Protesting feminists send underwear to Sheikh

A group of self-styled “underground feminists” calling themselves the ‘Rehendhi’ movement claim to have bombarded Sheikh Ibrahim Fareed with women’s underwear on Valentine’s Day, in protest “against misogyny in Maldivian society.”

A statement from the group was accompanied by pictures of underwear scrawled with statements such as “Make love not war”, “Undies for Fundies”, and “Happy Valentine’s Day Sheikh Fareed”.

The statement condemned the speech ‘With Loved Ones’ given by Sheikh Fareed at the artificial beach in Male’ on 12 January, and stated that “while we do not necessarily promote Valentine’s Day, we will not tolerate messages that [infringe] on our right to celebrate the good things in life like love.”

“We especially will not tolerate the unnecessary framing of women as inherently evil. For example, in his speech Sheikh Fareed criticised men contributing to household chores by ‘running home to buy a fish every time a woman calls’ and implicated them of loving their women more than God.”

The group claimed it wished to remain anonymous “not because we are cowards, but because at the end of the day, we live in a society where the majority is not ready to accept equality between the sexes” and “because we want to be criticised for the issues we take rather than the length of our hijabs.”

undies2The group estimated that between 10-12 women participated in the protest campaign, and said they would continue to “fight the erosion of already scarce liberal attitudes towards women in our society” and “reject overarching and untrue labels such as ‘Americansed’ or ‘Westernised’.”

“We look at our own society and deduce that the suffering of women is directly linked to the strong patriarchal system that breeds harmful prejudices against women, such as their inferiority and servitude to men,” the statement said.

“Sometimes, due to upbringing, formal education and mainstream predominant societal views, women themselves internalise such unfounded and unjustified views of inequality and ‘inherent inferiority’ of women compared to men. We refuse to tolerate any discrimination against women based on Islam and diffuse concepts such as ‘culture.’”

“Our goal is not to negate Quran, Hadith or Islamic principles, but to find women’s rightful place in society in which they can flourish and realise their true potential. We emphasise the fact that many feminists are Muslim women. Working for women’s rights does not mean that one is not a pious and good Muslim.”

Spokesperson for the Islamic Ministry Sheikh Ahmadulla said he would not comment on the issue, as he did not have the authority to give religious advice, but noted that ”according to the law, people have the right to express their opinion.”

undies3President of religious NGO Jamiyyath-al-Salaf, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, also said he did not wish to comment as he had not heard Fareed’s speech, but emphasised that Muslims were not allowed to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

”Valentine’s Day is celebrated by Christians,” he said. ”It is a day connected to a god of Christians named cupid.”

Sheikh Abdullah Jameel also said he did not want to comment on the issue directly because he had not heard Sheikh Fareed’s speech.

”Women and men are not equal if you look how they are created,” he said. ”[For instance] only a few women go fishing or do construction work.”

He emphasised that celebrating Valentine’s Day is prohibited under Islam “even if some group tries to deny it.”

Sheikh Ilyas Hussein said he had not heard of the group or their press statement, but also explained that ”celebrating Valentine’s Day is not part of Islamic culture.”

“It’s a day Christians celebrate saying it was the birthday of someone named Valentine,” Sheikh Ilyas said.

Sheikh Ibrahim Fareed declined to comment.

Correction: An earlier version of this article mistakenly attributed comments made by Sheikh Abdullah Jameel to Sheikh Azmath Jameel. Minivan News has rectified the error and apologises for any confusion caused.


115 thoughts on “Protesting feminists send underwear to Sheikh”


  2. Minivan news is obvioulsy an un islamic news. they are always thirsty for any issue against islam or any sheikh. you all will be tired of it. Allah will protect His relegion. HE does not required any ones help to protect HIS relegion. HE has taken the responsibility of protecting the relegion of Islam. so you all will see islam geting stornger in every where of the world. To those anti islamists, what I want to say is you can do what ever you like. but what you have to remember is you wont be here for ever. BUT allh is etternal. lets see who is stornger in taking reveage, Allah or HIS creation (human). so fear Allah.

  3. As a feminist and a strong advocate for women's rights, I am so glad women are finally raising their voices, albeit anonymously.

    However, I do not think sending underwear to Sheikh Fareed on Valentine's day is the best method or the best occasion to advocate for women's rights in Islam.

