President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan has launched a scathing attack on his predecessor Mohamed Nasheed, accusing him of corruption, hijacking the Majlis, destroying the judiciary, and called him “a liar lacking in any sincerity”.
Waheed made his remarks at a rally on the island of Kulhudhufushi in Haa Dhaal Atoll on Saturday, after Nasheed’s Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters mobbed his car calling him a “traitor.” The MDP alleges Waheed came to power on February 7 following a coup d’état carried out by mutinous elements of the police and military.
Meanwhile, local councils controlled by the MDP have refused to engage with Waheed’s administration. Several MDP councilors rejected meetings with Waheed during his tour of Haa Dhaal Atoll over the weekend.
Speaking on Hanimadhoo island before his visit to Kulhudhufushi, Waheed had appealed to local councils to engage with and support his administration in order to continue providing services to the public.
However, Kulhudhufushi Council President Ibrahim Rameez said he was “ashamed” as an elected representative to meet with an “unelected” president. Waheed was Nasheed’s Vice- President.
Moreover, Rameez claimed he could not support President Waheed as his administration had stopped all development projects in the area. In March, the Economic Ministry halted all public-private-partnership programmes claiming the legality of the contracts needed to be reviewed.
“How can Kenereege Nasheed love the people?”
In his Kulhudhufushi speech, President Waheed painted Nasheed as an authoritarian and corrupt leader who could not tolerate dissent.
“Kenereege Mohamed Nasheed won that election because I became his running mate. Today, he does not understand that,” Waheed said. Further, Nasheed had spurned all the political leaders who had backed him against Maumoon Abdul Gayoom during the 2008 election and “beat” them out of the coalition government established after the election.
Waheed said Nasheed was unable to work with the MDP leadership, forcing consecutive party presidents out of power. The MDP last week took a vote of no confidence against the party’s president Dr Ibrahim Didi and vice-president Alhan Fahmy, a motion that received 95 percent support from the party’s 73-strong national council.
“All the issues MDP faces today are because President Nasheed has hijacked the party and has not allowed young leaders to rule the party,” he said.
He went on to accuse Nasheed’s supporters of “terrorism”, and said he would bring them to justice.
“What kind of democratic party is this? This is not a type of democratic party that we know. But they think there are none more democratic than they are, they shout and scream on the streets, they set fire to and vandalise public property, what kind of democrats are these? These are not democrats. I say they are terrorists. We will not step back in giving them their rightful punishment.”
MDP supporters are alleged to have set fire to court buildings and vandalised government property throughout the Maldives on February 8 after police tear gassed and brutally beat MDP demonstrators in Malé.
“If the events of February 7 had not transpired the way they did with God’s will, we would not have a judiciary now. He had decided to destroy the judiciary then. He had decided to abolish the lower courts. Reduce numbers in the higher courts. He had sent the police a list of 60 people to be arrested,” Waheed said.
“Afterwards, he tried to beat down the courageous people who have worked for Islam and the country. He planned for a few thugs within the MDP to attack them. When they tried to attack, our beloved police force came out to stop them. But then he ordered the police not to do so. He ordered the police to leave, and tried to get the military to intervene. He tried to do all of these things, and all his plans exploded in his hands. At that point, he did not know what to do, he knew the people were not with him, he knew there was no longer a police or military officer who would obey him any longer, so he resigned and went home,” Waheed continued.
“Then, he did not think all the people who he’d made promises to, made companies for, given resorts to would lose everything. He thought of that only 24 hours later. He understood after 24 hours had passed. He understood and woke up, and said ‘I have lost everything. This should not happen like this.’ And then all these people he’d made promises to came to see him. Asked ‘Where is the island you gave me? Where is that company you made me? What have you done?’”
“So he had to make up an excuse. Make up some sort of story. So at that point, he said, ‘Let me tell you, the military has established a military government, the military rule the Maldives now.’ He spread this all over the world. Told tourists they must not to go to the Maldives any longer. Nobody should go to the Maldives. There is military rule in the Maldives. He lies, he has no sincerity and now he says he wants to come back to power. Said hold an early election. He says hold an early election. What election can we have?” Waheed said.
The Commonwealth and EU have called for early elections in the Maldives within 2012 to provide legitimacy to those who govern the Maldives. However, Waheed said the earliest date permitted by the constitution for elections was July 2013.
