdul Qayyoom. That is done and it not the Anni any more. MDP has no leadership now. we all know MDP religous council is never been used after Anni came to power and nor the Qawmee Majilis is use to get advice on major things. It is Maria, Ibrhim Hussain Zaki and few who advice Anni. Som it is good now if MDP and GI stop giving lecture on Islam, or listen advice of BA Naseem and Dr. Majeed on religious subject. The will not be like Mohamed Rasheed Ibrahim to give Fathwa the way the Leaders wanted. If MDP doesnt choose a right leader the sooner, they going to loss very soon. Nothing learnt from the parliamentary election. If MDP adopt arogant style, which is presently practice surely MDP will loss.
It will be better for a person who does not know the subject, seek advice from a person who know the subject. May Mr. Jeffry have a chance to come to Islam and be Salim Waheed.
point to ponder
lets say u go on a trip to a country, 1st ur Koran gets confiscated.. of course u dont want to turn back then, u kindly accept. Few days later u meet a few muslims and u decide to make a jamaath and pray to God. then cops come and deport you.
We talk about freedom of rights, and yet no one reminds us about the lump of crow shit thats on our back.
"Hurt no one, so that no one may hurt you", Prophet Mohammad (PHUH) c.630.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) c. 630
A little American history on Alcohol:
In regards to divisions in the government. We all know that the only reason a coalition took place was to oust the previous president. So ofcourse it will not be as smooth as we all might want it to be. To try and connect this to a political agenda is just propaganda in my opinion.
Dear Everyone,
Thank you for your comments. The following are just a few clarifications.
Firstly, of course there will be slight divisions in a coalition government. There will be disagreements and varying points of view. But we follow the will and the leadership of the President. That does not mean that we will not have opposing views, but we will continue to do what is necessary to help our people develop. To ensure basic needs are met while adhering to the highest standards of conduct. To a word, we have principles!
For the record, GIP was registered within two months of Dr. Waheed returning to the Maldives, with all 3,000 people. We were approached by (then) New Maldives, Jumhoori Party, and MDP to become a coalition party for the first election.We chose MDP because they were the group who most closely espoused our values. The Education Ministry does not force anyone to sign for GIP. In fact, we don't even encourage those to sigh who do not believe in a center left philosophy. (e.g. focus on women, children, jobs, welfare) Today the party is still at only 4,000 members. If we had putting the force of our ministries and the government into getting members, the number would be higher.
As far as Islam goes, I believe in the tenants of Islam with all my heart. I believe our religion is beautiful offering compassion and love to those around you. I believe that in Maldives, Islam has been traditionally liberal and that Salafi based ideology goes against everything we stand for. I believe in tolerance, and therefore I am okay with the fact that Adhaalath believes what it does. But I am not okay with them repressing or oppressing any other human beings. I do not believe in underage marriage, and think that it is tantamount to statutory rape and child abuse. Adhaalath's agenda is 100% political. Otherwise they would go after the Resorts for selling alcohol as well.
As for the alcohol being available. I think the Maldivian Police Service has been doing a far better job under our government in curbing alcohol sales. And with an entire department devoted to monitoring the alcohol trade, yes I do think they can ensure that no alcohol leaves a hotel. What is more is that the hotel has huge incentive now to make sure none of their stock goes missing. That is something we've never really had before. If Adhaalath had their way, the situation would worsen - and they can continue to say that all the world's ills is because people are not conservative enough. If we were developed, without poverty - then they would not have any following. This is the truth of the matter.
Finally, I am not hiding. I have no bodyguards, nor do I need any. I'm speaking under my own name because no Maldivian should be afraid of speaking their mind and adhering to the will of their heart. And before my time is up, I will see a day in our country when we are free from the shackles of oppression and the clutches of constant fear. This is no way for a man to live. And this is no way for a nation to progress.
Adhaalath's days are numbered, as the nation develops and people demand the rights the deserve; as the tide of conservatism is swept from our shores, their party will dwindle to insignificance. That day will come.
No need of an Islamic Ministry. Abolish the silly place NOW.
By the way forgot to mention that Anni is a brilliant leader. Hats off to ya my leader.
If Shaheem really thinks this government wants to allow alcohol for locals and build temples then why has he not resigned? Why is he still there?
Also interesting to note is that Maldivian public/politicians never got worked up like this about the rampant pedophilia. Isn't that very telling?
It's at times like this that I miss Gayoom. If he was in power, the legislation would have been in effect ages ago. By the way, why hasn't anybody asked his opinion on this?
The days of the like you are numbered. Not Adhaalath Party. We can see from the yesterdays gathering how much the Maldivians want to espouse the Islam. People support Adhaalath bcoz they are only people who care about Islam & Nation. The people like you want only power. In fact, you guys dont even believe in Islam. You are just saying that bcoz you have political aspirations. If Maldives were a Christian Nation, then you would be saying entirely another thing. You will be God-fearing Christians.
Minivan News:
Why there was a black out regarding yesterday's demonstration? Is it bcoz the gathering was too huge? I bet you guys would have reported has there been few people. You bloody hypocrites!!
Haha, Dear Assad,
I'm very proud of both Jeffrey and Salim. Here is the reason for why i was named both Jeffrey and Salim. The reason why I sign my name as Salim Waheed only is also explained here.
