The Adhaalath Party has claimed that Maldivians traveling to India have begun face difficulties while in transit, following an article in ‘The Week’ magazine alleging the involvement of Maldivians in the Mumbai bombings.
Adhaalath contends that the article, which interviewed government officials and labelled Sheikh Illyas and Sheikh Fareed as “hate preachers”, will create “many obstacles” for travelling Maldivians and those living in India.
Today the party produced an image of a Maldivian passport stamped with a warning by Indian immigration that due to security concerns the bearer could only visit to India after two months.
Adhaalath Party noted that it has recently warned that such things would happen because of the interview senior government officials gave to ‘The Week’ magazine.
In the article, Ahmed Muneer, Deputy Commissioner of the Maldives Police, acknowledges that “our radical preachers are enjoying street credibility and radicalisation is visible at the street level. It’s a problem for us, but things would aggravate if the radicals get integrated into Maldivian politics.”
The Adhaalath party claimed that during the interview, “Dr Shaheed said that scholars were delivering lectures with the intention of earning money, and that only a few people attended religious protests because they wanted to go to heaven.”
”As a result of this [article], religious scholars in the Maldives will face many obstacles locally, and it will also affect Maldivian families living in India,” said the Adhaalath Party.
”Due to irresponsible comments by senior officials of the government, tourism in the country will also be affected,” warned the party earlier, accusing the President of “fabricating” statements concerning scholarly freedom in the Maldives.
The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives has also previously raised concerns about the impact of ‘The Week’ article.
“Apart from the threat of being arrested and interrogated by authorities abroad and being kept under surveillance by foreign governments, the government’s action may create obstacles and insecurity for the Muslim religious scholars and the people of Maldives in travelling abroad,” the Foundation said in a recent statement.
“We also call the government to stop stereotyping the people of this country with the hope of getting financial benefits from the enemies of Islam. We also urge the individuals involved in such acts to get repent and return to the Path of Allah,” it added.

the only concern adhaalath has is the concern thats sheku ilyas cannot come to bengalore once in a while. Sheku ilyas may now go to pakisthan not india. We should ask india to reject anyone who has a beard or wears hijabu carrying maldivian passporrt.
The breard and the hijab may be the "securuty concern" mark on the person and the Stamp on the passport.
It is obvious that if you present yourself at Indian immigration or any where in the world with a full grown beard and that you travel with your ninja women, you will be considered a security threat.
Shave yourself and be more presentable before travelling!
I recommend that all the Mullahs' passports be stamped with a warning to (foreign authorities) when they clear Maldivian Immigration on their departure to foreign countries.
The Mullah's need to understand that their is a price to be paid for hate mongering and that they cannot go misuse "the right to freedom of expression" to create social unrest and religious intolerance.
Only when the radicals realize that their personal life style will have a negative impact, will they tone done their rhetoric (if at all)!
* there is a price to pay
The Indian government has every right to reject entry into their country for security reasons. It doesn't matter even if Adhaalath condemns the article, truth will remain the truth. Maldivians ARE going for "imaginary jihads" in Pakistan and Afghanistan. There was even a video which became very famous about a Maldivian named Ali Jaleel who killed 30+ people in Pakistan in a suicide bombing. Why deny reality even when it comes and punches you in the face?
But my main point stands. Indian government can refuse entry to anybody they want. It's not upto Adhaalath party to decide who gets in and out of India.
How I wish our immigration department had the power to refuse these people entry back into the country.
When these Mullahs preach hate it is not a problem. It is when someone mention that they preach hate it becomes a problem!
I think our immigration should retaliate to this. There are hundreds of Maldivians who travel to India and they are not terrorists. Just because some loafers give an interview to a news magazine, Indian government shouldn't do something like this. Such a stamp on the passport could mean lots of problems to those Maldivians who travels beyond India. The Maldivian government should seriously tell Indian authorities to stop doing these or else start stamping the Indian passports which arrive into this country. India is no angel in the world with respect to terrorism and human rights violation. They have loads of extremist and terrorist elements within themselves and they have been violating the rights of Kashmiris for decades with terror and homicides. So why can't we do a tit fof tat with them. We dont have to shave our beard or take of the buruka of our wife, mother or sister to please indians. Religion is something personal and the indian government has to respect it just like the way we respect their turbans, sarees and bindi. So cummon Maldives government, take a stiff stand against this.
@ Ibrahim Yasir
Retaliate? What a joke!
