‘Those Who Desire Heaven’

English translation (abridged) of a sermon given on the evening of 29 Jan by Sheikh Ilyas Hussain, renowned Islamic scholar and vice-president of the Adaalaath party’s scholar’s council.

Youth, please pay attention! There will be rivers of wine and honey in Heaven. Heaven-dwellers are divided into 100 ranks. Aspire for the highest rank which is Firdous because God’s throne itself sits over it.

Wine is prohibited in this life. But because it is legal [in Heaven], the wine of Heaven does not leave you with nausea, trips to the toilet, intoxication or even headaches.

There will be comfortable couches, which can be adjusted, couches made of gold and precious stones. And young lads of infinite beauty will come to you with cups of wine taken from streams. They are eternally youthful and like golden pearls.

You can get any fruit you want and however much you want to consume. Birds, fried and put on trays — they come and present themselves for you to eat.

God gave this commandment to you from Seven Heavens above: to aspire for Heaven.

Whatever you want, you will be given. You will all be guests of God.

If you are not satisfied, there’s only room for relaxing there. There will be Houris (‘black-eyed beautiful Virgins’) protected like golden pearls. Please calm down a bit, beloved sisters! What is a Houri made of? Three things: the bottom part is made of musk, the middle part is made of ambergris, and the upper part is made of Camphor. Their hair and eyebrows are black in color, they are as beautiful as rubies and coral.

Wine taken, fruits eaten and your heart is content, then you are given a Houri — calming on the eyes, content for the heart, and relaxing to the body.

In Heaven, no idle sounds will be heard, no noises will be heard that will lead you to become a criminal, only Peace will be heard.

Please calm down from now, beloved Sisters. Don’t ask me questions. You may ask: For you Houris; what for us? Now listen to what God has to say: You will be recreated anew. How will you be resurrected in Heaven? As virgins. Not satisfied still? God says further: You will be recreated as wives made to love their husbands, of same age, having no chance of aging ever.

What is Kaub? It is something that is erected. Forgive me but this is going to be a technical discussion. Kaaba (House of God in Mecca) is also called that because it is erected from the ground. The shin is also called Kaub because it grows straight out of the legs. Just like that, women in their full prime will have their may-mathi (breasts) pointing out.

They will have the same age. What age? Heaven-dwellers will enter there in the prime of their beauty: 33 years of age. 33 years is the age at which youth reaches prime. You will be eternally 33 years of age in Heaven; whether a 100 years pass or so you will still be 33 eternally. Height? 60 ‘muh’ (‘muh’ in Dhivehi is equal to 18 inches), in Adam’s image, everyone will be, there will be no one old.

So what’s the story about the wives we have on Earth? They will be many times more beautiful than a Houri. So no questions there. If you pray the five obligatory daily prayers, and fast when you are obliged to fast, and are faithful and obedient to your husband, there will be eight gates open at Paradise, so please enter from the gate of your choosing. More beautiful than Houris.

Then there will arise the question of jealousy. But in the Afterlife there are no such issues for God has said that he will get rid of the jealous streak in your heart. Then they will reside on the couches, one being considerate towards the other, and they will live on peacefully as if siblings. There will be no jealousy. No petty conflicts. There will be no issues rising among second, third or fourth wife, as you experience in this world. You only get to enter Heaven only after being cleansed of such inconveniences. In Heaven there will be only satisfaction and happiness and there will be nothing that troubles the heart. God is Great. That is Heaven.

Now let’s take a look at shopping in Heaven. But wait a minute, now youth will be wondering about this: what about going to the toilet after eating and drinking? Beloved brothers, there will be no toilet in Heaven. Why is that? A water will be given and after you drink it, a kind of bloat will leave through the mouth. It will smell like musk, no bad smell at all. It won’t be a Paradise of Blessings if we have to go to the toilet over and over again.

When you go shopping in Heaven, there will be no need for money or any need to actually buy anything. There will be no money in Heaven. They will go shopping every Friday. Why? To buy anything? No, to roam around for the heart’s content. A breeze from the north of Heaven will affect their faces and their clothes, and extra beauty will be added to them. When they return with such added beauty, their house-folk will say to them: “Every day your beauty increases.”

There will be no hospital. There will be no falling ill — ever. There will be no death — only living for Eternity. No ageing but eternal sustenance of youth.

