Young man stabbed in the neck in Malé

A young man has been stabbed in the neck on Wednesday night near Reefside Shop in Malé, local media have reported.

According to Haveeru, Mohamed Nazeem was injured in a gang fight and has been hospitalized at the ADK Hospital. He remains in critical condition.

Gang violence has been on the rise in recent weeks after 24 year old Jailam Ahmed Shakir was stabbed to death on February 22.

Eyewitnesses told Minivan News that Jailam was stabbed numerous times by two men armed with machetes as he was sitting outside his house.

Police have arrested an individual in relation to Jailam’s death and remanded his detention for 15 days.


Maldives participates in ITB Berlin fair

A total of 194 representatives from 75 tourism companies represented the Maldives this year at the InternationaleTourismus-Börse (ITB) travel trade show in Berlin.

The Maldives delegation was led by the Managing Director of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Mr. Abdulla Ziyath.

The MMPRC designed a new stand for the Maldives this year. The new design concept of the stand would allow for better business to business meetings in a modern setting with attractive imagery of the country.

“The stand has an interactive area for display of handicraft activity and cultural performances, and a more serene spa area to highlight on the relaxation and rejuvenation segment,” a statement by the MMPRC read.

“Furthermore, Maldivian gastronomy will be an added highlight at the stand through Maldivian made short eats.”


14 MDP women arrested from “last warning” protest at airport

The Maldives Police Services arrested 14 opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) female activists at 3:00pm from a protest at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA).

The women were carrying posters calling for the release of former President Mohamed Nasheed, currently in police custody until the end of a controversial terrorism trial.

The MDP this week scaled up its protests, with letter campaigns, daily protests and motor cycle rallies under the banner “a last warning.”

A police spokesperson said the Freedom of Assembly Act bars protests at airports. Among those arrested are Deputy Mayor and MDP Women’s Wing President Shifa Mohamed and Women’s Wing Vice President Shaneez ‘Thanie’ Saeed.

Nasheed is charged with terrorism over the military detention of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed in January 2012. The charges come amidst increasing tension in the Maldives following the MDP’s alliance with former ruling coalition partner Jumhooree Party (JP).

Shortly after the alliance was formed, police arrested President Abdulla Yameen’s Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim over a controversial weapons discovery at his house during a midnight raid.

Last warning

Speaking to Minivan News, MDP Vice President Mohamed Shifaz said President Yameen had failed to listen to the people despite over 10,000 people taking to the streets in protest of what they call a lurch towards authoritarianism on February 27.

“On February 27 the people of Maldives showed that they are against the unjust prosecution of President Nasheed. But the government did not listen. So we will escalate our activities and see how far we have to go in order for the government to listen to us,” he said.

The MDP has planned a boat protest on the seas near Malé at 4pm on Friday and a rally in Malé on Friday night.

“This is a warning call. The government has to listen to its people,” Shifaz said.

The MDP claims the terrorism charges against Nasheed are unjust and have pointed to several irregularities in the trial, including two of the three judges in Nasheed’s trial having provided witness statements during a 2012 investigation into Judge Abdulla’s arrest.

The judges refused to step down from the bench and have ordered state prosecutors and defense lawyers not to name them as witnesses.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali said the government welcomed peaceful political activity conducted within the limits of the Constitution.

“Violating the rights of people who are not joining your cause, or damaging their businesses and goods are not activities within the boundaries of the law,” he said.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police Hussein Waheed today said the opposition’s protests were aimed at discrediting and defaming the police, and said the police force had always followed best practices and continued to respect human rights in its interactions with protesters.

Police ranks would remain united despite the opposition’s attempts to disrupt public order through its daily protests, Waheed told 31 officers participating in a public order training today.

“Unfair verdict”

Speaking to opposition aligned Raajje TV, MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed today said the party would not respect an unfair verdict against Nasheed.

“We are in this struggle assuming there is a verdict against President Nasheed already. But we will not consider Nasheed’s candidacy to be void even due to this verdict, because this trial is unjust,” Waheed said.

