President Mohamed Waheed has condemned the overthrow of Egyptian leader Mohamed Morsi by the military, but emphasised that the event that brought him to power in February 2012 was “different”.
Morsi, President Waheed informed local newspaper Haveeru, was “a little stubborn” in his oppression of opposition views and had “failed to allow space for others”.
“There are similarities in what happened in Egypt and Maldives. The difference is that the military didn’t bring the change in Maldives. The change was brought because he [Nasheed] resigned on his own,” Waheed declared.
Former President Nasheed resigned on public television on February 7, 2012, amid a mutiny by elements of the police and military, following the storming of the state broadcaster.
Demonstrators who took to the streets the following day were met with a brutal police crackdown filmed by international media, and condemned by international groups such as Amnesty.
President Waheed’s new ‘unity government’ meanwhile replaced the entirety of Nasheed’s cabinet with key figures in the former 30 year dictatorship of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, ousted in 2008.
“There is a huge difference in Egypt because the military took over before the president resigned. According to our constitution, when the president resigns the vice president has to be sworn in. That was what happened in the Maldives,” Waheed emphasised.
“In the Maldives, the leader resigned because things became unbearable. In Egypt, the military took over because things became unbearable. It’s a totally different scenario,” he added.
“We’re seeing a very clear military coup in Egypt. In order to shield the truth, unrest was incited here [Maldives] under the false pretext of a military coup. That has been proven now,” he said.
Former Maldives’ President Mohamed Nasheed likewise condemned the ousting of Egypt’s first democratically-elected president by the military, and called on the international community not to give the new regime legitimacy.
“The world should not kid itself into believing that this coup hasn’t derailed Egypt’s fledgling democracy,” Nasheed said.
“Having experienced a coup myself, I understand how important it is for fresh presidential elections to be held quickly and for democracy to be restored. There is only one legitimate way to remove a democratically-elected leader and that is through the ballot box, not through the mob or the military,” Nasheed said.
“If leaders are unpopular, the people have an opportunity to remove them peacefully through elections.
Morsi was deposed yesterday at the conclusion of a 48 hour ultimatium issued by the Egyptian military.
The military entered the country’s fractious political fray after millions of Egyptians took to the streets to protest against Morsi and his Islamist party, the Muslim Brotherhood.
The military has taken Morsi into custody and issued arrest warrants for 300 members of his party, as well as closing down its television stations and other support bases.
The head of the Supreme Court, Adli Mansour, was sworn in as interim head of state.
The US, which contributes significantly to the Egyptian military, has expressed “deep concern” about Morsi’s ouster, and called for review of its aid to the country.
“We are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian Armed Forces to remove [President Morsi] and suspend the Egyptian constitution. I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government,” said US President Barack Obama in a statement.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague meanwhile said “political realities” required the UK to recognise the new Egyptian adminstration, claiming that the country “recognises states not governments”.
“It’s a popular intervention, there’s no doubt about that. We have to recognise the enormous dissatisfaction in Egypt with what the president had done and the conduct of the government over past year,” Hague said.
At the same time, “We don’t support military intervention as a way to resolve disputes in a democratic system. If one president can be deposed by the military then of course another one can be in the future. That’s a dangerous thing,” he added.
Massive protests in Egypt triggered military ultimatium

Ofcourse it is different. They are fighting for something better.
Remind me, what was the reason that we ousted Nasheed?
1) Having a 6 inch statue, which tempts all intelligent, educated men of Maldives to start bowing and cause us to forget the purest of all religions. But no one minds the fact that more than half the population never prays a single time, a day.
2) Having started communicating with Telaviv for possible El-al flights to come to Maldives. But, nobody minds using the communications infrastructure of Maldives,purchased from Israeli vendors.
Of course Egypt coup is different. They are knowledgeable. They are exposed to the world. They know what the politicians MUST do to serve the public. But do WE?
Of course it is different Mr. President, ours was a unique coup!
Let's see the similarities:
(1) Law and order broke down in the Maldives. President Nasheed was given an ultimatum by the military to resign. President Nasheed resigned.
