Ismail Mohamed Didi, the 25 year-old air traffic controller who was found hanged from the control tower of Male International Airport at 4:00am on Tuesday morning in an apparent suicide, was seeking asylum in the UK for fear of persecution over his lack of religious belief.
Islamic website Raajjeislam reported yesterday that Ismail “was a person inclined to atheism” and had “declared his atheism to his friends.”
The website alleged that Ismail had refused to follow religious sermons.
“This is an issue that a Muslim government should consider,” the website said. “Because when these types of people die, they are buried in the same [cemetery] where Muslims are buried. Their funeral prayers and body washing are also conducted as for Muslims. It is questionable as to whether this is allowed according to Islam.”
Over two emails sent to an international humanitarian organisation on June 23 and 25, obtained by Minivan News, Ismail admits he is an atheist and desperately requests assistance for his asylum application, after claiming to have received several anonymous threats on June 22.
In the emails, he says he “foolishly admitted my stance on religion” to work colleagues, word of which had “spread like wildfire.”
“A lot of my close friends and girlfriend have been prohibited from seeing me by their parents. I have even received a couple of anonymous phone calls threatening violence if I do not repent and start practising Islam,” he said.
“Maldivians are proud of their religious homogeneity and I am learning the hard way that there is no place for non-Muslim Maldivians in this society.”
Ismail claimed he had been “trying for some time to seek employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded. I would already have left the country if I was sure I could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim.”
“I cannot bring myself to pretend to be I am something I am not, as I am a staunch believer in human rights. I am afraid for my life here and know no one inside the country who can help me.”
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ismail mohamed <>
Date: 25 June 2010 09:30
Subject: a plea for helpDear sir,
I’m a 25 year-old Maldivian living in Male’. I have been working as an Air Traffic Controller at Male’ International Airport for almost 7 years now.
I started becoming disenchanted with Islam around 5 years ago and am now an atheist. During my transformation, and even now, I am quite the idealist, and when i was confronted about two years back by a couple of my colleagues about my aversion from the daily practices of Islam, i somewhat foolishly admitted my stance on religion.
I had asked them to keep it a secret from the rest of our workforce at ATC, although i now realize i should have known better. It did not take long for everybody at work to find out and since then, i have faced constant harassment in my work environment.
An atheist is not a common feature at all among Maldivians and the word has spread like wildfire since then. It has now come to the point where everyone I know, including my family, have become aware of my lack of belief.
In a society that has always been proud of their religious homogeneity, you can imagine what i am being put through. I have been subjected to numerous consultations with religious scholars and even my closest friends are not allowed to see me.
My company has already begun investigating a complaint regarding me, collecting testimony from fellow workers about my apostasy.
Just 3 days ago, i received two anonymous phone calls threatening violence if i do not start openly practicing Islam.
I am at my wit’s end now. I have been trying for sometime to secure employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded.
The only other alternative i can think of is to flee the country to seek asylum elsewhere. I have already written an e-mail to your organization, and am anxiously waiting for a reply. I found your e-mail address on facebook. I am in dire need of assistance and know of no one inside the country who can guide me.
I would have already left the country if i was sure i could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim. I would like to know if you would be able to help me in anyway should i travel to the U.K to seek asylum and what my chances are of making a successful claim.
Thank you for your consideration
Ismail Mohamed Didi
Mohamed Ibrahim, Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), confirmed that Ismail was the subject of an internal investigation last month regarding his professed apostasy.
“I believe his family were also concerned, and tried to give him counselling through religious leaders,” Ibrahim said.
“Management decided it was outside our mandate and referred the matter to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs – we haven’t got a reply. Professionally we took no action – he was a good worker.”
A colleague of Ismail’s told Minivan News on condition of anonymity that his colleagues had learned he was an atheist “more than a year ago”, and while they did not care whether or not he believed in God, “some became irritated at the way he openly insulted God.”
“A complaint was made to the airport company’s human resources department. Based on their report – I saw a copy of the final version a month ago – they found that although he was an atheist, he was not propagating his belief in the workplace and so no action would be taken.”
The source insisted that Ismail was never mistreated by his colleagues about his religious position, “although they were sometimes irritated by the way he addressed God. He was treated as a normal controller and suffered no discrimination,” the source said, explaining that the air traffic controllers were a close-knit bunch who “lived and played together. Everybody was crying and misses him.”
