Customs seize MVR 10 million worth of drugs hidden in mattresses

Customs officials last night seized 11.6 kilograms of illegal narcotics which they claim has an estimated street value of more than MVR 10 million (US$650,000).

The shipment of drugs was hidden inside foam mattresses imported from India.

Customs Superintendent Abdulla Shareef said in a press conference today that customs intelligence had received information about the shipment two months ago, and had been preparing for the operation for a long time.

The drugs were smuggled into the country on a cargo boat that set out from India on June 19, according to Shareef.

Shareef told the press that customs officials searched the boat at 10:00pm while it was docked in the Male’ commercial harbour, and discovered 14 packets hidden inside seven mattresses.

Two Maldivians have been arrested in connection with the case.

According to Shareef, the packets included one kilogram of heroin and 10.6 kilograms of hash oil.

He said the drugs seized were handed to police early this morning.

Police spokesperson Ismail Ali told Minivan News police could not give any details on the case and said they would only confirm the shipment had been handed over.


Comment: Drug abuse prevention saves lives and cuts costs

It is unacceptable for us to think that we can ignore the drug problem and it will just go away.

We are a country still living in deep denial about drug use by youth.

Journey believes that the three sentences destroying youth – more than any other sentences known to man – are, “Not my child, not in our school, not in my island.”

Today we cannot afford to ignore this problem or assume it is not going on in our households, our schools and our communities. We have yet to rid our homes, schools and communities of drugs.

Journey is not stating that nothing has been accomplished. Rather, we need to have a very critical look at what we have done to oppose drug abuse in the past and reevaluate our steps. We need to leave behind our ideologies about what works in theory and instead accept the evidence-based methods that have made a positive impact in other parts of the world.

Our focus needs to shift from simply strengthening treatment to implementing a strong evidence-based prevention strategy. But unfortunately we are living in a country where prevention is still not a top priority, even though evidence proves that every 100 MVR (US$ 6.55) spent on prevention saves 1,000 MVR (US$65.49) on treatment.

Research shows preventing drug use before it begins is the most cost-effective, common-sense approach to promote safe and healthy communities. Preventing drug abuse, particularly by injecting drug abusers, reduces the rate of HIV transmission through unsterilised needles creating safer homes and communities. Simply put, drug abuse prevention save lives and cuts costs.

When we choose to ignore the drug problem in the Maldives, we continue to lose children (and adults), which Journey finds unacceptable. The ongoing drug crisis in the Maldives has taken many years to develop, and there is no quick fix, but ignoring [the crisis and failing] to identify and intervene is a serious problem. Scientific research proves drug addiction to be a progressive disease which starts during early adolescence.

We all want our children to grow up to be honest, successful and healthy adults who make valuable contributions to our society. But sadly, all of this could be put at risk when young people are offered drugs before they are mature enough to grasp the magnitude of the consequences of their actions. It saddens Journey to see people suffering because of the results of these actions.

Journey is very concerned about the damage and pain drugs cause individuals, families, communities and it’s an issue we consider significant. That is why our new evidence-based universal prevention program “RISE” will place particular emphasis on educating Maldivians, especially young people and their parents, about the negative health and other effects of drug abuse, while also enhancing their skills to deal effectively with issues that may instigate drug abuse.

Today’s youth are in desperate need of positive role models. We all must look at our own actions and ask ourselves if this is what we want our children to follow.

It isn’t an easy task and it is going to take time to accomplish what we need to for our children.

We believe our children deserve nothing less. It’s also our firm belief that together we can help young people make healthy choices. Let us encourage them to stay alert, engaged and to grasp every opportunity that will help make them build a nation free from drugs.

Thank you.

Journey is a Male’ based NGO formed by group of Maldivian recovering addicts with a mission to help other addicts to maintain their recovery and to raise public awareness on drug addiction and its related issues.

All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to [email protected]


FDA close two pharmacies in Male’ for failing to reach authority’s standards

Maldives Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has ordered the closure of two pharmacies in Male’ after they failed to meet the authority’s standards.

An FDA official told local media that both Point Three Pharmacy on Sosun Magu and Furadhaana Pharmacy on Maaveyo Magu were ordered to close on March 23.

Point Pharmacy Chief Executive Officer Hamza Gasim said that Point Three Pharmacy was forced to close after the FDA found medication stored in pharmacy’s toilet, local media reported.

According to Hamza, only ointments and bandages had been kept in the toilet block, and that no ingestible or injectable medication had been stored there.


Defamatory accusations are baseless and untrue: PPM MP Yameen

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential primary candidate Abdulla Yameen has claimed that recent defamatory allegations made against him are baseless and untrue.

Speaking at a rally in Addu City on Thursday (March 21), Yameen revealed that he had been accused of several issues, including holding large sums of money in foreign banks, local media reported.

Responding to the accusations, Yameen stated that “none of those stories are true”, asking people not to believe them.

“I have been accused of holding large sums of money in different accounts. I’m not responding to these allegations. But the people who work with me need public confidence.

“I want to say to you, that there are several allegations targeted at me. But those allegations are baseless and unfounded. None of those stories are true. Don’t believe them,” SunOnline quoted Yameen as saying.

