President ratifies gang violence bill

President Mohamed Nasheed has ratified the bill on gang violence.

According to the bill, possession of sharp objects and other weapons without a valid reason is prohibited and huge penalties are served for those who violate the Act.

The Act has now been published in the government’s gazette.


2 thoughts on “President ratifies gang violence bill”

  1. Hmmm...

    I'll be allright. After all, self-defense is a valid reason, and any hostile copper who thinks otherwise will enjoy a small dose of PCV-19

  2. Finally! May this bring some peace to those bereaved families, although nothing will make up for the loss of their children.

    Hope the judiciary and the police make intelligent and fair use of this piece of legislation. And that this will be supplemented by some constructive youth development/engagement programs to utilise their potential, keep them occupied and away from trouble in future. And that youth themselves make good use of any opportunities provided to them.


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