Transparency Maldives notes “grave concern” over undemocratic trends

Transparency Maldives (TM) has called upon the state and political parties to operate within the Constitution, and to respect democratic norms and principles.

“Transparency Maldives notes with grave concern the increasing trend of undermining democratic practices and institutions by the State,” read a statement from the NGO today.

TM cited the attempts to reduce the number of judges in the Supreme Court, the sudden removal of the auditor general by the parliament, and the resolution  of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) calling for the presidency to be handed over to Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Gasim Ibrahim.

The MDP, private lawyers, and civil society groups have also heavily criticised the – now successful – attempts to remove Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz and Justice Muthasim Adnan from the Supreme Court.

In a statement released prior to the Majlis decision to remove the pair, TM argued that their removal would further undermine the independence of the judiciary.

“The impartiality and independence of the Supreme Court is not solely decided by the number of Supreme Court Justices but rather by the upholding of judicial integrity and principles,” argued the anti-corruption NGO.

TM said the decision to dismiss the pair without publicising the criteria used to deem them guilty of gross misconduct or gross incompetence – as required in Article 154 of the Constitution – raised questions about the fairness of the process.

“The criteria used must be objective, based on merit, transparent and well-publicised so that any public concerns about the process may be addressed.

The NGO suggested that amendments to the Judicature Act also denied the judges in question the right to defend themselves prior to their dismissal – a point also made today by the Maldivian Democracy Network.

Auditor General removal

Similarly, Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim was removed from his post in October after pro-government MPs introduced amendments to the Audit Act.

“TM notes that the recent amendment to the Audit Act which abruptly ended the tenure of the sitting Auditor General, before the Constitutionally mandated seven-year term serves to undermine the independence of the Auditor General’s Office,” said today’s statement.

The press release further noted that the removal of the auditor general is only constitutionally allowed for proven misconduct, incapacity, or incompetence.

Niyaz’s removal was justified on the grounds that the Audit Act predated the 2008 Constitution and thereby did not include the current responsibilities, powers, mandate, qualifications, and ethical standards required for the post holder.

Niyaz chose not to stand again for the post, requesting the High Court to place an injunction against the new amendment – though his replacement was sworn in on November 24, within on hour of his approval by the Majlis.

“It must be noted that the passing of the amendment and the consequent removal of the Auditor General coincided with the release of an incriminating audit report against a Government Minister.”

The same day the Majlis authorised Niyaz’ removal, Niyaz had signed an audit report which implicated Minister of Tourism Ahmed Adeeb in a US$6million corruption scandal.

Adeeb – also Progressive Party of Maldives deputy leader – was quick to dismiss the report as politically motivated, while the government appears to have taken no further action in the case – despite pre-election pledges to root out corruption.

“TM calls on state authorities to ensure that heads of independent state institutions are given the autonomy to do their mandated work free from insecurity.”

MDP Gasim decree

Finally, TM denounced the MDP’s resolution which called on President Abdulla Yameen to hand power to JP leader Gasim Ibrahim.

The position taken by the party’s national council last week was condemned by TM as an “attempt to destabilize the elected government and infers overriding the electoral processes stipulated in the Constitution.”

The MDP leadership suggested that growing gang violence – which has resulted in four murders in the capital this year – coupled with the water crisis meant the president should step down.

“The president is not fulfilling presidential duties and ruling in absentia. So it is better for him to handover governance to Gasim Ibrahim,” said former President Nasheed during the meeting.

“TM reminds that any change in government should only be brought by a vote of the people and calls on state parties to not undermine the electoral processes of the country.”

The PPM responded to the resolution last week by accusing the MDP of attempting to disturb peace and unity during the water shortage.

The PPM also characterised the national council decision as an “undemocratic and uncivilised” attempt to topple a legitimately elected government.

Related to this story

Majlis removes Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz, Justice Muthasim Adnan from Supreme Court

Majlis passes amendment allowing president to reappoint auditor general

MDP calls on the government to hand power to JP leader Gasim


Government hands back Kaadehdhoo Airport to Villa Air

The government has returned Kaadehdhoo regional airport to Gasim Ibrahim’s Villa Air 38 days after terminating the contract with the tourism ministry.

Speaking to local news outlet Vnews, Managing Director Rilwan Shareef of Villa Air said that the airport had been handed back to the company by the government on Thursday (September 19).

Kaadehdhoo Airport, which is leased out to Villa for fifty years to develop and manage the airport, was taken by the government last month after it cited a breach of the agreement on Villa’s side.