Are you happy, Heaven-dwellers? What more do we need? Should I give you something more noble? What is better than this? God has said that today I am bestowing my approval and from today onwards will never resent my followers. Do you have a difficulty in seeing the Full Moon? Any difficulty in seeing the sun on a cloudless sky? Just like that you will see God through the naked eye. That will be the greatest gift you get in Heaven than this — seeing God’s self in his full glory.

Let’s see about the last one who gets to enter Paradise. He will walk, he will crawl, he will be surrounded by fire (as he comes out of Hell). The person who is in the least ranks of Heaven-dwellers will have in service 80,000 servants, 82 women, 100 people’s strength and after intercourse, (she) will always be re-virginised.

This is a gift I bring to those who desire heaven. We have a short time. We have only this Earthly temporary life to correct and through this key we get to enter Heaven and once we enter, there is no boredom and no difficulties. So use your youth to work towards this.

If you want to live your life’s days according to God’s way, you must lower your gaze, control what you hear with the ear, keep in check the actions committed by your hands and feet; do not say a sorry word at your brothers-in-faith and not raise a weapon against him; your tongue has to be kept in check. The tongue is soft and small but most people get to enter Hell due to misuse of the tongue. A person’s undoing is misuse of his tongue and private parts. A person who has protected these two parts are ensured a place in Heaven. Two angels will write every word you utter; you will be given a balance sheet of the actions you committed. If you want Heaven’s wine, give up Earth’s wine. You will get clothes made from silk.

Those who cut off blood relations, why be petty and jealous and give up Eternal Happiness? Compete and try to excel towards that. Why do we lose ourselves in temporary Earthly pleasures? This is a prison; this is the Unbeliever’s Paradise. We need to wake ourselves up for Dawn prayer. We have to make our children pray before they go to school in the morning.

Original speech located here


138 thoughts on “‘Those Who Desire Heaven’”

  1. Youth, please pay attention! There will be rivers of wine and honey in Heaven
    hehehe so do you think it is true meaning of Koran?this sheikh is idiots.what for drink vine or wisky on heaven?d you know that real meaning of vine it is knowlege.because in secret mistical arabic tradition vine is knowlege.so river of vine on heaven real it is river of new knowlege new step to soul evolution and never mean drunk.but those imam dreaing to get drunk.those sheich or mullah just all time telling lie to make slave from people

  2. Really!? Are you kidding me?!

    Where in the Qur'an does it say that a women will be revirginized. If this ignorant man knew anything about women, he would know this is not exactly the most pleasant thing to happen to a woman. This is why Sex Education needs to be taught in school. At least then he might be able to come up with more convincing promises.

    Even if these promises were true, they are definitely not his to make. Is he so wise in his knowledge that he speaks with the the voice of God?! Look, I respect his right to say whatever he wants, but for any who is swayed by his ridiculous arguments - WAKE UP. Don't fall for a trap for fools.

    There are so many things wrong with this speech. I wish I was qualified enough to breakdown what he is saying line for line and word for word. But I just cannot do it justice. The one thing that is abundantly clear is that this man is a joke.

    A very powerful, dangerous joke. This is one of the men who holds sway over the Islamic ministry and recent policy shifts in our country. God help us.

  3. My God! Is this some kind of sex fantasy?

    I have read Quruan many times and I have never found such thing like any of this?

    Let me be clear on what this man is saying. Are all women who live a good, decent, pious life going to be sex objects to men in Heaven? And are they going to be re-virginized over and over again just for men? Is that what all women aspires to be?

    How believable or unbelievable is this?

    Is Sheikh Ilyas saying that Allah destines all men who lived a good, decent, pious life to want food, drink and sex in their after life/Heaven?

    And is Sheikh Ilyas saying this because he think in some people’s view that all men in ever wanted was food, drink and sex? And therefore that is what all Muslim men in this world want?

    Who says that’s what women in Heaven want to be? And who says all women who live a good, decent and pious life want to be sexual object?

    So this is it. Heaven is going to be all food, drink, beautiful women and sex!

    This is a story of a twisted mind. A delusional mind.

    Woe onto the people who make a joke out of Islam.

    Sheikh Ilyas… for heaven’s sake…

  4. Well, the Sheikh quotes from the Quran and Sunnah. How can we argue with THAT?! I agree that many Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) are dubious and cannot be independently verified. But these idiots will insist they are simply true!

