‘Those Who Desire Heaven’

English translation (abridged) of a sermon given on the evening of 29 Jan by Sheikh Ilyas Hussain, renowned Islamic scholar and vice-president of the Adaalaath party’s scholar’s council.

Youth, please pay attention! There will be rivers of wine and honey in Heaven. Heaven-dwellers are divided into 100 ranks. Aspire for the highest rank which is Firdous because God’s throne itself sits over it.

Wine is prohibited in this life. But because it is legal [in Heaven], the wine of Heaven does not leave you with nausea, trips to the toilet, intoxication or even headaches.

There will be comfortable couches, which can be adjusted, couches made of gold and precious stones. And young lads of infinite beauty will come to you with cups of wine taken from streams. They are eternally youthful and like golden pearls.

You can get any fruit you want and however much you want to consume. Birds, fried and put on trays — they come and present themselves for you to eat.

God gave this commandment to you from Seven Heavens above: to aspire for Heaven.

Whatever you want, you will be given. You will all be guests of God.

If you are not satisfied, there’s only room for relaxing there. There will be Houris (‘black-eyed beautiful Virgins’) protected like golden pearls. Please calm down a bit, beloved sisters! What is a Houri made of? Three things: the bottom part is made of musk, the middle part is made of ambergris, and the upper part is made of Camphor. Their hair and eyebrows are black in color, they are as beautiful as rubies and coral.

Wine taken, fruits eaten and your heart is content, then you are given a Houri — calming on the eyes, content for the heart, and relaxing to the body.

In Heaven, no idle sounds will be heard, no noises will be heard that will lead you to become a criminal, only Peace will be heard.

Please calm down from now, beloved Sisters. Don’t ask me questions. You may ask: For you Houris; what for us? Now listen to what God has to say: You will be recreated anew. How will you be resurrected in Heaven? As virgins. Not satisfied still? God says further: You will be recreated as wives made to love their husbands, of same age, having no chance of aging ever.

What is Kaub? It is something that is erected. Forgive me but this is going to be a technical discussion. Kaaba (House of God in Mecca) is also called that because it is erected from the ground. The shin is also called Kaub because it grows straight out of the legs. Just like that, women in their full prime will have their may-mathi (breasts) pointing out.

They will have the same age. What age? Heaven-dwellers will enter there in the prime of their beauty: 33 years of age. 33 years is the age at which youth reaches prime. You will be eternally 33 years of age in Heaven; whether a 100 years pass or so you will still be 33 eternally. Height? 60 ‘muh’ (‘muh’ in Dhivehi is equal to 18 inches), in Adam’s image, everyone will be, there will be no one old.

So what’s the story about the wives we have on Earth? They will be many times more beautiful than a Houri. So no questions there. If you pray the five obligatory daily prayers, and fast when you are obliged to fast, and are faithful and obedient to your husband, there will be eight gates open at Paradise, so please enter from the gate of your choosing. More beautiful than Houris.

Then there will arise the question of jealousy. But in the Afterlife there are no such issues for God has said that he will get rid of the jealous streak in your heart. Then they will reside on the couches, one being considerate towards the other, and they will live on peacefully as if siblings. There will be no jealousy. No petty conflicts. There will be no issues rising among second, third or fourth wife, as you experience in this world. You only get to enter Heaven only after being cleansed of such inconveniences. In Heaven there will be only satisfaction and happiness and there will be nothing that troubles the heart. God is Great. That is Heaven.

Now let’s take a look at shopping in Heaven. But wait a minute, now youth will be wondering about this: what about going to the toilet after eating and drinking? Beloved brothers, there will be no toilet in Heaven. Why is that? A water will be given and after you drink it, a kind of bloat will leave through the mouth. It will smell like musk, no bad smell at all. It won’t be a Paradise of Blessings if we have to go to the toilet over and over again.

When you go shopping in Heaven, there will be no need for money or any need to actually buy anything. There will be no money in Heaven. They will go shopping every Friday. Why? To buy anything? No, to roam around for the heart’s content. A breeze from the north of Heaven will affect their faces and their clothes, and extra beauty will be added to them. When they return with such added beauty, their house-folk will say to them: “Every day your beauty increases.”

There will be no hospital. There will be no falling ill — ever. There will be no death — only living for Eternity. No ageing but eternal sustenance of youth.

Are you happy, Heaven-dwellers? What more do we need? Should I give you something more noble? What is better than this? God has said that today I am bestowing my approval and from today onwards will never resent my followers. Do you have a difficulty in seeing the Full Moon? Any difficulty in seeing the sun on a cloudless sky? Just like that you will see God through the naked eye. That will be the greatest gift you get in Heaven than this — seeing God’s self in his full glory.

Let’s see about the last one who gets to enter Paradise. He will walk, he will crawl, he will be surrounded by fire (as he comes out of Hell). The person who is in the least ranks of Heaven-dwellers will have in service 80,000 servants, 82 women, 100 people’s strength and after intercourse, (she) will always be re-virginised.

This is a gift I bring to those who desire heaven. We have a short time. We have only this Earthly temporary life to correct and through this key we get to enter Heaven and once we enter, there is no boredom and no difficulties. So use your youth to work towards this.

If you want to live your life’s days according to God’s way, you must lower your gaze, control what you hear with the ear, keep in check the actions committed by your hands and feet; do not say a sorry word at your brothers-in-faith and not raise a weapon against him; your tongue has to be kept in check. The tongue is soft and small but most people get to enter Hell due to misuse of the tongue. A person’s undoing is misuse of his tongue and private parts. A person who has protected these two parts are ensured a place in Heaven. Two angels will write every word you utter; you will be given a balance sheet of the actions you committed. If you want Heaven’s wine, give up Earth’s wine. You will get clothes made from silk.

Those who cut off blood relations, why be petty and jealous and give up Eternal Happiness? Compete and try to excel towards that. Why do we lose ourselves in temporary Earthly pleasures? This is a prison; this is the Unbeliever’s Paradise. We need to wake ourselves up for Dawn prayer. We have to make our children pray before they go to school in the morning.