Tension has been rising between the Commonwealth and the Maldivian government after the Commonwealth warned of “stronger measures” against the country if Waheed failed to review the composition and mandate of the Commission of National Inquiry (CNI) to investigate the transfer of power. MPs supporting Waheed have submitted a bill to Majlis to preemptively withdraw from the Commonwealth.
Engagement with councils
During his tour of Haa Dhaal Atoll, Waheed appealed to local councils to engage with and support his administration.
Waheed said the majority of the public and majority of parliament supported his administration and that he was “saddened by the small number of people who question this government’s legitimacy and who refuse to accept this government.”
Waheed is backed by all the major political parties in the Maldives except the MDP. The coalition includes President Gayoom’s Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Jumhooree Party (JP), Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) and the Adhaalath Party.
“I do not believe the Maldivian constitution allows for the existence of state institutions which do not recognize the lawful government. Some councils and councilors have to consider and accept this,” he said.
“Council members play an important role in providing services to the public. We can only provide those services if council members engage with the different institutions and ministries of the government and the president. We want to engage with everyone,” Waheed added.
However, Kulhudhushi councilor Ibrahim Rameez said Waheed’s administration had stopped all development work in the area, including the installation of water and sewerage systems, harbor development, road construction and housing projects. The development of a international port in Kulhudhufushi had also come to a halt, Rameez claimed.
“So how can we support this government?” Rameez said.
In his fiery speech, Waheed pledged to complete Kulhudhufushi road construction by the end of the year, and improve services at the regional hospital on the island.
Earlier in his tour, Waheed had told Nolhivaram and Hanimadhoo islanders that development contracts were under review, and said he would resume projects if the state budget allowed for it. However, he assured financial assistance to the elderly, single mothers and disabled persons would continue under his administration.
“Even though there has been a lot of infrastructure development, that can turn to ashes in a moment. We have seen that happen very recently. That is because good behavioral norms, unity and friendliness have deteriorated amongst us,” Waheed told Nolhivaram residents.
Hence, Waheed said he had started a civic education program to promote unity in the Maldives.
On Hirimaradhoo island Waheed said he would allocate Rf 30 million (US$1.9 million) in the 2013 state budget for development, but that the citizens must decide how to best use the funds.
“I will not lie to you. I will not make promises I cannot fulfill,” Waheed said, and promised not to discriminate based on political party affiliation.
The Addu City Council has also cut off ties with the Waheed administration. At first, the council had released a statement pledging support for Waheed on February 8.
“We hope all development projects in this city, including road development, housing, and water and sewerage, and harbor development projects will continue under your presidency,” the statement read.
However, in the evening on the same day, several police stations and court buildings were set on fire in the city. Four of the six MDP councilors and one MDP MP were arrested. The Mayor Abdulla Sodiq’s arm was broken in an attack. A few weeks later, the council said it would no longer support Waheed. Sodiq has also said all development projects in Addu city have been suspended.
“Traitor”, allege protesters
Waheed’s visits within the Maldives and in Malé have been marred by MDP protests. During his outings, Waheed is often accompanied by a heavy police force.
In his visit to Addu city in late February, several MDP supporters, including women, claimed police used tear gas and batons to subdue protests against Waheed. Amnesty International obtained testimonies from several women who said they had been beaten and released a statement condemning the MNDF for the attacks.
Video footage of the Kulhudhufushi protest show several hundred protestors carrying yellow MDP flags calling Waheed “baagee” (“traitor”). One woman shouts “Leave this island. We don’t want you here,” while another voice calls for Waheed to be hanged. Protesters also held placards calling for early elections.
Police in riot gear hold the crowd back as Waheed passes through in a Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) truck.
Since taking office, Waheed has visited Addu Atoll, Fuvamulah Atoll, Laamu Atoll, Shaviyani Atoll and Haa Dhaal Atoll.
MDP protesters mob President Mohamed Waheed Hassan’s car in Kulhudhufushi on Saturday:

President Waheed is 100% correct in every word he spoke. Punish all those goons and arsonists who had burned the peoples property worth almost MRF 200 million within an hour. Our former autocratic ruler who resigned himself when he cannot handle the pressure is behind all these incidents.
Mr.waheed dont u get ashamed of calling ur people as dont have such quality of people never voted you on last presidential election..still majority of people in this country needs you to be resigned from your post..if you are hunger for power there is a way that you can come to the power..please show some respect to wht majority of this country we all know you never did anything to this country in last 40years..plx dont rule this country with military
Showing the true colour of the serpent. !
