The Adhaalath Party has said the party has decided to terminate the coalition agreement with the ruling Maldiivan Democratic Parrty (MDP) should the government permit an Israeli airline to operate in the Maldives.
Transport Minister Adil Saleem told Minivan News last Thursday that relevant authorities were currently processing a license for Sun d’Or International Airlines, a subsidiary of Israeli national carrier El Al, with a view to it operating flights to the Maldives.
Saleem claimed such a move would create opportunities for both Israeli tourists to visit the country as well as facilitate pilgrimages for Maldivians to mosques around Jerusalem and other parts of the country.
However the Adhaalath Party, which has significant influence in the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and is led by State Islamic Minister Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, issued a statement claiming that the majority of Islamic countries had not permitted the Israeli national carrier to operate.
“There are only two Islamic countries that have permitted El Al Airlines to operate: Egypt and Jordan,” the party said in a statement. “The other Islamic countries that allowed El Al Airlines to operate in their countries have withdrawn their permission. And it is to be noted that this Sun d’Or Airlines which is to commence operation in the Maldives is not an airline that any Islamic country so far permitted to operate.”
The party claimed there “were reasons” why out of the 50 Islamic countries, 48 had declined permission for El Al to operate.
“It is because Israel is the biggest enemy of the whole Muslim community, a country that has stolen the holy lands of Muslims, a country that is committing violence against the people of Palestine and as Israeli flights are targets of terrorist organisations, it raises security concerns,” the party said.
The Adhaalath Party added that it “regretted” that the current government had restored diplomatic relations with Israel, “ignoring the feelings of the citizens.”
The Adhaalath Party’s President Sheikh Hussein Rasheed told Minivan News that the decision was an official decision made by the party and that he had no further comment on the matter.
Adil Saleem acknowledged to Minivan News last week that “some Maldivians see Israel as controversial over the issue of Palestine. Yet Palestine accepts Israel as a state, benchmarking the point that I don’t see why we should not allow these flights.”
He also said that the license process for the operation of Sun d’Or was almost completed and that flights were expected to commence operating in Maldives in October this year.
President of religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf, Ahmed Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, meanwhile added that the organisation strongly opposed any move that would strengthens the relationship between Israel and the Maldives.
“It will cause more harm than benefit,’’ said Abdulla. “Damage was caused after diplomatic ties with Israel were restored.”
Abdulla said the education system of the Maldives “was ruined” as co-education was also introduced after ties were restored.
“All these issues were raised at the same time as the government restored diplomatic relations with Israel. Later came these doctors who first attempted to work in the Maldives without permission from the authorities,” he said. “They have already committed violence against Muslims in different areas of the world, so why should we expect any better?”
Visiting Israeli eye surgeons from the ‘Eyes from Zion’ NGO were in November met with protests and the burning of the Israeli flag in Male’s Republic Square. The Islamic Foundation NGO contested at the time that Israeli surgeons “have become notorious for illegally harvesting organs from non-Jews around the world.”
Opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Afrashim Ali claimed that Israelis and other foreign elements that “should not be allowed to enter a 100 percent Muslim country”, and would gain a foothold in the Maldives as a result of handing over management of the Male’ International Airport to Indian infrastructure giant GMR.
“[The airport deal with GMR] will open a big doorway for the people of Israel, who are brutalising Palestinians without any justification, to come to the Maldives and take over,” Afrashim said during the protests.
The debate over allowing Sun d’Or to operate in the Maldives could be moot after the airline’s license was revoked on April 1 by the Israel Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). El Al flights had reportedly been operating charter flights under different airline names – despite using the same aircraft and crew – in an effort to circumvent backlash from ultra-orthodox Israeli groups over its operating flights on the Sabbath and religious holidays. The airline has since stated that it would continue to not run flights on Sabbath days despite the loss of revenue, while Sun d’Or remains a charter brand under the national carrier.
“Sun d’Or operates as a designated carrier to European destinations, and carries out flights for El Al on the Saturdays and holidays. This enabled El Al to keep its 30-year plus status-quo with religious and haredi (ultra-orthodox) passengers by not flying on the Sabbath,” reported business magazine Globes.

How very narrow minded!
way to go Adhaalath.
we are with you.
Once again, religious dogma ensuring the arguments between races continue. I'm proud to be atheist.