Ismail was part of a large family from the island of Thinadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, the source explained.
“The family is very humble and religious. His mother tried sending him to religious classes and a couple of months back he said he went to see Sheikh Illyas, but just argued with him about religion and stormed out. That’s what he said – I don’t know what was said in person. But it is possible his friends may have distanced themselves.”
Minivan News was unable to confirm whether Ismail visited Sheikh Illyas prior to his death, as the Sheikh was not responding to calls. However Islamic Minister Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari said he was aware that Ismail’s parents had sought religious counselling for their son “because of some problems he was facing in his religious beliefs.”
“They asked for counselling but I think they met a scholar while they were in our office. I was not at the Ministry – this was during the period of [Cabinet’s] resignation. I heard he was not a ministry scholar – I don’t think it was Sheikh Illyas this time. I think he saw [Sheikh Hassan] Moosa Fikry,” Dr Bari said.
Sheikh Fikry, who is the Vice-President of religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf, was not responding to calls at time of press. Salaf’s President, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, also could not be contacted.
Last moments
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said Ismail’s body showed no sign of physical injuries.
“Police have taken samples for forensic investigation, we are seeking more information about him to try and determine how this happened,” Shiyam said.
Ismail’s colleague said the 25-year-old had returned from leave shortly before the day he died.
“It seemed like he came to work fully prepared to die,” he said. “Ismail normally took the 6:00am-8:00am shift, but on this day he requested the supervisor give him the 3:00am-5:00am shift.”
“During this time there are no air traffic movements and the tower can be staffed by one person, before operations begin at 5:30am. It seems he wanted the quiet time alone,” he said.
“His mother said she called him in the morning at 5:30am to tell him to pray, but there was no answer. They found his cigarette lighter on the balcony.”

"Mohamed Ibrahim, Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), confirmed that Ismail was the subject of an internal investigation last month regarding his professed apostasy."
Internal investigation? WTF?
Mohamed Ibrahim! Is investigating about people's own personal beliefs part of your job description?
Are you trying to prove your religiosity by initiating that?
Does your investigation finish when someone says either he is an Islamic believer or an apostate?
Kihaa bodu balaaeh miothee jehifa mi dhefuh keheri thakaa hure?
Im glad its not a muslim who died this way. Surely all who dies by suicide has no fear of God choosing the short cut to Hell.
May Maldives always be a muslim country and hopefully an islamic country in future.
What utter sadness. As a muslim i am ashamed that this has happened in our country. He had as much right to live in peace in this country as anyone else, no matter what his belief.
How bad things must have got for him to feel that the only way out was this. Such a tragedy that these international organizations that he wrote to didn't reply.
Maldives has come to such a state, that any maldivian who writes to international organizations should be taken seriously.
Its a sad day for Maldives, that a person had to take his own life for being persecuted for his religious beliefs.
I hope this serves as a lesson to all those who has freinds and family members who are struggling with their faith. You love and accept a person no matter what his belief, and Islam does not encourage otherwise.
Why did Mohamed Ibrahim have to refer the case to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs? Why did a rep from Jamiyyathul Salaf have to be in this when the case was referred to the Ministry? Is salf an activist arm of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs? I am not trying to justify someones suicide, but, this has to be investigated carefully. People need to know if it is safe to talk openly about religion. Was he intimidated and forced to commit suicide by the Mullahs? Was he emotionally distressed because of the pressure from colleagues, mullahs and the family? Who is reponsible for pushing someone to the point of suicide? This is serious - because this proves people are scared to express their views on religion.
This could have been a murder. Don't you guys think?...
Let him rot in Hell. He has finally got asylum in Hell.
A victim of bullying and intolerance from the so-called "religion of peace.".
He had Hunger for freedom. And when he could not be free from the agonizing conflict which tore him apart between A.) a life of hypocrisy and falseness forced upon him by fear of rejection (which degrades ones dignity) OR
B.) alienation - a victim of loneliness, hostility and the depression which results from perpetual hatred and rejection by ones own loved ones...
he chose to end the pain of this conflict which he thought would never end...
