A resolution governing standards of conduct of MPs has been presented to the parliament by Independent MP Mohamed Nasheed.
MP Nasheed said the objective of the resolution was to establish a standard of conduct for all the MPs with their support, and to see if MPs could follow it.
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) member ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik said that the problem in the parliament was not that there was no standard of conduct or law.
”It’s the pressure and anger that one has when they lose the luxury received during a certain administration,” he said. “The law will remain there, but there will still be no control over the parliament.”
He said that he did not support narrowing the rights of MPs as they had to fulfill their responsibilities.
Dhivehi Qaumy Party (DQP) MP Riyaz Rasheed condemned the resolution and said he had lost one night’s sleep due to it.
”We have the right to claim whoever presented this bill on judgment day,” he said. ”This resolution takes away all our rights,”
Peoples Alliances MP Abdul Azeez Jamaal Abu Bakur said he believed he supported the purpose of the resolution, which was to form a standard of conduct.
”To make good use of our minds means maintaining our discipline,” he said, ”or else we are falling into the category of wild animals.”
Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Abdulla Mausoom said he was concerned about the resolution and said he had also lost sleep over it.
”I believe it’s important to pass this resolution,” he said, ”but with some amendments.”
MDP MP Alhan Fahmy said that the resolution should not be brought to the floor.
”It is not a must for us to do as the America’s specific house or how India’s specific place does,” he said. “The people have elected people who have reached the level of conduct they expect in the parliament.”
DRP MP and Vice President Ilham Ahmed said that it was necessary to form a standard of conduct.
”We have witnessed scenes when some people unplugged the microphones in committee room and broke the glass of the name notice board,” he said. ”And it’s embarrassing to say we have also witnessed a scene when an MP pull down his zip.”
He said that to avoid repeat performances, the standard of conduct was necessary.

Does a proposed code of conduct narrow MP's rights? Then why adhere to a religion or have any laws in the first place? And this is only a proposal that they themselves can in fact shape. These MPs are unbelievable. They sit there as people's representatives, set their own fat salaries, not attend many sessions, set standards for other people, claim that others do not have their confidence, when all the while they are loath to even talk decent language, or it seems in some cases even read the bills they discuss and vote upon. High time they in fact lose more than one night's sleep over the nation they are dragging down to the pits with them.
Moosa Manik and other MDP hardliners should understand that Maumoon is no longer in power, Mohamed Nasheed is. Their continued ranting only strengthens the opposition now, and encourages them to make things even more difficult for Nasheed's government.
A well orchestrated move by a coalition of MPs.
Well timed and presented by the crafty, now said to be independent candidate MP Nasheed (a key player of DRP before he woke up from the 30 year old sleep in Maumoon's cave!).
Cleverly and cunningly argued by the fluent MP Riyaz Rasheed (apparently "sold" for god knows what!).
Finally and miserly bounded by PA MP Abdul Azeez Jamaal Abu Bakur.