Police seize 237 driving licences in one week following traffic violations

Police have withheld the driving licences of 237 people following a spate of traffic violations over a period of one week, local media has reported.

As part of a police operation conducted from March 12 to 18, a further 422 people were fined for traffic violations, statements were taken from 167 individuals who were not carrying their licences and 160 vehicles received stickers for parking against the traffic regulation.

During the police operation, 28 accidents were reported out of which investigations had been completed for 15 cases.


Parking garages to relieve Male’ congestion

Four parking buildings for motorcycles and cars are to be built on Male to relieve congestion, said Galolhu-South councillor Ibrahim Shujau. Work is said to begin soon.

The council allegedly discussed erecting one parking garage at the now-vacant parking lot Maafannu Laamige, west of Theemuge, reports Haveeru.

The locations of the other three buildings require the National Planning Council’s permission.

Shujau told local media that the council plans to charge a parking fee for both cars and motorcycles. He added that the parking garages would make streets more comfortable for pedestrians and drivers.
