Comment: India’s inconsistent commitment to Maldivian democracy cost the GMR deal

India should have foreseen the consequences its investments would later face in endorsing a regime consisting of elements that had previously shown its disapproval towards major Indian investments, writes Mohamed Naahee.

Indian hackers take down MACL website as lenders, Malaysian government seek to resolve GMR crisis

Meanwhile, the Indian government is reported to be reconsidering its bilateral aid assistance to the Maldives.

Tourism growth slowed to less than one percent in 2012: Finance Ministry

Following 15.8 percent growth in 2010 and 9.1 percent in 2011, the tourism industry growth in 2012 slowed to below 1 percent, according to the medium term economic and fiscal outlook published by the Finance Ministry with the state budget presented to parliament this week.

MP Muthalib calls for killing of former President’s Special Envoy Ibrahim Hussain Zaki

“Honourable Speaker, these are traitors to the nation. They have to be killed. If they are not killed and left to live, the country will be ruined. They will destroy the country,” Muthalib declared in parliament.

Dr Waheed will be PPM presidential candidate, predicts former President Nasheed

“Dr Waheed has been scheming with President Maumoon for about two years, that I know of. Sometimes in an uninhabited island in Baa Atoll, other times in Alivaage,” Nasheed said in a rally on Saturday night, claiming that former President Gayoom was planning to back Dr Waheed for PPM’s presidential ticket.

Government issues ‘last chance’ rent payment notices to resorts owned by political opponents

“I have tried contacting the tourism minister since last night but he had been ignoring my calls. Because of the interview he gave to media, now tour operators are cancelling bookings and the staff are not satisfied to continue working in the resorts,” said MP Abdulla Jabir, who owns three of the five resorts concerned.

IPU’s findings of alleged human rights abuses against MPs to be revealed tomorrow

The Inter-Parliamentary Union has expressed “deep concern at reports of renewed ill-treatment, detention and harassment of the MPs by law enforcement officers as well as shock at the killing of MP Afrasheem Ali in early October”.