How amusing that ultra-orthodox Israelis and our own extremist beardies are so similar in outlook.
I think the Israeli and Maldivian bigots should unite to stop this airline landing in Male'!
we wont let these Zionists come to our country after killing our brothers and sister and stealing their land in palestine. If their flights land here, they would have to use our bodies as a runway. We can garner much bigger protests against this than the "eye from zion" protest. This can even cause the fall of this government, if they keep on playing with citizens emotions like this.
What the hell is with these Israelis? why are they so much interested in this tiny tiny maldives which is so far away from them? Arent they satisfied in their stolen lands with all their ill-gotten money? Why should they bother about maldives? Is it to get votes in their favor in United Nations? Why should they worry about that also? After all America vetoes anything which goes against israel. I really dont understand the reason for this sudden close relationship between maldives and israel. Israel, please leave us alone! we dont need you.
Please MDP, let them end the coalition agreement, it'll be their loss and they'll be begging to join the club soon after.
Great. You will not be missed.
Useless bunch getting paid for hate mongering. I don't care even if you leave the country or the planet.
Damn u bearded Mullahs, if this is the case stop using ur fancy 3 g apple phones, and riding ur flash motorbikes, seriously have not met a more hypocritical group of people,
Freedom of speech has its limits. Afrasheem and others should not be allowed to hate-monger. This is a dangerous precedent, before we know it we will have people waging 'jihad' against anyone who dares to disagree with them.
OK seriously all these religious arguments are driving me insane!!!. The maldivians can beleive they are muslim and the israeali can beleive they are christian or what eer faith! and then leave it at that. simple. I am begining to realy dislike maldives for this narrow minded behaviour.
Here is how the Adhaalath party and similar minded mullah networks work.
Maldivians getting killed on the streets.......-silence-
Women and children getting raped.......-silence-
Any object, person(s) or item with Israel/Israeli arriving at Maldives......OMG THESE ZIONISTS! WE SHALL NOT LET THEM IN AS THEY ARE KILLING OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN PALESTINE! your brothers who get murdered, and sisters who get raped in your own country...who share the same blood, speak the same language, is from the same race, people you actually know.....don't really care about them.
....some arabs in the middle east getting killed.....huge problem for you.
Enough is enough! We don't need radical mullahs in this country! Abolish wahhabism in the Maldives!
We all breathe same air and one sun shines for all of us whether it is Israel or tiny Maldives. Can Adalath change that? What a crazy bunch of Zombies.
yes, Maldivian are getting killed and raped. but who is committing these crimes? in 99% cases its committed by secularists.
there is never silence from Adhaalath about the social crimes in maldives. They have given countless public lectures, press conferences and press releases about those issues. In fact, there is an upcoming demonstration about these social problems on 29th April entitled "Halakee islaamee Shariyath"
@ Anbar
yes, we breath the same air and one sun shine for Israel and maldives.
So we do the same thing with a serial killer, we breath the same thing, live in the same planet, etc.. does that mean we have to invite the killer to our homes?
I think they are coming here to relax on holiday, not invade the country.
Religious fundamentalists who want to force everyone to accept their view and opinion must admit the salaries they are being paid is tainted with haram money.
I challenge anyone here to prove otherwise.
If they truly had faith in what they preach they must leave this haram money and way of life to the "secularists' and go find a cave somewhere to live in.
Practice what you preach.....just leave us to choose the way we want to live.
childish of Adaalath!
They use religion to keep a hold of maldivian citizens, now its not Mohammeds (PBUH) religion that is preached, its Adaalaths islaam dheen. They interpret everything to suit their own needs.
Can you provide tangible evidence of that 99% statistic. As an atheist, I'm getting tired of hearing that religions hold the monopoly on moral and good behaviour. As I have said many times on here, I don't need the promise of an afterlife free of burning torture, or the promise of fornication with countless virgins to make me behave in a civilised manner. I behave correctly and treat others how I wish to be treated because it is the right thing to do.
@ @balrog
I doubt 100% of these murderers would even know what "secularist" means. And it's funny that's the only reason you can come up for the astonishing number of crime in this country.
What will happen if Adhaalath pulls out of coalition? Does that mean Anni has to step down and the country go into an immediate voting again? Because according to the maldivian constitution, without Adhaalath. MDP would not have the required seats by law to govern the country.