The Villa Group – founded by Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Gasim Ibrahim – suffered adversely from a number of government decisions last month just as Gasim attempted to stall President Abdulla Yameen’s flagship Special Economic Zones Act.

President Yameen denied the setbacks for Villa had been politically motivated after the JP alleged that both these decisions and subsequent death threats received by Gasim had come from political opponents.

The handing back of Kaadehdhoo Airport comes within a week of the reinstatement of Maamigili Airport, also under the management of Villa Air, as an international airport after it was downgraded to domestic status due to security concerns.

A  nearby island which was leased out to the Villa Group for agricultural purposes was also taken by the government at the same time as the airport.


Maamigili airport downgraded to a domestic airport

The airport on the island of Maamigili in Alif Dhaal atoll operated by Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Gasim’s Ibrahim’s Villa Air has been downgraded to a domestic airport, reports local media.

An official from the Civil Aviation Authority told online news outlet CNM that Villa Air had not made the necessary improvements for designation of international airport status.

Earlier this month, the government terminated an agreement with Villa Air to manage and develop the Kaadehdhoo regional airport while the fisheries ministry decided not to renew the lease of an uninhabited island given for agricultural purposes to Gasim’s Villa company.

President Abdulla Yameen had denied that the decisions were intended to “impede” the JP leader’s businesses following severe criticism of the government’s flagship special economic zone legislation.

The agreement with Villa Air to operate the airport for a period of 50 years was signed during the final days of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration.

Former Transport Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed – filling a JP slot in cabinet at the time – was sacked in November 2012 after extending the lease of the privately-owned airport in Maamigili for 99 years.

In March 2013, Dr Shamheed told Minivan News that President Waheed wanted “credit” for extending the Maamigili airport lease.

Despite the dismissal, the decision was not reversed and Shamheed was replaced by JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim, who signed the Kaadehdhoo agreement on behalf of the government on November 6.

Following his third-place finish with 23.37 percent of the vote in the November 2013 presidential election, Gasim initially announced that the JP would remain neutral.

However, the JP’s council decided to endorse Abdulla Yameen against Maldivian Democratic Party candidate, former President Mohamed Nasheed, three days before the second round of the polls on November 16.

After the contesting the parliamentary polls in March jointly through the Progressive Coalition, the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives severed its coalition agreement with the JP after Gasim stood for post of Majlis speaker despite the PPM fielding its senior MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.


Ministry threatens to reclaim leased uninhabited islands

Uninhabited islands leased for agriculture, fisheries or research purposes will be reclaimed if work is not being done in accordance with agreements, the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture has warned in a circular (Dhivehi) yesterday (August 17).

The ministry explained that the islands were leased after evaluating proposals and accompanying work plans while agreements signed with the lease holders are treated in line with the Contracts Act of 1991.

Work was not being conducted in most leased islands in accordance with the work plans, the circular stated, adding that reports were also not being submitted regularly as stipulated by the agreements.

Moreover, the ministry often faced difficulties sending documents to lease holders as some no longer resided in the given addresses, the circular noted.

If corrective measures were not taken within a 3-month period to carry out work in accordance with the submitted plan, the ministry warned that legal action would be taken under contract law.

Last week, the ministry decided not to renew the lease of Laamu Baresdhoo, an uninhabited island leased to Jumhooree Party Leader Gasim Ibrahim’s Villa company for agriculture.

Moreover, the fisheries ministry gave a 30-day notice to reclaim a plot of land in Gaaf Dhaal Hoadehdhoo leased to Gasim’s Horizons Fisheries.

According to the ministry, more than 60 islands were leased in the past for a period of 20 or 21 years.

At a press briefing yesterday, Deputy Minister Khursheed Thowfeek revealed that the ministry was in the process of formulating new rules for leasing uninhabited islands.

Khursheed also revealed that the decision not to renew the lease for Baresdhoo was made after the President’s Office informed the ministry that island has been designated for tourism development.

The ministry was in talks with Villa over extending the lease when a letter from the President’s Office was sent, he noted.

“So what we do? In truth, islands are only in our care for a very short period. When the Maldivian government decides that a particular ministry wants islands for a particular purpose, we have to hand over the islands,” he said.


Politicians behind death threats to Gasim, claims JP

The Jumhooree Party (JP) has alleged that politicians are behind death threats sent to the party’s leader Gasim Ibrahim.

“We will take your life if you keep talking in the media,” and “We will wipe you and your family from Malé,” read the threats sent via text message to the business tycoon last week.

