The Adhaalath Party and religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf have said they will not support the study of comparative religion in the Maldives until understanding of the basic principles are strengthened.
The introduction of the subject at a tertiary level was proposed last week by State Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, who said it was taught in many Islamic universities across the world and would help Maldivians “learn how to deal with other philosophies, learn about what others believe, the differences between us and them, and what is the right side.”
“It is my belief that by the end of people should know that Islam is the truth,” he said.
In the lead up to the launch of the course, the Islamic Ministry is preparing to legalise the possession of books concerning other religions, such as the bible, “for educational and research purposes”, Shaheem told Minivan News on Thursday.
However President of the Adhaalath Party Sheikh Hussein Rasheed said today that the government should not introduce comparative religion to the country “before the people understand the basic principles of Islam.”
Sheikh Hussein said that before introducing comparative religion the government should teach Islam in more advanced manner.
”People today do not know the basic principles of Islam,” Sheikh Hussein said. ”It is not good to introduce comparative religion before people know all the basic principles of Islam.”
He claimed that Maldivians had moved away from religion over the past thirty years.
“As a result, today there is nobody to respect religion, teachers and leaders,” he said.
He said there were many people who doubted some religious matters, and the study of comparative religion would only increase those doubts.
Sheikh Hussein added that it was good to teach comparative religion at a university level, “but only after making the teaching of Islam more advanced.”
He also noted that there were no qualified teachers to teach comparative religion in the country.
”There might be a scholar who has studied it as a subject, but it does not mean he is qualified to teach it,” Sheikh Hussein said. ”I also studied psychology when I studied, but does not mean I am a psychologist.”
He said that in general principle the study of comparative religion at a university level was a good idea.
However he added that he had information that the government was trying to introduce comparative religion at a secondary level, which ”the Adhaalath Party will try to stop from happening by any means necessary.”
Shaheem emphasised on Thursday that the subject should not be taught at a secondary level “because [students’] minds are not [yet] prepared to deal with these philosophies.”
President of Jamiyyathul Salaf Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim today agreed with Sheikh Hussein that people should understand Islam comprehensively before comparative religion was introduced.
Sheikh Abdulla said there were some necessary subjects of Islam many people in the Maldives did not yet understand or were not being taught.
”Only a few people understand the ‘Tafsir’ [exegesis] of Quran,” he said, adding that ”knowledge of other religions is already taught in verses of Quran and Hadith.”
He emphasised that people should be taught more about Islamic theology before it was compared with other religions.
Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair said the government would introduce the study of comparative religion “in anyway the Islamic Ministry prefers”, and noted the decision over whether to introduce comparative religion at a secondary or university level was yet to be decided.
”There are no disadvantages to teaching comparative religion in the Maldives,” Zuhair said. ”We will discuss everything [in cabinet] and we are looking forward to introducing the subject for next year.”
President of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM), Ahmed Saleem, said he thought that introducing the subject of comparative religion was “a good idea.”
“I welcome it. I think it’s a good opportunity for people to really understand Islam,” he said.
“I don’t think anybody else has talked about it [before it was raised by Shaheem]. You have a right to know – these books were all sent by God – even those about Christianity and Judaism.”
Saleem noted that it was technically legal for a Maldivian man to marry a Jewish or a Christian woman, as “they are all people of the book.”
However it was illegal for a Maldivian woman to marry a Christian or a Jewish man, he said.

Before this A. party was saying how strong Islam has become in Maldives, now the tune has changed. Anyway why are they, A. party and Salaf so afraid and concerned that people get to read contemplate scripture of other religions. Today everything is available online Maldivians do read it, i myself find the early Vedic texts fascinating, but i am not a Hindu or vedantist.
After reading the headline of this article... i'm confused about Adaalath Party and Salaf are bunch of idiots, They have no idea what they are talking about...They have to stop talking about Islam,.. The best suggestion from me is to send all Adaalath Party to this "Jihad" thing, and Send Salaf members to fight with them, so that they can fight about religion and get killed each other.