  5. @ saalim... @ drag... u pple dnt kno any.. sheikh has told truth insha Allah.. u cant break any single word insha Allah..

  6. And thousands of people gather to listen to this. Makes me wonder, if we were not promised any of those things, would we start killing each other? No harm on believing blindly whatever these so called Sheikhs tell you. But try common sense too. This speech is totally exaggerated. You will never find all those details in Quran.

  7. er... so top people in Adhaalath dream all day of wine, women with pointy boobs and beautiful young boys???

  8. when i saw the banners"Those Who Desire Heaven" or suvaruge ah dhaan edhey meehuh 2pm and alimas kaanivaa or something like that on the road i thought this time it would be evident how many people would be fooled to follow them to the paradise.not even 1% of maldivians attended. hehe
    who the hell told iyas hussain all these?if he took it from hadhiths why is it contradicting quran?answer is simple,those who narrated hadhith lied. buhaaree lied...some one prove me wrong with evidence!

  9. So basically the Sheikh is saying that for men there are EXTRA 72 virgin wives who will be revirginised every time after intercourse, much like a can of paint, but that for women they get only the boring husband they had on Earth too. What kind of equality is in that? Don't women also deserve to have an Eternal Orgy in Heaven?

  10. @ Salim ...

    It is absurd that you being vituperative to comment to Sheikh Ilyas sermon and it is unacceptable from a muslim to intend any malice to another muslim. Have you read the last part of his speech, which he mentions "The tongue is soft and small but most people get to enter Hell due to misuse of the tongue" So use it wisely, I know you have a right to express whatever you want, But it is unjust to express views in a way that tarnish another person image.

    Let me just quote from Quran what it says about womens purification. The quran mentions precise details about pure spouses in the following chapters - 2:25,3:15,4:57,36:56,43:70. And, are you aware of Qudsi hadith or Sacred Hadiths which are words of God though they are sayings of Prophet. Therefore, the sermon of Sheikh is from Quran and Hadiths and I dont find anything contradictory.

    @ Drag...

    The hadiths of Prophet are not dubious. The hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) compiled by Bukhari and Muslim are agreed by almost evert scholar that they are genuine. All the hadiths were evaluated and preserved during the reign of Umar in 08th and 09th Century and history witnesses to this fact.

    May Allah (SWT) always guide all of us to the right path.

  11. @Adr, The Quruan is warning against people like you. You are misleading people using Allah's word and Prophet Muhammad's words!

    Sheesh... All you people are in awe are young men and women, sex and wine... disgusting!

    You people are so sick! Go repent yourself and relieve yourself of the dirt in your stupid minds!

  12. I believe the issue here is the use of sexual perversion as a Jihadi recruitment tool.

    Many thanks to Minivan for the English translation. This is a typical X- rated sermon that the perverted feed to adolescent Maldivian youth in confusing Dhivehi metaphors.

    Appreciate if you could send this translation to the Washington Post or New York Times.

    Our great religion of Islam should be saved from these perverts.

  13. Really worried about the comments.... I believe the reporter who has translated sheikh's story has all means of criticising on it.. Thats why comments were harsh and unexpectable...
    This is a dirty of work by Mr. Nasheed and his allies in order to downgrade our religion... you will never be given a chance...

  14. This seems like an appeal to the men who lack in confidence. Men prone to extremes, in addictions of sex, intoxicants or their own arrogance. An appeal to those with weak minds. Minds that r incapable of understanding beyond their realm of "thinking"...

    Quran says that heaven is more than what the human mind can comprehend. We r not supposed to feel the "human" emotions of being obsessed with youth, beauty, virginity, multiple partners, intoxication etc... Description of heaven as a sex orgy comes to, maybe, give a reality so unrealistic that some of the weaker souls will stop their mischief on earth....of playing the delusional sex master, and of having unsatisfied wives...
    Fundamentals of Islam...Justice, peace, humility, respect, equality, love, etc... like Shaya says...were's the logic in taking a literal view of paradise, to pious women? Women do not aspire to go to heaven in the hope of becoming some arrogant man's sex object...
    Sheikh Illas will have his appeal to weak minded men...