“The death threats are being issued to Honourable Gasim Ibrahim by those displeased or threatened by his efforts in the People’s Majlis, the media, and various other arenas for the benefit and wellbeing of the Maldivian people, in a planned attempt to intimidate him and push him back politically with politicians behind these threats,” the JP contended in a press statement yesterday (August 17).

The party expressed concern with the persistent threats and noted that Article 29 of the Constitution guarantees the “freedom to acquire and impart knowledge, information and learning.”

“And we note that these threatening messages are being sent at a time when the government and the ruling party have been directly targeting Honourable Gasim Ibrahim’s businesses, carrying out actions to hinder them and taking measures that are not being taken against other [businesses],” the press release stated.

Last week, the government terminated an agreement with Gasim’s Villa Air to manage and develop the Kaadehdhoo regional airport.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture meanwhile decided not to renew the lease of Laamu Baresdhoo, an uninhabited island leased to Gasim’s Villa company for agriculture.

Moreover, the fisheries ministry gave a 30-day notice to reclaim a plot of land in Gaaf Dhaal Hoadehdhoo leased to Gasim’s Horizons Fisheries.

President Abdulla Yameen has, however, denied “impeding” Gasim’s businesses, insisting that the decisions were made due to breach of contract.

In a letter to Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed informing the authorities of the threats, Gasim reportedly revealed that the owners of the numbers from which the messages were sent has denied sending any texts.

Gasim suggested that the text messages could have been sent through the internet using a phone number duplicating software.

The business tycoon appealed for police to investigate the threats with “utmost seriousness.”

Following similar threats sent in June, Gasim objected to lack of security provided to MPs despite the death threats he received, noting that he has arranged for private bodyguards.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Spokesperson Major Hussain Ali told Minivan News today that “discussions” were currently taking place between the MNDF and the parliament secretariat regarding security arrangements for MPs.

Asked if MPs would have bodyguards from MNDF, the spokesperson suggested seeking the information from the People’s Majlis secretariat.

A media official at the secretariat, however, was unaware either of the present security arrangements or whether MPs had MNDF bodyguards.


Earlier this month, death threats were sent via text message from an unlisted number to six opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs.

While one message threatened to kill MPs who “behave inappropriately,” the second stated that it would not be “a sin to kill those who challenge the word of Allah and call for religious freedom.”

“Afrasheem Ali was an example before your eyes,” it read, referring to the murdered moderate scholar and Progressive Party of Maldives MP.

Police confirmed at the time that the threats were being investigated but declined to reveal further details.

Parliament Secretary General Ahmed Mohamed told local media that MNDF were formally asked to provide security for MPs after a number of lawmakers made requests following the swearing-in of the 18th parliament.

MNDF had not responded as of August 3, he said. In July, Defence Minister Colonel (Retired) Mohamed Nazim assured that security would be provided to MPs and that recommendations for security provisions in the parliamentary rules – currently under review – had been shared with the speaker.

Article 105(b) of the Constitution states, “The security services of the state shall ensure the protection and safety of all members of the People’s Majlis.”

Meanwhile, a number of journalists have also received death threats in recent weeks, warning them against reporting on gang violence in the wake of a spate of stabbings in the capital.

An IT expert with experience in the telecommunications field explained to Minivan News at the time that it would be difficult to identify the culprit if the text messages were sent through an online mass text message service.

“Unless it came from a local IP address it would be almost impossible to trace it back. If they used anonymous proxy servers to send the texts it could be traced back to the SMS gateway, but no further,” he said.


SEZ bill sent to Majlis floor as MDP continues protest

Parliament’s economic affairs committee completed its review of the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation yesterday and sent the bill to the People’s Majlis floor with minor revisions.

While Jumhooree Party (JP) and opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs had boycotted meetings last week, the committee resumed the review process yesterday after JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim assured cooperation for continuing the assessment.

However, Gasim and JP MP Abdulla Riyaz reportedly left the meeting later and the bill was voted through with only MPs of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) in attendance.

Reflecting its combined 48 seats in the 85-member house, the PPM-MDA coalition has voting majorities on key oversight committees.

Among the amendments brought to the draft legislation, a provision was added to include an MP on a 17-member investment board, which would demarcate and oversee the SEZs.

JP and MDP MPs had walked out of a committee meeting last week alleging procedural violations by the committee’s chair – PPM MP Abdulla Khaleel – and objecting to his alleged refusal to incorporate recommendations made by various state institutions.

The MPs in the minority accused pro-government MPs of deliberately disregarding their input.