A small drop in the Indian Ocean with a tiny population of less than 350,000 people who are dependent on India for almost everything to "retaliate" against India?????? hehehe.
Might as well retaliate against the sun!
You idiots really live cuckoo land!
Maldives cannot, should not and will never ever remotely consider any steps against India for this. India is doing the right thing to protect their borders. We are lucky that Maldivians are exempted from requiring to enter India in the first place when other nationalities require it.
Go home, take a shower and chill!
"A small drop in the Indian Ocean with a tiny population of less than 350,000 people..."
Not for long. With the current rate of migration from Bangladesh and India to the Maldives, these islands will surge in population to millions pretty soon. Also, it won't take long before it becomes either a state of Bangladesh or India!
I hope the day doesn't come when I have to say "I told you so"!
It's absolutely right for the Indian authorities to be taking action against "scholars", i.e. hate preachers.
This is a global problem that needs a global resolution. It won't be just India that will be stamping your passports with a warning. Most nations will be doing that; in fact, most nations may stop you entering at all!
The actions of a few are jeopardising the lives of the many. Time for the great majority to take action against the minority hate mongers and put them in their place.
I think this is very good. Hopefully more countries will follow suit in putting these mullahs on no-fly lists. If I were the Indian Immigration authorities, I would consider these people a national security threat.
To me, it seems a but hypocritical when these mullahs sow the seeds of hatred and promote intolerance towards other religions, and then complain when they cannot travel to a foreign country of which Islam, is not the dominant religion.
I hear that our Security Forces is compiling a list of individuals considered hate preachers and dangerous mullahs so that they can inform friendly countries to prevent these people from travelling.
By the way, all it takes is a beard.
The great shame of all of this is that despite the number of "scholars" and Islamic organisations that are sprouting up in the country, the social fabric of the place has gone from bad to worse!
15 - 20 years ago, there were no murders to be heard of in this country. There were no child molestors to be heard of; there were no drug addicts to be heard of. Today, all these things are chronic and proportional to the rate of "scholarliness" of the country!
What have the "scholars" done for their country, may I ask?
Yasir, are you saying we respect other people's religions? Really.
Do you think 'allowing' an Indian woman to keep her sari on is the height of tolerance?
I don't think you are in a position to give tit for anyone's tat, you twat.
having a beard & wearing scarf and staying in the Maldives is a million times better than shaving the beard and travelling naked, ignorant secular people who thinks if we do not get western aid we will not survive will not understand what the beard and the correct burugaa means
India has the right to refuse anyone whom they consider a threat to their nation.
At the moment I am inclined to agree. That most beardees are a threat to us, to India, in fact to the whole world. Yes India. Please please do NOT let any beardee enter into your home land. If they want medical treatment, they can go to the ways of 600AD desert medicine. Which does not require them to be in India.
I wish, we can send them on a fast track to the heaven of their dreams. Or atleast extradite them to their paradise land on earth : TheSaudi.
@Mohamed on Wed, 2nd Feb 2011 7:09 PM
Yep. Happy to be very ignorant on this!
Isn't it surprising that the same people who call for freedom of everything are actually celebrating and approving acts of this sorts...nothing but freedom to believe and express the ways these "freedom extremists" are...freedom of sexuality but not freedom of travel for a religious imam.
When did Maldives become divided into people who don't have beards, don't wear burugas = bad evil people....and people who do have beards and wear "correct" buruga (tent) = good people ?
So I'm guessing according to you, the majority of Maldivians are going to hell?
Radical Islamists and Hate preachers who are spreading intolerance and radicalism in the Maldives need to be identified and urgent steps taken. Some suggestions:-
1. Deny mainstream media for their hate mongering and intolerance (TV etc,)
2. Deny public venues such as school halls etc. for them to spread their message.
3. Flag their identity to foreign countries advising governments of their practices.
4. Restrict Maldivian passports for travel to Pakistan and stamp the words " NOT VALID FOR TRAVEL TO PAKISTAN". A special permit to be issued by Immigration in consultation with MNDF for travel to Pakistan after screening those who apply for permission.
5. Stamp the passports of all these chaps with a cautionary warning to identify them as intolerant.
Just some thoughts that comes to my mind immediately. This list can be broadened of course.
Let us remind these radicals that they should be prepared to face similar hatred from people of other faiths against whom they Mullahs rant. These people should be made to face difficulties during their travel. They should not be allowed to escape scrutiny just because they have a Maldivian passport. Only then can the rest of us travel in peace.