@ shahid
yes, they are coming here to relax and enjoy. but after killing hundreds of innocents. just a short break before the next killing season start.
the message is very clear; they are not welcome here. Thats the messege echoed by tens of thousands of maldivians who protested against them.
why dnt these jews go back to Germany and other European countries where they came from in their El Al and Sun d’Or flights with a one way ticket instead of coming here.
Oh!Adhaalath idiots club give new stupid idea!!! / why they cannot see that job is the job and business is the business?In Izrael have many good peoples from different nationality too/ do not mix external politics games and real peoples! why Adhaalath all the time see some stupid religion atavism in 21 century? realy Adhaalat is just coalition of the bearded crazy maniacs that like to live and make Maldives life same as beduins 1000 years ago in desert with smelly camels around!
we love Adhaalath party.
They are the best in maldivian politics.
What, Maldivians to visit so called Israel(Stolen Land From The Palestinians)? We have seen enough on TV, and we don't want them to come to our country, and spread propaganda, disease, lies.
They love to kill Muslims, why are we inviting them. I stand behind Adhaalath Party, what ever the name tag I get. We are already suffering from a surge of illegal workers here.
We don't want 80,000 zionists to to come and occupy Maldives.
Except few, almost all Muslim countries run by oppressive regimes that today the world is witnessing them daring to even kill their own citizens just to stay in power. As a muslim I wish to be killed by a Jew or a Christian rather than my own loved ones. I don't see any worse shame than being killed by my own people. Adhaalath party is talking about the these governments decisions. As I human being and a Muslim I strongly condemn the acts inhumane treatments against anyone in the world. But do you know why muslim regimes are against Israel, because they are just playing with emotions of Mulim population and finding a way to gain support and stay in power. Saddam Hussain built 100 palaces, when millions were starving in Iraq. And when it comes to media he launch some scud missiles to Israel to garner support playing the hearts and minds of the Mulim population, Gayyoom did the same thing and Now Adhaalath is set to be the same.
Is Israel a convicted serial killer? You can’t compare apple with orange to rationalize your religious conviction. Will you be so adamant to oppose to invite Bin laden to your house…..?
Once again, atheistic bo~gma ensuring the argument between races continues. Like wise, atheist hate muslims,Christians,jews and other form of godly religions, but they do believe in currencism and materialism, . My questions are why they all accept atheist? I am proud to be a Muslim. Even though the whole world believe that even atheist believes in GOD deep inside heart but they don’t want admits the fact in front of any human being. This is what?
The Arab leaders are killing thousand of their own people, tortured and raped many and yet many Muslim scholars failed to denounce the atrocities. If we denounce the killing in Palestine we should as well denounce the killing in other Muslim states. It is a shame a fellow Muslim could rape and kill innocent children and women just to protect the regime they support. Adhaalath has failed to criticize these barbaric acts and is in a love affair with Israel. How could we trust these religious scholars if their actions don't match their preach.
@Kevin Armes.
Proof is there for only those who have eyes which can see, ears which can hear. What proof do you need??
@ Ali. well said. If we want justice we need unselfish people. Even your enemy should be treated the same way you treat your brother. After all that is what Islam teaches us.
Firstly, with single MP in Majlis, AP is not in a position to dictate terms to ruling MDP. Secondly, why mix economic relations with religion. Every Muslim country including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc have diplomatic or business relations with Israel. Thirdly, the accusation of killing Muslims - what about recent incidents of firing on unarmed civilian protestors by Egyptian, Libyan, Tunisian, Yemenian, Saudi forces? Thousands perished in these firing incidents but Adhaalath kept mum. May be its OK with them if Muslims kill Muslims. What a hypocracy. Maldives is doing right by forging economic ties with Israel. We are a tourist country and more they come its better for our economy period.
i say govt hurry up the process. wouldn't we want adalath out of coaliation asap?
i see hypocracy again and again coming from these people. with the logic rasheed is using, maldives should have freedom of religion. only Saudi and Maldives is 100% constitutionalised islamic. There must be a reason why rest of the islamic countries have allowed freedom of religion. BUT he is willing to ignore it when its his power in question...