  15. People, you all can say and do whatever you want in this worldly life and thats also because Allah (SWT)has bestowed that right to us. People used to mock and teased the prophets that was sent to mankind and have treated truth as falsehood and this was how it has been happening since the begining of human life, even today like some of the ignorants who has commented above.

    But, finally, our return is to Allah (SWT)and we will stand before him to answer our acts. Allah (SWT) mentions in Quran (Interpretation Surah Waqia 92-93)that the entertainment for people who treated truth as falsehood in this world will be with boiling water and hell fire.

  16. well this is what we said, all schools in maldives r christian schools,those who study there only they can understand christian religion, this is what former president did in his thirty years! u can say maldives is 100% muslim country......! the people.....specially youths of maldives they don't know to read quran, they knew only reading English........! hahaha

  17. Sheikh knows we Maldivians are sex maniacs, so in order to convince us to be religious he has to bring this sexual picture into our mind.

  18. @Adr - Thanks for actually posting the sources. I was thinking about it, but had a feeling that even when sources are given, none who criticize would actually spend any time reading to verify the sources. Hence it shows their criticism are not genuine. But ofcourse may Allah (swt) reward you for your try. In the day of judgment we trust in Him to be the best of Judges.

    If they only knew the punishment that we all would suffer not on earth, but in our graves alone, they would talk a bit lesser and cry a lot. I do understand where many of them are coming from, since I used to be the same before learning in depth. I would criticize anything first and then go through the books, but thanks to Allah (swt) those days are over, for He guides whom he chooses and when He chooses. Again all this are in the Quran (try to read the tafsir which explains a bit more detail on each verse). I find myself lucky and can only pray for those that are in the same position I was once. In the end we all are His creation. But those who believe in Allah (swt) are patient.

    On the lecture, it was nice to see a lecture given on this topic in Maldives. May Allah (swt) bless brother Ilyas for his time spent on preparing this lecture.

  19. Huh! Dear stupid maldivians! Ur minds are too stupid and narrow to undstand wot sheikh said. So u betr stop tryn to undstand it. Better u cont to live like fools n die tat way and go to hell! Idiots like u ppl don deserve heaven!

  20. Yes yes, now we know what the male version of heaven is like, so whats the female version? Or are females not allowed to make up their version?

  21. I am surprised that so many Maldivians know so little about their religion. I wonder how many of those who left their comments here have actually read the Koran translation and the Hadhees. If they have, then they will know what the preacher said are all there in those books. If anyone thinks the contents of the sermon is a joke or a perversion then, that person cannot be a true believer. This is Islam. You don't question. You believe.

  22. To all stupids who thinks Quruan should be read in Arabic. Quruan is for all people for all languages. Quruan is translated in all languages and who says you have to be fluent in Arabic to read Quruan, dumb asses.
    sex, Wine and food, water and milk and honey flowing like rivers. What kind of pervert thinks this is what heaven offers. Its beyond imagination and its not a place you go to relinquish what you haven't had in this life.
    It is a place for pious people who would want humility, love respect and modesty. I urge these stupid sheiks not to portray heaven as a place for lust and sex. Perverts, go and get a room for yourselves.

  23. The Holy Koran is no doubt the Word of Allah.What is revealed in the Koran is the absolute and the eternal Word of Allah.The meaning of some verses of the Koran are manifest and some are hidden.It is only those who have been initiated who will understand the esoteric verses.Allah Almighty says in Surah Light (Noor)that He speaks to mankind in allegories or parables.Human understanding of theses verses are very much limited even for the initiated. It is our duty to follow the exoteric verses and leave the rest to Allah.These so called scholars do not seem to understand this basic concept of Isalm. Some verses of the Koran refer to the the Hands,Eyes etc. of Allah. This is to show us that He sees, hears and feels but his seeing, hearing and feeling is not like those of any of His creation.How He hears, sees and feels we do not understand.Similarly in the case of paradise too it has been described in earthly terms but again that is only to make humans realise that it is a place of happiness, fullfilment and joy.Not a place of pervertion.Any comparision with worldy objects with those of Paradise is against Isalm.I give it to Sheik Ilyas that what he said was in the Koran. His interpretation is too literal.We do not know the real nature of the wine,rivers, houris,fruits etc of paradise.Therefore giving sermons which conjure up mental pictures and fantasies of worldly things is not right.Only Allah alone knows the nataure of paradise is

  24. what i have found out is that those who criticism doesn't have basic knowledge of islaam nor even thaw-heed...those who have knowledge and good understanding search for truth..we have seen today 1000 s of westerns embrace islaam without any force.and many nonmuslim have appreciate islam and our prophet muhammed (s.a.w)...they are not fools like u...they are educated and understanding people...
    Allah gave u this world so that u may seek hereafter with it,not for u to desire it..