Waheed’s comments came after a joint MDP and JP meeting with Home Minister Umar Naseer this morning.

He dismissed rumors that MDP would hold a General Assembly and elect a new President if Nasheed is convicted.

“MDP will not go on with our usual political agenda after sacrificing Nasheed’s freedom. That will not happen as long as I am the Chairperson of the party. We will not stop our work until we find solutions to the present problems and we will explore all channels in doing so.”

Waheed warned the government of increased unrest if Nasheed is to be jailed and called on the government to initiate reconciliatory talks.

“The government is mistaken if they think Maldives will stay calm after unjustly imprisoning Nasheed. Maldives will slide back 30 years. We will not stop our work to free President Nasheed. I want to say to the government that our nation will only be calm if our problems are sorted out through reconciliation,” he warned.

Despite the government’s claim it has no power over Nasheed’s prosecution, Waheed argued the responsibility rests on President Yameen’s shoulder.

“I believe the judiciary and other independent institution need to be reformed. But considering the situation of the nation we can’t blame them alone. President Yameen has to take full responsibility.”

Nasheed will come back stronger, he assured party members.

“In the few minutes that I was able to meet with Nasheed in Dhoonidhoo I saw confidence in him. He has sacrificed all his life for this ideology, for MDP. God willing Nasheed will come back even stronger.”


MDP-JP seeks “national reconciliation” at meeting with Home Minister Umar Naseer

Leaders of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party-Jumhooree Party (MDP-JP) alliance met Home Minister Umar Naseer today to seek the release of former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Defence Minister Colonel (Retired) Mohamed Nazim.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting this morning, MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed said the opposition leaders told the home minister that the present state of the country was such that “a national reconciliation” was necessary.

“And we said the opposition is ready to listen to what the government has to say,” he said, noting that the leaders discussed “the intensity of the current political turmoil”.

Both sides agreed not to reveal further details to the media in the interests of “constructive diplomacy,” Waheed said, adding that the opposition hoped to receive a response from the government.

The opposition would continue its protests calling for the release of Nasheed, Nazim and others arrested during anti-government demonstrations, Waheed continued, but “the discussion table should be always be open.”

JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim meanwhile said the opposition leaders stressed the importance of peacefully resolving the current political crisis to ensure economic and social stability.

“Home Minister Umar Naseer said he would take [the concerns] to the president,” Gasim said.

The opposition alliance revealed on Tuesday night that President Yameen rejected a request for a meeting to discuss 13 demands issued at a mass rally on February 27. JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim told the press that President Yameen responded to a formal request by stating that he was only willing to meet if the opposition wished to discuss matters that were beneficial to the public.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali told local media yesterday that the president did not have the authority to release suspects in detention while on trial, noting that the judiciary was an independent branch under separation of powers.

The president was open to discussions if the opposition proposed matters that were both beneficial to the public and within the president’s powers and constitutional responsibilities, he said.

In a tweet yesterday, Home Minister Umar Naseer said the meeting should not be interpreted as “negotiation” between the government and the opposition.

Also present at the meeting were Ibrahim ‘Ibu’ Mohamed Solih, MDP parliamentary group leader as well as JP MPs Ilham Ahmed, Abdulla Riyaz, and Hussain Mohamed.

In addition to the release of Nasheed and Nazim, the opposition’s demands included repealing amendments to the Auditor General’s Act that saw the removal of former Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim, empowering local councils, and investigating serious corruption allegations against senior government officials.

Other demands issued at the protest march included continuing electricity subsidies, fulfilling campaign pledges to provide subsidies to fishermen and farmers, and reversing a decision to impose import duty on fuel.

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Nasheed contests credibility of police and military witnesses in terrorism trial

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has contested the credibility of police and military officers as state witnesses in a terrorism trial over the military’s detention of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed in January 2012.

