President Mohamed Nasheed has criticised the opposition for “being a little eager” to topple the government.
“They want a quick transfer of powers back to them,” Nasheed said, in an interview with the Asian Tribune.
“In that process they have become a little over enthusiastic. But I think they will come to their senses. We are here to stay here till the end of our term. There is absolutely no way that they could dislodge us.”
In the interview, Nasheed claimed that while leader of the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party Ahmed Thasmeen Ali understood democracy, others in his party did not.
“I think it will take some more time for Thasmeen to get a good grip on his own party – in a sense to wash the DRP off and make it a clean party,” the AT reported Nasheed as saying.
DRP MP Ahmed Mahlouf said Nasheed was “trying to create problems” in his comments regarding Thasmeen’s grip on the party.
“It’s a stunt – he does a lot of stunts. It’s supposed to make supporters of the opposition uncomfortable by implying he is making deals with Thasmeen,” Mahlouf observed.
As for Nasheed’s suggestion that the opposition needed development, “I think we’re [already] a very responsible opposition. So far we haven’t done anything MDP didn’t do while they were in opposition. I don’t think we need support from the government: we have the capability and the educated people.”
Responding to the allegations of attempted overthrow, DRP MP Ahmed Mahlouf observed that “the only way we could change the government before the election would be a no confidence motion in parliament, and we would need 52 votes for that. I’m surprised to hear him accusing the opposition of trying to topple the government.”
The government has previously accused several opposition MPs of corruption and bribery, notably attempting to buy the votes of ruling Maldivian Democratic Party supporters.
Nasheed, in response to question from AT regarding the government’s recent controversial detention of minority opposition party leader Abdulla Yameen, leader of the People’s Alliance (PA), acknowledged that “the charges were not clear. It was cloudy at that moment.”
“When we see the whole thing is being derailed through corruption or bribery I will have to flex my muscles, and I will do it again,” he said. “But I will make sure we have our focus, that democracy is the goal.”

When all the blabbering runs out, president comes up with government toppling story. This keeps his activists on the edge. Stop this non sense and please at least make an attempt to run the government, mr. President.
Your plan 'A' "aiy foraa fashah" - is not working it seems.
Now go to your plan 'B' "aiy FOARUvan feSHUN".
Looks like that's what you are doing now!
Opposition - Be careful!
Haseen, the call by the opposition to topple this government is on record. It is the call by the opposition to topple this government who is keeping the activists who brought change to our body politic on edge.
Mr President, why don't you take one of your frequent 'Eco Warrior' foreign trips now ? Afraid you will be overthrown in your absence ?
Why do Nasheed always wants to talk rubbish. We Maldivians are well aware of what the government is doing. We expected a real change, not what we are seeing from you now.. Its time to CHANGE the CHAGE
The president is spot on. The educated people in DRP were marginalized during DRP's most recent congress. The current DRP leadership are only trying to block the government from functioning, using their majority in Parliament, and has openly advocated to topple the current government, with the exception of Thasmeen.
a failed president - very sad - I had lot of trust in you when I voted for MDP.
Mr. President in your interview you said that:
“There were two main things that we were advocating for. One was anti corruption and human rights abuse. Also Freedom of expression and separation of powers too were among them.”
-Anti-Corruption is a tool that government abuse. Government and their beloved allies propagates that most of the opposition leaders are corrupt and they had done taken unfair advantages in the previous regime, and they are engaging in bribery. But, the constitution says that all are innocent until proven guilty. What the hell is that? How an uneducated MP of a political party can establish a Court of People?
-Where’s the FIFTH member of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Mr. Luthfy. Let’s see the case of Dhoogas of Addu atoll. Why is the government acting against the decision of ACC. I’m very surprised to observe that government is not in a line with any of the institution nor any power of the state. See the mandate of ACC.
-Human Rights Issues
- If any totalitarian leader like, Starlin and Hitler of German were eligible for the Nobel Prize or Analind award we would appreciate it. Human rights are not a word of beauty like Nan Reethi Saleem.
Yamin was kept in solitary confinement for 2 weeks. Why? Which clause of the constitution stipulates that president have the “inherent” power to arrest? Shame! There’s a court case against his command to the MNDF.