Original speech located here


138 thoughts on “‘Those Who Desire Heaven’”

  1. Why is this psycho allowed to speak in public. Is this what we call democracy?

  2. Thank you so much Minnivan News. This is the funniest best article ever. The best thing is you did not have to do any research but just translate. Hilarious I am laughing and laughing. Can the Sheikh tell us if we women woukd also get vine served by young boys, or is it just the men....Also I don't want to be reverginaised, the first time was painful enough but to go through it every time??? I would rather not have sex.

  3. What the F... is this? What is he talking about? To whom are these women be re-virgined? and Young beautiful boys bringing wine? What a doofus.

  4. Esteban loves this article which is really not an article. This is a manifesto for the pleasure-seeking rake. Esteban thinks Sheikh should write for Penthouse Letters. Esteban thinks Sheikh would make a better income that way. Salim Waheed is a speaker of the truth. He is honest and boring like a grandmother. If only he was half as interesting as Sheikh. Hoping Sheikh would take the moral high ground and not put a fatwa or hex on me.

  5. salaam, good lecture
    & one must remember the grave to be a true muslim
    here is a noble lecture from a great muslim that shook atheism(other religions) to its very foundations
    islam is the ultimate religion of logic & common sense
    Allahu akbar!!


  6. “Verily, (during the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.

    30. And, whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery).

    31. And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;

    32. And when they saw them, they said: ‘Verily, these have indeed gone astray!’

    33. But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers).

    34. But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers

    35. On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).

    36. Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?”

    [al-Mutaffiffeen 83:29-36]

  7. @Veronica

    I am pleased that you have initiated to find more about the religion of Islam and May Allah (SWT) bestow me the knowledge to answer your query.

    Before I answer your question let me mention that Allah (SWT) is the Lord of all worlds (Things which we know and we don’t know). He mentions in Quran (Surah Waqia – Interpretation of meaning - 56: 61-62) “We have decreed Death to be your common lot, and we are not to be frustrated from changing your forms and creating you (again) in (forms) that ye know not”. Therefore, he has the only power of changing the biology that is inherent in our body and creating us with all the good feelings and eliminates any of our shortcomings in the hereafter.

    In this worldly life, we see that stead fasting to the principles of the religion by abstaining from prohibitions as one of the difficult thing for humans except for pious people. And we humans are inclined to attract to all the evil acts (Such as adultery, fornication etc), especially because they are forbidden in the religion of Islam. Allah (SWT) mentions in Quran (Surah Baqra 2:45-46) “Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him” .

    With regard to your question, Allah (SWT) has given us the news of some of the blessings and rewards of heaven which is undoubtedly a contentment to true believers. We would know all the blessings of heaven in the after life and when Allah (SWT) accept us to the heaven (Insha Allah). Furthermore, Allah (SWT) is our creator and he knows best what is good and what is bad for us. He will surely give the best rewards to the believers who would be accepted to heaven. There are several versus in Quran that mentions about the features of Heaven and this include the following verses (Heaven - 2:25,3:15,3:136,3:181,3:195,3:198, family in 13:23,40:8, filled with mighty guards and flames 72:8, immortal youths in 56:17,76:19, parents united with offspring 52:21,56:36, pure spouses in 2:25,3:15,4:57,36:56,43:70, several 2:29,2:164,3:129,6:73,6:101,17:44,55:30,65:12,67:3,71:15,78:12, virgin mates of modest gaze 37:48-49,38:52,55:56,55:72-74,56:22,56:34-36,78:33).

    May Allah (SWT) guide you to the right path and give you the right knowledge.

    Allah (SWT) knows best.

  8. British astrophysicist Professor Paul Davies: "the laws [of
    physics] ... seem themselves to be the product of exceedingly ingenious
    design…. The universe must have a purpose."

    NASA astronomer Professor John O’Keefe: "We are, by astronomical
    standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures. If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision, we could never have come into existence. It is
    my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created
    for man to live in."

    We did not create the heavens and the Earth and everything
    between them as a game. We did not create them except
    with truth but most of them do not know it. (Qur’an, 44:38-

  9. When Allah desires to guide someone, He expands his
    breast to Islam. When He desires to misguide someone,
    He makes his breast narrow and constricted as if he
    were climbing up into the sky. That is how Allah defiles
    those who disbelieve. (Surat al-An' am: 125)

  10. The theory of evolution asserts that life is formed by chance.
    According to this claim, lifeless and unconscious atoms came together
    to form the cell and then they somehow formed other living
    things, including man. Let us think about that. When we
    bring together the elements that are the building-blocks of life
    such as carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, only a
    heap is formed. No matter what treatments it undergoes, this
    atomic heap cannot form even a single living being. If you like,
    let us formulate an "experiment" on this subject and let us examine
    on the behalf of evolutionists what they really claim without
    pronouncing loudly under the name "Darwinian formula":
    Let evolutionists put plenty of materials present in the composition
    of living things such as phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen,
    iron, and magnesium into big barrels. Moreover, let them add
    in these barrels any material that does not exist under normal conditions,
    but they think as necessary. Let them add in this mixture
    as many amino acids and as many proteins—a single one of which
    has a formation probability of 10-950—as they like. Let them expose
    these mixtures to as much heat and moisture as they like. Let them
    stir these with whatever technologically developed device they
    like. Let them put the foremost scientists beside these barrels. Let
    these experts wait in turn beside these barrels for billions, and even
    trillions of years. Let them be free to use all kinds of conditions
    they believe to be necessary for a human's formation. No matter what they do, they cannot produce from these barrels a human,
    say a professor that examines his cell structure under the electron
    microscope. They cannot produce giraffes, lions, bees, canaries,
    horses, dolphins, roses, orchids, lilies, carnations, bananas, oranges,
    apples, dates, tomatoes, melons, watermelons, figs, olives,
    grapes, peaches, peafowls, pheasants, multicolored butterflies, or
    millions of other living beings such as these. Indeed, they could not
    obtain even a single cell of any one of them.
    Briefly, unconscious atoms cannot form the cell by coming together.
    They cannot take a new decision and divide this cell into
    two, then take other decisions and create the professors who first
    invent the electron microscope and then examine their own cell
    structure under that microscope. Matter is an unconscious, lifeless
    heap, and it comes to life with God's superior creation.
    The theory of evolution, which claims the opposite, is a total fallacy
    completely contrary to reason. Thinking even a little bit on the
    claims of evolutionists discloses this reality, just as in the above example.

