Week in review: August 31-September 12

The past two weeks were dominated by the build-up to, and the fall-out from, the first round of the presidential elections. Last minute campaigning saw Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Mohamed Nasheed try his hand at both rapping and speed-dating in order to bolster his support.

Nasheed also took time from the campaign to talk with Minivan News about post-election justice, and lessons learned over the last 18 months. The party estimated 10,000 of its supporters gathered for the final pre-election rally, where Nasheed pledged his commitment to developing the country.

Other parties continued to express their concerns over the upcoming poll, with both the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and the Jumhooree Party (JP) citing the potential use of disappearing ink to alter the result. Responding to an elections related case filed by a PPM member the week before, the Supreme Court urged the Elections Commission to ensure the freedom and fairness of proceedings.

The EC responded to the non-specific ruling by saying that it would not be making any late changes to the voting registry. The PPM’s manifesto arrived with just days to spare, revealing plans to slash the state budget by MVR 4 billion ($259.9 million) as well as the introduction of extensive youth and sports programmes.

Final preparations for polling day saw the details of both international and domestic observer missions finalised, while activists of all colours (and motivations) decorated the streets of Male’ as a carnival atmosphere took hold. Incumbent President Mohamed Waheed spoke with Minivan News just hours before the election, declaring his confidence that the following day’s vote would be the best in the nation’s history.

Waheed had been joined by his three opponents earlier in the week for a live presidential debate. His singling out of the Blackstone seaplane takeover – as an example of his government’s success in attracting foreign investors –  appeared ill-advised, however, as numerous tourist industry stakeholders later revealed the detrimental impact the deal was having on business.

Meanwhile, it was the impact of the election in the atolls which attracted international headlines, with two separate instances of cursed coconuts, as well as a black magic doll and possessed children – all allegedly linked to party politics. Up to three people were also arrested on Kulhudhufushi on suspicion of illegally printing ballot papers, although island council sources stated that these were oversize laminated versions produced by the MDP to demonstrate the voting process.


Despite a peaceful and much-praised polling operation, the EC’s critics were demonstrating against the outcome before the commission had been able to announce the provisional results. After initially claiming 10,000 additional votes had been cast, leader of the third-placed Jumhooree Party Gasim Ibrahim soon declared that he ought to have come in first, despite finishing over 40,000 votes behind the first-placed Mohamed Nasheed.

After JP supporters held protests outside of the EC Commissioner’s residence, Fuwad Thowfeek hit back, dismissing the party’s unconvincing allegations as something a ‘small child would not believe’. The High Court was quick to reject the JP’s requests to see the first round results sheets and to postpone their official announcement. The EC also took aim at the JP’s coalition partner, the Adhaalath Party, warning them that they faced dissolution if they continued to use Islam as a political weapon.

The MDP resumed campaigning optimistic of securing  the “few thousand additional votes” that would see their candidate secure a return to the presidency. “The people have again said a resounding ‘no’ to Gayoom, as they did in 2008,” a triumphant Nasheed told supporters at their first post-election rally. The party’s optimism will have been enhanced by the new that the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party – aligned with President Waheed in the first round – would support Nasheed in the second, though it will be wary of the PPM’s apparent determination to prevent Nasheed taking office, regardless of the election’s outcome.

Other news

Despite the past weeks being dominated by the choosing of the next president, the issue of how the incumbent took office was not off the agenda. The appearance of a supposed ‘coup agreement’ on social media – apparently outlining a planned overthrow of the Nasheed government – was dismissed as a fake by those implicated in the document.

This did not prevent the MDP requesting the Prosecutor General look into the issue, despite its leader’s prior suggestion that the PG is unable to act impartially in the current system. The MDP continued to argue that cases against its MPs are being fast-tracked, in particular charges against Abdulla Jabir and Hamed Abdul Ghafoor in relation to alcohol possession.

The police commissioner’s appointment shortly after the February 7 transfer of power was deemed legal by the Police Integrity Commission, although Abdulla Riyaz’s poltical tweets were not  – the watchdog has recommended the Home Ministry take action. Riyaz defended the police against renewed allegations of partisanship as well as rewarding his force with 300 apartments in the same week.

This week also saw the conclusion of the Criminal Court trial into the deaths of British honeymooners Emma and Jonathon Gray. Swedish national Filip Eugen Petre was acquitted of all charges related to the quad-biking accident on Kuredu Island Resort in August 2011.

