High Court overturns life sentence for drug possession

The life sentence handed down to Hussein Mohamed Sobah of Raa Atoll for drug possession was today overturned at the High Court.

In January 2013, Sobah was given the sentence after the Criminal Court found him guilty of possessing 2.5k of illegal drugs.

The High Court ruling today stated that Sobah had appealed the ruling, basing his argument on four main points. The High Court, however, had only referred to fact that police had failed to obtain a warrant – or the permission of the owner – before searching the premises of Golden Alloy Pvt Ltd [where the drugs were discovered].

The High Court said that when the judges panel presiding over the case looked into the matter, it noticed that Sobah had highlighted this issue during the Criminal Court hearings.

The court stated that the only situation in which the police can enter a house without the consent of the owner or with a court warrant was in a situation where a person’s life was at risk, requiring police to take immediate action.

The ruling said that the evidence collected inside the premises of Golden Alloy Pvt Ltd could not be considered as admissible, and that the constitution of the Maldives stated that the court should dismiss any evidence collected unlawfully.

In June 2011, police arrested Sobah with another man on suspicion that they were in possession of illegal narcotics, during a special operation conducted by the Drug Enforcement Department (DED).

At the time the then-DED Superintendent Mohamed Jinah said that the police were able to seize the drugs before they had been circulated across the country, and that this was a great success for the police and government.

The street value of these drugs was estimated by the police to be approximately MVR1.7 million (US$110,000) .

The two men were arrested near the UN building in the Galolhu district on Malé following intelligence reports. Police stated that the drugs were imported with the assistance of a cargo vessel.

“The vessel drops these things into the sea into an area determined by them,’’ the police at the time. “They went to the location on a dingy and picked it up and brought it to Malé.’’

The second man arrested with Sobah was also tried at the Criminal Court, though the court ruled  there was not enough evidence to prove guilt.

The Criminal Court’s ruling on Sobah stated that the fingerprint comparison report for the drugs discovered inside the office matched with the left hand, middle finger, of Sobah.


Philippines national sentenced to life for smuggling drugs into Maldives

The Criminal Court yesterday (January 26) ruled that Philippines national Jenerosa Pancho Mapula was guilty of smuggling 3Kgs of cocaine into the Maldives, fining her MVR100,000 and sentencing her to life imprisonment.

The Criminal Court ruling stated that on April 24, 2013, Jenerosa arrived in the Maldives at arout 8:50am and that police searched her luggage after receiving intelligence reports that she was carrying illegal narcotics.

The court said that the drugs were discovered inside a handbag in her luggage.

Jenerosa denied the charges, the court said, though according to witnesses produced in court the drugs were found inside her luggage,which was searched in her presence.

The ruling stated that Jenerosa had told the court that the drugs did not belong to her, though she was unable to convince the court of this.

According to the ruling, Jenerosa will have to pay the fine within one month.


Police arrests drug lord during special operation

Police have this morning conducted a special operation, raiding the house of an individual alleged to have been supplying the illegal drugs trade in the Maldives.

The police issued a statement today revealing that the operation was conducted this morning at about 8:20am, with officers raiding the premises of Woodpecker house in Maafannu ward – the home of the alleged drug lord.

According to police 500 grams of suspected illegal drugs were found inside the house.

Police did not reveal the identity of the suspect arrested in the case, but stated that he was 23 years old and involved in a wide network of drug business in the Maldives.

Official statistics reveal drug-related offences reported to police had risen by 84 percent between 2012 and 2013.

On December 5, police searched the premises of Henveiru Fahaageaage after obtaining a search warrant, on suspicion that the house was related to a local drug network operating in Male’.

During the operation police discovered drugs and money inside the house.

Police said that persons believed to be involved in the network were apprehended inside the house during the operation.

According to police, a total of four persons have been arrested in connection with the case including a Pakistani and a Sri Lankan national.

At the time, police said that more places involved in the drug network were being searched.

No further details of the operation were provided in the statement, though it was said that further details will be divulged later.

Yesterday, police told local newspapers that a special operation had been conducted in Male’ to reduce criminal activities conducted by gangs operating inside cinamale’ flat area and its surroundings – discovering four knives and suspected illegal drugs.

The raid was reported to have followed numerous complaint from residents. Police dismantled huts and bird cages inside the premises that had been built without permission from Male’ City Council, on suspicion that these areas may have been used by the gang members to store drugs.

During an interview with Minivan News last week, Home Minister Umar Naseer said that the main targets of his ministry for the next five years would be to curb the drug-related crimes occurring in the country.

Umar Naseer said that due to the increase in drug related offenses the criminal justice system has been overloaded – as had the work of police and customs.

