Opposition MPs to vote against reappointment of Islamic Minister Dr Bari

Opposition MPs have declared that they will vote against giving parliamentary consent to the reappointment of Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari as Minister of Islamic Affairs, who resigned “out of respect” for the Adhaalath Party’s decision to sever its coalition agreement with the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Dr Bari was however reappointed less than a week after his resignation. The head of the Adhaalath Party’s religious scholars council told press that he accepted the post in his “individual capacity” after “98 percent” of the people he consulted with – including religious scholars, businessmen and members of the general public – had advised him to do so.

Following his reappointment, the nomination was sent to parliament for approval this week.

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Spokesperson MP Ahmed Mahlouf told Minivan News today that the parliamentary group of the party has not yet reached a decision on the vote to confirm the appointment.

“We have not decided about it yet, but I think most of the MPs will not give consent to him considering the events that took place recently,” said Mahlouf, adding that he did not wish to comment further at the present time.

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Dr Abdulla Mausoom meanwhile said the party would announce its decision to the media tomorrow.

DRP Leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali told press this week that the party’s MPs were not inclined to consent to Bari’s reappointment. Thasmeen cited the Islamic Minister’s role in the publication of controversial religious unity regulations despite the vocal opposition of religious groups.

Dr Bari was initially appointed Islamic Minister under the Adhaalath Party’s agreement with the ruling party. Bari told media last week that he had advocated against leaving the MDP-led coalition and was not present when a resolution to the effect was passed by the party’s consultative council.


7 thoughts on “Opposition MPs to vote against reappointment of Islamic Minister Dr Bari”

  1. Dr. Bari is not the head of the Adhalath parties relighous scholars council.
    He has resigned from the post.

    Minivan news and Ahmed Nazeer, in your attempt to disseminate propagenda, atleast give consideration to facts.

  2. im sure adhaalath's thinking is its always good to have allies infiltrated in all of the mosaic.
    well.. until they come into power
    then its gonna be tyranny for unity aka - ethnic cleansing of any one who is not them

  3. mohamed, stop your bigoted hatemongering.
    whoever comes to power has to follow the maldivian constitution. there is majlis, independent institutions and judicary to ensure that they do so.

  4. Zeenat,

    It is quite easy, actually. The opposition wants to court Adhaalath party, now that they're out of government.

    Remember: We still live in a country where people will swallow anything that has the label of religion on it.

  5. Be ware Opposition MPs!!!! Dr Bari is not a person like u guys, begging from Qasim and other Qaaroons of Maumoon's regime..

    So he will not feel anything whether u give consent or not...The people pf Maldives including children know very well u guys are money-hungry idiots


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