Correction!!! "After reading the headline of this article… i’m confused about Adaalath Party and Salaf are bunch of idiots, " Th correct way is:- After reading the headline of this article, i'm confused about Adaalath Party and Salaf. I think they are bunch of idiots...
"Saleem noted that it was technically legal for a Maldivian man to marry a Jewish or a Christian woman, as “they are all people of the book.” "
Even Christian or Jewish women are forced to convert if they desire to marry a Maldivian man.
This is how Islam in the Maldives is "spreading". I have experienced it myself.
MNJ - It's not like you think.
The Christian evangelists have notorious sponsors with helloova lot of money and those with little knowledge of Islam could be easy prey for them.
Even Judaism could be a risk but they are not interested in spreading their faith! The risk is not the faiths itself but that their leaders are mighty prophets of Islam, belief in whom is an article of faith in Islam.
Adhalath & Salaf speaks of intolerance, by making it sound like that understanding the religions of the world is in some way connected to a person's aqeada weakening. Knowing and understanding where different people are coming from is the only way to achieve just, peaceful solutions...and to co exist in the world that remains pretty tied together. Furthermore, TOLERANCE is all over is knowledge...
Do they really think they can sto the knowledge anyhow...are they going to call to ban the internet...or spy on people...
This back stepping my the Adhaalath party and organizations like Jamiyathul Salaf is indicative of their views on what kind of Islam can be allowed in Maldives. To them there is only thier way for Islam to exist in Maldives - and they want to implement a Salafi based ideology in our country. They are so heavily influenced by Saudi based ideologies, that our heritage and culture is continually being eroded, and our nation is in danger of loosing its identity.
Sheikh Hussain Rasheed said Maldives has become more irreligious. Of course this nation has become more irreligious.
THE REASON for this is because these radically conservative ideologies is taking sway in the Maldives. Radical conservative ideologies are not the solution irreligiosity, but the cause of it!
People no longer have an Islam which they identify with. Instead you have women wearing nigabs, men with long beards and capri pants - and an alien form of Islam which alienates the majority of the Youth Population.
And NOW, the only way for any of us to be at all religious, is to follow THIER way. To follow Saudi and Salafi principles. They ignore that 90% of Muslims in the world do not follow this. They ignore that 90% of Muslims in the world are not radically conservative and have not adopted Salafi ideology. And out of a BILLION Muslims, they are a minority.
But not in Maldives. In our nation, they hold sway. They dominate the conversation, intimate preachers who would disagree, and make one political threat after another.
They go to youth leaders, threaten them with hell, brainwash them into subservience to their views, and parade them around as victories for Islam. When in fact, these are only victories for their cause.
At least Shaheem has acknowledged that Islam is strong enough to stand on its own right, and that comparative politics is not a danger for our country. That independent thought and rational reasoning is not a danger to true Islam.
I will not endorse Salafism just because Adhaalath can make political threats. I will not endorse Saudi ideologies just because Jamiyaathul Salaf can make political threats.
I commend Shaheem for branching out - though I question how independent his solutions can be when even the most basic moderate recommendations like this are being met with swift rebuke. Comparative religion classes are not a big deal at all - it is not something dangerous - but conservative elements would rather continue Maldivian people's ignorance under the guise of "strengthening Islam" when all they want to do is strengthen their hold over Maldivians.
Should we just bow down to these people? Just surrender?
I do believe fundamentals of Islam had been neglected by our old leaders and that is why we are so polarised religiously today. But I don't think comparative religion is a big danger to Islam whether introduced now or later.
I cannot help but question what Shaheem has in his mind for our future. Why has Shaheem suddenly started to sound so much like an MDP member?
"In the lead up to the launch of the course, the Islamic Ministry is preparing to legalise the possession of books concerning other religions, such as the bible, “for educational and research purposes”, Shaheem told Minivan News on Thursday."
Legalising possession of books of other religions will have wider ramifications than most people will think.