Where is the logic for these people to go and seek medical treatment and even undergo surgery under the hands of non-muslim doctors and even Jewish doctors abroad when they cannot tolerate a humanitarian gesture from some jewish doctors to perform a few operations in IGMH (Male;.) ??
The moment they are sick with even a minor ailment they rush to India for treatment. And who provides them the service? Mostly Hindu or Tamil doctors who do not even believe in "One God" unlike Jews who are the followers of Prophet Moses.
So my message to the loud-mouthed fundamentalists is be prepared to taste your own medicine!
India has got GUTS to take action against hate preachers. Hats off!
WHO's passport was this anyway???
I guess someone who's blacklisted, and not an ordinary, innocent Maldivian.
Everyone who listens to your speeches knows what they are about. Hate towards other religions and spreading fear, trying to threat with "hellfire", you idiots. You have ruined this former peaceful country. You are fully responsible if there shall ever be a decline in tourism due to fear of extremism. So pay the price!
Wish Maldives had the guts that India shows to combat terrorism...
Good. these Mullahs should be kicked out to Afghanistan. No wonder Indian dont want them. These Mullahs are trying to spoil Malidves, Indian and other peacefull Islamic countries. Can somebody remind me the regligion of these Mullahs? I doubt they are Muslims.
we appeal to Adhalat Party mullahs like Mullah ilyas to stop their hateful sermons. Mullah ilyas must understand that maldivians are not children that he can scare with his bogeyman stories. please Mullah Ilyas, get a real job instead of doing this useless theatrical work that only serves to divide this planet and kill innocent people.
India is known as the largest yet the most shallowest democracy in the world. Look at your billions encased in your holy caste system, and your freedom of choice (er your arranged marriages)and torture in Kashmir and Assam (yet preaching anti terrorism).
How ironic that Adaalath is worried about tourism getting affected and breath not wanting anything to do with the enemies of Islam.
By Adaalath definition, enemies of Islams are "infidels". Tourism market depends on "infidels"
* and at the same breath
(please edit comment)
It is about time these hate mongers are brought back to earth. Hats off Indian Immigration.
Please read the article in the "Week" magazine, which is the centre of all these accusations. The article does not dierectly refer the quotes either to Mr. Afeef or Dr. Shaheed. Its a clever piece of insinuation and prevarication, and it is unfair to mistakenly believe that senior officials were rubbishing these preachers.Minivan should acknoledge this confusion. Tks
If Freedom of Extremism shall be practiced so should the Freedom of Religion
As some people rightly pointed out here, there is a price you pay for the way you present yourself at the immigration of foreign countries. I would like to add that this has probably happened to very few Maldivians. The large majority of travellers are granted entry in a number of countries through out the world.
Why do we not have the backbone to revoke the passports of anyone going abroad to foment violence and preach hateful dogma? Maybe we should look to our own immigration service and the people who make such decisions, perhaps they sympathise with them in the first place?
n the other hand shame India have not realised that Peace TV is not all that it seems and shut it down to slow down the Zaik nut ball.
Sad when authorities who are there for the protection of the state and the people, put aside their responsibilities for whatever reason, we all stand to lose in the long run.
@ the balrog
it is not only the majority of the maldivians who are going to hell but majority of the mankind is going to hell becuase only a minority of the mankind lives the way Allah (sw) and our beloved prophet (saw) has asked us to live, has anybody ever heard any islamic scholar saying that having a beard is haram, but there are many scholars who says shaving the beard totally is haram so why do we take a chance, even in our life we try not to take a chance if we feel there is a threat
You Adhaalath People should know, there is always someone watching you after 9/11.
you were involved in recent Mumbai bombings and India has every right to stamp "DAMN SECURITY THREAT". I think they should say in the stamp " please visit after life" just to make sure you are clean.
Ordinary Muslims have been suffering from the actions of radical Islamists for decades now.
As long as we continue to harbour hate-mongering groups like the Adhaalath and J Salaf/Islamic Foundation, then we will continue to face the consequences - especially in countries that take their security seriously.
On the bright side, it's good to see the Indian government keep its Muslims and other citizens safe from the jihadis we export - even if some of our innocent get inconvenienced.
I might also add that at a recent J Salaf 'religious' talk, they specifically mentioned that it was unIslamic to maintain relationships with non-Muslims.