  11. Ibn Ali,

    What you are talking of is abiogenesis, not evolution. Abiogensis is about how living things came from non-living matter. Evolution is how living things , well, evolve.
    Abiogenesis is not a pre-requisite for the theory of evolution to be valid or invalid.

    Yes, science hasnt created life from non-living matter, but that doesn't mean the theory is completely false. Just because they cannot recreate big-bang does not mean big bang theory is invalid. But then again, they are creating particles that existed just right after the big bang.

  12. @meekaaku
    One cannot argue scientifically with the fanatics. Their brains are too hardwired.

  13. Ibn Ali,

    Doest british astrophysicist and Nasa validate your version of religion? the clock work of this universe, all laws of physics being same throughout universe indeed helps one to bring to conclusion that this must have been created by a designer, BUT it does not give any validity to any pre-historic or newage religions. why try to borrow strength from science to your claims while you donot agree with very fundamentals of Science. lot of people i see do that.

    the premature "logical explanation" you have offered against life forming from non-living matter is not only irrelevent to evolution, but i think poorly researched. Its like the guy who suggested wheat, milk and spare cloth put in a jar will make mice. it should not or does not work that way. Even if you mix all the matter that forms human body in a lab, that does not produce human. who thought we would have understood the workings of DNA back in 19th century, but by 1950s and 60s it was well understood. likewise there is no reason to believe this would not be cracked by science in decades to come, if it hadn't alreay been done. hang in there son.

  14. That's the problem when religious people talk about evolution without understanding it. Anyhow, it is 'easier' to believe in Heaven with vine & virgins than being educated enough to understand the principles of natural selection. There's still a long way to go...

  15. Hi Ibn Ali, if you are interested in Science, go to a good university and study it. But do not go to madrassas in Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Pakistan. I think Ibn learned his science from Bin Laden.

  16. Clever diversion of the original topic (Wine and virgins) in the name of science and evolution.... well done.

  17. Probabilistic calculations make it clear that complex molecules
    such as proteins and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) could not
    ever have been formed by chance independently of each other .
    Yet evolutionists have to face the even greater problem that all these
    complex molecules have to coexist simultaneously in order for life to
    exist at all. Evolutionary theory is utterly confounded by this require -
    ment. This is a point on which some leading evolutionists have been
    forced to confession. For instance, Stanley Miller's and Francis Crick's
    close associate from the University of San Diego California, reputable
    evolutionist Dr. Leslie Orgel says:
    It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids, both of
    which are structurally complex, arose spontaneously in the same pla -
    ce at the same time. Yet it also seems impossible to have one without
    the other. And so, at first glance, one might have to conclude that life
    could never, in fact, have originated by chemical means .(1)
    The same fact is also admitted by other scientists:
    DNA cannot do its work, including forming more DNA, without the
    help of catalytic proteins, or enzymes. In short, proteins cannot form
    without DNA, but neither can DNA form without proteins. (2)
    How did the Genetic Code, along with the mechanisms for its transla -
    tion (ribosomes and RNA molecules), originate? For the moment, we
    will have to content ourselves with a sense of wonder and awe, rather
    than with an answer .(3)

    1 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth", Scientific American , vol. 271, October
    1994, p. 78
    2 John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, vol. 264, February 1991, p. 119
    3 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gšdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, New York, Vin -
    tage Books, 1980, p. 548

  18. A watchmaker determines how
    to use these materials to produce a watch. He pours the information in his mind to form this watch from materials which do not mean anything by themselves. Wouldn't it be illogical to claim that these pieces came together and formed this
    watch? The claim of evolutionists on the origin of life is far more illogical than this.

  19. Then how can it be that DNA, which is composed of the arrangement of a certain number of unwise and unconscious atoms in certain sequences, and enzymes, working in a harmonious
    way, is able to achieve much work and organise countless complicated and diverse operations in the cell in a perfect and complete manner? The answer to this is very simple; wisdom is not in
    these molecules or in the cell that
    contains them, but in the self who
    has brought these molecules into
    being, programming them to function as
    they do.

  20. The Scandinavian scientist Soren Lovtrup makes the following remark
    in his book Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth:
    I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire
    branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what
    has happened in biology: for a long time now people discuss
    evolutionary problems in a peculiar 'Darwinian' vocabulary Ð
    'adaptation', 'selection pressure', 'natural selection', etc. Ð thereby
    believing that they contribute to the explanation of natural events. They
    do not É I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the
    greatest deceit in the history of science.

  21. Some of them listen to you but
    We have placed covers on their
    hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though they see every
    Sign, they still would not believe, so that when they come to you,
    disputing with you, the unbelievers say, 'This is nothing but the
    myths of previous peoples!' (Surat al-An'am: 25)

  22. Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from alaq.
    Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous.
    (Surat al-'Alaq: 1-3)
    The meaning of the word alaq in Arabic is "a thing that clings to some
    place". The word is literally used to describe leeches that cling to a body
    to suck blood.
    Certainly, the use of such an appropriate word for the embryo
    developing in the mother's womb, proves that the Qur'an is a
    revelation from God, the Lord of all the Worlds.

