The Criminal Court’s Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed has said that none of 47 persons arrested by police and brought to the court for extension of detention following the gang murder of 21 year-old Ahusan Basheer were connected with the case.
”Nobody arrested was brought in connection to the murder case,” said the Chief Judge, after the string of arrests.
Police began a special operation in Male’ after the murder case, and reported that more than 50 persons were arrested.
”Police said those persons who were brought before the judges were persons were planning assaults,” Abdulla said. ”Some of them were released but most of them are still kept in detention.”
Police will need some time to investigate and collect evidence, he added.
Local media quoted the Chief Judge as saying ”while persons were arrested to that amount there were nobody presented with adequate evidence, in fact there were persons who cannot even be arrested [according to laws].”
Police Spokesperson Lance-Corporal Abdul Majeed Moosa told Minivan News that those arrested during the special operation was to curb the rise in gang related crimes in Male’.
”They were arrested on different charges, but now there are only a few kept in detention,” Majeed said. ”Police are currently investigating the murder case and it’s very difficult to say anything at this time.”
Ahusan Basheer was murdered on Thursday last week on one of the main roads of Male’.
After the murder, police claimed that Ibrahim Shahum was a suspect in the case and called on the public to report sightings of Shahum, who has disappeared after the murder incident.
Shahum was charged with murder but was recently released from detention after serving six months.
He was then arrested in connection with the death f a 17 year old boy who bled to death after he was stabbed while on his way to home after watching a football match.
Before the attack on Basheer, another gang attacked occurred in Henveiru, with a ganging stabbed three persons in front of crowds before fleeing, reportedly on a police officer’s private motorbike.
The incident took place on broad day light in front of many children, men and women.
Witnesses of the incident said that when the first group of police officers attended the scene, the two gangs were attacking each other, but said that the police officers waited util the gang finished their fight.
Only this week Maldivian Democratic Party MP Ibrahim Rasheed presented and withdrew an amendment to the Clemency Act to execute murderers if ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Presenting the amendment, he said it was the only way to curb the rise in gang violence and referred to the recent incidents. He said people had been “chopped and sliced like fish” in the streets of Male’ during broad day light, but withdrew his amendment moments before the vote stating that we would re-submit it after the evidence bill, criminal procedure bill and bill on penal code were all enacted.
Recently a person found guilty of murder and issued a death penalty according to the penal code of the Maldives has now appealed the ruling at the High Court.
The last time the Maldives executed a person was in 1953 when a person named Hakim Didi was executed by firing squad after he was found guilty of attempting to murder by performing black Magic.

1953 was a better year for justice in Maldives since the criminal was executed for black magic only. These days, day light murderers are freed by foolish and dumb Judges.
@ Muad MZ
"These days, day light murderers are freed by foolish and dumb Judges."
Not that you are wrong. But often they are freed because there is not enough evidence to prove them quilty. Maldives Police needs to do a better job in providing undenibale evidence when they bring the crims to court.
ramzee : **Guilty 🙂
Oh! It is Miracle! No any criminals and gung members in Male! Only holy angels flying around with box cutters!
This court lives up to it's name for sure!
@ Muad if Maldives did practice death sentence then u will be in a bad position today being : that your father (nazaki zaki ) according to Gayoom committed treason , and we all know the punishment for is dont we ? , thank god there is no capital punishment so innocent ppl wont lose their lives and we wont have anyone's blood on our hands !
There is not enough evidence because everybody is so scared to provide witness accounts, testimonies, phone-taken crime activities etc. Because the government, including the holy judges cannot protect them. People have lost confidence in these dumb and stupid judges and judicial system.
And now you blame others?
Laws of this country has many loopholes and the criminals get away. Its time we ammended the laws. Basheer did not kill himself.So who did kill him?
if would certainly help if the judges aint in the pockets of politicians, who fund these gangs
Oh well. Time to supply guns and ammo to the general public.
You jelly, judges?