The High Court has upheld the decision made by the Criminal Court on 11 July 2013 to detain Ahmed Faiz of Pink House in Feydhoo, Addu City, on charges of possessing pornographic material and trying to defraud money through blackmail.
Faiz, at the time a prominent member of President Mohamed Waheed’s Gaumee Ithihaad Party (GIP), is accused of allegedly using a sex video of Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed involved in sexual activities with two women to try and blackmail the judge.
The High Court said Criminal Court warrant number 145-J[MD]2013/6077 orders the Maldives Police Service to hold Faiz in pre-trial detention, as the court believed he may try to eliminate evidence if freed.
The Criminal Court issued the warrant to hold him in detention from 11 July 2013 12:13 pm to 26 July 2013 12:12pm.
The High Court stated that Faiz’s appeal was based on two points: one in which he claimed others involved in the same case had not been arrested, and that the Criminal Court’s decision to detain him in his absence was unconstitutional.
The High Court ruling stated that Faiz was detained on charges of possessing a pornographic video of a person in a senior position in the state, with the assistance of others, and for attempting to extort large amounts of money by blackmailing the victim, and for attempting to sell the video for a price to others.
The High Court said Faiz had a pre-existing criminal record, including the possession of pornographic material.
In reference to the points noted, the High Court ruled there was no legal ground to rule against the Criminal Court’s decision.
Snapshots taken from the video began circulating on social media networks Twitter and Facebook, prompting a police investigation. The police formally notified all relevant authorities including the JSC, the Prosecutor General and President Waheed regarding their investigation into the case.

"The High Court ruling stated that Faiz was detained on charges of possessing a pornographic video of a person in a senior position in the state..."
Does the "High Court" realise what it says? By this very ruling, the court has fully confirmed the existence of a "pornographic video of a person in a senior position in the state".
So, we can conclude that pornographic acts by a person in a senior position in the state is perfectly legal and ethical. Where else in the world would you find such a High Court?
Ali Hameed is the Ron Jeremy of the Maldives. The High Court has confirmed this for us. Time for Ali Hameed to head off to Los Angeles.
"The police formally notified all relevant authorities including the JSC, the Prosecutor General and President Waheed regarding their investigation into the case."
And nothing happened! Or perhaps can ever happen!
Faiz somehow has to be blamed for possessing the video and trying to sell it. So did President Nasheed had to pay the price for taking in a similar corrupt judge in to confinement!
However in this instance, the hero hangs about freely as if nothing had happened, however much the world may rage and rave this injustice!
I'm with Faiz on this one. Blackmail is wrong I know but, the whole world needs to know how evil the hypocrisy of the system is. The only way that fat fuckin ugly disgusting creep Ali hameed can escape the fierce affliction of divine retribution is by coming out and saying publically it is wrong to whip fornicators. Then in my eyes he would become a good man, and I would be sorry for thinking he was ugly.
I honestly fail to understand the logic of this whole saga
Ahmed ibrahim. it is serious. Shariah law, it's threats of flogging for offences we are all guilty of, and it's perpetual use of the threat of hellfire, and it's use of the threat of labelling you an apostate which is a death sentence, emotionally more than physically in Maldives, enslaves the masses to the greed, the erotic excesses, and the sadistic bliss of the rich and powerful. This is the evil paradox that this issue exposes. Maldivian masses have been living in a state of terror for hundreds of years so that they caneasily be manipulated and exploited. shariah, or fear of jiinnis or ranumaris or hell goes so deep in the Maldivian psyche the whole fuckin country is in need of trauma counselling. Where the fuck do yo think all the narcissism, the suspicion, the jealous rage , the vicious false accusations, comes from? It is from deep fear, all imposed so that the leaders can indulge hedonistic ecstasy at the expense of the trauma of the masses. This injustice has to stop right fuckin now . I love the dhivehin, I fucken love every one of the crazy fuckers with a fierce fury, because I see the beautiful side of what they can be. I'll fight this fuckin war if I have to bleed for it, and one day the Maldivian soul will be free from fear and from the product of fear - which is hate!
Ben! What's going on?? You used 6 times the f-word in one single comment..! Good on you mate.. enough of religious blabbering..Keep it up
@Don Tuttu on Wed, 24th Jul 2013 4:57 PM
"Ali Hameed is the Ron Jeremy of the Maldives. The High Court has confirmed this for us. Time for Ali Hameed to head off to Los Angeles."
Well, Don your expertise in this area has clearly shed some light on this murky chap. Given that Waheed is so close to the power brokers in America and his familial ties over there, I'm sure he could arrange for Ali Hameed to sport his "hobby" as a professional in Los Angeles with world class porn stars, instead of the bedrooms of Colombo with cheap prostitutes.
Perhaps he will become the first Maldivian porn star to rise to international fame. Watch our Ron Jeremy.
Wonder if this Ali Faiz directed the film or shot it in secret.
Now the court has inadvertantly admitted that this is not a cut paste item but the real thing. If it wasn't the genuine item, the question of blackmail & extortion does not arise.
So where does this leave the Honorable Judge and his backer the wannabe President Qasim? We do need President's like this and we can all have a massive orgy. Qasim will protect us, right?
The whole saga is, that all Maldivian do everything that Islam proscribes severe punishment, at the same the judge who comes out from sex heaven, relived from his lust calls to whip his fellow companion for the same act from that he just has enjoyed. The Maldivian are masters in fcking, they fck* everything that come across when they are in heat. But still want to torture those victims who carry the social stigma of very action that requires two players. The Maldivian society believes that the solution for their ignorance and wickedness lies in the so called Sharia Law which was produced by some people who were as ignorant as the Maldivian. Also in Maldives you have some people who claim to be Islam protectors, they propose Islam as the solution for humanity while propagating fascist, Nazi type of doctrine where Allah is painted as someone like Hitler, Saddam Hussain and Qazafi who runs torture chamber called hell to punish people who don’t obey him. This group is destroying the future generation by infecting young people with such ideology that destroys human mind to a level they no longer qualify to be human. This should not be allowed to continue and everyone who has brain who can understand the enormity of destruction they are doing, should not keep silent and they should fight against this. When you clearly see that all ignorance, hatred, prejudice, and xenophobia in Maldives is direct result of their belief in an ideology that teaches a philosophy of anger, retribution, revenge and discrimination, you can’t simply ignore it if you want your people to be free and happy and progressive people who has the culture of love, compassion, kindness and considerate. These are main ingredients for eradicating social evils, if you have these traits, you can’t rape, kill, and can’t do unjust to his fellow human being. If you think you are a salve of some imaginary monster who wants you to do things to appease him, otherwise you are going to be fried for infinity, there is no way that you can have sound mental health to love and care other living beings.
The sextape is insuffient as evidence to suspend the honourable judge but the the same tape is good enough to lock up Faiz in his attempt to blackmail him.
Makes sense, this is the country with a religious clause in the constitution, making it illegal to have laws contravening Islam, the same constitution allows for laws taxing alcohol sales.
@fish head
You missed something. It's not all about hell fire and brimstone. Allah is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
no body had blackmailed. this show real face of Maldives judiciary. most carpeted judiciary in the world. no one will get justice. system is run by powerful