Damn you England and the West for failing to accept this soul quickly, you merciless ...
and damn you Fundamentalist Sheik's and narrow minded Muslims for depriving people of the right to reject Islam if they do not really feel it, your social narrowness has killed this boy...
please, one of you politicians has to try and fight for a more humane way to deal with the reality of non-Maldivian Muslims!
in my comment above i meant non Muslim Maldivians...
And there are those so-called muslims on their little websites, gloating as if over a murder they committed.
this case needs to be thoroughly investigated, especially the circumstances leading to his death
I've known him. So therefore i would like to tell who ever suggest that islamic scholars are behind his suicide, that this nothing to do with them. They treated him very well and he even cooperated with them. But then, rumours wil spread and blame islam for this. Its nothing we can prevent, coz some ppl's ignorance runs too deep.
Words I do not associate with my country anymore.
We are rotting from the inside and soon we will collapse.
Rest in peace.
This must be a depression case, he might have been pissed of life in Maldives and obviously tried to leave the country as an asylum seeker. Poor guy, for him life in Maldives was same as living in hell. Being atheist he would have chosen to die rather than living in hell.
this is sad, very very sad only...
one could not help but wonder, aren't we careless. Its very difficult for us to put ourselves in someone else's place.. just imagine the struggle he had to go through to reach a point to take his life.. although how stupid i think it is "to kill yourself" i totally understand why someone could or would do such a thing, especially in this current Maldives...
most people probably would be in a weired way glad to find about this, because he does not subscribe to the same theory as everyone else..such is the status of this little country in the 21st century
How did Minivan News get the emails? Do we have to encrypt emails in Maldives to have some privacy?
I think it is time to say hello to PGP .
MINIVAN NEWS really seems to have something against Islam. The beautiful religion of Islam is soo beautiful.. everything is soo clear . For those people around here who don't support the religion i call them to leave this county and practice your religion somewhere else. Take drugs,, drink as much as you like.. walk naked on the roads.... talk shit to your parents.. just leave us Muslims at peace in this country. leave and live with the Pope..May Allah pardon all our sins.
This is sad.
As religious extremism and intolerance spreads in this country - with government sanction and funds, no less - innocents will continue to be harassed and pushed to the brink in this manner.
"Mohamed Ibrahim, Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited"
is as culpable in this homicide (that's what I believe it is) as the fundamentalist overrun Ministry that has been brought to 'counsel' him.
I'd further condemn his family and 'friends' for their actions. Bullying a person to the point of suicide is NOT the best way to advertise your religion.
Dear readers,
I want to say that I am deaply moved and saddened by this persons action.
No matter what their beliefs are every single one of us should be free to express their own views on religion without intimidation or harrassment. I hope this young man's action would make you all think about Human Rights from a different perspective.
My thoughts and feelings are with the family of this young person and I hope they will look at this in a positive way and think of him as a martyr who died as a representation of the lack of freedom of expression which exists in the Maldives.
Ally, Ally, Ally.
Tsk tsk tsk.
No one is blaming islam here. It's just those comments from those so-called muslims practically gloating over his death that have convinced me that some intolerant, self-centered bunch of wannabe muslims have threatened and bullied him to the point of suicide.
I do feel sorry for the ones that are born Muslim but yet does not find their way into Islam. Instead even after people encourage them to read more about the Prophet (pbuh) and Islam, they take it lightly and take the fact that they are born into Islam as a burden instead of a gift or a chance.
When Abu Talib was about to die and did not declare his belief in Allah (swt). The the Prophet ( pbuh ) said, ' I will keep on asking ( Allah for ) forgiveness for you unless I am forbidden to do so. ' Then it was revealed:
It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe that they should pray for forgiveness for pagans even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the companions of the fire. [ 9 : 113 ]
There is another verse which applies for some who has no faith in Allah (swt).
“And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones”
[al-A’raaf 7:179].
Parents should really try their very best to guide their children from young. Most important of ages is when they start to understand what is being told to them. When the heart is strong in faith from young, it is hard to break it. But many parents are very lose with their kids, thinking that they will try to teach them when they are mature enough in western understanding.
This tragedy could have been prevented had our people learnt to respect and be tolerant to other people's beliefs and views.
Because of the superstitions of Mullah's with their fairy tales, the Maldivians have lost faith in Islam. unfortunately we will continue to see more of this kind of events taking place unless extremist Mullah are arrested or stopped
from speaking obscenities in the open/
This story digusts me, much like religion does. No one shall truely be free until the last ruler is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Welcome to the 21st century you stone age dwelling barbarians!