Waheed claimed that he didn't know what happened on the seventh of February, but apparently he knows a lot he even knows what's going inside Nasheed's head. Thats probably more than what Nasheed knows. Maybe that's Maumoon's astrology rubbing off.
Apart from calling the members of opposition terrorists I think Waheed is loosing his cool.
Kudos to the council for sticking to what they believe in, Waheed and his masters must have been furious with them LOL
Sir, the last ounce of respect i had for you is gone. I'm amazed that a president could label nearly 20% of the population as terrorists! Have you forgotten that freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are fundamental rights given in the constitution. I don't condone the act of a few people who destroyed some buildings in Addu (they may or may not be MDP members). Did the "warm" welcome by residents of Kulhudhufushi take away all your senses
off you go traitor, we hate you. hope you understand the fact. to hell with you sob.
@ hassan ahmed
Speak for yourself. I do not hate him. 🙂
Look at Waheed's face? Does he think he looks more presidential with that face? haha
"Athah govee"..means exploding in the hand..Which has the meaning of a grenade that explodes before thrown..Another meaning is, premature ejaculation...which Waheed said "was a moment he was trained all his life"..when he did the quickie (hand)job at Majlis opening. Tks.
He was useless as an MP, VP and now a useless traitor President. He is trying to tear the MDP apart via Saeed and team,s advice. A real puppet. A toy Gayoom.
He even sounds as mad as his puppet master.
I have watched this video with great interest. What can I say? I say to Mohamed Nasheed that these people are with him wholeheartedly. I say to Waheed that these Maldivians do not like him and do not want him.
I think Waheed is a fool. He is no great international civil servant. He is no great intellectual. He has, furthermore, created some extra problems for Maldives that were not there before.
Where is his famous son Salim Waheed? He is silent now. No speak.
Waheed should be ashamed to say such things. he became something because Nasheed took him as his VP, and not the other way around. All Maldivians know it. Those who say they love Waheed is solely due to their party's alignment with Waheed. If waheed had his own supporters, his party would be larger than a few hundred members! We will know his real support pretty soon. I cant wait to see if he can live in Maldives after his step down, which is the ultimate solution of all these commotion in Maldives!
Dear Dr. Waheed.
You are the lowest anyone can be. We pray that the GOD's will you are talking about will bring you some crazy misery to your foul life.
Enjoy it while you can and burn well when it's time.
And you oh yeah! Dear Dr. Waheed, Cheers for the good times we spent drinking together in Nepal! Tell me it's not true! 😉
Dr.Waheed is too quick to employ a word from the vocabulary of the zionists designed to besmirch the reputation of those brave men who risk death and dismemberment for the sake of Allah (swt).
The MDP are no mujaheddeen (or 'terrorists', as per the lexicon of the Westerners) for if they were, they would be glorious, which, they are not.
The MalDeviant democratic part are no more than rabble-rousers, harlots and deviants. They are mere criminals. It is imperative that our women be made more virtuous so that they do not produce offspring swayed by blasphemous ideologies and persons, such as secularism and Mohamed Nasheed.
All praise belongs to Allah, exalted be our creator!
After reading the horrible, obscene and down right laughable comments, I cant help but feel sorry for you MDP supporters you guys had eveything, high paying cushy jobs in new companies and positions created specially for you, sat on chairs of power and wealth, got you flats first before everyone else, got soo many of the 1200 beutiful islands of our nation to play around with, was let out of prison, just like that,all for just living and believing in the colour yellow, you people really had somin special, then you blew it, haha
what the bull?! when anni claims rising extremism and growing terror networks he's calling 100% muslim nation a terrorist nation! and when anni every night spew garbage near usfasgandu its not even reported here. I have never heard such vulgar mouths in maldivian politics till Gundaa party of MDP came into the spectrum. Its a shame minivan is the propaganda frontline for MDP.
And now we are not hearing MDP's claim of peaceful handover of power by recent Mali coup. Why? coz it was a bloody coup and they can't even differentiate between a drunk president like Kerafa nasheed or a really toppled leader by coup. You guys (yellow menace)is lucky Allah swt has immeasurable patience in dealing with transgressors like you. But I pray one day his wrath be upon you and face a humiliation that you have never seen before. Amen
Disgusting speech by a disgusting man
Freedom of speech is a right people do not have in police states.