    While the action itself is incredibly funny and very media-savvy, it risks
    equating womens rights activists with promotion of Western culture. It also risks the ridicule of moderate women in Maldivian society; which could mean immediate dismissal of the group and their message even though the message is one they agree with and believe in.

    Having said that, I hope we continue to see more of the "underground feminists." And how can one join?

  4. The joke is really on feminists. Feminism is not a coolest thing anymore.... we are talking about 40 something women who once aspired to be like men and ended wasting their life for a career and ended up with nothing... these creatures have yet to learn about post feminism...

  5. Feminism is now irrelevant and even undesirable because it has made millions of women unhappy, unfeminine, childless, lonely, and bitter, prompting them to fill their closets with combat boots and really bad India print skirts.

  6. Sheikh "Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim" : Cupid is a Greek god, not a Christian one - you d***** bag

  7. An Israel Jewish has been arrested for rape, incest & enslavement of 32 women & 49 children.

    I wonder why the liberal elements in our society have not uttered a single word condemning this horrendous cruelty against the women & children.

    Where is the "minivan" Minivan News?

  8. Ridiculously funny.

    Now, I am both incredibly "Westernized" and "Americanized." And I'm perfectly fine with that. The West is home to millions upon millions of Muslims with strong faiths, cultures, and traditions. In many ways, I believe that western Muslims are far closer to our Maldivian Heritage and Culture than many other forms of Islam because of our inherent liberalism.

    I share Zaheena's criticism that this has automatically become a subject of ridicule, but at least it will get people talking about it. We need dramatic events to get people to take notice, because this is the extreme people will need to go to, to have their voices heard.

    Finally, yes - This is a holiday based on Saint Valentines. But it is the exact same situation that we find Christmas in. Christmas and Valentines Day are now both secular holidays (even in the West). It is time that conservatives not distort every little thing into a battle of cultures and religions.

    Not everything foreign is a "Christian Plot." Just ease up, relax a little, and allow people to live their lives free of repression and fear.

    And just stop getting your panties in a twist every time people want to celebrate something.

  9. JJ, why would anyone want to comment on something with no source? Maybe you know some guy doesnt have anything to write and then this guy gets hold of some undies and take some pictures of it and writes to his imagination

  10. Agree with Zaheena. This was by far not the best occasion or method of getting the message across in Maldives, or any other Muslim society for that matter. This kind of action will only further the divide.

    And I say to Abu Hussain - fully agree that Allah is eternal and Allah is the mightiest - however, I disagree that Islam is about 'revenge' - didn't Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) spread Islam by living a decent, kind and ethical life, with respect for all despite the many injustices he faced? Didn't even the non-Muslims believe him to be the most just person in settling disputes and advising on issues? Let us try to emulate his example and show people (even those who show disrespect) with deeds and words that Islam is the best way there is. Oppression, harshness and threats are counterproductive in the endeavour to call people to Islam because then they come out of fear and do not truly embrace the whole beauty of Islam.

  11. F****** hilarious!! Thumbs up to the one who came up with the idea.
    ps- I don't support it, but still you've gotta admit that move was LEGEN (wait for it)DARY!

    I've nothing but this to say..


  12. need more underground feminists. great protest. good job. but we need a lot more than this to raise a voice.

  13. The age of internet at your finger tip, i will advice all of you to do your part in making this society better.

    Valentines day is actually the day a guy name Valentine put to cross for refusing the emperor's order. Not the day he was born, as stated.

    then comes sad but true statement... male and female are not equal as some claim. Even noble Quran supports this view. But there is a silver lining, though.

    I highly doubt some hadiths. like wise there are many things i can't comprehend with hadiths.
    But peace and harmony of Quran will guide us. Quran is complete book. don't stray yourself by what ever you come across. remember we will be questioned about how we used our brain.

    ps...Fareed don't lie please. For your information you are spreading lies even for the cause of religion

  14. Bombarded with 12 women? This is not a story for anyone except to those 12 who did not have the guts to say it out loud. I'm afraid this is not the way to go. If you want to be effective against anyone who is unacceptable then you need to come out and say things immidiately after the event and if your message is of value then people will believe it - specially in today's Maldives. What these twelve women seems to be doing is just having a laugh (I bet most of them have parents receiving huge rental incomes and hence do not have to think about a livelihood) and I don't understand how this became national news.

