Letter on the infamous letter

Dear Editor,
So I guess I missed out on the infamous letter. I never got a chance to read this letter but did see Minivan News’s press release regarding the letter. If I am not wrong Minivan did remove the letter from the website, right?
Why, though?
Again I haven’t seen this letter, but from what I have read I believe it is a letter regarding homosexuality.
Now, what really baffles me about Maldivian society is the fact that people actually “think” and “believe” that everyone in the Maldives is straight. If anyone had a brain and thought about it, isn’t it obvious that this is not true. So not talking about it, not addressing it, is not going to make it go away.
I hope that in the true spirit of freedom of expression, Minivan indeed will publish this letter and also help me locate the letter in reference here.


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