Freedom of speech is utterly deviant. I do not desire it for my womenfolk nor my children.
We didnt blow it Ahmed, you took it from us by force in a coup.
As for the cushy jobs, who are in these jobs now?
If you really want to know, Ahmed, President Nasheed was removed by force by those who did not want us the ordinary person on the street to have a good life.
We should always, remain destitute beg for everything, whether it be medical assistance, books, scholarships or loans for our children’s education, a roof over our head, and to free our family members who disappear into our jails. WE should therefore by default, be forever be grateful and give our vote to those who gave us the few dollars in our hour of need.
This was never really about Nasheed, it IS about a party whose members dared to stand against those who have paralysed our nation and the growth of our nation by their greed, and lust for power.
President Nasheed just had the guts to stand up on our behalf to those who have had NO interest in our lives, our health, and our children for the 30 years they ruled our nation.
I am sorry, Ahmed, but it is clear to me that either you are one of those who benefitted from those who took our power, or you have stopped thinking for yourself.
Michael Fahmy
Salim Waheed is in a very cushy job at the Maldivian UN Commission in New York , having the good life.
There he goes again, readers, talking rubbish to deflect attention from what has been written.
This is normal people.
I think everyone everywhere has realized that the small number of people out on the streets are just sore at losing unfair advantages awarded to them in the Nasheed regime.
Zaheena chief among them.
Any article written by a party activist is not worth criticizing.
The MDP may be 20% of the Maldivian population (highly unlikely though as a lot of members had signed up to the party for job security and career advancement when they were in power). However the MDP is not 100% behind Nasheed's insurgency. He has lost what little support he commanded. The Maldivian people never endorsed him for President anyway. It was deceit on the part of Qasim, Hassan Saeed, Dr. Waheed and Adalat that granted him the opportunity to be President for the short while that he had.
Qasim has apologized to the people for his mistake. So should Hassan Saeed, Dr. Waheed and Adalat.
Waheed has taken one step forward in his madness!
As someone already said I too cannot believe he is the great civil servant or the great intellectual he is thought to be!
This guy is low, mean and is more like a wild animal!
No wonder he is getting similar treatment from his drinking partners!!!!!!!
At this point, we, the people of the Republic of Maldives absolutely must start taking a hard look at the economy and finances of the country and how it's being used.
My thinking is clear and you are right in saying that I support the new government, however it does not change the fact that MDP and most importantly your leader Anni failed. No doubt MDP had great, actually wonderful intentions, but at the end of the day did not turn out that way, as soon as MDP got into power, a lot changed, all the divisiveness, arrogance on MDP members part, it got to peoples heads, Anni and MDP had a golden opportunity to change things around here forever, for the better, instead look at what Anni and Co did, look at the level of corruption, debt, inconsistencies to what he preached. MDP blew it, golden opportunity, now its sad but true, the MDP of yesteryear is no more, gone and buried. Dont worry Aisha, MDP and Anni are not the only people well versed in democracy we all are Maldivians and we all love our nation, there are good capable people who can do a lot of good for the people and care about this nation. Anni and MDP are not the be all and end all of democracy, of our hopes and dreams, theyre are other people and colours, if you believe that only Anni and MDP is good for this country, then theyve got you hook line and sinker, I see a brighter future now, a multicoulored one
Ramblings! S0 Pls scroll down … 🙂
There is something inherently wrong in modern Maldivian politics and that is this obsessive need in being always politically correct and in the process descending into the realm of hypocrisy. Politics is this path into what Justin Raimondo calls the Bizarro world where black is white, up is down, and good is bad.
In 2008, 53% of Maldivians a majority voted for change.
The Maldivian reality in 2008, was that in 30 years of a one man show Maldives had in effect made appreciable achievements in Education, Health care, Tourism, Fishing, Youth development & island developments. It was our proud achievement that we were incredibly better placed than our SAARC sister states. The dark side to this was a runaway drug problem, rising crime, excessive centralisation fuelling inhumane housing problems, corruption and completely opaque Govt, with a lack of rule of law.
The time was ripe for change. Old Trinitarians (Trinity College, Kandy) at the fore front backed by adequate money and wealthy behind the scene tycoons were making their move to topple the Govt, in plush surroundings in Colombo. The world had changed since 9/11. A world that could let 1000,000, (yes a million) Rwandans be massacred in rivers of blood without a hum was now sensitive when it chose to even the bleating of sheep in distant locations. The Genius of these Old Trinitarians was reading the situation right and riding their aspirations powered by a radically changed world.
