Kundabados ‘human circle’ marks Maldives World Diabetes Day focus

Maldivian associations and individuals representing all walks of life are said to have taken part in a special event held earlier this month on Kundabados to mark yesterday’s World Diabetes Day.

More than 800 people representing the Maldives’ police and defense forces, resort workers, fitness groups and tourism industry figures gathered on the island to form a human blue circle using umbrellas to mimic the Unite for Diabetes logo.

The event was organized by the Diabetes Society of Maldives – a local campaign group – in order to raise awareness in the country regarding the impact the disease can have on lives in the atolls as part of a wider international promotional campaign to play up the blue circle logo of Unite for Diabetes.  The day also saw a number of fitness programmes being offered to attendees at Kundabados.

In attempts to raise awareness about the importance of healthier lifestyles in helping prevent complications linked to the disease, the Diabetes Society of Maldives says it has supplied special awareness material to local media in recent months to better inform people.

Similar events regarding playing up the links between the blue coloured circle emblem and awareness of the disease have been held all over the world to commemorate World Diabetes Day.


Police launch operation to reduce crime during Eid holidays

The Maldives Police Service have said it has launched series of special operations to prevent crimes occurring during the Eid holidays.

Police said the operations commenced on November 4.

During the operation, police said they had been searching people whom they suspected were planning to commit crimes.

‘’Police have searched different places they gather such as guest houses,’’ the police said, in a statement. ‘’So far police have discovered weapons used for assault and battery, and four men have been arrested in connection with the case.’’

The Police said they had arrested one man with suspected illegal narcotics, and another on the street who was supposed be serving life imprisonment.

The prison escapee has been handed over to the Department of Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Services (DPRS), according to police.

Police said during these operations police will question children and other persons “roaming around the streets for no reason.”

So far, the police said it has arrested and released 71 persons, 18 of them underage, “after giving advice.”


Man sentenced for indecently exposing himself to a minor

The Criminal Court yesterday sentenced a man to three years in prison after the court found him guilty of the indecent exposure of his body to a minor in Villingili.

The court identified the offender as Mohamed Saeed, 39.

The Criminal court said the brother of the male victim received information of the incident and reported to police that Saeed was attempting to have sex with the boy inside a guest house named ‘Beach View’ in Villingili.

“When police went to the guest house after receiving the information from the victim’s brother, police attended the scene and saw Saeed standing naked near the bed,’’ said the Criminal Court. “The boy was lying on the bed when the police arrived.’’

The Criminal Court said the victim told the court that Saeed went into the toilet and came out naked.

Saeed told the court that he worked in a cargo ship and came to Male’ for his vacation.

The Court sentenced him according to the ‘Act on special actions against sexual abuse to minors’ section 22[a] and 22[b].


IFJ expresses concern over police attack on media

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed concern over the police attack on journalists who were covering the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP)-led protest last week.

Last week several journalists working at different media outlets claimed they were attacked and forced to move away while they were covering an opposition riot.

“According to the Maldives Journalists’ Association (MJA), an IFJ affiliate, the journalists were reporting on a protest organised by the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party in the national capital of Male,’’ said the IFJ’s statement.

“The MJA has since established that the journalists, most of whom were wearing press badges, were beaten with batons and some of them shackled. A few were briefly detained.’’

“Though the Maldives has significant provisions defending press freedom in its newly enacted constitution, there seems to be a gap between the assurances of the law and the reality faced by journalists on the ground,’’ said the IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park.

‘’“We fully support the MJA in its effort to ensure that all provisions of the law are made operative and become credible guarantees of press freedom.”

The police claimed that some journalists covering the riot had begun to show the same characteristics as the opposition activists and engaged in hostile confrontations with the police.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said last week that “some journalists opposed police orders and refused to stay in the security zone. It would have gone smoothly if they had worked according to the orders. Some journalists who opposed the police were moved away by using force.’’

He also claimed that journalists had tried to break the police lines and pass through the cordon.

Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.


HRCM condemns police attack on media

The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has condemned the police reaction towards journalists who were injured while attempting to cover the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) led protest on Monday night.

Several journalists from different media organisations have reported violent police attacks on journalists covering the opposition protest.

A journalist from Miadhu, Three journalists from DhiTV, two journalists from VillaTV, one from newspaper Miadhu and a photographer from Haveeru reported they were attacked by the police.

The two journalists from VillaTV were also arrested, handcuffed, and released the same evening.

‘’As the media is a pillar that plays an important role in democracy, the freedom of media is a right guaranteed under the constitution which cannot be restricted under any circumstances,’’ said the HRCM in a statement. ‘’Persons active in the media have to be given freedom and protection.’’

The HRCM claimed some of the journalists working there were obstructed from conducting their work by using force, and ‘’therefore we condemn these actions.’’

The freedom of gathering shall also be conducted peacefully in a way that it would not be an obstacle for other peoples’ rights.

The commission advised the protesters to pay attention to these issues and  “to keep their actions in accordance with the rules and regulations.”

“And in a situation where gatherings have to dispersed for security reasons, the chance of causing disruption narrows if it is conducted in accordance to the established procedures,’’ the commission said. ‘’We are now investigating the concerning issues raised after the riot.’’

The HRCM called on the police to use methods “that will not injure people and cause disturbance to citizens” when dispersing riots in the future.


Police clash with journalists during opposition protests

Several journalists from different media organisations have reported violent police attacks on journalists covering the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP)-led protest last night.

The protest began last night as a gathering in front of party’s head office, but degenerated into a riot when protesters marched to the President’s official residence of Muleeage.

Police attempted to restrict the activists from going any further when they reached Sosun Magu, but demonstrators broke through police lines and continued their march.