Yameen had stated he did not want to comment further on the matter, and that he did not wish to respond to the claims against him.

Yameen, who is the half brother of former autocratic ruler Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, claimed that if the PPM wins the presidential election this year, the Maldives would experience “prosperity similar to, or even better than, the past 30 years.”

In reference to a number of young individuals who reportedly praised Yameen during the rally, the PPM presidential primary candidate said while he cannot accept constant praise, continuous criticism could also become an issue.

“At rallies like this I often hear about my services. I feel disinclined to sit and listen when people talk about my services. But this is a practice introduced by young people.

“But before they take it too far, I want to say, I may not be able to accept continuous praise; but at the same time, continuous criticism could also lead to displeasure,” Yameen was quoted as saying.

Both Abdulla Yameen and Umar Naseer are currently campaigning to win the PPM’s presidential candidate slot for the upcoming presidential elections, to be held in September this year.

Yameen forced to play 80 percent in defence: Umar Naseer

Last week, a spokesperson for Abdulla Yameen’s ‘Yageen’ campaign team told local media on Saturday that Umar Naseer had made slanderous and “blatantly untruthful” statements about Yameen during a recent rally.

Speaking at the aforementioned rally, Naseer claimed that Yameen’s campaign team is forced to play “80 percent in defence” in order to denounce the public’s claims against him.

“We heard our brother MP [Ahmed] Nihan speaking at Yameen’s campaign rally. All he did was try to denounce what the public says about Yameen,” Naseer said at a rally held on March 15.

“Nihan said that although people allege Yameen has ties with gangs and gang violence it is not true. He said that although people say Yameen bathes with mineral water, that isn’t true either.”

Earlier this month, Naseer claimed that he had received “intel” that an attempt would be made to “assassinate” his character by planting illegal substances in his offices.

Following Naseer’s initial claims, he told supporters at a rally on March 15 that an MP involved in the illegal drug business was attempting to “frame him”.

“[The MP] tried to ruin my reputation by sending police to my business offices in the pretence of looking for illegal substances. I do not get involved in such acts.

“I will not name the MP, I do not need to name him here. He is trying to hide the relations he has with gangs and his involvement in the illegal drug business.”

On March 17, a police source told Minivan News that a bottle of alcohol had been found in a car belonging to Naseer’s wife when searched by police.

“Last night the driver of the car had parked after there had been some sort of accident caused by someone on the back seat.

“At that time, the driver found a bottle of alcohol within the car and reported it to the police. We took the driver, questioned him and released him,” the source claimed.

Speaking in regard to the alcohol allegedly found in the car, Police Spokesperson Chief Inspector Hassan Haneef confirmed that a bottle had been found and the case was still under investigation.

“We received a report from a driver of a vehicle stating that there was a bottle of alcohol in the car. Police went to the car, searched it and took the vehicle,” Haneef said.

Despite Umar Naseer’s comments, former President Gayoom tweeted earlier this month that external influences were attempting to split both Yameena and Umar apart.

“Some people from outside PPM are trying hard to drive a wedge between Yameen and Umar. All PPM members please be alert to this,” Gayoom tweeted.

The PPM presidential primary election is scheduled for March 30.


Criminal Court sentence drug lord to 25 years for trafficking cannabis

The Criminal Court has sentenced 43 year-old Ahmed Rasheed, of Always Happy House in Male’, to 25 years in prison after finding him guilty of trafficking cannabis into the Maldives.

Rasheed was arrested by police in May 2012 during a police effort to uncover a drug network operating in the Maldives.

The court said police arrested Rasheed on May 2, 2012, at 7:15 pm in an operation conducted following intelligence that Rasheed was in possession of drugs.

According to the Criminal Court, police located Rasheed inside a teashop called ‘Sai Hotaa’. When Rasheed saw the police officers, he pulled out a plastic can that contained illegal drugs and threw it away.

The Criminal Court said that an additional eight cans and a plastic bag containing illegal drugs were discovered inside a locker belonging to Rasheed.

The court said a total of 1152.51 grams of cannabis were discovered.

The Criminal Court has also fined Rasheed MVR 100,000 (US$6500) and ordered him to pay it within a month.

The Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) busted the large drug network they allege revolved around a 56 year-old man working on the cargo vessel ‘MV Reina’ in May 2012.

The main suspect in the case was arrested when he arrived to the Maldives from Tuticorin in India.


Attempts will be made to “assassinate” my character: Umar Naseer

Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) presidential primary candidate Umar Naseer has claimed he has “received information” of an attempt to plant drugs in one of his offices.

A post made under Umar’s name on his Facebook and Twitter pages stated he had received “intel” that an attempt would be made to discredit his name by planting contraband in one of his offices.

Umar Naseer is the Managing Director of both Whale Submarine and and Alarms Pvt Limited. One of building in which the Whale Submarine office is located caught fire on Saturday (March 9).

Despite the posts on social media, a source familiar with the matter told Minivan News on Tuesday (March 13) that police had already searched through the Umar’s offices looking for contraband.