Even though we Maldivians are 100 percent Muslims, most of us have little knowledge of our religion. And introducing the books of other religions will confuse us more and drive some of us further away from Islam.
I know we are talking about introducing comparative religion at probably university level. But, this would mean the books of other religions will not be available just for the university students who are enrolled to study comparative religion, but also for anyone else who may be interested.
Not that reading and learning about other religions is unacceptable, but that introducing other religions to those people who do not have sound knowledge of Islam will cause more harm than good.
In my mind, it would not be hard for educated people who want to be believers to compare other religions and find Islam the true religion. But, the trick lies in introducing other religions to the less educated people.
We cannot build churches and temples because our constitution does not allow building them on our soil. No Maldivian can convert to any other religion because it is not allowed in our constitution. But introducing comparative religion will be a start to make Maldives a secular country.
Is this what we want?
"Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair said the government would introduce the study of comparative religion “in anyway the Islamic Ministry prefers.”"
In that case I would like to request the Islamic Ministry to OPPOSE to this.
This act to me is pretty similar to giving a permit to sell alcohol in our islands.
What will happen in the end would be, the country will be showered with Bibles and stuff. You can find several copies of them in all libraries. And everyone will have free access to these texts. Nothing wrong with that? Probably. But the less educated and the gullible can be easily misled by these texts.
Our education system has done fine all these years even without the subject of comparative religion. Why do we need Bibles and Vedas in our libraries now?
These texts are available online. If anyone is interested they can read them. But the online texts will have little chance of reaching the less educated people of our community.
Why do i have a feeling that Islam in Maldives is threatened frequently now a days? If it is not one thing, it will be another. Is it because of international pressure? Why should we bend so much to international pressure? I am not saying that we should be like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or even Pakistan. Why can't we be the moderate Muslim nation we are?
We wanted change and voted to bring the change. But, does change mean turning everything upside down?
I never comment on matters concerning religion. Mine has got to do with the issue of the illegality of a Maldivian woman marrying a foreigner. At the end of the day, marriage involves two partners and regardless of how hard anyone tries to stop any marriage, two people in love will get their way. For those who did literature, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ exposes the folly of trying to restrict who loves who. I am happily married to a beautiful Maldivian woman and her family back in Kulhudhuffushi considers me part of family. Anyway, my point is that no barrier will stop anyone from marrying whoever they want.
For the other matter that I never comment on, it seems like some people have not realized the potential and impact of new technology. With the advent of the Internet and all that, information flow cannot be stopped. So it doesn’t really matter if you stop the ‘unwanted’ books physically; they will find their way digitally. Also, unfortunately Maldives doesn’t have the financial muscle to implement a strict censoring regime like that of China, North Korea or Myanmar. What makes it worse is that all Maldivians who want to pursue university education have to go abroad for that, where they are exposed to all the stuff that is restricted in their own country.
I cannot help but question what Shaheem has in his mind for our future. Why has Shaheem suddenly started to sound so much like an MDP member?
“In the lead up to the launch of the course, the Islamic Ministry is preparing to legalise the possession of books concerning other religions, such as the bible, “for educational and research purposes”, Shaheem told Minivan News on Thursday.”
Legalising possession of books of other religions will have wider ramifications than most people will think.
Even though we Maldivians are 100 percent Muslims, most of us have little knowledge of our religion. And introducing the books of other religions will confuse us more and drive some of us further away from Islam.
I know we are talking about introducing comparative religion at probably university level. But, this would mean the books of other religions will not be available just for the university students who are enrolled to study comparative religion, but also for anyone else who may be interested.
Not that reading and learning about other religions is unacceptable, but that introducing other religions to those people who do not have sound knowledge of Islam will cause more harm than good.
In my mind, it would not be hard for educated people who want to be believers to compare other religions and find Islam the true religion. But, the trick lies in introducing other religions to the less educated people.
We cannot build churches and temples because our constitution does not allow building them on our soil. No Maldivian can convert to any other religion because it is not allowed in our constitution. But introducing comparative religion will be a start to make Maldives a secular country.