The stars were right for the entry of street wise, West- mimicking, politically savvy activists. The brains plotted behind the scenes and put in motion an incredibly effective diplomacy in the changed world setting, and the rallying call was democracy. Maximum noise was a compelling need and the brains turned to the activists to deliver and they sure did. It would have been a hopelessly one sided game ending in the collapse of the then Govt.
However this was not to be. The old Trinitarians and their backers –the elite of Maldives hadn’t bargained for one man.
President Gayoom! He proved to be though very old very intelligent and read the political dynamics brilliantly and effectively pulled the rug under the feet of the Trinitarian old boys & their elitist backers. He embraced the call to democracy with gusto and turned to his young PhD’s, MA’s LLb’s to implement the changes. Now we know that he again called the shots right, but not counting only on his intelligentsia who lacked experience so turned to Western advisers with ample democratic experience and traditions to lay out the institutions & structures necessary for a viable democracy.
It’s a paradox that he who we love to describe as the 30 years wily dictator is in fact the father of Democracy in this country. Switching roles in such short notice is confounding and unsettling and this explains why most foreigners fail to grasp this man. His greatness lies not in what he did in 30 years ( much more could have been done) but in the fact that he read his electorate well, and gambled correctly that his people at last with education and a changing world was at last mature and ready to take charge of their destiny. That is a blessing that saved the lives and limbs of many Maldivians.
Thus time has now proved, that the changes brought about have guaranteed that “lip service democrats” are not allowed to metamorphose into dictators in everything but name. President Nasheed tried to take the law into his own hands; the system did not allow him to. That is Good for Maldives. More importantly that’s a warning to other closet despots who covet that seat. President Nasheed tried to cash in the cheques of our future Generations to fund the Grandiose schemes that he hoped would buy the votes of poor Maldivians. The system worked and he failed to grab the future earnings of future generations to buy popularity for his party now and notice is out to future dictators with an eye on the kitty that that door is closed.
That President Nasheed did not deliver the change he promised was why he was pulled down so unceremoniously. He promised Justice. He delivered none. He promised to respect Islam; He worked day and night to undermine Islam. He told us President Gayoom was a crook. In 3 years he failed to charge him in courts for 1 robbery. President Nasheed accused President Gayoom of being a murderer, and in 3 years in “one man” rule of his own he failed to bring President Gayoom to justice. Time has come I guess to call a fraud – a fraud. An activist shoots his tongue off and might think that he has no obligation to deliver. A President has to deliver. If he doesn’t the people who elected him could get rid of him.
MDP the brain child of the elite of this country lead by those Old Trinitarians from Trinity College, Kandy had the highest aspirations one could hope for. That free men and women would get together to put their faith in a Govt of their choice, who would rule according to the spirit and word of the Constitution, in all transparency and ensuring the rule of law, where all people live in decency and harmony. This is what’s befitting a 100% Muslim land. A land of opportunity for all, a land of hope for all, a land of respect for all. A land where love and compassion is every citizen’s –by right. This beautiful party has been turned into a den of thieves and Gundas. Yes this happens when we entrust our lives to uneducated thugs.
Education after all is not just got by a university degree! It starts in your mother’s lap!
It’s time that President Waheed talks straight. If burning public buildings is arson & is terrorism then let the law of the land be applied. If killing and calling to kill is a crime, then let the law be applied. If you call somebody a thief take him to coats. If you accuse someone of being a terrorist, then take the person to courts. Let the doors be open, and let the Maldivians and the world see justice be served in that court. If guilty punish, if innocent let the person free.
A Confused simple Maldivian.
" “Kenereege Mohamed Nasheed won that election because I became his running mate. Today, he does not understand that,” Waheed said. "
What a delusional man.
We are witnessing the mental decline of a coup perpetrator.
This guy needs psychiatric help !
Waheed seems to have a lot of love for buildings. what about the brutal beatings of unarmed civilians by the police on 8 February, which lead to the burning of buildings. Waheed also has money to spend on the military but no e for development projects for citizens. This man is destroying the economy and the country and yet seems surprised that people refuse to accept his illegitimate presidency.