  15. hehehehe !brave womans!Don't worry about hell- first who go in hell will be sheikh with Valentine's Day underwear hehehe

  16. This shows how retarted the women and men in maldives are. You ppl no longer need a religion or culture or anything above ur low standards!

  17. It is sad that these women felt the need to go to this extent to say they did not agree with Sheikh Fareed's way of thinking, or interpreting the Quran. Or even Valentine's Day?
    Why wud anyone, especially women, be so scared of their freedoms, their status as women in Islam. And yes their is an esteemed status. Some has even gone so far as to say Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was the first feminist. Cos it was thru him that many of the barbaric acts against women & female children were stopped during that time. And laws were made to protect women.
    Why are our women so scared? How can any one, Sheikh or not, make a person cos of sex, age, race, color, or disabilities...or anything... to be evil or corrupt, or hell dwellers, or unworthy etc.
    That is just wrong. It creates disharmony, sadness, heavy hearts, and unrest.

    Is there a reason for the women to fear not agreeing with Sheikh Fareed? Even if they were afraid, why send an underwear? Personally i do not think adding fire to fire really helps...even if it gets people to talk... Still... to me them being afraid to openly voice out their disagreement to Fareed is quite disturbing.

  18. zaheena and others !!! Women are far better than us in time management, they are task oriented, better and multi tasking and far better in communication skills if they have a solid educational back ground. They manage kids, manage the house, look after her husbands parents and at times whole family, she manages the routine house hold, she is very good at budgeting and savings, very good administrator, very good at handling stress and pressure, good in convincing through logic and above all very patient..
    . So why waste such a tremendous talent?”. But question arises here is that if women’s capabilities utilized at outdoors than who will take her place in her home? On the other hand, in home someone also required to fulfill all those duties with full attention. Most of women keep mates in their homes for domestic work but I think mates could not pay a role of true wife, mother and home manager. In various homes too much disturbances created due to this system. Family disturbance leads to so many problems in overall society which definitely injures developmental processes. I am not against working women but I am thinking about wide spread social problem that exists in our society due to working ladies which not only disturbed homes but also badly affect our new generation ( 75% anti social behavior in this country is due to bad parenting, believe it or not, and these kids mostly belongs to carrier ambitious women who either divorced or do not spend much time at home .. ) and also affects a lot psychological and physical health of women…
    So doing these kinds of cowardly acts in the name of feminism is not the right thing to do .. thank you , and this is scientific and psychological facts which cannot be ignored and I haven’t quoted anything from Quran or sunnah ..

  19. Ah, and here we have little weaklings laughing at those "12 or so women" who dared to voice their disagreement.

  20. this is great news.....more women should be fighting for liberty.....after all they are promised nothing in heaven... LOL...

  21. Sheikh Fareed won, he spoke in public, feminists lost, they hide behind panties.

  22. I am a man. I have to say bravo to the ladies who did “undies for fundies”. Historically Malidivians are very liberal and have empowered women. This is evident from our history having female rulers. I am a strong advocate of progress for women and equal rights for our mums and sisters.

    Our constitution should be changed so that Maldives can have a woman as our president. We have to challenge the self-styled mullah’s like Seiku Fareed, and fool’s like Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim. Obviously they can enjoy the freedom and say whatever they want but DON’T encourage suppressing women in the name of religion.

    Today we are living in a global village everybody else should celebrate and enjoy what is there. Muslims should celebrate Valintine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Earth Day etc. Where else the Christians and Jews should celebrate Muslim festival of Eid, Hindu festival of Light (Diwali) and Chinese New Year etc...

    I couldn’t agree more with “undies for fundies” ladies as they promote Love NOT War.

  23. those who has send the underwear does not have the courage to stand up and speak against fareed.
    this is very cowardly thing to do. cannot be accepted.
    i live in the west and they also did not celebrate the valintines day the way maldivians has done.

  24. Hurrayyy!!!! hehehe this is soo cool! Who are these Sheiks to tell us what to celebrate and what not to celebrate? we celebrate the love for its symbolic meaning, which is LOVE. We do not celebrate it for the Cupid God or the Father named Valentine. Open up your eyes people. This is the 21st Century. You claim to be muslims who oppose non muslims culture and way of living. If so throw all your mobile phones, PC's, Laptops, Cars, Airplanes and so on. Live like the ancient muslims, travel on Camels and Ships. Such hypocrites.