I don't know what to say!
I HAVE noted the real problem here. He was an atheist. That, according to my calculation IS not the problem. I think MALIGNING Islam and inventing lies concerning ALLAH was the real mistake he should NOT have committed.
Religion is a private matter! If only this young man kept it private!
I honestly see no foul play here. BUT he must have painfully got ISOLATED AND DEPRESSED. Depression is a really bad thing and very much so for a GODLESS person.
If you truly believe in Allah and turn to Him during your difficult times, you CAN spend your life even on pile of garbage, HAPPILY !
Without FAITH, atheists easily turn to SUICIDE.
Notice how covertly he changed his duty to midnight !
"Had he invented lies concerning Us, We would have seized him by the right hand and cut off his heart's vein; not one of you could have protected him"
Now, I wonder if this young man tied the NOOSE around his neck with his right hand!!
I only wish he had picked up the phone to his mother and heeded her advice to PRAY!
"In this life, he neither believed nor prayed; he denied the truth and turned away; and he went to his kinsfolk elated with pride. Well have you deserved this doom; well have you deserved it"
I am sure my attitude will be critisized as it's a very simple one... but as a non Maldivian living in this country I feel saddened by the tragic death of someone just 25 years old. I feel even more saddened that someone can say they are glad this did not happen to a Muslim.
He was Ismail, a person, a part of peoples lives that they now have to pick the pieces up and try and make sense of his death.
Religion aside I offer condolences to the people close to Ismail that have lost their friend, their brother, their son, their boyfriend or their co-worker.
I hope that this maldivians life was not taken in vain and as a country we can show the respect to his family and loved ones that they deserve at this tragic time.
I wouldn't agree this was murder but would call it assisted suicide. I really hope that anyone who ridiculed him or bullied him in any way experiences the despair he must have felt in his last minutes even just for one minute to understand the power of words.
May Allah Protects all of us and show us the right path. Work harder and keep u hearts submitted only to Allah...
Is religion worth the life of a person. Religion is just a label you inherit at birth through your parents.
When you come to an age what is what, and what is best for you, you have the right to change it or ignore it as per your liking. you should not force delicate areas of politics, religion, nationality cast etc. It has to be picket up entirely upto a person's taste. If forced, this is an example result. v. sad indeed.
Most people of us are so close minded by our faith. just because of ignorance.
We r living in the 21st century, but i dont c that in our society.
In any other country, I would have agreed with this statement.
The Maldivian state and most of its citizens, sadly, have no understanding of the concept of human rights or treating others with dignity.
Another (former?) atheist, who declared his lack of faith in a public forum during a lecture by self-proclaimed scholar Naik, found himself being physically attacked by so-called pious Muslims.
They stayed up all night gathered around the police station demanding his murder.
Similarly, the case with Hilath Rasheed the outspoken anti-extremist blogger.
The man was harassed, bullied and threatened with his life almost on a daily basis just for having views not compatible with freedom-hating mullahs.
These so-called true 'Muslims' of the Salafi/wahhabi strains must understand that respect is earned, not forcefully demanded by thuggery and abuse of law.
Treat others with dignity, if you want to be treated the same. Cowering behind excuses and pretensions of being 'victimized' aren't going to help you.
Any person with half a functioning neuron in this country knows very well that religious minorities (whether Maldivian or foreigners) are severely oppressed in the Maldives.
It is unbecoming of an Islamic country, and it is unbecoming of a civilized people (I use the term very loosely here)
It would be nice if the Maldives were headed towards a more liberal, secularized society.
Instead, the country is being systematically brainwashed, indoctrinated and on the verge of becoming a salafi theocracy - the stark reminders of which are some of the pathetic comments in this thread that seem to celebrate this tragic death as some kind of victory for Islam.
for the kind information of superior Maldivians. who those who label athiests as drug addicts and gays etc.. i beg you to take a look at the list of non-thiests at wiki
Billgates (founder of microsoft), sir Bob geldof( lead organizer of live aid to help hunger in africa), Sigmund Freud (father of modern psychology) Linus Torvalds ( original creator of the kernel Linux) ,Alan Turing ( English mathematician, pioneering computer scientist, and code breaker) and even the a lot of respect ancient (so called muslim) scientists are all atheists. more?? Warren Buffett, Charles Darwin,Mark Twain,Bruce Lee,Salman rushdee,
My point is this is not about athiesm. This is about tolerance and respect for what ever belief a person holds. If the person is not harmful then why do you bother?.
what sick thought is that when these people have such good to the humanity and to believe that they will burn in hell.