Is this what we want?
I can't understand why everyone is so scared of Bibles? I mean, hey, it's just another book that contains verses descriptive on advocating suicide, incest, bestiality, sadomasochism, sexual activity in a violent way, murder, morbid violence, use of drugs & alcohol, homosexuality, voyeurism, revenge, murdering of authority figures, lawlessness and human rights violations & atrocities. All Abrahamic religions ("people of the book") follow this or similar versions of this piece of literature.
Fine for the President of the HRCM to say; “I don’t think anybody else has talked about it [before it was raised by Shaheem]. You have a right to know – these books were all sent by God – even those about Christianity and Judaism.”
But the issue here is Mr. Saleem has not gone to the extent of completing the whole fact about the revelation of the Holy Qur'an. Was all the other revelations after the Holy Qur'an nullified or not. Has not religion been "perfected to mankind" with the revelation of the Holy Qur'an. So what is all this about "comparitive study". Is it to study from "obsolete" scriptures or is to ......... God knows what. But this is a serious issue which should be given due thought.
Teaching of comparative religion is not a bad thing on the face of it.But the fact is most of us are only aware of a very few basic principles of Islam.What we know the rituals of Islam,bare minimum about Thauheed or Oneness of God and also a little bit about the Sharia and the history of Islam. Therefore before we introduce the study of other religions we will haved to be well grounded in the the Philosophy of Isalm,Islamic Theology or I'lm-al-Kalaam,Study of Ligic or Mantaq in Islam and a host of other subjects.Unless one is atleast has some basic knowledge of these subjects studying comparative religion will make a person confused and lost.
"”knowledge of other religions is already taught in verses of Quran and Hadith.”"
That was rich!
Trust a religion-employing politician like the Salaf's Abdullah to try and stop the very idea of enlightenment that would take away their power base - a paranoid, ignorant people fearful of other religions and sinister missionaries trying to steal their faith.
Good politics.
My humble opinion:
The real aim of all this is to introduce Christianity to Maldives.
So in one way or the other, steps will be taken until it is done.
Having said that, I cannot understand why Shaheem is supporting this?
Salim, I will probably agree with most of what you said if we are talking of sending Maldivians on scholarship to other countries to study comparative religion.
But bringing comparative religion to our soil has wider ramifications.
We, as a populace, are not simply EDUCATED enough to accommodate such views. And I would not think I am being "radically conservative" here.
Ok, so how does one strengthen Islam in Maldives?
I was actually surprised Adhaalath is welcoming. Then I realized this will be a good opportunity for them to bash other religions/cultures openly.
What is with Adhaalath and their threats? Now they are saying they will try and stop this with any means necessary? does it include bloodshed?
And Adhaalath and Salaf should know long before they were born or their party and NGO existed maldivians were practising Islam. And they are not the custodians of our religion. Its not yesterday Maldivians converted to Islam, so we don't need this yesterday born guys to teach us religion.
I am starting to think its their faith that is so weak that they get paranoid about any other religions name even being mentioned or has it to do with fear of loosing power? Kudos to Shaheem for once for suggesting it
In my lifetime i would say that the main reason people are becoming irreligious is because of Salaf and Adhaalath,they are alienating the youth and making them believe face coverings and capri pants and unkept beards are all what this great religion has to offer.
They are doing a better job then christian missionaries in driving people away from Islam.
God help us all, and i wish these guys would grow a brain and stop ruining our religion.
Aqeedha only gets strong when people come to know about the truth. the truth of other people believes. thats how greatest speakers and callers for islam are born. they do researches on other religions and see the link between those religion and other religion. people will only come to what is Devine when they know what is made by people. it is called knowlegde. not changing the faiths.
Yeah secondery level is a bit concern. but researches and book has to be written in for me university level is best. because comparision can only lead to the truth.
@ Italian who once lived in Maldives
... that's exactly the point - nothing can keep two people from marrying each other if they really want to.