Up on asking about the arrest of Yamin, Leader of People’s Alliance President said “if I have to do it again, I will do it again. But I will make sure we have our focus, that democracy is the goal”;
wow! Maldivians used to beg for medical treatment BUT now Maldivians don't go and beg for medical treatment....Many students are provided with a living allowance which Maldivians had never even dreamed...Now tuition fee loans for students are underway, applications are under process....People were kept promising on their island entry area construction (FALHU FUNKURUN) every 5 years BUT never been done as people wished...Today we hear these BIG jobs done in a week only....Lots of the government revenue lost in the name of Male' International Airport upgrading projects BUT end up with rain here n there...Airline check-in counters been closed because of rain n so on...Now Airport upgrading & managing been handed over to a world famous airport developing & managing agency GMR....Corrupted money holders faced difficulties in their business (eating government revenue) as Government started fighting CORRUPTION...That's why we see these corrupted people running behind corruption thirsty JUDGES (Qaazee)
Yasin fikry
Yamin was in solitary confinement? Get your facts straight. Yamin was in the presidential retreat Aarah for two weeks. His wife and kids visited him each day, he even went to Bandos for friday prayers.
Yamin so eloquantly talked about the pain of not meeting his young kid, for the benefit of the ignorant public.
Believe me not one of these DRP hotheads would dare open their mouth if they got a taste of the real 'solitary confinement' like in Maumoon days.
In this short time this president has done more for the country than any other. He has let Maldivians speak freely without fear for the first time. And nobody is thrown in jail for criticizing leaders anymore.
The land reclamation projects and harbours being built is real this time, not just half baked promises near election time like before.
Its true Thasmeen seems a reasonable opposition leader, but i think he should pay up the huge amount of money owed to the bank before talking politic.
If i have one thing to criticize about this president, its that he is too nice. To the beardies who talk radical stuff and to those opposition leaders who are corrupt and owe millions to the country.
why is toppling the government a big issue, as long as it is done legally. I remember when MDPians were in opposition, there were nothing else coming from their mouth. Always the opposition, be it DRP or MDP, will be more than over enthusiastic to come to power. if it is done legally there is nothing wrong with it. government has to try to win the hearts of people to make sure that this doesn't happen. for crying out loud, stop complaining about oppositions trying to topple the government and win the hearts of the people by delivering your promises. the fact is, we are worse than before.
So the DRP has educated poeple and is ready to take power? Does this mean that they are ready to take on the mantle of responsibility in bringing about the constant and much needed change in our bruised little country?
The appear to be a group of selfish self serving fanatics at times to me, always baying for blood and the toppling of the first democratically elected goverment Maldives has enjoyed.
Umar Naseer is a strange animal, only yesterday he was screaming for the overthrow of the previous government, now this one. It seems to me, that the only change that has taken place for this person is the colour of his political flag. What happened to his old party faithful? Was it not only a few days ago that he could not even muster enough of his followers to dissolve that disgrace of a party?
It coul dbe said that our friend is aplying the same philosophies to his new party, beware guys, he may be tryong to dissolve you next, but then, highly educated as you all are, you would have already seen that one coming I guess.
It is very tragic that Yamin could not see his Son, I would hurt with Yamin, no man, no woman can stand the pain of not being able to see their children.
I certainly hope Yamin has learnt something, some empathy, some sympathy, through this experience.
Has he learnt to be compassionate towards other father's seperated from their Sons if that be the case? Does he feel sorry that Anni could not have been there for his own daughter's birth because he was in solitary confinement being TORTURED!! Does Yamin feel sorry, that ppl who may have accidentally or non-intentionally offended him, were terrified to return to Maldives for fear of their safety at the hands of Yamin's alleged gangs?
Have you learnt something Yamin?
Yamin, I hope you read this.
I know you get off when you know others fear you, the power trip is your drug.
Yet I have you have learnt that their is a consequence, and that tyranny has consequences.
If you have learnt some compassion through your pain, then maybe it was Taqdir (divine appointment...)
Yet if this experience has only deepened your allready eternity sized hunger for vengeance, then I shudder with fear for all of the Maldivians who dare have freedom of speech or any kind of liberty if you become the President.
I shudder for the sons and daughters, mothers and fathers who will be brutally separated from each other during your reign of vengeance!
Sorry, one more thing... Did Yamin and his family know, that I know quite a few Mother's, Fathers, Sons and daughters who were tortured with the pain of separation from their loved ones (Mother's, Father's, Children) because they were terrified to return to the Maldives outb of fear because it is said you control gangs and take vengeance through them! Whether these fears are true or not, is not the point, the point is, your stubborn attitude proves you do not care for these people's suffering!