  25. Fali,

    female are made to satisfay male, so ye all will be virgins, drinking wine, weeds lol...maybe not weeds, but wine will be there, vodka, maybe..if more russians are coming... but you get a chance dont worry, BUT only to satisfy men sexually OK?

  26. AA, Sheikh Ilyas will be next to us, he will somehow justify and save us, dont worry.

  27. Agree with CREATED EQUAL. The message seems to be, 'live within boundaries and you will be rewarded'. I did not listen to nor have been able to access the full sermon, but to me this looks like an attempt at changing certain behaviours that are prevalent in the Maldives, in a way that would have appeal to a segment of society, perhaps a large segment. The details certainly do not appeal to other segments, but as far as I am concerned, if the messages gets to those unable to take a broader view of Islam, then it would be a first step towards better conduct and social cohesion. The call to Jihad that I saw in what this article says, was a call to control one's base urges and instincts and become a better human and social being, and to me, that is the essence of Islam.

  28. Shouldn't somebody be censuring these talks? If someone called for homosexuality we'd find people demanding his head. If Adhaalath condones it in the guise of Islam then it's OK. This is erotica similar to a lot of sermons that these Mulla's give.
    I heard a sermon where Sheikh Fareed was going on and on about 'something made of plastic,and you know what I am talking about'used by a supposed thirteen year old who's uncle told him about it. These kind of cases should not even be discussed in public where they risk exposing the identity of the girl without even considering the fact that this should be reported and handled by the child services.
    If anybody other than a Mullah behaved like this we will be adamant about censoring/chastising them but when it comes to these bearded fellows who claim to hold the keys to heaven, nobody has the guts to stand up.
    Shame on MDP for forming a coalition with these nuts.

  29. @ Adr

    can you please explain why theres only focuses on bodily pleasures in heaven? If religion is all about enriching the soul, why isn't there focusing on that in heaven?

  30. Not only does the Quran extensively use parables to describe heaven, many verses actually state that allegories are being used. See, for instance, 13:35 and 47:15.

    If Sheikh Ilyas Hussein failed to tell his audience of the allegorical nature of Quranic descriptions of heaven, he has mislead them.

    Or, perhaps, he didn't understand the verses himself.

    Consider verse 2:26:

    "Surely Allah disdains not to set forth any parable — a gnat or anything above that. Then as for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord; and as for those who disbelieve, they say: What is it that Allah means by this parable? Many He leaves in error by it and many He leads aright by it. And He leaves in error by it only the transgressors,"

    Is Sheikh Ilyas Hussein one of the many left in error?

  31. As-Salāmu `Alaykum

    It very clear the intentions behind publishing article on this website.

    It is very sad to know all these people here who are claiming to know the Quran and Sunnah, know so little about Islam. Just a translation of the Quran is not enough to fully understand the meanings of the Aayah (verses).

    Those of you who are criticizing the sheikh's speech. how many times have you read the Quran, do you know the meaning of a single verse with out looking at he translation.

    There are so many among us who deny the Hadiths. Like the followers of Rashad Khalifa ( who changed the verses of the Quran and claimed to be a messenger of GOD).

    @Son of the vice president please don't act like you know a lot about the Quran or the Sunnah,

    May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgive us and guide us all to the right path.

  32. Fundamentals of Islam…Justice, peace, humility, respect, equality, love. Why is it Adhaalath and them only ever go on about intolerance, hatred, murder, punishment disrespect. No difference between Adhaalath and Christian extremists in the United States. these people don't really care about religion, just use it to assume power and control over others

  33. Women, men, sex, power, entertainment: Are subjects all relevant to us. But please stop giving religious instructions in a way that males will interpret it to mean they can have all they want as long as they keep their women in check.

  34. We here lots of these things. We can respect what these people are trying here. There are so many lectures and discussion like this people are not sure what and what not to believe.

    I think for everyone it is better to strictly stick to the Quran, and do good research on everything else before believing it.