Khaleel told newspaper Haveeru yesterday that suggestions from state institutions were included to the extent that “the bill’s main concept would not be lost”.


MDP MPs did not attend yesterday’s committee meetings.

Last week, the main opposition party announced protests against passing the bill in its current form, warning of “dangerous” consequences, contending that it would pave the way for drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking.

After boycotting the committee last week, Gasim had also warned that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence and sovereignty, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Meanwhile, at a press conference on Saturday (August 16), PPM Parliamentary Group Leader Ahmed Nihan accused opposition MPs of obstructing implementation of the government’s economic policy.

The majority leader urged MDP MPs to respond to technical aspects of the bill in lieu of “misleading” political rhetoric.

The government maintains that SEZs with relaxed regulations and tax incentives were necessary both for foreign investors to choose the Maldives over other developing nations and to launch ‘mega projects,’ which President Abdulla Yameen has said would “transform” the economy through diversification and mitigate the reliance on the tourism industry.

Yameen has also dismissed concerns with the absence of parliamentary oversight in the legislation – such as requiring parliamentary approval for presidential appointees to the investment board – arguing that that leasing islands or plots of land was the prerogative of the executive and that affairs of governance was outside the Majlis’ mandate.


At today’s sitting of parliament, MDP MPs raised consecutive points of order – for nearly half an hour – contending that the committee completed its review with unprecedented and undue haste after ignoring the views of opposition MPs.

PPM MPs meanwhile urged Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed to exercise his authority to expel unruly MPs.

However, unable to continue with the day’s agenda, Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed adjourned proceedings twice.

Following the adjournment, the MDP parliamentary group informed the press that its MPs were protesting in the chamber against efforts to “silence” the minority party as well as the fast-tracking of the SEZ bill review despite assurances from the speaker that opposition concerns would be heard.

At a press briefing yesterday, MDP MP Ibrahim Shareef said pro-government MPs did not allow opposition MPs to amend the draft legislation and insisted that the review process was conducted “dictatorially” in violation of parliamentary rules.

Shareef had warned that MDP MPs were willing to bring Majlis sittings to a halt over the SEZ bill.

The MDP has been holding nightly rallies at its haruge (meeting hall) in Malé to protest “openly selling off the country” through SEZs.

Following last night’s rally, a group of protesters took to the streets and demonstrated in front of President Yameen’s private residence.

The MDP has also launched a petition (Dhivehi) calling on the government to withdraw the SEZ bill, warning that it would “destroy” the decentralisation system as the president could bypass local councils, declare any region an economic zone, and lease land for a period of 99 years.

In addition to import duty and tax exemptions for investors, an SEZ law would allow the president to “divide and distribute various regions of the country” to businesses of senior government officials, the party claimed.

Moreover, companies with foreign shareholders would be able to purchase land without paying sales tax, the MDP noted, which would pose a threat to national security.

“This would be selling off the country’s natural resources dubiously on the cheap for the benefit of a few people,” reads the petition.


Parties reach agreement for committee to resume review of SEZ bill

Political parties in parliament have reached an agreement for the economic affairs committee to resume its review of the governments flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation after the Jumhooree Party (JP) and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) boycotted proceedings last week.

At a meeting held last night to resolve the impasse, JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim reportedly assured cooperation for continuing the review process, explaining that he had walked out in protest of the committee chair refusing to incorporate recommendations from state institutions.

The business tycoon said he boycotted Wednesday’s (August 13) meeting after his suggestions to address “one or two issues” in the bill were ignored.

Representing the main opposition party, MDP MP Mohamed Aslam insisted that the party’s concerns should also be addressed.

If not, Aslam said, the party would “take to the streets” in protest. On Thursday (August 14), the MDP announced protests against passing the bill in its current form, warning of “dangerous” consequences.

After walking out of Wednesday’s meeting, Gasim had also warned last week that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Further meetings of the committee – where the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and ally Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) have a voting majority – had been cancelled following the boycott.

At last night’s meeting, PPM MP Ahmed Ameeth proposed holding a meeting today to approve a timetable to conduct the review process. While MDP MPs voted against it, the proposal was passed with the JP MPs’ support.

Subsequently, at the meeting this morning, the committee passed a motion proposed by Ameeth to give authority to the committee’s chair – PPM MP Abdulla Khaleel – to hold meetings every day of the week except Friday to fast-track review of bills.

The motion was passed with five votes in favour. While JP MPs Gasim Ibrahim and Abdulla Riyaz voted against the motion, MDP MPs on the committee did not attend today’s meeting.

