Road Development Corporation contracted to build two roads in Feydhoo

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has contracted the Maldives Road Development Corporation to build two roads in Feydhoo, Addu City.

At an event held at the ministry for signing of the contract today, Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Muiz revealed that the project is worth MVR7.9 million.

According to Muiz, the corporation will be building Rahdhebai Magu and Bandharu Mathee Magu, with work commencing as soon as the environmental impact analysis of the project is completed.


Housing minister hopes to sign amended TATA contract next week

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Dr Mohamed Muiz has expressed hope that the amended contract with Indian infrastructure giant TATA Housing regarding the construction of two apartment complexes can be signed next week.

“Based on the most recent communication, we estimate that the amended contract will be signed next week, that is if no further reasons for delays come up,” Muiz told local media.

He stated that the company was expected to commence work on the two sites within a period of 45 days after the signing of the contract, and to complete the projects within a year.

The deal – first signed in 2010 – has faced repeated delays after successive governments sought amendments to the original contract.

“In addition to this project, there is also work on an additional 150 flats that need to be started,” Muizzu said yesterday.

The minister explained that previous delays in signing the agreement had occurred due to the actions of TATA Housing.

After deliberation by the cabinet’s economic council in July, the Housing Ministry had announced intentions of resuming the projects under a revised contract.

The government of Maldives contracted Apex Realty Pvt Ltd – a joint venture between TATA Housing Development and SG 18 Realty – to construct residential apartment complexes on four separate sites in capital Malé city in May 2010.

Work commenced on the Gaakoshi site and former Arabiyya School premises, but was later halted due to pending resolution of numerous contractual issues.

While reasons suggested for the delay included shortages in construction materials and the incumbent government’s reclamation of land plots included in the original deal, TATA was reported in Indian media as expressing concern that local politics were endangering their investments.

Apex Realty also released a press statement in May 2014 indicating its intention to commence work on the apartment complexes within 45 days of getting the final approval from the government of Maldives for the amended contract.

“We are committed to the Maldives project and can start the project within 45 days after the final nod is received from the Housing Ministry and contract amendment is signed,” Apex Realty Director Sandeep Ahuja stated at the time.


Appeal hearings on Farhad murder case ends

Appeal hearings on the death sentence issued by the Criminal Court on Mohamed Nabeel of Reef in Galolhu ward on charges of the murder of Abdulla Farhad of Lilymaage in Seenu Atoll Hithadhoo have been completed.

The High Court will be announcing its verdict at the next hearing, which has not been scheduled so far.

The murder of Farhad was committed on March 9, 2009 in capital Malé city near Sosun Store on Majeedhee Magu.

He was allegedly attacked for harassing a girl who worked at a nearby shop. The girl has previously been reported to be a sister of the accused, Nabeel.


Planning department appeals to public to cooperate with census

The Department of National Planning (DNP) has called on all citizens to cooperate in a”national effort” for the 2014 census after suggestions that some groups would refuse to participate.

Assistant Director Fathimath Riyaza said that, while the department has not received any official indications from any persons of intention to boycott the census, it is aware of such sentiments.

The census – scheduled to take place between September 20 and 27 – will be the first time such national data has been collected since 2006.

Locals from the island of Vilufushi in Thaa Atoll have announced that they will be boycotting the census, due to the failure to provide permanent residents for those left homeless after the 2004 tsunami,

President of the Villufushi Island Council Ibrahim Shafiu stated that, while the decision to boycott the census was not taken by the council, it understands the reasons behind citizens’ refusal to participate.

“The general spirit among the people of Villufushi is that it is pointless to participate in the census when for years the state has failed to provide us something so crucial as a permanent address,” said Shafiu.

“We are living in 309 houses built for us by the Maldivian Red Crescent in 2009 after the tsunami disaster, but so far the government has failed to register these houses in our names,” he told Minivan News today.

Shafiu explained that the matter is currently under the jurisdiction of the ministry of housing and infrastructure after a 2012 council document outlined procedures for registering residents.

After sharing the document with the Local Government Authority, the Thaa Atoll Council, the housing ministry asked the council to halt the process while it sought advice from the attorney general, providing no other feedback.

“Over a year and a half has passed since then, and there has been no progress on this matter. I fear that this may lead to the beginning of multiple social problems on this island,” he stated.

Deputy Minister for Housing and Infrastructure Abdulla Muhthalib said that the delays in registering the houses is being caused by the “complex nature” of the matter.

According to Muhthalib, the Maldives Red Crescent (MRC) agreements state that each of the houses belongs to a number of persons who often do not share any familial relationships.

“If we register every house to the random collection of people who as per the agreement owns a part of it, it will only give raise to further problems. This makes it hard and so we have to find a way to avoid possible complications that may arise if we register the houses in this manner,” he explained.

He stated that the issue has been discussed with the Attorney General, but was unable to share details of current progress on the matter.

Fathimath Riyaza of the DNP said noted that the census was very important for the nation, and so individuals should offer their full cooperation.

“What we are conducting is a national effort done for the purpose of updating statistics, I therefore call on all citizens to cooperate with our work,” she stated.

Riyaza noted that the department had discussed the matter with the Vilufushi Island Council.

She also addressed comments on social media suggesting a boycott of the census in response to the perceived inadequate response to the disappearance of Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla.

“We, too, are extremely concerned and saddened by the journalist’s disappearance. However, it is not our job to look for and find any particular person. I call on the people to refrain from connecting these two things and to give us information about themselves.”