Away from politics, the Maldives national football team began the South Asian Football Federation Championship in high-scoring form, scoring 18 goals in their first two group games, including a record-breaking 10-0 win over Sri Lanka. The team’s prowess in front of goal would prove their undoing, however, as a healthy goal difference saw them top the group and draw champions India in the second round. In an ill-tempered game, the Indian’s sneaked a one-nil victory, going on to lose to Afghanistan in the final.

Four Seasons Kuda Huraa hosted its third consecutive annual surfing competition with domestic and international surfers competing in multiple events. The site of the competition’s – at Thamburudhoo Island – ensured that politics were never far away from this event, however, with three Australian surfers questioned for five hours by police. The surfers – wearing ‘Save Thamburudhoo’ t-shirts – were questioned regarding their involvement in the local campaign against the privatisation of the surf break. Politics was even discussed with the Maldives premier musical export Nothnegal, who revealed details of their new EP to Minivan News this week.


Comment: Maafushi a shining example of guest-house tourism

President Nasheed’s references to guesthouse tourism on the local inhabited island of Maafushi in the recent televised presidential candidates’ debate has drawn comment from many in the tourism industry (not to mention the opposition parties and the various political affiliates whose only job seems to criticise Nasheed at every available opportunity).

Those references by Nasheed were made for a very good reason. Because Maafushi is a shining example of how successfully guesthouse tourism has been implemented on an inhabited island, and  illustrates how every employable person, every man or woman seeking a job on the island, has the opportunity to seek gainful employment.

Not only that, all the service-provision on the island has thrived on the commercial viability and need of the visitors coming to the island’s shores.

Cafés, restaurants, and water-sports businesses are thriving, as is the home gardening of local vegetables and fruits which can be sold to readily available buyers. All of these of course are what the guest-house policy is designed to achieve.

Occupancy of guest houses on the island is impressive with an average occupancy rate of over 70 percent – further demonstrating that demand is steady enough to support this newly emerging segment of the Maldives tourism product. In short, Maafushi demonstrates that guest-house tourism can indeed be successfully replicated across all the atolls of the Maldives.

MDP’s guest-house policy, like all of its policies, has been designed after extensive research, public consultation and with assistance and guidance of experts from the economic sector. During our public policy consultation process, which took the form workshops and repeated visits to local islands over several months, local entrepreneurs and concerned citizens alike consistently expressed their desire for an MDP policy “to bring tourism to our atoll”.

Without a doubt tourism, as it should, has remained the cornerstone of MDP’s vision for regenerating growth in the economy. The guest-house policy especially is aimed to kick-start local economies and more importantly to utilise the natural resources endowed on our beautiful islands. The competitive advantage of the Maldives as a tourist destination is the unique formation of the small islands, ringed as atolls, surrounded by reefs and ensconcing a breathtaking undersea marine life.

MDP’s policy team has asked all the right questions. What exactly is the Maldives tourism product? What are its components? At what point of maturity in the destination’s image should new components be introduced? Can occupancy rates be met if we introduced a different segment of tourism? What will guest-house tourism do to the existing resort tourism and safari-boats and dive-tours? Will budget tourism dilute the ability to market the destination successfully as a romantic island getaway on which exclusivity to guests is guaranteed?

These questions have been thoroughly discussed and scenarios considered before the policy was included in the MDP’s manifesto. The policy debates have produced many encouraging answers.

I believe the Maldives tourism industry and indeed local entrepreneurs in the country have reached a point in maturity in which new initiatives could be boldly introduced. The concern of the resort industry is that the current cache of 5 to 7 star island resorts built exclusively on uninhabited islands is emblematic of the destination’s image, with the view that any form of tourism on inhabited islands will create confusion and sully that image.

Looking at destination maturity across many other countries in the world, the timing is appropriate now to showcase what the rest of the country is about. Is there a single destination in the world without a network of guest-houses, youth hostels and locally based homestay arrangements? The existence of these facilities do not detract from the image portrayed by the destination marketing organisations, in fact they are seen as a necessary addition complementing the primary tourism product.

I am convinced such will be the case for the Maldives too. Forty years of tourism has created a specific image of the islands in the marketplace. And that is all about the islands’ natural beauty – such unique beauty not found in any other part of the world.

The guiding post for this policy is the answer to the question: Why do tourists come to the Maldives? The answer: to experience the spectacular natural beauty of its isles. Being on a resort or an inhabited island does not deprive a visitor or indeed any tourist of accessing such beauty.

To walk on a pristine white beach, snorkel in the azure seas or experience the breathtaking underwater world is entirely possible whether tourist facilities are provided on an inhabited island, or exclusive purpose built resort island.

Dr Mariyam Zulfa was former President Nasheed’s Tourism Minister at the time of the overthrow of his administration on 7 February 2012.

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