    The true fact, which w all need to accept is that the world has changed. The true challenge for us Muslims today is to remain true to our faith while respecting and tolerating other peoples culture, lifestyles and religions.

    We celebrate the New Year, The Mothers Day, The Fiendship Day, Childrens Day, HUman Rights Day. What the hell is wrong with having a symbolic day for the people we love and care about?

    And about men helping in household chores; its their duty, u dumbass. They need to do even more than just going and getting some fish. They need to do their laundry, helping with the cooking and dishes because we women are not brought into the world for the sole purposes of acting as personal slaves for you lazy men. Our purpose in life is not to do ur dishes, dirty laundry and fulfill your sexual urges.

    Malivians! You say you are educated! You say you respect women! I disagre! Most of you, almost all of you, are just sick hyporites! In this backward society we live in, I believe feminism need to come and kick all you suckers in your big-fat-uneducated-good for nothing asses!

  25. Great work ladies, keep it up!!! Don't get intimidated by negative comments - the society is just not ready for the revolution yet.

  26. Wonder what exactly this Fareed character studied for everyone to bestow him with the Sheikh title. He sure doesnt sound like any kind of intellectually capable person....

    That goes for the Ilyas characted as well....

  27. Debatable...

  28. Firs of all I don't think publishing this article fits into what we call "responsible journalism" or should I compare this to abusing freedom of expression.The boundary between the two is always obscurred in controversy.We are a muslim nation and I think Minivannews and it's owners should exercise it's individual responsibility in keeping it so and I think by publishing this offensive article it's intention is questionable.If what Fareed said was wrong those ladies should have gone to Islamic Ministry for another ruling rather than resort to this unethical move.I said unethical based on our society.Said that................ and regarding feminism I would say is a failed agenda which keeps piling up lies to prove its baseless ideology.I'm not saying this not because I'm a sheikh and neither a supporter of patriarchial society.Look at the world and show me one country where the so called equal rights are in practice,well of course a lot have it in principle.Look at those countries fighting for those's in these same places women are portrayed as a sex symbol,rather than their baseless accusations against islam and exploited but glossed over by different internationally accepted names .If you look good you have a life and you sacrifice everything to stay that way and if you don't look good you're nothing.It's in these places where you have the greatest freedom and it doesn't come cheap,as it may look.It's there we have all these myriad other infections associated with these "freedom".The "fruits" of feminism are seen everywhere...very noticeable in our offices and other places,broken families,drugs,prostitution.Islam doesn't treat women like that instead Islam assigned women and men into two different spheres of life in a symbiotic process,and neither of which are nobler than the other.Families are like that of the cells in our body and islam has specifically kept women incharge its well upbringing and kept men incharge of providing material support to it.Now thats their PRIMARY duties and depending on the circumstances they can amend that,but within islam's parameters.Both have their own rights and one of them is held responsible for the well being of the rest and that's not the end...the loop isn't left uncompleted.Modern science has proved that men and women have biological differences as well as the obvious physical ones although we've disregarded all that..We all know these are directly related to destruction of "cells" in our society and we did that by removing it's primary protector from its rightful place.

  29. this is an important and highly political act. the women are making Fareed look like an idiot, rather than the almighty preacher he likes to think he is, and are therefore diminishing his power. but presenting fareed and his doctrine as a joke in such an extreme way, these women are opening up space in the centre ground for moderates to say 'OK, fareed on one side, feminists on the other, surely the right path lies somewhere in the middle.' And of course that right path is somewhere in the middle of the Fareed / feminist extremes. That path is a path of peace, love, justice, dignity and respect - the core values that lie at the heart of Islam.

  30. i wonder if fareed secretly enjoyed being sent girl's underwear. do you think he has kept the panties?

  31. It's just a commercial holiday. Like the SAFF Football thing that gets out of hand for weeks.

    The religious scholars need to focus on helping the poor, the sick and the needy, and improving the morality of people rather than trying to oppress what little (de facto) freedom of expression we have.

    Maldivians are only now learning how to express love. Don't stop us.

  32. Can someone please inform Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim (Who seems to know very little) that Cupid is not a god and is certainly not a Christian God. Where do these guys get their knowledge from? Don't such people actually check before they speak?