  23. (We) then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into
    a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones
    in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature.
    Blessed be God, the Best of Creators!
    (Surat al-Muminun: 14)

    Embryology is the branch of science that studies the development of
    the embryo in the mother's womb. Until very recently, embryologists
    assumed that the bones and muscles in an embryo developed at the same
    time. Yet, advanced microscopic research conducted by virtue of new technological developments has revealed that the revelation of the Qur'an
    is word for word correct.These observations at the microscopic level showed that the
    development inside the mother's womb takes place in just the way it is
    described in the verses. First, the cartilage tissue of the embryo ossifies.
    Then muscular cells that are selected from amongst the tissue around the
    bones come together and wrap around the bones.
    This event is described in a scientific publication titled Developing
    Human in the following words:
    "The shape of the skeleton determines the general appearance of the
    embryo in the bones stage during the 7th week; muscles do not develop
    at the same time but their development follows soon after. The muscles
    take their positions around the bones throughout the body and
    therefore Clothe the bones. Thus, the muscles take their well known
    forms and structuresÉ The stage of clothing with muscle occurs during
    the 8th week"

  24. Darwinists claim that by undergoing minor changes, living beings
    evolve from one species to another over millions of years.
    According to this claim which is refuted by scientific findings, fish
    transformed into amphibians, and reptiles transformed into birds. This
    so-called transformation process, asserted to last for millions of years,
    should have left countless evidence in the fossil record. In other
    words, during their intense researches for the last hundred years,
    researchers should have uncovered many grotesque living beings such
    as half-fish half-lizard, half-spider half fly or half-lizard half-bird.
    However, although almost every stratum on Earth has been dug, not
    even a single fossil has been found that Darwinists can use as an
    evidence for their so-called transition.
    On the other hand, there are innumerable fossils showing that spiders
    were always spiders, flies were always flies, fish were always fish,
    crocodiles were always crocodiles, rabbits were always rabbits and
    birds were always birds. Hundreds of millions of fossils clearly show
    that living beings have not undergone evolution, but were created.

  25. Stingrays are cartilaginous fish. In the face of a threat, they defend themselves with the stings on
    their tails. Their eyes are located above their flattened bodies and their mouths are underneath. Just
    like sharks, they find their food by using their sense of smell and by electrical senses. They generally
    live submerged on the ocean floor, with only their eyes and tails discernable.
    The fossil pictured evidences that fish have not undergone evolution. Stingrays that lived 50 million
    years ago were no different from the ones living today. Despite the passage of millions of years, no
    change has occurred in the structure of stingrays. If evolution had really taken place, then stingrays
    would have undergone various stages, leaving behind many fossils documenting these sequential
    stages. However each fossil discovered reveal that today's stingrays and those that lived in the past
    are the same. All these deny the claims of evolutionists.

  26. One striking feature about the fossil record is that, living beings have
    undergone no changes during all the geological periods. In other words, for
    tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions of years, creatures have
    remained just as they initially appeared in the fossil records. This is evidence
    that then and now, living beings have not evolved.
    Crabs that have remained unchanged for 50 million years are among these
    proofs. Crabs that live today and those of millions of years ago are identical.

  27. @Ibn Ali
    if a modern watch came into existence without the help of its predecessors (to its basic elements)i just might believe u

    btw did u know the sun sets into a muddy spring O_O
    i was really surprised when i found that out

  28. The following script is taken from a Debate titled: "Quran & bible in the Light of Science". Dr William Campbell attempts to prove Quran has scientific errors, Dr Zakir Naik refutes his attempts in the following manner:

    Dr. William Campbell raised a point regarding Surah Kahf Chapter No.18, Verse No.86, that… ‘Zulqarnain sees the sun setting in murky water… in turbid water - Imagine sun setting in murky water… unscientific.’ The Arabic word used here is 'wajada' meaning, ‘it appeared to Zulqarnain.’ And Dr. William Campbell knows Arabic. So 'wajada' means - if you look up in the dictionary also, it means it appeared.’

    So Allah (swt) is describing what appeared to Zulqarnain. If I make a statement that… ‘The student in the class said, 2 plus 2 is equal to 5.’ And you say… ‘Oh Zakir said, 2 plus 2 is equal to 5. I did not say. I am telling…‘The student in the class said, 2 plus 2 is equal to 5.’ I am not wrong - The student is wrong. There are various ways to try and analyze this verse. One is this way - according to Muhammad Asad, that 'wajada' means… ‘It appeared to’… ‘It appeared to Zulqarnain.’

    Point no.2 - Even if Dr. William Campbell says… ‘No No, the basic assumption is too much - It is not… ‘Appeared to’… it is actually this.’ Let us analyze it further. The Qur'anic verse says… the Sun set in murky water.’ Now we know, when we use these words, like ‘sunrise’ and ‘sunset’ - does the sunrise? Scientifically, sun does not rise - neither does the sunset. We know scientifically, that the sun does not set at all. It is the rotation of the earth, which gives rise to sunrise and sunset. But yet you read in the everyday papers mentioning, sunrise at 6 a.m. sun sets at 7.00 p.m. Oh! The newspapers are wrong – Unscientific!’

    If I use the word ‘Disaster’, Oh! There is a disaster’ – ‘Disaster’ means there is some calamity which has taken place. Literally, ‘disaster’ means ‘an evil star.’ So when I say… ‘This disaster’ every one knows what I mean is ‘a calamity’, not about the evil star.’ Dr. William Campbell and I know, when a person who is mad, we call him a lunatic - Yes or no? At least I do, and I believe Dr. William Campbell also will be doing that.

    We call a person ‘a lunatic’ – He is ‘mad.’ What is the meaning of ‘lunatic’? It means… ‘struck by the moon’ - But that is how the language has evolved. Similarly sun rise, is actually, it is just a usage of words. And Allah has given the guidance for the human beings also - He uses so, that we understand. So it is just ‘sunset’ - Not that it is actually setting - Not that sun is actually rising. So this explanation clearly gives us a clear picture, that the Verse of the Qur’an of Surah Kahf, Chapter.18, Verse No 86, is not in contradiction with established science - That is the way how people speak.