Bank of Ceylon to provide loans for reclaiming land in Hulhumalé

Bank of Ceylon (BOC) has decided to provide a lon of US$30 million to the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to reclaim land in the island of Hulhumalé.

HDC Chairman Hassan Ziyath has told local media that the agreement on the matter will be signed within the week.

He revealed that the loan will be paid back within a five year period at an interest rate of 8 percent. The bank is also offering a grace period of two years.

Ziyath stated that physical work to reclaim land in Hulhumalé will commence in early October. The work has been contracted to Belgian company Dredging International.


“Hope Rilwan is found safe and sound”: Gayoom

Former President and leader of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has expressed his hope that missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla will be found “safe and sound”.

Speaking at a press conference held on Sunday on his return from a seminar in Samoa, Gayoom responded to media queries regarding Rilwan, believed to have been abducted 30 days ago.

“I believe the government is conducting a lot of work to find him. No government body has been negligent in this work. They are speedily conducting the investigation. God willing, this matter will be solved at the earliest, and he will be found safe and sound,” Gayoom stated.

“Our party is also looking into this matter very closely. Our party has even released a press statement expressing our deep concern on the matter. We said (in the statement) that we hope is found safe and sound,” Gayoom continued.

Meanwhile, Rilwan’s family and friends have approached all major political parties including ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Jumhoorere Party (JP) and main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) requesting meetings and cooperation in efforts to find the 28-year-old journalist.

While the group reports that they have met with the MDP and JP, who have both pledged to offer assistance, the PPM has so far failed to respond to the request.


Robbery at Gemanafushi petrol shed

The administrative offices of the ‘Unlimited Fuel’ petrol shed in the island of Gemanafushi in Gaafu Alif Atoll has been broken into, and over MVR25,000 (US$1,620) has been stolen from the scene.

Police have stated that they are investigating the matter, confirming that the case was reported to them at 8:10pm on Sunday.


Missing journalist’s family concerned over slow progress in search

Missing Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla’s family has expressed concern over slow progress in the Maldives Police Service’s three-week long search.

The police released a statement on Thursday night claiming it had questioned 318 individuals, interrogated 111, searched 139 locations in Malé’s suburb island Hulhumalé and searched 267,197.5 square meters of ocean.

“These are just statistics. We want to find him. We want the police to tell us if they have leads, if there is progress,” Rilwan’s brother Moosa Rilwan told Minivan News today.

“We want to know what the results of these extensive searches are. It’s been a month, my family and I fear for his life,” Moosa said.

Rilwan was last seen boarding the Hulhumalé ferry on August 8 at 12:55am. Evidence gathered by Minivan News suggests Rilwan was abducted.


Eyewitnesses told Minivan News they saw a man being forced into a car at knifepoint in front of Rilwan’s apartment building at the time he is expected to have reached his house. The abductors dropped the knife and eyewitnesses reported the incident to the police. Minivan News understands the police confiscated the knife from the scene.

The police have said they took in two cars and have conducted forensic tests. Samples have also been sent abroad for further tests. Meanwhile, four individuals’ passports have also been withheld in connection to the case.

According to Moosa, the police have so far refused to publicly comment on whether there is a connection between the abduction and Rilwan’s disappearance.

“If the incident is not connected to Rilwan’s disappearance, who was abducted? What did the police do on the night after the abduction was reported? Why have they taken in two cars in relation to Rilwan’s disappearance?” Moosa questioned.

“Why have the police withheld passports? Have they been questioned? Are the police not afraid these men may go into hiding in the country?”

The police’s statement raises more questions than answers, he added.

Extensive search

According to the police, a specialist crime command team consisting of police officers from the intelligence department, forensics department, marine police specialist operations and divisional operations are working around the clock on the case.

The team is analysing 719 hours of CCTV footage from 101 cameras at 48 locations along the route Rilwan is believed to have traveled in Malé on the night of his disappearance.

Police are also investigating 638,000 cellphone numbers that have hit cell towers along the same route, the statement said.

Some 18 vessels in Hulhumalé lagoon including Safari boats, all of the beach area and empty lots in Hulhumalé, eight houses in Malé’s, four locations and the waste dump in Malé’s second suburb island Villingili were also searched, the police said.

Rilwan’s family will continue to support the police in the search, Moosa said.

The Human Rights Commission has also released a statement noting that it had yet to be updated on the authorities’ attempts to locate the missing journalist, despite having made a request for information more than two weeks ago.

Pressure up

An Avaaz petition has been launched calling on the Maldives government to expedite the search to find Rilwan and to guarantee a safe environment for all journalists, human rights defenders and bloggers in the Maldives.

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party has tabled the case with the People’s Majlis Security Services or 241 committee.

Minivan News understands Minister of Home Affairs Umar Naseer, Commissioner of Police Hussein Waheed and Minister of Defense and National Security Mohamed Nazim were summoned to the confidential committee hearing on Thursday.

Rilwan’s friends and family have also gathered 5000 signatures on a Majlis petition calling on the parliament to press for a thorough and speedy investigation.

The family has offered MVR200,000 (US$ 12,945) for any information on Riwlan’s whereabouts.

Maldives media have also called for a speedy investigation in a joint statement and have met with the Commissioner of Police, MPs from the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives and MDP, Prosecutor General and Majlis Speaker Abdulla Maseeh regarding the case.

International organisations, including Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the Committee to Project Journalists (CPJ) and the UNHCR, have expressed concern over Rilwan’s disappearance.