    May god bless all believers. Theres only one God Allah, and Mohammed (PBUH) is His Messenger.

  35. The whole thing sounds eerily like a hip-hop song that 50 cent would play

  36. I agree with some of the comments made above, regarding the sermon being designed to appeal to weak minds incapable of logic and thought.

    Some of the things we have to bear in mind is that essentially, Christianity and islam are the same religion, and yet, Heaven as described by Christian codices is quite different from that which is described by Islamic sacred texts.

    I get the distinct impression that the "golden fortress with amethyst gates and 12 angels on the battlements" was designed for an audience of impoverished feudal Europeans who desperately wanted freedom, wealth and security.

    Hence, "God's Kingdom", "kingdom come" and the related idioms in the English language.

    Now when we look at the Islamic Heaven, it's more of a verdant valley with wine, women and wealth.

    If you think about it with a cool mind (that is, if the above hasn't inflamed your mind so much that it squeezed itself into the narrow space it already is in and stopped working), you will realize it Islamic Heaven would appeal to people living in a desert and who'd been asked to stop having alcohol so that they can find it easier to stop having depraved sex with everything that has legs.

    Now, if we were to look at some of the statements Illyas has made in his sermon, it would become abundantly clear that Illyas has let his imagination run wild while interpreting the Quranic texts.

    I want to make it clear that the Hadith have now been interpreted in so many ways that we're actually forgetting one of the fundamental things about Islam.

    The Quran is the last and ever-lasting miracle God has left for mankind: it cannot be corrupted.


    Nothing is said about the hadith, which I must say still, are highly opinionated and contradict each other at every turn.

    Well, I am sure even I can come up with a sermon that includes the availability of Heroin, Meth and hash oil. Angels probably appear with the stuff on a silver platter.

    I've got quite a lot of questions I'd love to put to Illyas.

    Like for instance,
    >How does Illyas know the effects of wine consumption?

    >Couches made from gold and precious stones can be found in the plane of the Sultan of the Kingdom of Brunei. Since that is "suspended" in the heavens, I assume that that plane is a bit of heaven that broke loose.

    >Why are houris black-eyed??! And if they're protected like golden pearls, I am sorry, I'd be quite repulsed, trying to unwrap the entrails of a gigantic Oyster from the Houri.

    >Houris are made of Musk, Ambergris and Camphor. I.e., the rectal secretions of deer, digestive juices of whales and moth-balls. I think I'm going to be sick.

    >Houris have black hair and eyebrows and they're as beautiful as rubies and coral. Rubies and coral are red. I just can't stop visualizing a red devil witch when I read that, for some reason. Maybe God's shut my mind down. What about you?

    >Equality for women is one of the main principles of Islam. Yeah, and on Heaven they've got to share their stupid husband from Earth with 72 heavenly devils made of the juices of entrails and bug repellants.

    > 33?? Thirty Three??? I don't want prime youth in Heaven. Why can't I be 18?

    >Well, 90 feet is still impressive, I must concede. It must make our reflexes very slow though. But what's the use of being 90 ft tall, if everyone else is the same? Well the birds and the bees and the rivers and fountains and couches are going to be mighty small eh?

    >So our wives are going to be more beautiful than those "houris". Obviously. They're beautiful the way they are right now, thank you very much. And by the way, I wouldn't want a sharp shrew of a wife with a penetrative voice to be present when I feast my "shameful" organ on the 72 virgins. Yes, jealousy doesn't exist.

    The way he goes on and on about sex is just unbelievable. Illyas, please. Women are not sex toys.

    Then we come to the part where he talks about shopping. I have never read or heard about this before, and I'm telling you, I've read quite a lot about Quran and the hadith.

    >I don't know about you, but I don't want my mouth to smell like musk when I burp after having Chocolate ice-cream. I want it to smell like chocolate ice-cream!

    >I don't need to "go shopping" if I want to roam around in Heaven. Aren't we allowed to roam? Do we have to hide it under the guise of "shopping"? "Hey God, I'm going 'shopping'! *wink wink*"

    >I've also never read that Heaven has North. Nor does it have South, East or West.

    >Who are the house-folk?

    >The last person who emerges from Hell is a woman, as she will be always re-virginised.