He told Minivan News that the main cause of this overload was the increase in drugs being smuggled and the amount of drug abusers and peddlers.

Naseer said that he intended to give high priority to enhancing the customs services in order to stop illegal drugs and other contraband from being brought in to the country.

Speaking about reducing drug-related crimes, he said that he would focus more on major drug dealers, rather than those further down the criminal hierarchy.

The home minister also pledged to find ways to enforce Maldivian law on the drug lords abroad who are involved in the drug trafficking cases occurring in the Maldives.

According to Naseer, the police intelligence department has been widened by training more intelligence officers


Police seize mobile phones and drugs in Maafushi prison

The Maldives Police Services have seized illegal narcotics and mobile phones in Maafushi Prison on Sunday.

A Police and Department of Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Services (DPRS) joint operation uncovered 50 rubber packers, one bullet size packet, one can and 22 cellophane packets containing illegal drugs. Five additional packets with traces of illegal drugs were also found.

Police discovered 15 mobile phones, 17 mobile phone batteries, 26 SIM cards, three mobile phone chargers, one SD memory card and one knife during the raid.

In a statement on Sunday, the police said that the operation was conducted after police received reports that inmates in Maafushi prison had been calling various people, asking them to recharge their phones with large amounts of cash.

Police said that inmates have also phoned people outside jail and told them that they will conduct useful projects in the Maldives and beneficial work and asked for money in return.

Inmates had also called shops pretending to be fishermen calling from a fishing boat or staff working on a safari boat, and have asked the shops to put credit in their mobile phones promising to pay the shop back at a later date, the police said.

The police advised people not to participate in money transactions proposed by strangers and not to recharge mobile phone accounts of unknown individuals.

Police said they clarified these reports first through police intelligence department before raiding the cells.

When asked how inmates were able to smuggle illegal substances into prison, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Mohamed Hanim said he had not yet received details on the operation.

The police said they have previously issued statements to increase awareness among the public regarding such crimes, and said it was regrettable that not enough cooperation is being received from the people to stop these types of crimes.

In March 2010, the then-State Minister for Home Affairs Ahmed Adil said that jail officers were being investigated on suspicion of helping inmates bring mobile phones and drugs into cells in Male’ prison.

In May 2011, the then-Head of Department and Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Services (DPRS) Mohamed Rasheed  confirmed that a police officer was being questioned for allegedly attempting to smuggle charged phone batteries to inmates at Maafushi prison.


Man arrested on Fuvamulak with suspected illegal drugs

Police have arrested a man from Fuvamulak with suspected illegal drugs.

According to the police, he was arrested on 23 December 2013 while he was inside Fuvamulak Hospital. Officers found four packets containing suspected illegal drugs inside the pocket of his jeans.

Fuvamulak Police Station is further investaging the case.


Ismail Zihan surrenders himself to police

Police have said that Ismail Zihan, 21, of Medo in Galolhu – one of two persons searched for by the police for their alleged involvement in a local network that was seized earlier this month – has surrendered himself to the police yesterday (18 December).

In a statement issued today, the police said that he turned himself in yesterday afternoon at about 4pm.

The police said that Faisal Ibrahim, 23 of Anooma in Mahchangolhi – the second person police are looking for – has not been found and that search is still ongoing.

On December 5, police searched the premises of Henveiru Fahaageaage after obtaining a search warrant, finding drugs and money inside the house.

Police said that persons believed to be involved in the network were apprehended inside the house during the operation.

According to police, a total four persons have been arrested in connection with the case including a Pakistani and a Sri Lankan national.

Police appealed the public to share any information they have regarding the whereabouts of Faisal Ibrahim, and asked people to contact the police hotline 3322111 or police emergency 119 or police Drug Enforcement Department at 9792498.


Police raid Malé house, finding large amounts of cash and drugs

Police have searched the house of an alleged drug lord who is believed to have been smuggling drugs in to the country. The individual himself has also been arrested.

The police did not reveal the identity of the man but said he was 30 years old.

According to the police, when officers searched his house ‘Finifenjambuge’ in Mahchangolhi ward, police found large amounts of money and drugs inside the premises.


Police bust major drug trafficking network

The Maldives Police Services have busted a major drug trafficking network, arresting two Maldivian men with large amounts of illicit drugs and cash, local media has reported.

Under a court warrant, the police’s Drug Enforcement Department raided Henveiru Fahaage in Malé City and apprehended a network of drug-traffickers.

The police told local media it is raiding additional places reported to have links with the network and have arrested several expatriates.

Further information on the amount of drugs confiscated and the number of arrests will be revealed at a later date, the police said.