  29. Ibn Ali,

    If you claim we do to evovle then how do claim that the height of our ancestors was more than twice our average height... Explain this to me...


  30. Ibn Ali, you are doing a great job. MAy ALLAH guide all of us to the straight path.

  31. Ibn Ali,
    Assuming that you are an educated person (from what I can read from your posts), I am sure you know very well that this is

    simply not true

    what you are stating here.

    You are trying to hide the fact that evolution based on natural selection can be seen in every single living creature on Earth.

    You are saying that
    “[...] This so-called transformation process, asserted to last for millions of years, should have left countless evidence in the fossil record [...]” and “However, although almost every stratum on Earth has been dug, not even a single fossil has been found that Darwinists can use as an
    evidence for their so-called transition.”

    When Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” was first published in 1859, the fossil record was indeed poorly known. But just two years later, Archaeopterix, the transitional form between dinosaurs and birds, was found!

    Since then, many transitional fossils have been discovered and there is abundant evidence of how all the major groups of animals are related.

    Just to mention a few of numerous examples of intermediary forms that illustrate an evolutionary transition:

    “Ambulocetus”, the “walking whale”, which shows how whales evolved from land-living mammals;

    “Ida”, a fossil recently discovered in Germany that bridges the evolutionary split between higher primates (monkeys, apes, humans) and their more distant relatives (such as lemurs);

    “Tiktaalik”, an extinct sarcopterygian fish that had many features alike to those of tetrapods, leading to the evolution of amphibians.

    Latimeria, related to lungfishes and tetrapods, is considered a “living fossil” and the missing like between fish and tetrapods.

    Nowadays, with DNA analysis available and the human genome released, there is no doubt that all living things must have had one common ancestor.

    You should probably take a step back and realize that we, humans, are not THAT unique, instead we are just another branch on the evolutionary tree. We share more than 98% of our genes with chimps, 85% with mice, and still 60% of our genes with fruit flies, which descend on overripe bananas.
    Oh, and the banana itself shares 50% of its genes with the human genes.

    We might have developed the most complex brain of all, but that same brain allows us to believe in things that show no evidence at all, and asks us to fight against members of our own species who do not believe in the same things that we believe in (the infidel, the unbelievers, or what so ever). Isn’t it ridiculous?

    Anyway... don’t stop evolving! You’ll be rewarded with vine, virgins and flowing rivers (something that a desert folk badly needed) in your after-life.

  32. The fossil bird discovered in Germany in 1860 and given the name Archaeopteryx harbored certain characteristics unlike those of today’s birds. Darwinists used the teeth in its jaw, claws on its wings and long tail as tools for speculation and the bird was hastily compared to reptiles and heralded, in the absence of any scientific foundation, as a reptile-bird transitional form.

    But this claim was a terrible deception.

    Soon after Darwinists had mythologized Archaeopteryx as a false transitional form, the fossil bones were examined in detail, and it emerged that this life form was not in fact a “primitive bird” exhibiting an imaginary passage from reptiles to birds, that its skeleton and feather structure were actually ideally suited to flight, and that the features compared to those of reptiles were actually to be found in birds that had lived in the past and even in some that were still alive today. The pro-Darwinist journal Science openly stated this fact:

    Archaeopteryx probably cannot tell us much about the early origins of feathers and flight in true protobirds because Archaeopteryx was, in a modern sense, a bird.” (1)

    Archaeopteryx is a mosaic life form containing characteristics from different species. Mosaic forms interest scientists with their complex structures and are described as living things harboring features belonging to various species. The deception that Darwinists perpetrated regarding Archaeopteryx stems from the fact the fossil belongs to a mosaic form. The fact is, however, that like all the life forms in existence today, mosaic organisms are complex examples of Creation. The French biophysicist Pierre Lecomte du Nouy makes this admission on the subject:

    We are not even authorized to consider the exceptional case of the Archaeopteryx as a true link. By link, we mean a necessary stage of transition between classes such as reptiles and birds, or between smaller groups. An animal displaying characters belonging to two different groups cannot be treated as a true link as long as the intermediary stages have not been found, and as long as the mechanisms of transition remain unknown. (2)

    Many Darwinist circles have actually made that admission. Two of the 20th century’s best known Darwinists, Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge, who were responsible for the punctuated evolution deception, also agree that Archaeopteryx cannot be regarded as a transitional form.(3) Jonathan Wells admits the fact that the fossil does not constitute evidence for evolution and that scientific circles have agreed this in the words “The world’s most beautiful fossil, the specimen Ernst Mayr called ‘the almost perfect link between reptiles and birds,’ has been quietly shelved, and the search for missing links continues as though Archaeopteryx had never been found.” (4) But the interesting thing is that although Darwinists scientists have made that confession, efforts are still made to depict the Archaeopteryx fossil as a transitional form in Darwinist publications. Jonathan Wells sets out the position:

    Some biology textbooks continue to present Archaeopteryx as the classic example of missing link. Mader’s 1998 Biology calls it “a transitional link between reptiles and birds,” and William Schraer and Herbert Stolte’s 1999 Biology: The Study of Life tells students that “many scientists believe it represents an evolutionary link between reptiles and birds. (5)

    There can be no doubt that this stems from a desire to persist in this huge fraud. Because Darwinists are unable to abandon their theories in the absence of any transitional forms, they instead try to produce false ones. That explains the desperate and fraudulent attempts to keep Archaeopteryx on the agenda.


    1 Hank Hanegraaff, Fatal Flaws "What Evolutionists Don't Want You To Know", W Publishing Group, 2003, p. 19
    2 Hank Hanegraaff, Fatal Flaws "What Evolutionists Don't Want You To Know", W Publishing Group, 2003, p. 22
    3 Hank Hanegraaff, Fatal Flaws "What Evolutionists Don't Want You To Know", W Publishing Group, 2003, p. 22
    4 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery Publishing, Inc., p. 135
    5 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery Publishing, Inc., p. 134

  33. no Marina, Ibn Ali is Copy pasting from the internet. I suggest to not waste any more time on this debate over evolution which is irrelevent to the OP anyway.

