“I will not take any action against the army in relation to that [Commission of National Inquiry] report,” said Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim, according to an audio clip leaked by Rajje TV.
Nazim has confirmed to local media that the recording was taken during a speech given to the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) soldiers on Wednesday night, saying that a full transcript would soon be made available on the MNDF’s website.
Speaking with Minivan News today, Nazim clarified his comments.
“As we have seen on numerous video footage, a very small number of very junior ranked soldiers of MNDF may have acted outside the bounds of law on 7 February. However, the situation at that moment was very chaotic, and there was no command and control over them and they were not following any orders,” he said.
“They were doing what they thought was right in the absence of orders. Therefore, it does not make any sense to take any action against these very junior ranked soldiers, who may not have realised the implications of their actions at the time,” continued Nazim.
The Commission of National Inquiry (CNI), created by presidential decree in order to investigate the circumstances surrounding the resignation of former President Mohamed Nasheed, is scheduled to publish its report on August 30.
Elements of the military, including Nazim himself- a civilian at the time, have been implicated in the alleged coup that led former Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan take over the country’s leadership.
Reports produced by the (pre-reform) CNI and the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) attest to the heavy involvement of MNDF troops in the transfer of power.
Hours before former President Mohamed Nasheed’s resignation on February 7, uniformed police and 60-70 officers from the MNDF were filmed joining with opposition protesters and attacking military headquarters.
Nazim told the press in June that an internal MNDF investigation into the events had been completed, although he opted not to disclose the details for fear of influencing the CNI’s ongoing investigations.
Military anxiety
Nazim explained that the publication of the report was prompting particular concern amongst the MNDF’s ranks, due to fears that it may spark further violence.
“There is no more anxiety among the ranks of MNDF pending the CONI report than there is among the general public. Our only concern is that the Maldivian Democratic Party has declared that it will take to the streets of Male’ once the report is published, regardless of the outcome,” he said.
The MDP last week announced it would continue its protests until any person implicated in the CNI report was brought to justice.
The CNI’s work does not constitute a criminal investigation and its findings will be forwarded to the relevant government departments before being released to the public.
“Once its findings are published, it is up to the relevant authorities to take any action if necessary,” said Nazim.
Last week, former President Nasheed released a statement expressing his dismay at the flurry of recent dismissals from within the MNDF and the Police force.
“It saddens me to note that during the past six months, senior officers of these institutions have been unfairly dismissed and continuously intimidated,” said Nasheed.
Deputy Commander of Medical Services of MNDF, Captain Dr. Dr Fathmath Thahsyna Ibrahim was removed from her post as Deputy Commander of Medical Services after expressing outrage on social media after her father was allegedly injured by an MNDF officer during a protest on August 2.
In an excerpt from Wednesday night’s speech already available on the MNDF’s website, Nazim urged all soldiers to be vigilant and to avoid “spreading false gossip” via social media.
On July 16 Brigadier General Ibrahim Didi, a national hero following his exploits in preventing an attempted coup in 1988, resigned “prematurely” after the government filed charges against him for the detention of Chief Criminal Court Judge Abdulla Mohamed.
Chief of Defense Force under Nasheed, Major General Moosa Ali Jaleel and Vice Chief of Defense Force, Farhath Shaheer, resigned from the MNDF shortly after Nasheed’s departure.
In Nasheed’s statement, he urged the military not to promote, demote, dismiss or intimidate any of its soldiers, but to wait for the CNI to conclude.

Ofcourse he will not, he will have to take action against himself first!!
You should not. We don't expect you to.
Why should you?
Is fisheries ministry doing anything to revive fishing?
Is MMA doing anything to currency / inflation?
Is education min doing anything to protect children?
Is Islamic ministry doing anything to enforce sharia?
No please don't do anything that may even remotely enforce law and order in the country.
Journalists who protect pedophiles. Pesonally i would be ashamed to give interviews to such people.
Col (ret) Naazim in front of MNDF headquarters, announcing the resignation of president Nasheed and confirming his takeover. Was that a Coincident.
We will put you all behind bars. You all are criminals.
Where is the integrity? That is an insult to President Waheed, Commonwealth and the people of Maldives. Unfitness and treason proved beyond doubt
This Baaqi Nazim thinks as if he is above the law.....YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL BOY!!!
You are right how can you take action on you???? Idiot!
Once, someone does a crime and get away with it, he becomes a MORE DANGEROUS criminal, But again crime is something defined by man, He has the right to change it, if he could change the law then it is not a crime. Today POLICE AND THE MNDF has the power to change it. It is their government, The Government of the people came down on 7th February 2012
@me, ur sick!! really pls do get itself professional help sooner the better,
what's the matter with us? how can we see all those brutal, mean, infediles control law!!
This tape was transelated to 3 languages n sent to the "Hage" and believe me, over there law had a clear meaning n justice is served,
Nazim thinks its over after the report, it just began dear,
before him Gaddafi,Mubarak,and zain al aabedeen, and Saddam, all those dictators used to sit n laugh as if hand of law is short,
let me tell u me, n all of u who believe in Nazim, Law is bigger, n more powerful than all those dictators, Nazim has just dug his own grave in this statement, n the powerful long hand of law will get him, one day,,,, bank on it buddy!!
The Maldivian people have being robbed of their rights and their money. Now they are being robbed of their Islamic faith.
Now it’s clear what’s going on. The Chief of the MNDF, The Defence Minister, The Home Minister and Special Advisor to the President get together with the Vice President Waheed LaDeeney Deen whose friend Gunnar Lee-Miller is a missionary priest with a PhD.