I am an atheist of Maldives, My friends are from a different breed of Maldivians, They are muslims too, but they accept me the way I am , they do not judge me for my belief system. Why do most of Maldivians are so arrogant.
rest in peace ismail.
whatever the reason behind the death.
does minivan news have any right over someone's personal communications with someone other than minivan news? and also the right to publish it? especially when the subject of the communication is such a sensitive one? this is shameful.
My best regards to YOUR version of Islam.
How selfish of Ismail!
When his mother loved him so much to call him in the middle of the night to wish her son well!
In every suicide MORE than one soul dies. In this case it must be the poor mother.
Shame on Ismail to have left behind a loving mother distraught for ever!
He should have lived on to make her a happy granny.
"heck on Wed, 14th Jul 2010 11:43 PM
My best regards to YOUR version of Islam."
I choked on the sarcasm.
But thanks, my 'version' is only being followed by about 4/5ths of Muslims worldwide.
This country has nothing to offer honest, tolerant, peace loving human beings any more. Human Rights is nothing but a buzz word here.
This country is also gripped by the fear of religion, not love for it. There is no peace here, because of this religious zealotry, intolerance and ignorance. It is one of the most destructive forces here today, along with addictive illegal drugs and corruption.
The family of this lost young man should give him the decent burial he deserves, as an extremely honest human being who did not want to pretend to be what he was not. His conscience did now allow him to pretend. It takes some guts to be so principled. The Maldives is a hostile environment to honest people, because this is the cost of honesty. There are too many amongst us for whom pretense is the norm. This young man should be commended for his honesty and integrity - qualities which are indeed rare in this country.
No-one has a right to threaten violence against another person. The people who threatened violence and intimidated this lonely young man must reflect on their part in the events leading to his death. And so should those who harassed and marginalised him, which ultimately lead to this tragedy.
Is bullying and hounding others what Muslims do in this country today, to be faithful to their religion?
Is that supposed to score points with the Almighty?
Many would argue that these are the very people who have abandoned Islam.
The only problem with the extremist Muslims are that they want to play the role of god. We as Muslims we believe in the judgment day. It is up to god to judge people. We as Muslims we don't have to judge people. Dear Muslims, why is there a judgment day? A person can do or believe in what ever he wants in this world. Laws and regulations, NOT religion will decide if he will be punished in THIS world.
A true believer in Islam
Haha! This is not assisted suicide, THIS is outright murder! He was murdered by every single idiot out there who made his life a living disaster just because he said he was an atheist. This goes up to the manager who was "running an investigation." Investigation? On what? Religion? In an international airport, this guy is running an investigation....on a person who claimed to be an atheist. I am very disappointed with his two friends who broke this news to others. Why couldn't anybody see him? He would be no different from the day before he proclaimed to be an atheist. This is outright bullshit. I am a Maldivian muslim, and I am proud to say so. However, I don't think the the way our religious identity is changing is too good, since it is more becoming something like what we see in Afghanistan. Soon enough, I think we will start seeing people get stoned to death because of adultery. Sheesh! I am sick, and tired of the discrimination, lack of respect and intolerance of some Maldivians. And I blame all the adhaalathian mullahs for spreading the extremist and violent wahhabism ideology in maldives in the name of Islam. No, it is not Islam, it is a SECT of Islam followed by a godamned minority!
What the hell are you Bodu kashi li Buruma and heck preaching? None buys your shit, and its your shit that drove our friend to his demise. You are the murderers, you fools who denied him his right to believe what he want. You fools who think only towel heads should live in this country. You fools who preach peace and turn the other way to raise your fists to someone who speaks out against you.
RIP Issey your martyrdom will not be forgotten.