(2) Law and order at near collapse in Egypt. President Morsi was given an ultimatum by the military. Morsi refused and was deposed.
So, what's the difference? Apart from a "technicality", the two situations are almost identical. It's quite clear, had Nasheed not resigned, the military would have deposed him.
If you are an engineer or an applied mathematician, you will accept that (1) and (2) are no different in their structure. If you are a pure mathematician, then (1) != (2). As for the rest of the population, it depends on which side of the political fence one sits in.
This two incidence is very different ?
1. Where is ousted President in Egypt ? He is being arrested and is Jain now ? This is basic rule of coup.
2.Ousted President of Maldives is actively campaigning freely in the country and this proves that Nasheed was not brought down by a coup and he resigned himself knowing that he had no idea of running and managing the country due to blunders that he had made.
For the record there was no coup in Maldives. President Nasheed resigned and only 48 hours later realized it was a coup. What kind of a coup is that? And when a coup happens for real, the coup leaders do not let the vanquished roam free. See, they arrested Muslim Brotherhood key persons closed down MB media and took Mursi to detention just ONE hour after the coup. That's how coup works. Here we have a supposedly coup deposed president campaigning hard in the islands and evading summons to court sometimes by hijacking embassies, sometimes going to umrah at Makkah and lives more freely as a bird!
What kind of coup is this ppl.
Lessons from Egypt coup.
1. Not every coup is bad.
2. Best way to politically smash any Islamists Party (like Adaalath) is let them rule and prove their incompetence in governance.
Egypt is proof that there is no model yet for Islamist rule.
The new Egypt leader is right to say that 'people worship God, not Government'
Nasheed was ousted because he ordered to remove security from a potentially violent situation in Artificial Beach on 6th Feb night. He ordered to removed police and military out of that area and as it was repeatedly warned by his military advisers the situation escalated and clashes occurred. Military should have given an ultimatum that night to Nasheed to solve the problem. Instead the situation escalated in his hands when his supporters entered republic square ON HIS ORDERS. By then not only him but the military has lost control of the capital. He resigned.
UN, EU, India, USA, Commonwealth and the rest of the International Community + Government of Maldives says there was no coup..
MDP says coup coup baa baa baa
The head of the army was not a civilian at the time the army took control for one. The army always was in power all they did was let Morsi have a crack at it and he failed. Egypt compared to the Maldives is an extremely advanced society even as messed up as it is. Historic proof that these islamist leaders should be left to preaching religion and not politics !
Whether it is was coup or not, what happened was good because it was a failure for Islamists in Egypt. One thing is certain that in 21st century you can’t rule with an ideology that promotes violence, terrorism, and violates human rights.
Both incidents in Egypt and Maldives are same, in Maldives the military and police supported mullarsim to oust civilian government who were seen as anti Islamic and in Egypt , the military sided with secularist to oust an Islamic extremist government. But the driving force for both incidents are the same, the so called divine law and supremacist Islamic ideology was the reasons to fall both Egypt and Maldivian civilian governments
Both these are coups. There is no doubt it.
But the matter of believing will always differ, depending on how one looks at it!
In Maldives, there was personal interests to be secured. Especially the Judiciary and a handful of private businesses!
Ex-Servicemen were at the scene and were negotiating with the Military and the President giving him the famous "Non Negotiable" ultimatum to resign!
In Maldives, the Military and Police, lost their integrity all for the sake of some personal benefit for themselves! They had no feeling towards the people who fed them! And the politicians who participated in the event made a better meal meal out of it and are still doing so!
Whereas in Egypt, the Military had given ultimatum to the President to hear the demand of the people who are out on the streets to demanding his resignation because the economy of the nation was on the path to ruins and because they did not believe the President was serving the nation. Instead he was pampering those who brought him to power!
The Military so far seems to have done it for the benefit of the many who are in distress, and for the security of the nation!
And they do not seem to be doing or having done anything to the effect it was done in the Maldives. Especially to those who opposed the coup! However the reality is yet to bee seen in Egypt!
Yes! The President who resigned under duress in the Maldives, had a vision. To bring back justice, to his nation he had sacrificed much!
