MNDF denies threatening DRP MP and head of FAM

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has denied threatening to set fire to the car of DRP MP and Football Association head Ali Azim.
The media reported allegations by Azim that the MNDF had threatened him after the Football Association of Maldives (FAM) decided not to allow any of the Force’s teams to participate in their tournaments.
“It is false to say MNDF threatened him, I am totally sure that MNDF would never fall to such a low level,’’ MNDF spokesperson Major Abdul Raheem told Minivan News. “All the telephones here are easily accessible to almost all the staff, so it is possible that a staff member working here called him and made the threat.’’

He said that did not mean that it was an “official call” from the MNDF.

‘’It is very difficult to track down the person who called, but MNDF and the police are trying to figure it out,’’ Raheem said.

“Although we were all demoralised by the decision of FAM to disallow our participation in the tournaments, we would not do something like this,” he said. “We eagerly want to take part in the FAM tournaments and we are still trying for it.’’

Everything the MNDF did to regain access to the tournament would be conducted in accordance with the laws.

Azim had told local newspapers that a number belonging to the MNDF contacted his brother and threatened that his car will be set on fire.

‘’The phone call was made from an MNDF number to Mohamed Shiyaz [brother of Azim]. The caller said they had been trying to get in touch to me, and told him to tell me  they will set fire to my car,’’ Azim told the media.

Haveeru called the number and found it belonged to the MNDF’s communication department.


6 thoughts on “MNDF denies threatening DRP MP and head of FAM”

  1. Aren't these guys supposed to 'disciplined'?

    Perhaps the MNDF should use their superior surveillance techniques on their own staff to prevent this kind of base behavior?

  2. What a joke by the MNDF spokesperson. "MNDF did not make any formal call threatening to set the car on fire", but "a staff might have". this is the joke of the century.

  3. They can listen, record and leak phone calls made to and from phones of members of opposition parties. But when it comes to a call made from MNDF own phone system, it becomes very difficult identify the voice of its staff. These kind of stupid reasons make people think that even senior figures of MNDF may be behind these phone calls.

  4. Fori Waheed's days of fanditha & football are over. Hedhikaa vikka usoolun Football association hingan fesheema ves vaanee mihen. dhen La la la ....

  5. Many have commented on this rousing row between the FAM and MNDF + Police Clubs. Azim seems to have tried, and perhaps not too cleverly in the long run, to sidestep the issue by hitting both institutions below the belt so to speak. He has questioned Team Players discipline which is too becoming for an MP which the gentleman happens to be! It is a pity that this had to be a DRP MP at this difficult time for the party.
    All this aside, the bottom line here seems to be "did the elected FAM Executive Committee endorse MNDF & Police participation in the first place two years back in 2008?" and why is it that the FAM Executive Committee have in their assessment avoided a clear explanation of the transparently endorsed "process" through which the MNDF and Police Teams have been allowed to progress this far in the National Competition. The FAM President seems to have bitten more than he can chew! The President seems to have have sent a lot of innocent young men on a goose chase and now he is having trouble "spilling the beans". Good luck Mr. President.


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