I am a proud and true Muslim. Even if my name was only Jeff, i would still be a proud Muslim. Anyone who wants to call me Jeff is welcome to, the same way anyone who wants to call me Salim is welcome to. I embrace all cultures, religions, and peoples. Because I give love to my brothers and sisters around me. Not hate.
you say america is the only super power now, but what power do they have, can they stop a tsunami, can they stop an earth quacke, can they stop a tornedo, can they make the sun rise from the west, no they cant - only Allah can do these things. So dont think that if you stop alcoh tourism wont be there and if tourism is not there then all maldivaians will die of hunger - no it wont happen - allah is capable of anything and everything - if we fully obey allah he will give us sustenance in unimaginable ways
Economic minister wants a bar in his Hotel.....but very sad,,,, like before he can drink with girls.
Finally, Salim Waheed, is playing politics to get publicity from Maldivians. Dr. Waheed's party has no popularity in the public but for being a hard core opposition of Maumoon, MDP gave him the post of Vice president.
The fact is that Majority of Maldivians are against the permission of Alcohol in the inhabited islands and this need to be accept by the minority and that is Democracy. Also, Maldivians did not obstruct Alcohol to serve in resorts and Maldivians are one of the few people who offers a warm and natural welcome and hospitality to tourists.
It is utterly ridiculous, Saleem Waheed does not know to differentiate a resort and a city hotel and could not understand the paradigm of these two models. Some people, like Salim Waheed, is distorting the fact, oblivious of their ignorance and misconceiving the public and this is the reason why I cant fully agree with Freedom of Expression, as preaching of insidious ideology cannot be tolerated.
Some interesting things to be kept in mind:
- How and when did the name Gaumee Iththihaad Party come into existence? The opposition coalition at that time were working on creating a joint force under a single candidate. They were working under the name "Gaumee Iththihaadhu". Meanwhile, Dr.Waheed and the little gang of phd holders returned to Maldives and said they were goin to form a party and that they were going to call it "Gaumee Iththihaadhu Party". While one can argue that there is technically and legally nothing wrong with with this it is such a cheap act to deceive the public.
- What contribution did GIP make in bringing the change? Apart from the fact that Dr. Waheed was Anni's running mate, no solid contributions to my knowledge. And the party's vice chairman Luthufee is as we all know no good in forming a correct & meaningful sentence in his speeches let alone convincing people something.
-The 'Mullahs', as you call them, like Ilyas, Shaheem and Majeed played a significant role in turning the people's minds. This government does not belong to MDP. They were at the frontline of the campaign. The people voted for the iththihaadh. So basically they simply can't throw Adhaalath out. The leaders of Adaalat should have a bigger say in the decisions of the government than GIP.
- Parties like GIP and Maldivian National Congress survive in the shadow of MDP. I do not think the resignation of Dr.Waheed would make any difference in the support to the government - but if the minister or state minister of Islamic Affairs resigns it would be a blow to the government.
(to be continued. I am too sleepy. Goodnight fellas!)
salim jeffery, do you know that most of the people who are with kanfathu mudhi even in Europe use to be gay people, if you want to a political person you should first of all show some decency, in do they the US have any senator or a congressman with kanfathu mudhi ? even your appearance shows what you really are looks more like a pin-head from a junkyard .. thank you, and in maldives people doesn't really excepts those behaviors fine example is presidents executive secretary ziyatte with tail, this guy doesn't realizes how many votes president is loosing because of his appearance, he looks more like alcapon's drug runner in THE untouchables ...
Somebody pinch me! Is it really 2010? or are we still a few hundred years away?
Islam is 900 years old in this country. During these centuries we had not needed an Islamic Ministry to sustain and keep the flock from wavering. And we do not need it now. It makes a mockery of our servitude to God when Majeed and Shaheem has to tell us how to bat our eyelids, how to lay our heads on the pillow at night, and how to cough the Islamic way in the privacy of our own homes. Shaheem makes me feel that my devotion to God, and His prophet, would be somehow futile and rendered utterly worthless if I do not violently protest against the sale of alcohol to non-Muslim on the same soil that I live. That is idiotic, preposterous and totally senseless.
Salim, your article is spot on. I share your view, but could never have put it so clearly or with such ease. Congrats.
Salim Waheed,
It was Adhaalath who organized the protest but it was true Muslims who made it work.Allah(SWA)had promised us that if we strive for the right purpose, for the right reason ,for the only divine religion (ISLAM) with steadfastness that we WILL be victorious.We had proven this on Friday.No matter what barrier we had to cross we will not stop until the sale of alcohol is banned (INSHAALLAH).
Jeffrey you and your family is a bunch of sissies who never were here to defend Maldivian people,religion,culture or heritage.You guys spend your entire like scared not even knowing your true self.You guys came back when all the citizens had set everything needed for a revolution.It is was then you dared to show your cowardice face.SO NOW WHEN YOUR FAMILY GOT A FOOTHOLD AND GOT SOME SECURITY YOU ROSE AGAINST THE MUSLIMS IN THE COMMUNITY.YOUR FIRST COWARDICE MOVEMENT WAS TO BRING SALIH YUCEL AND PREACH THAT WE SHOULD BUILD A CHURCH IN THIS BELOVED LAND OF US.WHAT KIND OF MALDIVIAN ARE YOU?YOU CLAIM THAT YOU HAVE ISLAM IN YOUR BLOOD.BUT THE FIRST THING YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE IN SOLID GROUND WAS TO SELL THE RELIGION WE STOOD.WE WILL NOT LET YOU,YOUR FAMILY OR GOVERNMENT ESTABLISH ANYTHING AGAINST ISLAM.