And that is what he apparently is doing!
Whereas the President who was greedy and did not take a step back, is deposed and under arrest! The outcome is yet to be seen! He could be released if not too thick headed! Perhaps!
Ann: Today NO country says that it was not a coup. They were fooled by the fake smile of the fake Dr.who usurped the chair and said , " Do I look like a Coup leader ?" Even Selvam and the Dr. knows how CONI was manipulated.
1) An ex army officer, a civilian at the time, went uninvited into the barracks to "help" quell the situation, came out and announced to mutinying police that the President had been informed to resign without pre conditions.
2) The President after "agreeing" to resign, can be heard speaking to rank and file soldiers, requesting that security be provided for his daughters and wife.
3) The govt owned TV station was raided by mutinying soldiers and they were led by a civilian, the then Vice Presidents brother. This happened before the President resigned on live TV.
Of course it wasn't a coup
Simply not true - M
In February of 2012 President Nasheed planned to crush the continuing nightly demonstrations organized by the opposition to protest the arrest of Judge Abdulla Mohamed Gazee. Nasheed was aware or at least made aware that the Police forces were stretched and were already expressing concern on having to follow illegal orders from their superiors to break the demonstrations with tear gas and stun guns every night.
The plan blew in his own hands when the mob that Maria and Reeko Moosa sent to pellet and fight the demonstrations were captured by police who had defied orders to return to barracks leaving the demonstrators and MDP sponsored mob to fight it out to kill each other.
It further worsened when the police batch that disobeyed the orders refused to surrender to the chief of Police Mr. Fazeeh who was a stooge of Mohamed Nasheed.
Nasheed walked from his palace to the site where demonstrators, police who had disobeyed orders were engaged in a stand off. He broke ranks and chain of command of the Military and pushed his way like a madman (which I don't doubt) and ordered the involvement of the military in this stand off.
Military did fire rubber bullets on the order of Mr. Nasheed and his defense Minister who by the way has agreed to this in court, at the defiant police stand off and the thousands of civilians that had gathered to witness the event.
When rubber bullets and tear gas did not do the job, Mr. Nasheed realizing all options were exhausted and that even the military was reluctant to go for a full scale offensive against the police battalion armed in riot gear, actually suggested he would resign if given a safe passage to his office and protection for his family.
This is evident in video's and audio clips recorded by various armed force people during conversations. Neither the Military nor the Police forced Mr. Nasheed to resign. Mr. Nasheed having run out of options to manage a situation he created hoping to put an end to the nightly demonstrations that went into almost a month. Offered his own resignation as a get away stunt.
Mohamed Morsi DID NOT resign in front of the media in a live telecast news conference. Mohamed Nasheed DID on 7th Feb!
Why cant the lunatics commenting here see this difference?
In Egypt, it was a justified coup simply because the Egyptian people did not want sharia law and extremist muslim brothers to turn the country into another Pakistan. Not to forget, 59 million civilians signed to remove Morsi from power of which the military had no option but do it. People people, its the 21st century and no one wants to go back to the era of 2000 years ago where women were slaves, no democracy and life was ruled by what the the religious scholars felt was right.
In Maldives it was unjustified coup organized by a few military, police political and businessmen, and not the public. Nasheed put in jail a few criminals (gayooms followers) for the sake of the country and gave freedom to liberalism which the extremist adaalath couldnt swallow. Not more than 2000 people went on rampage on the day he was forced to resign.
I bet Maldives will be another Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Syria, Mali just after Nasheed takes reign after the elections.
Dooms day is around the corner...the business folks already secured their wealth by moving their dollars to off shore accounts. I will not be surprised Maldives will follow Mali by having UN troops, rationed food, empty resorts and people killing each other in the name of Stupidity and Idiotic thinking.
India wont offer help, the Chinese Waheed banked hopes wont bother, Americans/Europeans will have a blind eye, the Arab countries will laugh as the poor islanders become poor, poorer than Somalia and Ethopian two decades ago.