  34. I agree with Stewie. Just copy past any of his sentences into google. Or maybe he really wrote all those articles.

    On topic, this is really just sad. It's as if they've taken away all the spirituality of this once great religion. The ones at the forefront, our spokespersons, are either terrorists or perverts. Usually both.

    And you wonder why people have a bad impression of Islam.

  35. The Messenger of Allah possesses many manifest miracles and signs demonstrating [his veracity], reaching thousands and they are well known.

    From amongst them was the Qur'an, the manifest and clear miracle and brilliant proof, falsehood cannot approach it from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Who is All-Wise and Praiseworthy. It incapacitated the most eloquent of people in the most eloquent of times to produce a single chapter that would be comparable to it, even if the whole of creation were to gather for that purpose. Allah, the Exalted says,

    "Say: If the whole of mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they assisted each other." [Al-Israa' (17): 88]

    It challenged them to this despite their large numbers, their eloquence and their severe enmity, and it challenges them to this day.

    As for the other miracles, it is not possible to enumerate them all due to their huge number and renewing and increasing nature. However, I will mention some examples:

    The splitting of the moon, water flowing from between his fingers, increasing the quantity of food and water, the glorification of the food, the palm tree yearning for him, stones greeting him, the talking of the poisoned leg [of roasted sheep], trees walking towards him, two trees that were far apart coming together and then parting again, the barren [and therefore dry] sheep giving milk, his returning the eye of Qatidah bin an-Nu`man to its place with his hand after it had slipped out, his spitting lightly into the eye of Ali when it had become inflamed and its being cured almost immediately, his wiping the leg of `Abdullah bin `Atiq whereupon he was immediately cured.

    His informing of the places of death of the Day of Badr saying, 'this is the place of such polytheists on the and-such a person.' His informing of his killing Ubayy bin Khalaf, that a group of his nation would traverse an ocean and Umm Haram would be amongst them and this occurred. That all that was drawn together for him of the ends of the earth and displayed to him would be opened for his nation, that the treasures of the Chosroes would be spent by his nation in the Way of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent. That he feared for his nation that they would be tempted by the wealth and allurement of this world and that the treasures of the Persians and Romans would be ours and that Suraqah bin Malik would wear the trousers of Chosroes.

    He informed us that Hasan bin `Ali would reconcile between two large warring parties of the Muslims, that Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas would live such that nations would benefit by him and others would be harmed. That an-Najashi had died on this particular day while he was in Ethiopia and that al-Aswad al-`Ansi had been killed on this particular day while he was in Yemen.

    That the Muslims would fight the Turks who were described as having small eyes, wide faces and small, chiselled noses and that Yemen, Syria and Iraq would be conquered by the Muslims.

    He informed us that the Muslims would comprise three armies, an army in Syria, and army in Yemen and an army in Iraq. That they would conquer Egypt, a land whose [unit of land measurement] was the Qirat, that they should deal with their people well for they have protection [being Copts] and ties of kinship [through Hajar]. That Awais al-Qarni would come to you from the auxiliaries of Yemen, he would be afflicted with leprosy and it would be healed except for the space of a dirham, and he indeed arrived during the rule of `Umar.

    He informed us that a group of his nation would always be upon the truth and that mankind would become many in number and that the Ansar would diminish in number and that the Ansar would not be given their due [with regards distribution of wealth and leadership]. That mankind would keep on asking questions until they would say, "Allah created the creation..." [Referring to the hadeeth, "the people would continue asking until they say, 'this is Allah Who created everything…but who created Allah?'" (al-Bukhari and Muslim)]

    He informed us that Ruwayfi` bin Thabit would live a long life, that Ammar bin Yasir would be killed by the transgressing group, that this nations shall divide into sects and that they would fight each other.

    He informed us that a fire would emanate from the land of Hijaz and the likes of this. All of this occurred exactly as he (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) said it would.

    He said to Thabit bin Qays, "You will live being praised... and you will die as a martyr", and he lived being praised and was martyred at al-Yamamah. He said to `Uthman, "He would be afflicted by a severe trial." [The meaning of severe trial is his being imprisoned in his house and his being killed by the transgressors.]

    He said about a person amongst the Muslims who had just fought a severe fight that
    "He would be from amongst the denizens of the Fire", and later he committed suicide. Wabisah bin Ma`bad came to him in order to ask him about righteousness and sin upon which he asked, "Have you come to ask about righteousness and sin?"

    He said to `Ali, az-Zubair and al-Miqdad, "Go to the garden of Khakh for indeed there is Dha`inah" who has a book with her. [Dha`inah is the woman with whom Hasib al-Balta`ah (radhiAllahu `anhu) sent a letter to the people of Mecca in order to inform them of the plans of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) to fight them. It was concerning this that the first verses of Surah Mumtahinah were revealed.

    The garden of Khakh is a place falling between Mecca and Madinah. Refer to Bukhari [no. 3983] and Muslim [no. 2494] and Tafsir ibn Kathir [4/344]]

    They found her there but she initially denied having the book and then took it out from within her braids.

    He said to Abi Hurayrah, when Satan had stolen some dates, "Indeed he shall return" and he did. He said to his wives, "The most prolific of you in giving charity will be the quickest of you to join me." and it was so [Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhi Allahu `anha) was the most prolific of them in giving charity and was the first to die. Refer to Muslim [no. 2452].]

    He said to 'Abdullah bin Sallam, "You will remain upon Islam until you die."