Judge Abdulla’s arrest sparked 22 consecutive nights of violent anti-government demonstrations that culminated in a police and military mutiny on the morning of February 7, 2012, forcing President Nasheed to resign in what he subsequently called a “coup d’etat.”

The opposition leader, who has denied ordering the arrest of Judge Abdulla, contended the role of the police and military officers in his February 2012 ouster and Judge Abdulla’s arrest raised questions over their credibility.

Chief Inspectors of Police Ahmed Shakir and Mohamed Jamsheed testified at a third hearing last night, and claimed Nasheed —in a meeting with senior police officers on January 18— had said he would not allow Judge Abdulla within 100 feet of the courthouse.

The Criminal Court blocked Nasheed’s lawyers’ attempts to determine credibility of witnesses, at times ordering lawyers to focus on the content of the statement rather than the identity of the witness or the level of their involvement in the events of February 7.

Presiding Judge Abdulla Didi said judges would decide how much weight each witnesses’ statement would carry.

The three judge panel—Didi, Abdul Bari Yoosuf and Sujau Usman—also refused to revise its ruling to keep Nasheed in police custody until the end of the trial.


Shakir told the court Nasheed in the January 2012 meeting had said Judge Abdulla was destroying the criminal justice system, and undermining the judicial watchdog Judicial Services Commission (JSC) by disobeying its orders, and would bar him from within 100 meters of the courthouse.

A visibly nervous Jamsheed, however, first said he had also heard Nasheed say he would order the arrest of Judge Abdulla at the meeting with police officers.

When Nasheed’s lawyers pointed out the January 18 meeting had taken place after the judge’s arrest, Jamsheed said he had heard Nasheed say the judge must be isolated.

Lawyer Abdulla Shaairu then questioned Jamsheed on his whereabouts on February 7, whether he had been active inside or outside the police head quarters, and when he had received a promotion from Inspector to Chief Inspector.

When state prosecutors objected to the questions, Shaairu said the defence must determine if witnesses had any animosity towards Nasheed, given their role in the events leading up to his resignation.

Judge Yoosuf then directly asked Jamsheed whether he harboured any animosity towards Nasheed, and defence lawyers immediately objected to the bench’s questions, saying judges were “putting words in the witnesses’ mouths.”

Judge Didi dismissed the defence’s claim, saying judges regularly posed questions to witnesses.


Lawyer Ibrahim Riffath appealed to judges to release Nasheed from detention, stating the High Court had rejected the former president’s appeal of the Criminal Court’s decision to deny him bail.

Despite lawyer’s assurances to the contrary, the Criminal Court said they feared Nasheed may abscond from trial and rejected the request.

Nasheed was denied legal representation during his first hearing. He was arrested on February 22, and his trial under new charges of ‘terrorism’ began the next day.

Speaking to the press outside, lawyer Hisaan Hussain said the High Court threw the appeal out, claiming the Criminal Court’s detention ruling was in fact a court summons.

In a statement before the trial began, the lawyers expressed concern over inadequate time to prepare their case. In a March 2 hearing, the legal team requested 30 days to mount a credible defence, but judges gave them one day.

The Criminal Court, however, has argued Nasheed’s team has had case documents for three years, as the new terrorism charges are based on the same documents as a previous arbitrary detention charge, now withdrawn.

The statement also noted the judges’ refusal to withdraw from the bench on the March 2 hearing, despite their involvement on the scene during Judge Abdulla’s arrest and involvement as witnesses during the police and Human Rights Commission investigation.

The next hearing is to be held at 9pm tonight.

Related to this story

Judges Didi and Yoosuf refuse to step down from Nasheed’s terrorism trial

Nasheed denies ordering Judge Abdulla arrest, granted three days to answer charges

Former President Nasheed arrives in court with arm in makeshift sling

Nasheed denied right to appoint lawyer and appeal “arbitrary” arrest warrant, contend lawyers


JP office vandalised with crude oil

The Jumhooree Party (JP) office at Maafanu Kunooz in Malé was vandalised with crude oil last night.