A journalist from Miadhu, Three journalists from DhiTV, two journalists from VillaTV, one from newspaper Miadhu and a photographer from Haveeru reported they were attacked by the police.

The two journalists from VillaTV were also arrested, handcuffed, and released the same evening.

Editor of DhiTV Midhath Hilmy claimed that three journalists from DhiTV were injured during the riot.

“One was hit by a tear gas canister and his head was bleeding, another journalist’s leg was injured,” said Midhath. “Police hit another DhiTV journalist three times in a chest with a baton.”

Midhath said all the journalists from DhiTV was wearing their press identification and were carrying video cameras.

Police were the persons supposed to protect the journalists, Midhath said, adding that he regretted the police attacks and hoped it would not occur next time.

‘’According to video footage take by journalists, I can see police have tried to stop the coverage and sometimes had covered the camera by putting their hands on it,’’ he said. “They also ordered the media to stop the coverage.’’

Editor of Miadhu Abdul ‘Gabbe’ Latheef told Minivan News that according to the injured Miadhu journalist, the police attacked her with baton while she was showing them her press card.

‘’She told me that some of the police referred to her rudely, while other police officers provided assistance to her,’’ said Latheef. “The media should condemn these actions.”

Latheef said he understood that the police were in a difficult situation and  “had communication errors and difficulty identifying journalists.”

‘’The case should be investigated by an independent body,’’ he added.

Local media reported that police actions were violent and hostile, and that police attacked the journalists deliberately while they were staying in the area police officers had advised them to remain in.

However, Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam denied the claims and said some of the journalists working in the area had begun to show the characteristics as the opposition activists and engaged in hostile confrontations with the police.

‘’Some journalists opposed police orders and refused to stay in the security zone,” Shiyam said. “It would have gone smoothly if they had worked according to the orders,’’ said Shiyam. “Some journalists who opposed the police were moved away by using force.’’

He also claimed that journalists had tried to break the police lines and pass through the cordon. A Minivan News journalist was meanwhile obstructed from entering the area to cover the incident.

President of the Maldives Journalist Association Ahmed ‘Hiriga’ Zahir described the incident as “a black day for journalism in the Maldives”, and claimed that at least nine reporters were attacked by police with batons and shields.

“We will investigate each and every injury and ask journalists to send us their accounts of the incident.”

While those injured “were members of the mainstream media, reputable journalists”, Hiriga said he had heard reports that there might have been other journalists in the area “from an underground website”.

“It is an issue and some people have argued that the government should issue media accreditation,” Hiriga said. “The MJA doesn’t agree the government should do this – it needs to be an independent body.”

Image courtesy Maldives Journalists Association.


Police investigate “serious issue” at ‘Kudakudhinge Hiya’ orphanage

The Maldives Police Service and the Health Ministry have commenced a joint investigation into “serious issues” concerning the mistreatment of children at ‘Kudakudhinge Hiya’, the only orphanage in the Maldives.

Yesterday, police and the gender department of the health ministry held a joint press conference and declared that serious issues concerning the orphanage had been logged with the police as well as with the gender ministry.

Chief Inspector of the Child Protection Unit Ali Shujau and Deputy Minister for Health Mariya Ali would disclose no information regarding the case, other than saying that an allegation was lodged at the Ministry on October 2, and that it “definitely does not concern child sexual abuse.”

Speaking to a person familiar with the matter, Minivan News understands that police summoned staff working at the orphanage to clarify whether any mistreatment or abusing was ongoing in the orphanage.

Staff working at the orphanage were asked whether children who misbehaved were punished, and if so what the punishments consisted of. The police also asked how the staff dealt with children who misbehaved.

Minivan’s source denied rumours currently circulating around Villingili that orphans were being abused, however the source did say that a number of children over the age of 10 were living at the orphanage, including a 19 year-old man.


Female motorbike accident victim dies of injuries

Shaheena Hassan, 20, who was severely injured in a fatal motorbike accident on Saturday, died last night while she was being treated a coma at Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Hassan Amir, 22, was also injured severely during the accident.

Shaheena was sitting on the back seat of her friend’s motorcycle traveling from east to west near the swimming tracks in Male’. Witnesses said that Amir was riding at high speed with a group of motorbikes travelling in the opposite direction along Boduthakurufaanu Magu, according to witnesses.

As the driver of the motorbike with Shaheena turned left, Amir’s motorbike hit its front wheel, causing Shaheena to fall from the motorcycle. Amir lost control of his motorcycle and and crashed into a taxi parked in front of Hakatha petrol shed.

Amir’s landed under the car, while Shaheena lay in the middle of the road.

Police officers passing by stopped and attended the incident, lifting the left side of the car to extract Amir. Shaheena was taken was taken to hospital in the taxi, while Amir was carried to hospital in a private car.

Earlier, police reported that a sharp object had penetrated her neck and caused internal bleeding in her brain.

Amir’s was in a serious condition, and attempts were being made to take him abroad for further medical treatment.

The person driving the motorcycle with Shaheena was not injured.

The two motorbikes and the number plate of the parked car was damaged during the incident.


Police rescue man from suicide attempt

The Maldives Police Service rescued a man from an apparent suicide attempt in Male’, after he attempted to hang himself from a balcony on Friday morning.

The man was discovered hanging from the balcony by police officers patrolling the area. The rope was cut and the officers took the man to the hospital.

According to police he was not severely injured, and was treated at the hospital and released.

Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said the person was now under arrest.

“When the police rescued him, he was not injured much,” said Shiyam. “We are now trying to find out the cause of his suicide attempt.’’

Shiyam declined to provide further information.