Seeing how this seems to be their prevailing logic, I wonder why they bother to go to that land of 'infidels', when they can stay right here in the blessed '100% Muslim' land for the rest of their lives.
And if the J Salaf was wrong, and it IS in fact allowed to maintain relationships with non-Muslims, then surely their Sheikhs must be put behind bars for preaching falsehoods in the name of Islam?
What Adhaalath Party should know is, India has one of the best intelligence services in the world and they can make up their own minds without relying on some government officials interview.
Like some of the comments says most of you religious preaching freaks are spreading hate, Which is not what Islam preaches.
This passport case is proof of your hate spreading and pointing fingers at people without knowing a damn thing about how the world works.
Hats off to India, Adaalat is paying the price of their ignorance. Soon you guyz will be banned to enter other countries. Certainly India is doing everything to protect its citizens from terrorist attack and this way they could give strong message to those Mullahs. Adaalat!!!! soon only safe heaven for you will be mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A very irresponsible comment by a government official has made the lives of some Maldivians very difficult. I think this should be investigated.
@ alibeyya....don't let the radical shave the is a good stamp itself for recognition and avoid
this sheikh Ilyas guy must be banned from travelling to anywhere...
We shall stamp "head of a Cow" in the Indian passports coming into the country .... by the way Mahaathuma Gandhi salaam buni Adhaalath Party ah
If you believe someone saying that "shaving your beard totally" is haraam, then you have been heavily brainwashed and probably can't live without fear anymore. Bit psycho you are, dear. Use your senses and hopefully you realize that there is nothing wrong in keeping your face nice, hair-free and clean. Most of the beards, if not nicely trimmed, look anyway as if genital-surrounded hair are growing in the face... not very attractive!
i have some verses for you from the surah Al-Baqarah
[2:11] When they are told, "Do not commit evil," they say, "But we are righteous."
[2:12] In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive.
[2:13] When they are told, "Believe like the people who believed," they say, "Shall we believe like the fools who believed?" In fact, it is they who are fools, but they do not know.
the surah is about hypocrisy, we also believe in the same god as you. but we dont spread hatred or commit acts of crime in the name of god.
I urge you to read the quran again and be enlightened. not with hatred, but with love.
Fact of the matter is, when preachers got opportunity to preach, they went into a frenzy without looking and thinking deeply in to the volatile situation the country and the world of Islam was in!
End result of this is this. Now the poor man having limited capacities has to suffer!
ULTIMATELY, it is the poor average "Maldivian" who suffer!
Yet another attempt by MN to trash Islam. What a joke you guys are. Seriously get a life people at MN.
Tell me, how exactly is Minivan trashing Islam? What are you blabbering on about you moron? Lol. I see from this article that they have provided evidence which clearly demonstrates how pathetic this party is. It's hilarious to think that they have attempted to ruin the government's reputation by showing a picture of a stamped passport, and end up looking the fools. Who exactly owns this passport I wonder? Perhaps someone who has visited Pakistan lately maybe, wears a long beard, is a member of this party even? I know a lot of people who have visited India in the last few weeks and none of them have had such stamps. Why? Well, they look normal for a start and aren't extremist.
On the contrary, what's trashing Islam into the ground is the Adhaalath party who use Islam as a tool for political gain and nitwits like you with baseless arguments
IM anew guy so can anybody plse tell me Y do people call him hatemonegrs and what are the things he have said to earn the title hatemonger
@ confused
You need to read Minivan News regularly for a few months to understand that what 'Me' said is indeed very true.
At first, I did not believe those who said that Minivan News trashes Islam. But after reading this news website for a few months, I started to agree with them.
Minivan News seems to be waiting for an opportunity to either talk ill of Islam or get the commenters here talk ill of Islam. If this is not true, have a look at the articles from the archives of this website. EVERYTHING and ALL THINGS that happen in Maldives, that are related to Islam either directly or indirectly will be reported here. But bigger issues such as the undemocratic acts of the hooliganis of MDP will not be reported here.
I also have a feeling that many commenters who comment on Minivan News are from MDP. I say this because they talk like MDP. So the views expressed on this website is reflective of the standard of MDP and not that of the Maldivian public by any means.
so they were preaching al-hala wal wara'..or something like dat to the public. means loving and hating for allah. HATING!! and this is in our school syllabus too.islam is all about love and peace, so all this hate is probably from the bedouin cult founded by a man named ibn wahhab. that an other fundie cults.