JP Spokesperson Ali Solih told local media that two men on a motorcycle hurled crude oil at the door of the party’s headquarters during a press conference by JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairperson Ali Waheed.

Solih said the incident was reported to police along with the license plate number of the motorcycle.

The crude oil was also splashed over JP MP Abdulla Riyaz’s car parked outside the office, he noted.

At last night’s press conference, Ameen meanwhile denied allegations that JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim made a deal with Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb during a meeting at business magnate ‘Champa’ Mohamed Moosa’s residence on Monday night (March 2).

Following the meeting, government-aligned Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) MP Mohamed Saleem withdrew an amendment to the constitution that would have barred Gasim from contesting the presidency in 2018.

Saleem’s amendment proposed adding a 65-year age limit to the eligibility criteria for presidential candidates.

Gasim did not ask for the bill to be withdrawn, Ameen insisted, claiming that he had learned pro-government MPs had decided to withdraw the legislation before the meeting took place.

While Adeeb had offered to withdraw the bill, Ameen said Gasim told the deputy leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) he was not overly concerned about the proposed amendment.

As a three quarters majority of the total membership of parliament is needed to amend the constitution, the amendment would have required MDP and JP MPs’ votes to be passed.

Ameen said Gasim and Champa Moosa were longstanding business partners who offered mutual assistance and had a “strong relationship.”

Adeeb arrived halfway through the meeting at Champa Moosa’s invitation, Ameen said, adding that Gasim did not object to Adeeb’s participation.

Gasim asked Adeeb to facilitate the release of former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim, he continued, and wide-ranging discussions took place on the subject.

Ameen suggested that the timing of the constitutional amendment’s withdrawal was intended to sow discord in the MDP-JP alliance.

The opposition alliance’s joint commission meeting and the press briefing was “clear proof” that Gasim did not make a deal, Ameen said, assuring supporters that the alliance remains strong.

MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed said the government’s main target at present would be breaking up the alliance.

Referring to a group of young men on a pickup chanting slogans against Gasim and calling for Nasheed’s release last night, Waheed alleged it was part of efforts by the PPM to “sow discord” in the alliance.


Parliament accepts bill on discontinuing state benefits to convicted ex-presidents

The People’s Majlis today accepted for consideration an amendment submitted to the Privileges and Protection For Former President’s Act proposing discontinuation of state benefits for convicted ex-presidents.

The amendment bill proposed by government-aligned Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) MP Mohamed Ismail was accepted with 38 votes in favour and 11 against and sent to the Economic Affairs Committee for further review.

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs did not participate in the vote and gathered in front of the secretariat desk, blowing on whistles and calling for the release of former President Mohamed Nasheed.

While yesterday’s sitting was called off amidst opposition protests, Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed continued today’s sitting after the parliament cut off the live feed for television broadcasts.

In a video shared on Facebook by MDP MPs Rozaina Adam of the MPs’ protest, MDA MP Mohamed Ismail could be heard calling for Nasheed to be hanged.


Hulhumalé water supply cut off after damage to main supply pipe

Water supply in Hulhumalé was cut off for eight hours after 9:00pm last night following damage to the main supply pipe.

According to local media, the Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) restored the service around 5:00am this morning after repairing the broken pipe.

The pipe was damaged and started leaking water during digging in a project by a private group.


Tholhath vowed not to release Judge Abdulla even if he were to be jailed for 30 years, says witness

Tholhath Ibrahim Kaleyfaanu vowed not to release Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed even if he faced 30 years in jail as a consequence, a state witness testified at the then-defence minister’s trial on terrorism charges today.

Lieutenant Ali Ihusan, who served as Tholhath’s personal assistant, told the court that he heard the minister saying he would not release Judge Abdulla.

Following the arrest, Ihusan said Tholhath called Nasheed concerning orders to release Judge Abdulla from the High Court and was told to ignore and file the orders without the defence minister’s signature.