I hope that your family one day comes to learn the suffering others have experienced out of either real or imagined fear of your gangs, and that perhaps you may oneday be able to prove that this experience of the pain you went through at not seeing your son has taught you some sympathy for the pain others went through at not seeing their sons, daughters, parents, families because they feared you! I hope you would learn to treat ppl compassionately, so that if you come into power, you would be humane towards those who offend you.
However, I fear, and I suspect, thatr this pain you went through has just deepened your hunger for vengeance and it will have the opposite effect I wished it would....
"In this short time this president has done more for the country than any other."
"Bandharu hedhun" refer statistics... how many harbors were made and how many schools were made.. now MALDIVES is on SALE.
Boskalis came to Maldives in 2005 to make Vilifushi and some other islands.. they are capable for that job. It's not the competency of the HEP. hehe....
Worth a read if anyone is truly interested in democracy:
@ MA - There has to be a distinction made between trying to bring down a dictatorship and attempting to topple the first democratically elected government in a country during its first few years in power because people cannot accept change or do not understand democracy. Although the Maldivian people chose the change, we do not have a full fledged system yet, and there will be hiccups, especially when most people are not aware of the roles of the various institutions and bodies, and have lived in a top-down system all their lives, plus a whole system change is being initiated while essentially bankrupt, and everyone is trying to come to terms with an unhealthy past. This is the phase of democracy consolidation, when the institutions and processes have to be fully instituted and get tested. We just need to understand how a democracy operates, and understand the barriers we currently face, and be committed to that change at all levels. Democracy is a system of orderly conflict, not the 'omaan amaan' situation created by oppression. It is precisely that 'omaan amaan' situation which has led to the problems we currently face. So in reality we are not worse off than before in anything (we could never be worse off than before), but hopefully on the way to a better future.
@ Yasin Fikry. The president and corruption? Thats impossible! 🙂
Although he talked a lot of useless shit,(as usual) wasn't able to say anything he did to stop or even minimize corruption. Which is the root cause of all evil in societies. When people are corrupted with materialism and self interest, how can we establish so called democratic institutions with these people.
Anni will just keep on talking big and nothing good will happen. By good I mean a just and a fair society. Those material gains that we achieve might be the scale to measure success for some people. But human need and desire has no limits therefore one will end his/her life but will not get full satisfaction.
Few days back when Alhaan was asked on TVM regarding the bribing of parliament members, it was obvious that it hit him. Didn't have the courage to even look straight at the audience and was looking here and there.
Same with the president. How can he talk about corruption and rule of law?
Who does not resort to stunts these days?I believe what Mr.President had said is more closer to reality on the ground.
Mahlouf is correct in a way referring it as a stunt ( STUNT is an unusual and difficult physical feat, or any act requiring a special skill, performed for artistic purposes in TV, theatre, or cinema.)... but let me make an emphasis. This is required stunt.
& I quote from article Mahlouf says:As for Nasheed’s suggestion that the opposition needed development, “I think we’re [already] a very responsible opposition. So far we haven’t done anything MDP didn’t do while they were in opposition. I don’t think we need support from the government: we have the capability and the educated people.”
AND that is an unnecessary STUNT. The conditions MDP acted as an opposition and how DRP is acting has a difference as of SUN and the EARTH. Or equating those two situations is like saying fire and water is same.
& again I quote Mahlouf from the article: “the only way we could change the government before the election would be a no confidence motion in parliament, and we would need 52 votes for that. I’m surprised to hear him accusing the opposition of trying to topple the government."
AGAIN a BAD STUNT. AND I'm not surprised to hear from a man like Mahlouf. DRP and even Mahlouf himself had been calling to topple the Government in anyway they could. Sometimes publicly announcing to resort to all unconventional methods and insulting Mr.President so devilishly. This is hypocrisy of DRP and Mahlouf in action.
However,MDP is partly responsible for such a dishonest opposition party to gain much of the power. AND I believe that is evident today.
"Purity of faith" is what is lacking in our society.
In Allah Almighty We Trust
A failed system and a failed President, we will hear all sorts of poor statements including from this President.
@Rasheed you seem to be doing an excellent PR work for your Boss. What else you can say when your working at PO and spend most of your time with the cronies.