Maldives is a breeding ground for athesist and secularist who are becoming increasingly militant! At this rate they (these Athesists and Secularists) would terrorize the Maldivians in next 3 years!! Believe me Satanism and secularism is on the rise! People who are openly commiting prostitution, gay acts, killing innocent people in broad day light in on the rise in Maldives! And music groups sponsored by elite Gay and Secularist community in different spectrum of Maldivian society is demanding lawlessness! This is also aided by the corrupt Arab or middle eastern kingdoms and Western powers in the name of democracy!!
This is how Allah brings to an end to the unfortunate. Allah has blessed him with knowledge and has given him several opportunities to rectify himslef and unforunately he igonored the blessings and look at who he was beggging in his letter to give protection. But he failed to realize Allah gives protection to whom he please and certainly his pleas and hopes were not accepted by Allah instead a very sad end to him. All maldivians sshould learn a lession from this and look beyond the unseen.
As a Muslim living in England, I can only say that your intolerant version of Islam disgusts and offends me.
Rest peacefully, Ismail Mohamed Didi.
@Ahmed Anony on Wed, 14th Jul 2010 7:37 PM
A victim of bullying and intolerance from the so-called “religion of peace.”.
Don't blame our Deen. He is not the first person to commit suicide. And sadly it was his choice for which you can't held our Deen responsible.
Our Deen is the Deen of peace and truth. And you can't blame it for some story that say he did out of some pressures from some people.
The case has to be investigated.
Allah knows best.
The family is grieving right now. It would be best to leave this issue to rest as soon as possible. He should not have died. Right now the family's wishes MUST be respected.
our country will not have any form of peace while this religious racism rots our
i am a muslim and i know that there are many more atheists here than that of what people think. and i am fine with that. it doesnt matter to me. fat, thin, dark, light, short, tall, religious or religion-less.
@yaamyn on Wed, 14th Jul 2010 10:42 PM -
You talk about respecting different views and then at the same time intolerant for the fact we are a majority who are believers of GOD.Kindly please learn to live like a "minority" or even a "majority". It doesn't matter now who are the majority or minority. Both parties has to respect each other. You can't blackmail the criticism from us when we are up to defend our belief. We have the right to propagate what we believe as well.
This is hypocrisy. You believe you have all the right to malign Islam and it's core principles without even knowing the true and pure teachings of it in the name of tolerance, freedom and secularism. Some are trying the same,as posted in this thread by comparing it with few peoples act.
And for those who are posting comments of contentment on this tragic event should know that Islam does not allow such acts. I kindly advice ourself to read Quran with understanding and the Authentic Hadhiths. Please don't follow the way of Satan and his supporters.
I feel sad for Ismail. He is a brother of us in humanity and a even more closer as a countryman. My sincere condolences to his family, relatives and friends.
Allah knows best.
May Allah bring us closer in Truth.
@Anti Theist on Wed, 14th Jul 2010 10:16 PM: "This story digusts me, much like religion does. No one shall truely be free until the last ruler is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Welcome to the 21st century you stone age dwelling barbarians!"
He says all these and yet believes he is in 21st century modern day. My dear, this is exactly the 7th century and even earlier heedless people use to yell at us "Muslims". I wish I had a better way to counter your comment. But my friend, welcome to the reality. You my friend belongs to the few of those who are out of touch with reality.
We are believers of Allah, only bowing down to him in submission and to him alone. We don't want to force our belief to anyone but will not hesitate to say what is "wrong" as wrong. Those who hate us or dislike us may rage in anger and disgust but we have nothing to do with them and their belief. Allah is sufficient for us as our protector.
All the times (ages),and all the creations belongs to Allah.
May Allah give us guidance and forgive us.
i can't believe it. there are still people who just won't admit that we NEED religious freedom in this country. you're denying people the right to exist - what choice did ismail mohamed didi have?. F*** this.
Well, there is one country I won't be visiting.
Also, probably why people are not investing there either. It's as if these people were time-warped from the bronze age straight into the 21st century.
Sad, and that this lunacy led to a mans death (whichever way it was).
Typically people just laugh at theocratic states until things like this happen.
Religion. Its a sensitive topic everywhere you go. If you are a atheist you have to learn how to get along with other beliefs of people. Insulting their beliefs isn't answer. we have to find a common ground for atheist, fundamentalist, Maldivian version of Muslims etc.
Recent events concluded what will happen if you denounce Islam in Maldives. Anywayz who are these guys to issue death threats??being a atheist is a normal thing