    >Illyas is quite right in saying it's his gift. Though there is a very visual description of Heaven and Hell in the very beautiful Surat-al-Rahman, I don't recall reading such fantastic and lurid descriptions.

    >yes, Illyas, lower your gaze, control your hearing, control your actions, don't say things you'll regret. These are things people learn in kindergarten. You need to practice what you preach" start minding your own business. And hold your tongue, man.

    > What is the issue with Gold, Wine and Silk? Money isn't happiness.

    >Then he's leading his congregation into revolt by saying that this is a prison?

    * * *

    Synopsis: Heaven is a place of Sin, Gluttony and Sloth.

    What Illyas failed to address:
    Kindness and Generosity, Love and Concern, Rights and Duties, etc etc.

    * * *

    One would always feel the presence of God by your side, if one knows how to communicate with God. I don't need to see God in his full glory: I already know the Glory of God.

    Eternal Happiness without context is going to make people wonder what life is all about. If our minds are expunged of the petty emotions and feelings and impressions of Earthly sorrow, what do we have to compare against? What is happiness if you don't know what is sorrow?

    Yet I believe in God. I just find it very hard to understand why people need to rationalize God into such intricate detail.

  37. Minivan “News” – what is this? Whats your objective in producing a translation of a religious sermon?
    So religious sermons are worth news? I cant remember seeing lately a translation of even a speech made by the president on this website. Its interesting that Minivan “News” has such an affiliation with Islamic scholars.

    My guess is the purpose of this “news” is to ridicule Islam, as the news website often does.

    It is true, for non Muslims the things mentioned in the sermon are questionable. But the fact of the matter is if you replace Islam to any other religion, the chances are you may hear preachers saying the same thing. In that sense it is quite easy to challenge most of the faiths.

    I cant remember the last time I step into a mosque, I certainly am not a extremist but I will definitely work against all the effort to flourish other faiths in this country. In that regard, I strongly condemn Minivan “News” for all their efforts in bashing Islam, and tarnishing its image and in effect ridiculing the religion.

  38. Oh and by the way, to the people who'd commented earlier: Illyas, Fareed and all these assorted semi-literate "Sheiks" are fomenting discord in the Country, unbalancing a system that is already spiraling into chaos and anarchism.

    We, as Maldivians, need to stop looking at what we think inside our minds about concepts, and start thinking about re-deploying community to act as a unified body, to create morally (not religiously) right people, to create and enhance intelligence and creativity.

    We as Maldivians, should stop people who are trying to block equality and human rights and trying to return society as it existed back in the 7th century, in an arid desert.

  39. @CREATED EQUAL. couldn't agree with you more. Its such narrow and cheap explanations framed within their limited brains. I could think of a better place to spend the enternity than what Sheik is offering.
    I actually thought the talk was going to be more on how to be more moral, good in this life. not a nonesens speech on his wildest dreams and ideas of a heaven with sex, wine and all those little human needs. so they do fancy wine huh! god. i think God could prepare the healthiest drink. OR why do we need to drink at all. i would rather no eat, not drink. don't bother me. Sheik says only Shitting is eased. WTF....
    there are much interesting things we can do in an ideal heaven.
    the stars for heavens sake, mathematics, understanding the diversity of; life, cultures or stupidity of human species (assuming its all afterlife) OR trying to understand the differences and if not tolerating opposing views could be something these sheiks could try in their heavenly time. For this is something they have failed to do in this earthly world isn't it.

    its such a shame such cheap, misleading, garbage is aired live on national TV and broadcasted on radions...

  40. ( couches made of gold and precious stones...)
    I hate Gold and Stones and those type of Luxurious things...

    So whats there for me?

  41. Well all this time i was pretty much sure that i for one would surely go to hell,
    but after hearing that invigorating speech i m changing my ways...-_- NOT

  42. the next Sheikh Fareed would appear on 12 February at artificial beach with the topic "with the loved ones". I hope Minivan News would also translate the sermon which to be against the Valentines Day.

  43. This Sheik has the mind of Snoop Dogg.

    If these are the ideas that goes on in the minds of Sheiks, I don't want my children to listen to them.

    Its time the Government regulates what they say.

  44. The rewards in paradise are not limited to only sex foods and drinks. Sheikh iliyas never said so.
    Being saved from hell fire, become young and beautiful, relaxing, no worrying,full of pleasures and entertainments, beautiful clothes, servants, foods, drinks,living forever in all these luxuries and so on... these are all rewards.. the best reward is to meet Allah, the creator of all things..