    He (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) supplicated for Anas that his wealth and sons increase and that he should live a long life and it was so. He lived for more than one hundred years and not one of the Ansar was richer than he and one hundred and twenty of his children had already been buried before the arrival of al-Hajjaj [to Basrah]. This is detailed further in Sahih Bukhari and others. [Bukhari no. 1982]

    He supplicated that Islam be strengthened through 'Umar bin al-Khattab or Abu Jahl, and Allah strengthened it through `Umar (radiyAllahu `anhu). He supplicated against Suraqah bin Malik and the feet of his horse sank into the earth and he was thrown off, he called out asking for safe conduct and was granted it, then he asked the Prophet to make a supplication for him.

    He supplicated that Allah remove feeling the bitter cold and heat from `Ali and so never did he feel cold or hot. He supplicated for Hudhayfah, the night that he sent him to spy on the Confederates, that he not feel the cold and he did not until he had returned. He supplicated for ibn `Abbas that Allah grant him understanding of the religion and it was so. He supplicated against `Utbah bin Abi Lahb... that Allah cause a dog from amongst his dogs to overcome him and he was killed by a lion at az-Zarqa`. [This is how it is in all of the printed editions; perhaps the author means `Utaybah bin Abi Lahb for this description fits him. As for `Utbah, he accepted Islaam in the year of the Conquest of Mecca.]

    He supplicated for the descent of rain when they asked him to at the time of drought. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and then when he had supplicated, the clouds gathered like mountains and it rained until the next Friday. It rained so much that they had to come back and ask him to supplicate and stop the rain, so he supplicated and the rain stopped and they walked out into the glaring sun.

    He (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) supplicated for Abu Talhah and his wife, Umm. Sulaym, that he bless them in the night they had spent together and she became pregnant and gave birth to `Abdullah. He had nine children and all of them were scholars.

    He supplicated for the mother of Aba Hurayrah (radhi Allahu `anhu) that she be guided and Aba Hurayrah left to find her performing the ritual bath because she had accepted Islam. He supplicated for Umm Qays bint Muhsin, the sister of `Ukkasha, that she live a long life and we do not know of another woman who lived as long as she did. This was reported by an-Nasa'i the chapter concerning washing the deceased.

    On the Day of Hunain he threw a handful of dirt at the disbelievers and said, "May the faces be disfigured", and Allah, the Exalted, vanquished them, filling their eyes with dirt. He once went out to one hundred of the Quraysh who were waiting to do something horrible to him and he put dirt on their head and went on his way without their seeing him.

  36. It's amazing how people compare heaven with what they experience in this world, and hence the jokes!

    I don't understand why it's so hard for most people who have commented above to believe women being re-virginised and streams of wine in heaven. In this sense, don't you think it's more unbelievable that we will die but one day we will come to live again?

  37. Say: Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you.
    Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the
    Visible and He will inform you about what you did.
    (Surat al-Jumu ah: 8)

    Mankind, have fear of your Lord! The quaking of the Hour is a terrible thing. On the
    day they see it, every nursing woman will be oblivious of the baby at her breast, and every
    pregnant woman will abort the contents of her womb, and you will think people drunk when
    they are not drunk; it is just that the punishment of God is so severe. (Surat al-Hajj: 1-2)

    With necks outstretched, eyes transfixed, rushing headlong to the Summoner, the disbelievers will
    say: This is a pitiless day! (Surat al-Qamar: 8)

    Faces will be humbled before the Living, the All-Sustaining One. And anyone weighed
    down with wrongdoing will have failed. (Surah Ta Ha: 108-111)

    On the Day when legs are bared and they are called on to prostrate themselves, they
    will not be able to do so. Their eyes will be downcast, darkened by debasement; for they
    were called on to prostrate themselves when they were in full possession of their faculties.
    (Surat al-Qalam: 42-43)

    those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in
    humiliation! (Surat al-Mu min: 60)

    They say, The Fire will only touch us for a number of days. Say, Have you made a
    contract with God - then God will not break His contract - or are you rather saying about
    God what you do not know? No indeed! Those who accumulate bad actions and are
    surrounded by their mistakes, are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for
    ever. (Surat al-Baqarah: 80-81)

    When Our Signs are recited to them - Clear Signs - you can detect denial in the faces
    of those who are disbelievers. They all but assault those who recite Our Signs to them! Say:
    Shall I inform you of something worse than that? The Fire which God has promised those
    who are disbelievers. What an evil destination! (Surat al-Hajj: 72)

    Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into hell. As often as their skins are
    roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, so that they may taste the penalty.
    For God is Exalted in Power and Wise. (Surat an-Nisa : 56)

    Proceed to a shadow which forks into three but gives no shade or protection from the
    flames, shooting up great sparks the size of castles, like a herd of yellow camels. (Surat al-
    Mursalat: 28-33)

    They will say on the Day their faces are rolled over in the Fire, If only we had obeyed
    God and obeyed the Messenger! (Surat al-Ahzab:66)
    ...wearing shirts of tar, their faces enveloped in the Fire. (Surah Ibrahim: 50)
    The Fire will sear their faces, making them grimace horribly in it, their lips drawn
    back from their teeth. (Surat al-Mu minun: 104)

    Those who are disbelievers will have garments of fire cut out for them, and boiling
    water poured over their heads, which will melt the contents of their bellies as well as their
    skin, and they will be beaten with cudgels made of iron. (Surat al-Hajj: 19-21)

  38. ***i challenge u to a dialogue…it shud be recorded… and if Allah Almighty ***wills it wud be a success for me and my fellow brothers and sister in islam…

  39. may allah increase all muslims knowlegde..hence give us all strength to endure such bad words and insults against our true religion of islamic monotheism..

  40. Ibn Ali,

    Why dont u just link to your sources? No need to copy paste. I will do it for you, so that ppl can read the whole thing.

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:04 PM

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:25 PM
    under the heading "The wisdom in the cell"

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:32 PM
    or more easily

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:42 PM

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:59 PM

    Ibn Ali on Wed, 10th Feb 2010 12:23 PM

    In other words, not a single peer-reviewed scientific publication.
    Fine, there are things that are not explained by theory of evolution. Inquiry and investigation based on observation/hypothesis/falsification is the scientific method. Or one could hold the belief that there is more to it is also fine. But that is belief not science.

