MDP stages ‘simultaneous’ protests calling for early election

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters last night staged simultaneous protests around the capital of Male’ calling for early elections and the resignation of President Mohamed Waheed Hassan.

The protesters had at first gathered  by the Justice Rally held near the Tsunami monument area, before later moving to different locations including the front of the residences of Parliamentary Speaker Abdullah Shahid and current Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim.

The protesters also chose to gather near Male’ City Council hall, which is close by to a residence of a senior police official.  Demonstrations were also said to have taken place in front of the home of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM)’s Parliamentary Group Leader, Abdullah Yaameen Abdul Gayyoom.

Protesters who gathered up in front of Parliamentary Speaker Shahid’s residence claimed they were calling for him to not to let any “coup” leaders inside the parliament and not to corrupt the Majlis.

They also called the speaker not to obstruct a political solution and to find a way to hold an early election as soon as possible. There were reports of approximately 300 protesters gathering in front of the speaker’s home.

Meanwhile, protesters who gathered near the Male’ City Council hall called on the police to stop alleged brutality against ordinary people claiming the mandate of the police is to serve justly and not torture.

Protesters that gathered in front of Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim’s house, called for an impartial and independent investigation of the alleged “coup” that saw President Mohamed Nasheed “resign” from office.

Some of the protesters had also gathered in front of PPM’s parliamentary group leader Abdullah Yaameen’s residence calling for an investigation into an alleged US$800 million money laundering case in which Yaameen was implicated.

There were some verbal arguments between a group of around 10 to 15 people and protesters who had tried to obstruct the protests. However no violence reportedly took place.

Protesters travelling on motorbikes and about six pickups were witnessed riding around the city calling for early elections and the resignation of President Waheed.

Though there were no reports of serious violence or confrontations, PPM MP Dr Afrshim Ali’s car was allegedly attacked during the demonstrations.

Speaking to the local media, a police media official was quoted as saying that Afrashim reported a case to police stating that his car was attacked, an act he claimed was carried out by protesters during the course of last night’s protests.

According to local media, the unnamed police media official confirmed that the police was investigating the matter and so far nobody has been arrested.

Speaking to Minivan News, Police Media official Ahmed Shiyam said that there were complaints from the public that protests had caused some ‘disturbances’. He added that there had been reports of damage being done to both public and private property, including some police motorbikes.

Shiyam confirmed that the attack on Afrashim’s car was reported to police.

” We have got the report that MP Afrashim’s car was attacked. We will investigate all these reports and take the necessary action,” he said.

However,  MDP MP and spokesperson Imthiyaz Fahmy denied the allegations saying that individual involved in the protests did no such thing.

“We deny all those allegations. There are groups who commit such acts just to blame us. We have reason to believe these groups represent parties that support the Waheed government.” Fahmy claimed.


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