    For example a tourist couple comes to a resort. What do the resort offer them..
    a beautiful room, nice foods and drinks, couches, beds and pillows that comfort the body, spas to relax. they suntan their bodies to make the skin beautiful and alive,they spend their time in watching the sunsets and in adventures..they have sex (not only with their wives or husbands..if you dont believe it just ask someone who is experienced in the tourism industry about how many tourist married couples come to Maldives and they get separated after the vacation because they have a relation with people other than their wives or husbands)..
    And after 5 or 6 days they return to their country spending all their money within the short period and never fully satisfied.and it all came to an end too soon..
    worldly pleasures are like that and never can be compared to pleasures of paradise.. In it there are whatever delights people could desire. In it there is what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever entered the mind of man or women. Those who enter it will enjoy real pleasures in both a physical and a spiritual sense, and they will live there forever. It will never cease to exist and they will never leave, and their joy will never come to an end, and they will have nothing to disturb their joy. This is according to the definitive texts and the consensus of the scholars and believers. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “The description of the Paradise which the Muttaqoon (the pious) have been promised: Underneath it rivers flow, its provision is eternal and so is its shade; this is the end (final destination) of the Muttaqoon (the pious), and the end (final destination) of the disbelievers is Fire

    [al-Ra’d 13:35]

    “Truly, the Muttaqoon (the pious) will be amidst Gardens and water-springs (Paradise).

    (It will be said to them): ‘Enter therein (Paradise), in peace and security.’

    And We shall remove from their breasts any deep feeling of bitterness (that they may have). (So they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones.

    No sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it”
    [al-Hijr 15:45-47]

  45. I thought one of my previous comments on another article might be relevent here to those that tries to argue that Islam is not what Maldives needs. Or they want a more moderate western type of Islam.

    What I have learnt is that when we are in doubt of anything, we go back to the Quran and the Sunnah. Otherwise how can we debate about something we have not studied. Hence a neurologist knows more on what he has studied then an economist, and vise versa. So if anyone really wants to really have an effect against conservative Islam, the best thing to do is to go back to the Quran and not just take the words literally.
    Instead read the Tafsir which explains when and why each verse was revealed, the situation which led it to be revealed and the lesson learned by it. http://www.tafsir.com

    If we want, we can find verses which can support any argument from liberal and conservative point of view if taken literally.

    When it comes to US Statistics on rape, sexual harassment and prostitution in USA here are some western reference:



    Now try and look at the rape statistics of the world. Try finding Saudi Arabia on the list:


    Women might be subjected to restriction in Saudi Arabia from liberal point of view, but I think a women would be happier to have their modesty protected and safe then have even a small possibility of going out and being raped or sexually harrased.

    In Saudi there is no mixing because it also can lead to rape, sexual harrasment since from the above website you can see that 76% of rape victims in the US knows their assailant.

    This is just one aspect of liberalism vs adherence to Islamic Shariah.

    No-Mixing and proper dress code like the one in Saudi, lets you avoid a man cheating on his wife and usually the divorce in Maldives would come after the man and women mix together and get to know each other first in most of the cases.

    Not everyone is Saudi covers their face and most of the non-muslims living their do not cover their hair, but has to wear the jibaab atleast. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jilb%C4%81b)

    If America was at the bottom of the statistic of rape list, then liberalism is something I would consider truly.

    Also what makes one think that Islam is the cause of so much divorce? If Islam was practiced the way it should be, the divorce rate would not be that high simply because it has much restriction against mixing. From the world at the moment, Saudi is the closes country that you can come to Islamic Law. It is not perfect, but look at the statistics of various social ills like rape, prostitution, gang violence, drugs, etc. You can also observe that Muslim countries are much lower in statistics then liberal and democratic countries.


    Try finding Saudi Arabia these statistics. Majority of the time the top 10 are all non-Muslim nations and amongst them are some western nations that we are trying to follow.

    I have tried to use western sources for statistics since it would be more reliable to liberal perspective. Hope it helps.

  46. 70 Virgins, all at the same time. That will be fun. All those luxuries.
    Guys, please do as you are told my Ilyas because to lose those fun would be a pity.

    Slave of God


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