Khaleel has previously declared his intention to complete the review process and send the bill to the Majlis floor for a vote before the end of August. Parliament breaks for a one-month recess at the end of the month.

Parliamentary oversight

The MDP has meanwhile been holding nightly rallies at its haruge (meeting hall) in Malé to protest “openly selling off the country” through SEZs.

Speaking at a rally Thursday night, MP Eva Abdulla objected to the absence of parliamentary oversight in the draft legislation, noting that a 17-member investment board appointed by the president would have the authority to create SEZs.

While the president’s nominees to independent institutions required parliamentary approval, Eva noted that parliament would not have a similar confirmation role for endorsing members to the board.

As investors would not have to pay import duties or taxes for a 10-year period, Eva contended that the public would not benefit from the SEZs.

Investors would also be able to bring in foreign workers under relaxed regulations while companies with foreign shareholders would be able to purchase land without paying privatisation fees or sales tax.

In other countries, Eva said, such incentives were offered to investors in exchange for creating job opportunities for locals.

At a rally in Addu City on Friday night (August 15), MDP MP Rozaina Adam urged the public to consider why President Abdulla Yameen did not wish for parliament to exercise any oversight despite the PPM’s comfortable majority in the People’s Majlis.

The MP For Addu Meedhoo suggested that the president did not want his own party’s MPs to be aware of the “illegal activities” and “massive corruption” that would take place in the SEZs.

Responding to the criticism from the opposition, President Yameen told reporters prior to departing for China Thursday night that leasing islands or plots of land was the prerogative of the president or the executive.

“Parliament could make rules. That’s why we’re making a law. But after the rules are set, it is not the parliament that would designate the economic zones. Parliament is not concerned with governance,” he argued.

Parliament could amend the draft legislation to address shortcomings, Yameen added, suggesting that the president having authority to create SEZs was no cause for concern.

On the tax incentives, Yameen contended that resorts were also developed with similar tax exemptions.

“Even now, everything brought in for a new resort under development is exempt from [import] duties,” he said.

“So they have enjoyed the benefit of special economic zones without a law through the tourism law. What we’re trying to do now is to give that benefit through the special economic zone.”


President Yameen denies “impeding” Gasim’s businesses

President Abdulla Yameen has denied politically motivated targeting of Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Gasim Ibrahim’s business interests.

While an agreement with Gasim’s Villa Air to manage and develop the Kaadehdhoo airport was terminated due to failure to maintain safety standards, Yameen said the government decided not to renew the lease of Laamu Baresdhoo because agricultural work was not done on the island in accordance with the agreement.

“So even if it is the biggest businessman in the Maldives or anyone else, he will be equal before the government in upholding rules,” Yameen told reporters prior to departing to China on Thursday night (August 14).

Baresdhoo had been leased for 21 years, he noted, but “no work has been done there.”

“Baresdhoo is a huge island. If it had been taken for the tourism industry instead of being leased for agricultural work, millions of dollars would have been made,” Yameen said.

The government had formulated “sound” rules for leasing uninhabited islands during Ramadan, he explained, which stipulates that islands would be reclaimed if the purpose for which it was leased was not being fulfilled.

In the case of the Laamu atoll airport, Yameen said Villa did not maintain safety standards or take corrective measures within a specified period.

When safety measures are not taken, “it is the Civil Aviation Authority that has to bear responsibility for any problems that arise, isn’t it?”

“Exceptions” could not be made for violations of regulations, the president said.

The decisions were not intended to “impede” or hinder Gasim’s businesses, he insisted.

Yameen went on to say that there were islands leased for tourism development where no work has been done for eight to ten years.

The islands were leased to create job opportunities for people of nearby inhabited islands and generate tax revenue for the government, he said.

The moves by the government followed stringent criticism from the business tycoon of the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation at Wednesday’s sitting of parliament.

After boycotting the committee reviewing the legislation, Gasim warned that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Threats to sue

In addition to the decisions concerning the Kaadehdhoo airport and Baresdhoo, local media reported that the fisheries ministry has given a 30-day notice to Gasim’s Horizon Fisheries Pvt Ltd to hand over a leased plot of land in Gaaf Dhaal Hoadehdhoo.

A letter informing the company of the decision – shared with local media – stated that Horizon had failed to complete work on a 3,000 metric ton cold storage unit, a factory, a harbour and a jetty in accordance with the lease agreement.

Moreover, the company had not begun work on a refrigeration system, ice plant, laboratory, fuel storage unit, water tank and an RSW vessel, the letter stated.