But: I guess you didn't have another chance too than convert when you wanted to register your marriage in Maldives. Me, as a woman, had to do the same too, even though it says that "people of the book" do not have to (if female foreigners).
That made me convert for the sake of getting married and nothing else. That made me criticizing the system. That made me feel really alien in this society, when my fundamental human rights are ignored. And: it made me feel that Islam is really not strengthened in this country if it is so afraid of people of other religions (I wasn’t even very religious, I would have never had interest in influencing any Maldivian!).
If we had a secular state, weddings would be a court-only matter, and all this hatred and criticizing wouldn't have come up. If the registrar in the Maldives would have never influenced my private life and would have at least shaken my hand, I would not have had to criticize anything, but acknowledge that Islam is part of people’s life, but doesn’t influence other people’s life.
Live and let live – this principle is far from true here!
Salaf with their Taliban Political Agenda needs to be brought under control... Why are they afraid of people learning other religions.. Because people might start to make sense?... I think Salaf if afraid of Logic... Simple as that..
The grass is always greener on the other side. Imagine, if we were all Christian today in the Maldives and our constitution forbade us converting to other religions.
The situation will be much the same; people wanting to convert to other religions, trying to taste what the other has to offer. This cannot be stopped. Humans are like that.
Fundamentally, ALL religions are BAD for us! Its best to stay away from them or combine all the good aspects of their combined teaching and live one's life according to that.
what ever happened to Salaf & Adhaalath's anti pork and alcohol campaign , gone with the wind? did the parliament illegalise it? My advice to salaf and adhaalath : please dont lead people into darkness with false beliefs, which is just waste of time in this world and the world to come.
Comparative religion is a positive move. But i would have to agree with Sheikh Hussain as to who would teach it in the Maldives. I think it would be risky to leave it up to Shaheem and his people after all he has already indicated that by the end of the course one would know that 'islam is the truth' - I fear that they will use this course as a tool to attack/mock other religions and justify fundamentalism...Shaheem could not be trusted... i strongly think that he has other motives while he makes these moves which appear to be moderate and anti-extremist.....
again, HRCM cant give religious verdicts.
hmmm.. seems a bit fishy that some usual anti-islam commentators are promoting the idea of legalizing other religious scriptures to be read by Maldivians. I am not sure, but maybe they are thinking that this is their chance to allow freedom of religion in the country.
Since the law would be created up by the Government and voted by MPs which most of them are not religious characters themselves. It could really open a loop hole for pro-western supporters to use as an opportunity to introduce Christianity or other religions to local Maldivians. It might make it hard to arrest those that preaches in Maldives. They could easily claim it was for educational purposes or they could easily just join the course themselves as a cover. Many ways could be exploited from what I am seeing after thinking through it properly.
I pray Shaheem would backtrack any support for it too as the chances of others misusing it is pretty high. Once laws are made, it is not easy to get rid of it as we all understand from politics. Even our Parliament is not mature enough to the standard of transparency which normal people expect of it. Politicians vote on party lines more then their moral values to the people. Some are corrupt and few are pure greedy for power.
Only in Islam can we find justice and Allah (swt) is the All-Knowing of our intentions. Maybe the intention to have the comparative religion course was good to educate Muslim students to debate and preach well in society, but when we see the chances of it being misused, then it shows that this should be postponed until there is a government which is Islamic and a Parliament with MPs who fears the punishment of their Creator more then the amount of money or power they have.
Al- Baqara(120): "And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidence, that is the (true) guidence. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper."
Al-Baqara(136): Say: We belive in Allah and (in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) hat which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismil and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes,and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do no make any dosction between them, and to Him we submit."
Aal'e'Imran(3): "He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it. and He revealed the Tavrat and the Injeel aforetime, a guidence for the people, and he send the Fruqan."
Aal'e'Imran (4): "Surely they who disbelive in the communications of Allah they shall have a severe chastisement; and Allah is Mighty, the Lord of retribution."