The family of 21 year-old Abdul Muheeth ‘Bobby’ who was stabbed to death outside the Finance Ministry of February 19, has organised 10 minutes of silence in memory of his death.
The 10 minutes of silence is to be held on Thursday at Ameenee Magu from 12:30pm to 12:40pm in front of the Finance Ministry, the area where he was killed.
Muheeth’s family said the event was open for the public to take part, and appealed for as many as possible to take part.
According to the ‘Justice for Bobby’ Facebook page created by his family, after the 10 minutes of silence attendees will be invited to pray.
Muheeth’s family said the event was the beginning of their work against gang violence, and said they have realised that more innocent lives could be lost as the city of Male’ was no longer safe for anyone.
‘’A moment of silence will be observed in remembrance of our dear brother Bobby, who was brutally killed by some evil gangsters on February 19th 2012,” the family said. “Please join with us to honor and pay respect to our innocent brother. Thank you!’’
The ‘Justice for Bobby’ Facebook page has since been ‘liked’ by 13,000 people, with moving comments posted by many family members.
‘’It’s so hard to even look at your photos, I get flashbacks of the night I held you in my arms when you were covered in blood…. I tried… I lied.. I told him ‘Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine.. Just be strong. It’s just a scratch’,” said his brother.
“I never realised how many stab marks were on his body until I looked at myself… I was covered in Bobby’s blood, from head to toe… words can’t explain how much it hurts to lose you like that.. I will try as hard as I can. One way or another, I will find justice,” he wrote.
Bobby’s girlfriend wrote: ‘’I saw u in my dreams last night… I’m glad I saw u, we were talking about our marriage.. I’m looking forward for that day so much… The day you and I can be one.. But maybe God has another plan for us, something wonderful for us in heaven perhaps. Miss the way u made me feel around u… Miss the sweet conversations we had… and most of all, miss fighting with u… the fact that i miss u so much and there is nothing i can do about it, is killing me inside.. i want to talk to u, hug u, hold ur hand, and be around u all the time…”
A cousin wrote a poem: “I’m glad he feels no pain now – he lives in a perfect land, I can hear the soft voice and the see the sweet smile on his face, I lie in bed and cry at night, and I don’t feel any better in the morning light, And I will love and miss him forever, until the day we are again together, together in that perfect place above, filled with caring, sharing and love, but until that day comes – I will wipe my tears away.”
Meanwhile, police have a statement saying that cases have been forwarded against Muhujath Ahmed Naasih of Abulagee Ge on Gahdhoo in Gaaf Dhaal Atoll, Mohamed Maimoon of Zaithoonige, on Naifaru of Lhaviyani Atoll, and Ali Mushahfau of Sultan Villa on Maradhoo in Seenu Atoll.
The Criminal Court and Juvenile Court have begun the hearings of the case, which continues in court.