“After Home Minister [Dr Mohamed] Jameel [Ahmed] joined Umar’s competitor [Abdulla] Yameen in his campaign meeting, police turned up at Umar’s offices with a search warrant allegedly looking for alcohol,” the source claimed. “It is an intimidation tactic I think.”

Police Spokesperson Chief Inspector Hassan Haneef denied that police had searched the offices of the PPM presidential helpful.

Both Umar Naseer and Abdulla Yameen are currently campaigning to win the PPM’s presidential candidate slot for the upcoming presidential elections to be held in September this year.

Umar Naseer’s secretary, when contacted by Minivan News, said that Umar was unable to comment on the matter as he was away on a campaign trip.

Asked whether she was aware of any office searches by police, the secretary stated: “I am in no position to answer that. I will get back to you.”

Minivan News was awaiting a response at time of press.

On Saturday (March 9), local media reported that a fire had broken out at a Sakeena Manzil property in Male’ – a building also used by Umar Nazeer’s ‘Whale Submarine’ company.

Soon after the flames had been extinguished by Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) firemen, local media reported that the MNDF equipped two well-known PPM activists with gas masks and oxygen tanks, who then entered the building.

According to a report in Sun Online, the two PPM activists went inside the building to retrieve some “very important objects”, but it had not been elaborated as to what these objects might have been.

MNDF Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem denied reports made by local media, stating: “The fire chief told me they did not allow any civilian to enter the building or tamper with fire equipment.

“Once the area was deemed safe however, members of the public were allowed back into the building with the guidance of police,” Raheem told Minivan News.


Three suspected of smuggling drugs into country arrested

Police have arrested three people accused of bringing large amounts of drugs into the Maldives, local media reports.

The Drug Enforcement Department arrested three individuals aged 26, 27 and 29 on Wednesday, after police were informed of a person bringing drugs into the country via the airport.

Local media reported that the 26-year-old was arrested first as he got off the ferry from Hulhule’ to Male’, while the 27 and 29-year-old were arrested under suspicion of receiving and trading the drugs.

21 bullets containing a substance suspected to be drugs were seized by police, after they were carried internally by the 26-year-old.

Meanwhile, local media reported that customs handed over a man to police on February 16 who was suspected of carrying drugs internally.

Police later discovered the man had been carrying 99 bullets of a substance suspected to be drugs.


Boat captain arrested in connection with two kilograms of drugs discovered on ‘MSV Maria Janemal’

Maldives Customs have seized two kilograms of illegal narcotics smuggled into the Maldives by an Indian cargo vessel named MSV Maria Janemal.

According to a statement issued by the customs department, the drugs were packed into four packets.

Three of the packets contained 2105 grams of heroin and the fourth packet contained 85 grams of hashish oil, according to the customs department.

The customs department said the drugs were hidden in two location of the cargo vessel.

“The captain of the boat and the seized drugs have now been handed over to the police for further investigation,” the customs department said in the statement.

The customs department said that the drugs were seized on February 23 in an operation conducted based on intelligence reports.

According to the customs department, all the passengers of the vessel were Indian nationals and were still under customs charge.

Customs said the boat arrived to the Maldives on February 16, carrying fruits and vegetables from India to be imported to the Maldives.

On November 27 last year, police seized a local drug network and arrested five Maldivians and four Indians while they were in possession of 9 kilograms of illegal substances.

The men were arrested after they arrived in the Maldives aboard a cargo boat named ‘Silver Cloud 49’, a vessel carrying goods from India to the Maldives that had just unloaded eggs, potatoes and onions from Tuticorin port in India.

In May last year, the Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) have busted a large drug network they alleged centered around a 56 year-old man working on the cargo vessel ‘MV Reina’, and seized a large quantity of cannabis and illegal drugs trafficked into the country.


Missing man from Fuvamulah found dead

The body of a missing 30 year-old Fuvamulah man, Mohamed Nafiz, has been found dead on the shore of Fuvamulah.

Nafiz was declared missing by police on January 24, at 8:00pm.

Police said the body was discovered yesterday morning at 6:27am in an area of Fuvamulah beach called ‘’Ambulu fannu’’.

Police said a forensic team and investigative team had been dispatched to the island to investigate the case, and had confirmed the body was Nafiz.

In a statement, police said fingerprints of the dead body found on the beach matched those of the missing man.

The body was discovered while Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) divers and police officers were searching for him.

Nafiz was last seen alive when he and two other friends of the same age arrived to Fuvamulah from Addu City.

Local newspaper Haveeru reported that two men have been arrested in connection with the death of Nafiz.

Haveeru reported that his family alleged he was killed by the two friends who had accompanied him to Addu.

According to ‘Haveeru’, the clothes Nafiz had been wearing were discovered on the beach, wrapped around 19 bullet-sized packets containing illegal drugs.

A councilor of Addu City, on condition of anonymity, told the paper that Nafiz may have drowned after jumping off a boat to get to shore, after attempting to avoid police officers.

Nafiz’s uncle told Haveeru that Nafiz left Fuvamulah to go fishing but later said he and his two friends had gone to Addu to traffic illegal drugs into the island.

Police Sub-Inspector Hassan Haneef was not responding to calls at time of press.