    As for what a scientific theory is (in the realm of natural sciences), they are not meant to be absolute truths as in formal sciences such as mathematics and logic (which use a-priori methodology). As long as the theory explains the observations, it is good. There maybe cases where it might be inapplicable, or found completely false and rejected. Such is science.

    Take Newton's theory of gravitation. By late 1800, scientists knew of pertubation of mercury's orbit that were not explained by Newtonian physics. It was only after Einstein's General Theory of Relativity came along that proper explanation was made. Similarly, there are things that GTE cannot explain. The search is on. So if and when a better theory comes to explain the occurences of living organisms, the theory of evolution will be replaced. Infact, modern evolutionary theory is slightly different from what Darwin originally envisioned. But as of now, theory of evolution is a very much accepted scientific theory. It is by no means perfect, just like many other scientific theories that our lives depend on everyday.

  41. Ibn Ali,

    Why dont u just link to your sources? No need to copy paste. I will do it for you, so that ppl can read the whole thing.

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:04 PM

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:25 PM
    under the heading "The wisdom in the cell"

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:32 PM
    or more easily

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:42 PM

    Ibn Ali on Tue, 9th Feb 2010 9:59 PM

    Ibn Ali on Wed, 10th Feb 2010 12:23 PM

  42. In other words, not a single peer-reviewed scientific publication.
    Fine, there are things that are not explained by theory of evolution. Inquiry and investigation based on observation/hypothesis/falsification is the scientific method. Or one could hold the belief that there is more to it is also fine. But that is belief not science.

    As for what a scientific theory is (in the realm of natural sciences), they are not meant to be absolute truths as in formal sciences such as mathematics and logic (which use a-priori methodology). As long as the theory explains the observations, it is good. There maybe cases where it might be inapplicable, or found completely false and rejected. Such is science.

    Take Newton's theory of gravitation. By late 1800, scientists knew of pertubation of mercury's orbit that were not explained by Newtonian physics. It was only after Einstein's General Theory of Relativity came along that proper explanation was made. Similarly, there are things that GTE cannot explain. The search is on. So if and when a better theory comes to explain the occurences of living organisms, the theory of evolution will be replaced. Infact, modern evolutionary theory is slightly different from what Darwin originally envisioned. But as of now, theory of evolution is a very much accepted scientific theory. It is by no means perfect, just like many other scientific theories that our lives depend on.

  43. Above comment is for Ibn Ali,
    Its all copy paste from net, why dont u provide links so that everyone can read the whole thing?

  44. Deat Stewie, ur comment is baseless....this is not matter of pasting copying or watever.....y cant you smart minded or brainy guys give comment like Ibn Ali....LOL i know u guys are wordless n start accuse him for pasting cutting copying from google or watever...

  45. The Athiest is destined to Hell fire in the Hereafter. This is mainly because an Athiest refuses the most basic belief which is the existance and oneness of Allaah.

  46. Hi Ibbe,
    If Abn is responding in a personal manner, like a human(not like a programmed bot that searches relevent topics on the internet and past it right away) then i could spare some energy and time to address his issues. I'm assuming you have gone through all his posts, if not, have a look again and tell me how to even start to address him. which part of "borrowed" posts. i understand its not who said it, but rather importance should be given to what is being said, but that is not remotely close to what is happening here with ibn ali. if he just qouts some from internet and gives his piece of mind afterwards, then its worth to try him, but.... im sorry. sorry you feel that no one CAN refute him or answer him, when there is no him in the garbage pasted. sort it!
    can't believe i actually wasted my time responding to you actually when its obvious.:(

  47. A well-known doctor and also an amateur paleoanthropologist, Charles Dawson came out with an assertion that he had found a jawbone and a cranial fragment in a pit in Piltdown, England in 1912. Even though the jawbone was more ape-like, the teeth and the skull were like a man’s. These specimens were labelled the "Piltdown Man". Alleged to be 500 thousand years old, they were displayed as an absolute proof of human evolution in several museums. For more than 40 years, many scientific articles were written on the "Piltdown Man", many interpretations and drawings were made, and the fossil was presented as an important evidence of human evolution. No less than five hundred doctoral theses were written on the subject. (55) The famous American paleoanthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn said "...we have to be reminded over and over again that Nature is full of paradoxes and this is an astonishing finding about early man..." while he was visiting the British Museum in 1935. (56)

    In 1949, Kenneth Oakley from the British Museum’s paleontology department attempted to try the method of "fluorine testing", a new test used for determining the date of some old fossils. A trial was made on the fossil of the Piltdown Man. The result was astounding. During the test, it was realised that the jawbone of the Piltdown Man did not contain any fluorine. This indicated that it had remained buried no more than a few years. The skull, which contained only a small amount of fluorine, showed that it was only a few thousand years old.

    The latest chronological studies made with the fluorine method have revealed that the skull is only a few thousand years old. It was determined that the teeth in the jawbone belonging to an orang-utan had been worn down artificially and that the "primitive" tools discovered with the fossils were simple imitations that had been sharpened with steel implements. (57) In the detailed analysis completed by Weiner, this forgery was revealed to the public in 1953. The skull belonged to a 500-year-old man, and the mandibular bone belonged to a recently dead ape! The teeth were thereafter specially arranged in an array and added to the jaw and the joints were filled in order to resemble that of a man. Then all these pieces were stained with potassium dichromate to give them a dated appearance. These stains began to disappear when dipped in acid. Le Gros Clark, who was in the team that disclosed the forgery, could not hide his astonishment at this situation and said that "the evidences of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eye. Indeed so obvious did they seem it may well be asked - how was it that they had escaped notice before?" (58) In the wake of all this, "Piltdown Man" was hurriedly removed from the British Museum where it had been displayed for more than 40 years.


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