  33. May be fazna and those gals who are hiding behind the panties, do not know anything about islam..its is not jst enough when you say, you believe in islam ,then there comes a responsibility to learn and practice it as its easy to learn if u want to..first have the knowledge and then u will no wat fareed,Ilyas and other scholars are saying..otherwise don't tlk shit,coz u dont no hw itz in islam..God only knows where every1 wil endup... be aware ,u r nt critisizing fareed or Ilyas, but to the religion of Islam...

  34. Uh, just to clear up a couple of inaccuracies in the quotes in the article: Cupid is the god of love in Roman mythology, he is not a "Christian god" like Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohamed Ibrahim said. Roman mythology has nothing to do with Christianity, it is pagan and pre-dates it. Christians have only one god, like Muslims and Jews do - something I thought everyone was aware of. Valentine's Day isn't about Cupid, but Cupid is often used as a symbol of love in many countries.
    Also Sheikh Ilyas Hussein said Valentine's Day celebrates the "birthday of someone named Valentine" That's also wrong. Originally Valentine's Day marked the martyrdom of Saint Valentine, but it has subsequently evolved to simply become an occasion in many countries for couples to declare their love for one-another. Whether or not it should be celebrated here or not, I'm not discussing, I just wanted to correct the rather surprising inaccuracies in the statements.

  35. this is such a cowardly act and i don't understand why minivan had to publish this. we have voiced against a tyrant (not behind closed doors) and brought him down and now we see a bunch of 'feminists' hidind and sending islamic scholars panties.?? if you really want to make a point why not come out?

    between how on earth did this become national news? this is the kind of news which you'd find in UKs The Sun which is more popular for its soft porn(page 3)rather than a news source.

  36. Great job Panty Ladies. And yes, don't get discouraged by negative comments. I like the fact that you have shown a sense of humor in dealing with this BS.

  37. Hi this gr8 womens belongs to lesbian group... called Rehendhi....Go to hell with ur penties

  38. this is a step forward and a courageous one 'Rehendhi'...we can’t say they are cowards when others have fear of doing anything even under a mask.. even the president of this country with all his powers is reluctant to do anything about extremist ...i hope more women and men joins this movement and stand up against the rising extremist groups in Maldives who really taking advantage of the democratic process that happening...

  39. first of all, good work ladies. choosing not to come out is not a cowardice i must say. most people wouldnt understand that. fully support you lot. go go!

    and about the sheiks, guys dont twist and bend stuff, god did say the holy book aka quran cannot be changed. so instead you come up with this hadith's and twist up most of the stuff. play fair! just stop making peoples lives miserable and your owns too.

    learn to live peacefully with the few years we get to live on this place.

    once again! go girls! if you do not stand up for your rights, no one else will.

  40. Childish stunt only makes the liberal movement childish and only for kids.

    @SS - kindly read more about Islamic history and its battles. Islam is the only religion on earth which allows its believers to defend themselves when wronged. Try to do some research on Prophet's companion named Khalid ibn al-Walid.

    Knowledge about ones religion is very important.

  41. I need to send my underwear to Seyku Fareedh. This guy should now be sent to Afghanistan to preach Talibans in order to bring better armed men from the heaven to face NATO force.

  42. Men and women will never be equal.
    Feminists are just women in denial. Insulting someone with undies would not help, you're just letting yourself down.
    To make your voice heard let it be heard with respect, not humiliating ppl !

  43. Feminism is not dead. Nor is it always about women with unshaved armpits. It's a philosophy that any woman can interpret in any way she desires in order to emancipate herself. So Mr. Ali Ahmed, mind you, but feminism is not irrelevant nor about childless, lonely, bitter women.
    And I am shocked that some people are protesting the appearance of this press statement on minivan. What might happen to Maldivian women if we give free reign to these Sheiks may result in a similar kind of mistreatment of women as The Liberal so generously informed us occurs in Israel and Palestine.
    In any case, I salute these handful of women who had the courage to stand up and begin a fight for emancipation.

  44. by the way, ladies. those are the ugliest lady's underware i ever saw. Sheikh Fareed will not be too pleased. i wouldnt be surprised if he fatwa on ugly undies.

  45. ''It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females) and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.''
    from The Scum Manifesto by Valerie Solanas


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