Had it occurred to anyone that Dr.Waheed is really in big trouble and now he can't get away, anywhere , he can't hide from anyone?? Have you noticed he has not left the country to travel any where? Even to neighboring lanka , Dhunya Maumoon came, Not Dr.Waheed. Could it be that his Passport has been retained by Yameen and them? Could it be that if he resigns as the president, then he might be also loosing his life? Could it be that if he resigns then Yameen and Maumoon and all these groups will not be able to run the country? I think thats what's happening here...Dr.Waheed the puppet he is, is forced to also become the lowliest slave of these traitors, and he himself is unable to get out of this mess, Just like anni he probably fears his life and tries to show his braveness and cope with this difficult situation. If u need to shout at anyone it should actually be Maumoon and Yaamin who the masterminds behind all this!!
Waheed's life is in jeopardy because of Yamin and Maumoon!
” “Kenereege Mohamed Nasheed won that election because I became his running mate. Today, he does not understand that,” Waheed said. ”
President Waheed has a point there.
In 2008, if we remember President Nasheed was perceived as an activist with no real job experience. He had at that point of time had no administrative experience. His job experience could have been put in a thimble. He was widely seen – correctly or wrongly, as a druggie, prone to taking alcohol and a happy go lucky guy with guts to confront the police but no real job experience.
DRP was driving home the message loud and clear in its campaign that President Nasheed was taking drugs, often drunk, a person with loose & questionable morals, with no administrative experience and not having worked 1 day in Maldives. The DRP campaign painted the man as being unfit to hold any job leave alone the job of the President of Maldives.
Then came voting day. In spite of colossal amounts of money spent on round the clock advertising, and activism President Nasheed got only 24%of the vote.
It was obvious that the DRP campaign picturing President Nasheed as an irreligious, drug taking, alcohol abusing jobless person without administrative experience had correctly or wrongly been accepted as correct by 74% of Maldivians who did not vote for him.
Everybody realised President Nasheed was not electable and Dr. Hassan Saeed, Mr Gassim & Ibrahim Ismail, Sheik Iliyas & Co all were desperate to avoid President Maumoon to win. Mr. Gassim who stood most to lose together with DR. Saeed put together the coalition to support President Nasheed.
Dr. Waheed was persuaded to join President Nasheed as his running mate. He brought respectability, and proven top notch administrative skill nurtured in the United Nations and in hot spots such as Afghanistan.
Overnight the DRP campaign onslaught about the “unfit for the job” fears of Maldivians for President Nasheed with zero job experience was allayed by Dr Waheed agreeing to be vice President - who had a Stanford PhD, who had years of UN experience, who administered in UN jobs in hot spot Afghanistan.
The unelectable President Nasheed with 74% Maldivians rejecting him as their President in the first round –was made into a winnable candidate by no other than by Dr, Waheed joining as the Vice Presidential Candidate AND by the tireless efforts of Mr. Gassim, Dr. Saeed, Sh. Iliyas and their respective parties. That’s how 24% became 53% and victory.
President Nasheed incredibly forgot the numbers and how he became ex-President Nasheed. Sadly his supporters too seem to have forgotten just like their forgetful hero.
On a personal note, I have about 15 votes in my family. We wanted change but we didn’t want what we thought correctly or wrongly an irreligious, zonked president with no job experience. When Dr. Waheed agreed to be running mate things changed. We knew he was bringing vast diplomatic skill and experience to the “incapable, inexperienced playboy boy President”. Then the last few days we hardly heard President Nasheed speaking. We heard Gasim, Dr. Saeed, and Sh Iliyas, speech after speech and experts but hardly the Presidential candidate proper. We voted as a family yellow – for change. Not anymore. Certainly these 15 votes will not vote President Nasheed ever again.
Anyway when the Dr. Saeed’s, Mr Gassims, Dr. Waheed’s were side-lined true admistrative inexperience surfaced. Porn artists, Hippie styles, Green behind the ears drug types landed top notch jobs. The result? Slide into authoritarian rule. Judges arrested, higher courts ignored, Party cronyism, corruption and of course the high life.
A sad end to a beautiful story & the utter rape of a beautiful party with so much of ideals.
Shame! But true. Dr Waheed, Dr. Saeed, Gassim etc. made a nobody somebody. They were all got rid of and slowly but surely somebody became a nobody. When will President Nasheed learn that it needn’t have been so?
Foul mouthed hyena has come out in his real spots!