@hussain That's the sort of argument I expected to be honest. Thanks for your non-contribution. 🙂
Alternatively, why hasn't God given us the the wealth of Oil, which we can export and earn money.We would not then have to depend on foreigners by as much....
No, we are given a world class tourist destination, along with a world class nut-job of a population to manage.
We need tourism. Desperately. And We invite big time gamblers, princes, money launderers, drug-lords, mafia bosses... from Russia, Eastern Europe, West etc... of any creed, sexuality, religion, race...almost any body who can afford us. We treat them very well, and in return we get Forex to run our country.
Just how is the fking hell, are Israelis any different to any the above??? Israelis will also pay for the hospitality we offer. NO difference at all. God will not sink Kurumba, just because they entertain a few Jews there.
@ kevin armes
ofcourse those statistics are lies. if you talked to these gangsters you'd find that theyre mostly very bigoted about religion
You peoples' propensity to argue without evidence or rationale suggests that the main issue here is not your bigotry but your stupidity.
I am amused how those Adaalath fellows got no argument against their silence on the murderous regimes in the Arab world. Arabs have killed and tortured more Muslims than Israel other western nations did. I call Adaalath to stop the hypocritical stand on West and concentrate to educate Maldivians in the good way.
As muslims we should follow the example of Prophet Muhammed pbuh. he would treat anyone with compassion...even the jews. He would not discriminate. he would respect. keep that in mind.
Id adhaalath pulls out of the governemnt, the government will dossolute or they can join with the opposiiton and propose a non confidence vote in the paarliament against the current government. Think about this you all MDP, Anni and Israel lovers. This couldbe the end of Anni, not adhaalath. Its better for the government to cancel that flight proposal if they want to stay in power.
woww adhaalaths
@Kevin Armes
I don’t know what kind of an atheist you are. Each and every atheist has a different philosophy and thinking. This is true with the religions as well.
Logic and reasoning is actually missing in most of the atheistic thinking. They try to be very scientific, logical and rational.
The most important thing is when we want to criticize something we should have the knowledge about that particular issue or issues. How would I know the taste and benefits of mangoes without tasting or knowing the information about it? This is as simple as that.
Assuming that you are a person of logic and science I have a very simple question to ask from you. What can you say about the Qur’an. Is it possible for a human being to produce such a book? Here is the link to view the English translation of this Book. Be logical in your conclusion. I am just enthusiastic …
He he..
Come to think of it. If AP pulls out, they would then effectively have lost the only straw they were holding onto.
bibi AP.
@Kevin Armes
I don’t know what kind of an atheist you are. Each and every atheist has a different philosophy and thinking. This is true with the religions as well.
Logic and reasoning is actually missing in most of the atheistic thinking. They try to be very scientific, logical and rational.
The most important thing is when we want to criticize something we should have the knowledge about that particular issue or issues. How would I know the taste and benefits of mangoes without tasting or knowing the information about it? This is as simple as that.
Assuming that you are a person of logic and science I have a very simple question to ask from you. What can you say about the Qur’an. Is it possible for a human being to produce such a book? Here is the link to view the English translation of this Book. Be logical in your conclusion. I am just enthusiastic …
First of all, if the Adhaalath party keeps its word and leaves the government (one which it never had a democratic mandate to begin with) then, we are more than happy.
But I doubt that this party would do that. Power hungry mullahs are not known to willingly leave power anywhere in the world - and Adhaalath party has been a political prostitute its entire life, jumping into bed with Gasim, MDP, DRP or whichever way the tide seems to be headed.
"as Israeli flights are targets of terrorist organisations, it raises security concerns"
It wouldn't, if the Adhaalath/Salaf keeps its militants and thugs in check.
Last time Israeli doctors visited, everyone was happy and everything would have been normal except for the "outraged" Islamists making a racket on the streets and disturbing the peace.
This time too, the Israeli tourists can have a nice time and leave, and bring in foreign exchange and jobs and income - and everything'd be just fine.. if only these fundies could be locked up or deported.
All the same, we're all eagerly awaiting the Adhaalath to act on its "threat".
Please leave. And don't come back.
my 50 year old mum thinks this is brilliant as she can easily visit the holy Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem if such an airline operates. think of the bright side u brainless beardies.
Break it already. Stop making empty threats we know you won't see through :/