The company was told that the lease agreement would be terminated if corrective measures were not taken.

Meanwhile, in a press release on Thursday, the regional airports department under the tourism industry revealed that the decision to terminate the Kaadehdhoo agreement was made because Villa had failed to maintain standards mandated by the Civil Aviation Authority.

The Kaadehdhoo airport had been leased under a public-private partnership (PPP) project as its operation and development was a financial burden on the state budget, the press release explained.

However, deteriorating quality of service and lack of development defeats “the PPP’s purpose,” it added.

The agreement with Villa Air to operate the airport for a period of 50 years was signed during the final days of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration.

Former Transport Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed – filling a JP slot in cabinet at the time – was sacked in November 2012 after extending the lease of the privately-owned airport in Maamigili for 99 years.

Despite the dismissal, the decision was not reversed and JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim, who signed the Kaadehdhoo agreement on behalf of the government on November 6, replaced Shamheed.

In June this year, President Yameen abolished the Ministry of Transport and Communication after dismissing Ameen – in the wake of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives severing its coalition agreement with Gasim’s JP – and transferred both the Civil Aviation Authority and regional airports to the Ministry of Tourism.

In July, following threats by the JP to sue two of its MPs for switching to the PPM, Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb – also deputy leader of PPM – told newspaper Haveeru that the government was looking into cases where Gasim could be sued.


Government takes back Kaadedhoo airport, uninhabited island from Gasim’s Villa Group

The government has terminated an agreement with Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Gasim Ibrahim’s Villa Air to develop and manage the regional airport on Gaaf Dhaal Kaadehdhoo.

Director of Regional Airports Sami Aqeel told newspaper Haveeru that the agreement was terminated today because Villa breached its terms. Further details would be revealed to the press in a statement, he added.

Local media also reported today that the government has decided to reclaim the island of Baresdhoo in Laamu atoll from Villa. The uninhabited island had been leased to Gasim’s company for agriculture.

An official from the fisheries ministry told the local daily that the lease period had expired last month. He explained that the ministry has decided not to renew the lease because Villa had not done any farming on the island.

The ministry has decided to hand over the island to the tourism ministry to be leased for resort development, the official revealed.

The moves by the government comes on the heels of the business tycoon’s stringent criticism of the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation at yesterday’s sitting of parliament.

After boycotting the committee reviewing the legislation, Gasim warned that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Business interests

Gasim’s Villa Group is one of the largest companies in the Maldives with the holding company Villa Shipping and Trading Pvt Ltd conglomerate operating businesses in shipping, import and export, retail, tourism, fishing, media, communications, transport and education.

The agreement with Villa Air to operate the airport for a period of 50 years was signed during the final days of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration.

Former Transport Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed – filling a JP slot in cabinet at the time – was sacked in November 2012 after extending the lease of the privately-owned airport in Maamigili for 99 years.

In March 2013, Dr Shamheed told Minivan News that President Waheed wanted “credit” for extending the Maamigili airport lease.

Despite the dismissal, the decision was not reversed and Shamheed was replaced by JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim, who signed the Kaadehdhoo agreement on behalf of the government on November 6.

Following his third-place finish with 23.37 percent of the vote in the November 2013 presidential election, Gasim initially announced that the JP would remain neutral.

However, the JP’s council decided to endorse Abdulla Yameen against MDP candidate, former President Mohamed Nasheed, three days before the second round of the polls on November 16.

After the contesting the parliamentary polls in March jointly through the Progressive Coalition, the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) severed its coalition agreement with the JP after Gasim stood for post of Majlis speaker despite the PPM fielding its senior MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.

In the wake of the coalition’s breakup, President Abdulla Yameen sacked Transport Minister Ameen and other JP political appointees, whilst cabinet ministers on slots assigned for the JP – Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and Economic Development Minister Mohamed Saeed – joined the PPM.

Home Minister Umar Naseer – appointed as part of the coalition agreement with the JP – is meanwhile facing criminal prosecution on charges of disobedience to order.

Following the loss of two JP MPs last month, Gasim claimed at a press conference that the MPs had told him that the government had threatened to cease development of islands in their constituencies.

Gasim said he had heard that the pair were offered MVR10 million (US$648,508) each for the transfer. The PPM has denied offering any incentives to the MPs.

Gasim also claimed to have provided MVR20 million (US$1.2 million) as financial assistance to the PPM’s parliamentary campaign.

In July, the JP meanwhile announced its intention to sue two MPs who switched to the ruling PPM.