The surfing missionary can continue his missionary work with the help of the very people who claim to be guarding Islam.
The people at the top get all the money from the resort deal, the ordinary MNDF personnel get NOTHING. The ordinary Maldivian people get NOTHING.
They will note even get the Missionary Position, only the Missionary 🙂 .
All this talk about Hardingham and Nasheed trying to bring Christianity from Salusbury Cathedral is all a lot of LIES and all the documents are clearly forgeries. They trying to hide the TRUTH from us using lies and HYPOCRISSY.
The real missionaries are with this Gunnar. Jameel, Hassan Saeed, Deen, Waheed and other coup leaders are working for them from greed for money. They are HYPOCRITES and dont cair about our religion Islam or about our people.
They are bribing our Police and Army with LIES while they rob the money.
Even now Nazim is gone to collect his share.
VP Deen (also Chairman of Maldives Surfing Association) introduced his good friend Gunnar to Nasheed and his government. They spoke with him but they REFUSED to take part in the corruption and missionary work. Even a fool like Nasheed could see this was NOT good for the country. So this was another reason for going ahead with the coup. Maybe the main reason?
We must be an open society and tolerant. But we cannot allow cheating and lying by corrupt HYPOCRITES and missionaries to work against Islam and our freedoms and to ROBBERY what belongs to the PEOPLE.
Forged documents and lies on DhiTV and Villa TV wont fool us. WAKE UP to the truth. The evidence is all here and this cannot be forged.
Bibliographic information:
Title : Obligations to Outsiders in Select Texts of the Apostolic Fathers
(The above is the title of missionary priest’s PhD)
theses, Fuller Theological Seminary
Author: Gunnar Lee-Miller
Publisher : Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2008
Length 416 pages
Christian ethics
Epistle of Barnabas
Epistle to Diognetus
Outsiders in the Bible
why not writing about the human rights comissions report? twisting the story and getting comments from all the mdp people about it? you people are pathetic!
Eid mubarik to all our viewers and that also yellow. Must reflect where the funding comes in all of your writings, banners and everything, right?
This Nazim character is shameless. Now the "very low ranked soldiers" are the scapegoats! There should be no escape for Nazim and Riyaz. They have to be prosecuted with the other major players and there should be a truth and reconciliation for less involved people.
Did the Army believe that, doubt their intelligence would be as low as Nazim. With statements like that we should question his sanity. The day the government is removed, people will chase him on the roads.
some commenters should stick to your beloved news sites such as Haveeru and Sun.
it is absurd for Nazim to say he will not take action. If MNDF or anyone has done any wrong they should be punished according to the law.
“They were doing what they thought was right in the absence of orders. Therefore, it does not make any sense to take any action against these very junior ranked soldiers, who may not have realised the implications of their actions at the time,” continued Nazim.
Dear Nazim. Are you saying that the MNDF needs to go to school again? if so, why should the people pocket all that money that have been spent on their education and training in the best academies around the world?. I think every MNDF member who has done training should pay back. I also recommend in future they better get their training from Umar Naseer, Gayoom, Yameen and Imran. That training will be sufficient to over throw their enemy. Shame!
This Naxim was in the Prison Gamaadoo, to torture Luthufee team and Temils. After promoted he was sent training to keep Gayoomswife happy.
He must send Jail for his life.
The real Baaghee is Anni. He tried to bring a coup on 6th .
He tried to abolish Parliament and Judiciary on 6th cause he does not know how to run the country democratically within the constitution.
Anni brought all the power under his arms and he was the biggest dictator of this century in Maldives . All other dictators had a constitution allowing them to suppress the people and do all what they want but this Idiot Anni tried everything against the constitution.
Democracy is a way of life.
So are religions.
Therefore democracy is a religion.
Full marks!!!!!!!!
we are going to hang you upside down after the coni report
where is tsk tsk a.k.a. Kutti on this important topic.. did he disapear with the ramazan?
ignorantia legis neminem excusat. a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content
This guy got the opportunity to be something!
But by the will of Allah Almighty, his true self was shown to us by being dismissed from one of the world's finest military academies because he tried to molest a fellow opposite sex trainee.
He in fact is a soldier of fortune!
Lust and dirty money and this guy will go very much together!
Mr. Minister, you don't have to take the trouble of getting into another mess! We all saw what happen and now are aware of how and why they all happened!
The people of this country can, and will do the needful to rid us of your ilk! The universal community does not accept your kind! They will assist the people of this country to get rid of you and your associates!
Facts always will remain facts! The higher you fly, the harder the fall!
The more you speak, the more trouble you are bound to get into!
“As we have seen on numerous video footage, a very small number of very junior ranked soldiers of MNDF may have acted outside the bounds of law on 7 February. However, the situation at that moment was very chaotic, and there was no command and control over them and they were not following any orders,” he said.
“They were doing what they thought was right in the absence of orders. Therefore, it does not make any sense to take any action against these very junior ranked soldiers, who may not have realised the implications of their actions at the time,” continued Nazim.
Please tell me he DID NOT say this! What a f****** contradiction! He is admitting to the crimes in the first paragraph while giving the perpetrators immunity in the second paragraph.
Whether or not you realize the implications, once you commit a crime, you MUST face the consequences!!
Where is JUSTICE?
if i recall...Umaru Naseer clearly boasted in media that there was a control center and all orders were given by him...so what ever the F.... happened..this idiot is to blame too...