At the last hearing of his trial, Tholhath claimed the operation to arrest Judge Abdulla – dubbed ‘Liberty Shield’ – was initiated by Nasheed and carried out by then-Malé Area Commander Brigadier General Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, currently opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP for mid-Hithadhoo constituency.

Both Nasheed and Didi are also on trial on charges of terrorism along with then-Chief of Defence Forces Major General (Retired) Moosa Ali Jaleel – appointed President Yameen’s defence minister in January – and ex-Colonel Mohamed Ziyad.

Ihusan also said Didi was in charge of the operation and followed instructions from Tholhath and Nasheed.

However, Ihusan said he did not witness Tholhath issuing operational commands, noting that all orders were signed by Didi.

Operation Liberty Shield

Ihusan said he personally delivered two letters to Tholhath from then-Police Commissioner Ahmed Faseeh and then-Home Minister Hassan Afeef on January 16, requesting assistance from the military in arresting Judge Abdulla.

Tholhath asked Ihusan to provide copies to Jaleel, saying the letters “could save us one day,” Ihusan testified.

Ihusan also said there was a separate attachment with letters from Nasheed’s then-legal secretary, Hisaan Hussain, requesting an investigation of Judge Abdulla’s alleged obstruction of police.

Jaleel said at a hearing of his trial earlier this week that he participated in meetings between the heads of the police and military to discuss challenges posed to law enforcement and domestic security by the Criminal Court’s alleged release of dangerous criminals and refusal to grant search and arrest warrants to police.

Ihusan also revealed that a meeting with all senior military officers above the rank of colonel took place on January 15, 2012, a day before the chief judge’s arrest.

The state’s second witness, Colonel Abdul Raheem Abdul Latheef said he participated in the top level meeting, but could not recall any discussions on detaining the judge.

The meeting was about assisting police operations and investigations, he testified.

Latheef said he visited Judge Abdulla at Girifushi Island five to six times, accompanying visitors including members of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM).

The colonel noted that Tholhath ordered him to be present at some of the meetings.

Latheef revealed that Tholhath himself visited the judge at the military training island, alongside several civilian visitors whom he could not recall.

Concluding tonight’s hearing, the judges said another hearing on the case would be scheduled tomorrow.

Chief of Defence Forces “Uninvolved”

At today’s hearing of former Chief of Defence Forces Jaleel’s trial, four state witnesses reportedly backed up the current defence minister’s claim that he was not involved in the judge’s arrest.

Both Ihusan and Colonel Latheef testified that Jaleel did not participate in meetings concerning the judge’s arrest and was not consulted by Tholhath.

Dr Ali Shahidh, a military doctor, Aishath Zeena, a psychologist, both of whom attended to the judge during his detention also testified to not receiving any orders from Jaleel.

While hearings of Jaleel, Tholhath, and Nasheed took place today, the Criminal Court did not schedule hearings for ex-Colonel Ziyad or MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi’s trials.

Didi was hospitalised on Sunday night after complaining of chest pains. His family told Minivan News yesterday that the retired general would be flown overseas as soon as doctor’s gave approval.

All five defendants have pleaded not guilty to the terrorism charges. The charges were filed under Article 2(b) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 1990, which criminalizes kidnappings, forced disappearances and abductions and carries a jail term of between 10 to 15 years.

Judge Abdulla’s arrest sparked 22 consecutive nights of violent anti-government demonstrations that culminated in a police and military mutiny on the morning of February 7, 2012, forcing President Nasheed to resign in what he subsequently called a “coup d’etat.”

In January 2013, Tholhath told parliament’s Government Oversight Committee that Nasheed had not resigned “under duress.” However, Tholhath had previously claimed that Nasheed’s life was in danger on February 7, 2012 and that the former president had no choice but to resign.

Related to this story

Nasheed ordered Judge Abdulla’s arrest, says Tholhath

Judges Didi and Yoosuf refuse to step down from Nasheed’s terrorism trial

Nasheed denies ordering Judge Abdulla arrest, granted three days to answer charges

Chief Judge “took entire criminal justice system in his fist”: Afeef