In under developed countries that grew threw dictatorship, it is always better to have a dictator who has no connection with religion. Thats how Gayoom succeeded..and thats what Nasheed should start thinking off. Being nice wont help!!
Nasheed resigned and he resigned since his popularity was going doing.
nasheed resigned he knew that there is no chance for him to win any election in this country.
Nasheed resigned under the influence of alcohol '
Nasheed resigned because he had no clue of managing the net month patrol to the civil servants and there was no other assets that he can sell easily to get more money.
Nasheed resigned because Indian government got sick of this idiot paying loans .
Nasheed resigned because he knew that his illegal orders will be not followed by Maldivians.
Nasheed resigned because majority of people do not want him to be the president of the country due to his arrogance and corruption.
under the influence of alcohol is very very plausible. Don't know about the rest.
At times you present yourself as an idiot, other times you come across as
someone who has done some serious study at university, possibly even at Ph.D level.
You write with knowledge that the person on the street could not possibly have, which implies that you are possibly someone who is very close to a Presidential candidate has a lot to lose if President Nasheed wins.
Your personal attacks on President appear to me bordering on pathological hatred, which is always a worry because it is precisely this sort of manic obsession that leads to violence.
Only some one with a lot to lose can be this hysterical. Only someone with a lot of fear can be this obsessed.
So what is really going on here, Kuribee? What are you frightened of? And what is it that you want so much?
There is one big difference between the coups in Egypt and Maldives.
Mursi did not have a back stabbing Vice President orchestrating the coup.
Hey human being, you can deny it, but we interrogated one of your commanders after breaking into his command center. He spilled the beans on you guys really quickly - it was a coup, according to him.
His name? Umar Naseer. You guys were so upset at him that you kicked him out of your gang. 😀
Hassanbandey, sorry to point out a lunatic always believes others are lunatic too. So this is a case of judging others by your own standards.
Umar was no commander.
He was a one time military guy who build a political party called idp and later joined Maumoon seeing that he cannot wait long enough for his party to become strong... basically an undecided human he was.
No matter what yellow fever people says here. Nasheed resigned on how won accord after realizing that he is in breach of our constitution and people had lost the confidence in the guy.
He is a man who want to be seen and to be heard and to be the elite and to be only man to recognize and speak about in Maldives.
This guy thinks that he own the Maldives and rest to follow like salves.
When there is eminent threat for him within the party and when someone becomes little popular among MDP member, Nasheed will use his thugs to get rid of the the person . This is how far the democracy goes within the party itself.
So we can judge how Nasheed sees democracy and freedom ?
You know i have lot to lose if Nasheed come and our country had lot to lose if an idiot like him come as the leader ?
We will lose our sovereign rights and we will lose our economic freedom .
This is why I am not afraid to make my comments here ? I am a freedom fighter and not a blind follower.
we never lost any sovereign rights under President Nasheed.
We lost them under President Waheed when a big chunk of Addu airport was SOLD to Champa Afeef. Do you really believe Afeef does business from Rufiyaa printed in the Maldives? WHO do you think Champa Afeef's business partners are? Maldivians?
I hope Morsee wins the next election in one round and prove to the world Egypt, Maldives and Unconditional retired Colonel what democracy means. 2 kuribee, one Riyaz and one Nazim doesnt make a clear majority. Anni will win the next election in one round "Ebburun". what will the maldivian politicians accept a clear majority. Maybe once Gayyooms buried we may have some hope. by the way Buruma Gasim will come out in shorts today evening to play baibala at Lonuziyaaraiy kolhu.
Some claim the only difference was President Nasheed strategised a "political solution" and worked around it and simply "escaped" the grip of the Islamist and backers of the mutinying SO Police. I guess that is what he mean when he says he likee to stay ahead of the your heart out you little "kurimbee" mind...academic class my foot!
@ You are afraid to make your comments here. You don't write in your own name.
I don't write in my own name because I AM afraid. Because the Maldives is infested with gangsters who are paid lucrative sums of money by narcissistic politicians to kill people who may say anything they don't like. Who never get caught by the Police or when they do get caught are sent free by our corrupt and judiciary who are in the pockets of these politicians.