Hanged air traffic controller sought asylum for fear of religious persecution

Ismail Mohamed Didi, the 25 year-old air traffic controller who was found hanged from the control tower of Male International Airport at 4:00am on Tuesday morning in an apparent suicide, was seeking asylum in the UK for fear of persecution over his lack of religious belief.

Islamic website Raajjeislam reported yesterday that Ismail “was a person inclined to atheism” and had “declared his atheism to his friends.”

The website alleged that Ismail had refused to follow religious sermons.

“This is an issue that a Muslim government should consider,” the website said. “Because when these types of people die, they are buried in the same [cemetery] where Muslims are buried. Their funeral prayers and body washing are also conducted as for Muslims. It is questionable as to whether this is allowed according to Islam.”

Over two emails sent to an international humanitarian organisation on June 23 and 25, obtained by Minivan News, Ismail admits he is an atheist and desperately requests assistance for his asylum application, after claiming to have received several anonymous threats on June  22.

In the emails, he says he “foolishly admitted my stance on religion” to work colleagues, word of which had “spread like wildfire.”

“A lot of my close friends and girlfriend have been prohibited from seeing me by their parents. I have even received a couple of anonymous phone calls threatening violence if I do not repent and start practising Islam,” he said.

“Maldivians are proud of their religious homogeneity and I am learning the hard way that there is no place for non-Muslim Maldivians in this society.”

Ismail claimed he had been “trying for some time to seek employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded. I would already have left the country if I was sure I could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim.”

“I cannot bring myself to pretend to be I am something I am not, as I am a staunch believer in human rights. I am afraid for my life here and know no one inside the country who can help me.”

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ismail mohamed <i.smilemohamed@gmail.com>
Date: 25 June 2010 09:30
Subject: a plea for help

Dear sir,

I’m a 25 year-old Maldivian living in Male’. I have been working as an Air Traffic Controller at Male’ International Airport for almost 7 years now.

I started becoming disenchanted with Islam around 5 years ago and am now an atheist. During my transformation, and even now, I am quite the idealist, and when i was confronted about two years back by a couple of my colleagues about my aversion from the daily practices of Islam, i somewhat foolishly admitted my stance on religion.

I had asked them to keep it a secret from the rest of our workforce at ATC, although i now realize i should have known better. It did not take long for everybody at work to find out and since then, i have faced constant harassment in my work environment.

An atheist is not a common feature at all among Maldivians and the word has spread like wildfire since then. It has now come to the point where everyone I know, including my family, have become aware of my lack of belief.

In a society that has always been proud of their religious homogeneity, you can imagine what i am being put through. I have been subjected to numerous consultations with religious scholars and even my closest friends are not allowed to see me.

My company has already begun investigating a complaint regarding me, collecting testimony from fellow workers about my apostasy.

Just 3 days ago, i received two anonymous phone calls threatening violence if i do not start openly practicing Islam.

I am at my wit’s end now. I have been trying for sometime to secure employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded.

The only other alternative i can think of is to flee the country to seek asylum elsewhere. I have already written an e-mail to your organization, and am anxiously waiting for a reply. I found your e-mail address on facebook. I am in dire need of assistance and know of no one inside the country who can guide me.

I would have already left the country if i was sure i could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim. I would like to know if you would be able to help me in anyway should i travel to the U.K to seek asylum and what my chances are of making a successful claim.

Thank you for your consideration
Ismail Mohamed Didi

Mohamed Ibrahim, Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), confirmed that Ismail was  the subject of an internal investigation last month regarding his professed apostasy.

“I believe his family were also concerned, and tried to give him counselling through religious leaders,” Ibrahim said.

“Management decided it was outside our mandate and referred the matter to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs – we haven’t got a reply. Professionally we took no action – he was a good worker.”

A colleague of Ismail’s told Minivan News on condition of anonymity that his colleagues had learned he was an atheist “more than a year ago”, and while they did not care whether or not he believed in God, “some became irritated at the way he openly insulted God.”

“A complaint was made to the airport company’s human resources department. Based on their report – I saw a copy of the final version a month ago – they found that although he was an atheist, he was not propagating his belief in the workplace and so no action would be taken.”

The source insisted that Ismail was never mistreated by his colleagues about his religious position, “although they were sometimes irritated by the way he addressed God. He was treated as a normal controller and suffered no discrimination,” the source said, explaining that the air traffic controllers were a close-knit bunch who “lived and played together. Everybody was crying and misses him.”

Ismail was part of a large family from the island of Thinadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, the source explained.

“The family is very humble and religious. His mother tried sending him to religious classes and a couple of months back he said he went to see Sheikh Illyas, but just argued with him about religion and stormed out. That’s what he said – I don’t know what was said in person. But it is possible his friends may have distanced themselves.”

Minivan News was unable to confirm whether Ismail visited Sheikh Illyas prior to his death, as the Sheikh was not responding to calls. However Islamic Minister Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari said he was aware that Ismail’s parents had sought religious counselling for their son “because of some problems he was facing in his religious beliefs.”

“They asked for counselling but I think they met a scholar while they were in our office. I was not at the Ministry – this was during the period of [Cabinet’s] resignation. I heard he was not a ministry scholar – I don’t think it was Sheikh Illyas this time. I think he saw [Sheikh Hassan] Moosa Fikry,” Dr Bari said.

Sheikh Fikry, who is the Vice-President of religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf, was not responding to calls at time of press. Salaf’s President, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, also could not be contacted.

Last moments

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said Ismail’s body showed no sign of physical injuries.

“Police have taken samples for forensic investigation, we are seeking more information about him to try and determine how this happened,” Shiyam said.

Ismail’s colleague said the 25-year-old had returned from leave shortly before the day he died.

“It seemed like he came to work fully prepared to die,” he said. “Ismail normally took the 6:00am-8:00am shift, but on this day he requested the supervisor give him the 3:00am-5:00am shift.”

“During this time there are no air traffic movements and the tower can be staffed by one person, before operations begin at 5:30am. It seems he wanted the quiet time alone,” he said.

“His mother said she called him in the morning at 5:30am to tell him to pray, but there was no answer. They found his cigarette lighter on the balcony.”


287 thoughts on “Hanged air traffic controller sought asylum for fear of religious persecution”

  1. This guy was at least intelligent enough to know that an all-powerful and all-knowing God would not be restricted in writing a book that could only be truly understood in one language.
    The world needs more people like this intelligent young man. Not less.

  2. all the nonbelievers in Maldives along with the editor of minivan news should be given a safe home in middle east like that of Israel by the uk 🙂

  3. did he speak from the dead to u sabra

    "Just 3 days ago, i received two anonymous phone calls threatening violence if i do not start openly practicing Islam"

  4. @heck - Maybe it is about time Muslims grow up and show respect to others. Threatening an atheist is not respectful. Investigating if he said he did not believe in god while at work is...retarded.

    Do you ever wonder why you live in a third rate country? It is hard to cultivate a civilized community when you are so busy submitting to a deity. It would be nice but... You don't have time to learn about where your religion came from.

  5. This is very likely to be murder committed by Muslims for Muslims and of an ex-Muslims.

  6. A victim of bullying and intolerance from the so-called “religion of peace.”

    he was not isolated because of his beliefs. it happened because he did not respect other people's belief there...there was some other problem withi him that led to this...

    even an athiest would get offended if a 'haabi' came and criticised his or her belief and would cause that person to distant themeselves from the 'haabi' as well. this is more about human nature than religion...

  7. JJ Robinson is living dangerously ! In our home soil he is trying to portray our relion and its believers as wicked and cruel as it can be.
    Please be mindful about this !

  8. The recent events have shown it. It has always been like it. Maldivian's cannot tolerate any other religion. And the sad reality is that, that is part encouraged by the government. For what? To control and have the population obey by sheer fear.
    Honestly, deep inside, I feel that all-mighty would not care what bloody shit we make ourselves here on earth. If anything, he would want humans to live
    in peace, and humanity to thrive.

    If anything, a human finger, let alone a complete human and life, holds more 'miracle' than any shit preached by anybody. Under no circumstance should a life be punished unless he is a threat to the society and has committed a crime against humanity. This does not include any man-made bullshit crap of divinity.

    Look at facts.
    1) There are as much deaths, sufferings in a muslim-country as any other, as far as natural events happen. If god wanted so, muslims would see heaven on earth.
    2) You have problems narrating,in writings on what is happening in Male' past week. How in hell do you think what happened 1500 years ago, be flawlessly written down.
    3) If all powerful 'God' wanted anything, it will be so. No human need to take a sword to enforce his will. If he wished, no human would even have the capacity to think religion. Since we do, it means, think what we want. And in the interest of humanity, lay our rules and live in peace. Muslim or otherwise.

    My opinion. Religion / (muslim) is a way to fuel male ego / hunger / power.
    a) Reckless use of power.
    b) Men can get sex and abuse women.
    c) control all by sheer fear.
    d) dont give any the free will to think, which could create conflicts with those in power.

  9. @ yaamyn:


    "A colleague of Ismail’s told Minivan News on condition of anonymity that his colleagues had learned he was an atheist “more than a year ago”, and while they did NOT CARE whether or not he believed in God, “some became irritated at the way he openly INSULTED God.”"

    Guess what, i DON'T give a damn CARE whether your retarded enough to worship an ass in my backyard...seriously i don't think any Maldivian would care, why because we simply don't care how fu*ked up you are!!! But you have no RIGHT to insult our God and we don't give a damn care WHY you do it. And you say we don't respect you. Well why don't you go to India (the nearest place you could get from maldives) and slay a cow in front of a temple and see for yourself the result!!! Or perhaps you could to U.K, US or Vatican and blaspheme the Christ in a Christian crowd and figure out for yourself what happens next!!

    If you have a SINGLE neuron left in your brain, why don't you ask yourself why your still breathing amidst all these mullahs, while all the mullahs who you are and what you sell?? Same goes for the hilath Robinson Crusoe rasheed!! Why has no mulllah ever ever ever touch a SINGLE hair of all the worthless scumbags!! Last time i check, the only one who harmed hilath Robinson Crusoe rasheed was he himself by going to a near-death Robinson-Crusoe-O.D and barbaric muslim mullahs had to rescue him from his slow agony!!!

  10. Ismail, you just won 10,000 internets for your truth.

    Now excuse me while I go and be mildly amused by some people's comments here. Turns out some people don't know the basic tenet - give respect to earn respect.

  11. This country seem to have nothing to offer honest, tolerant, peace loving human beings any more. Human Rights is just a buzz word here.

    This country is also gripped by the fear of religion, not love or respect for it. There is no peace here, because of this religious zealotry, intolerance and ignorance. It is one of the most destructive forces here today, along with addictive illegal drugs and corruption.

    The family of this lost young man should give him the decent burial he deserves, as an extremely honest human being who did not want to pretend to be what he was not. His conscience did now allow him to pretend. The Maldives has become a hostile environment to honest people, because this is the cost of honesty. There are too many amongst us for whom pretense is the norm. This young man should be commended for his honesty and integrity - qualities which are indeed rare in this country.

    No-one has the right to threaten violence against another person. The people who threatened violence and intimidated this lonely and desperate young man must reflect on their role in the events leading to his death. And so should those who harassed and marginalised him, which ultimately lead to this tragedy.

    Is bullying and hounding others what Muslims do in this country today, to be faithful to their religion?
    Is that supposed to score points with the Almighty? This is surely the height of ignorance.

    Many would argue that these are the very people who have abandoned Islam.

  12. It's a case depression, although he doesn't believe there is no need to bully his colleagues.

  13. @Ashfaq

    Your comment and your actions do not add up.

    You claim to respect alternative opinions and beliefs - and yet you choose to latch onto my comment (that doesn't contain any 'maligning' or 'blackmail' as you put it) and pretend to be the victim here.

    You're not a victim in this country (nor is there a concept of a 'majority' in a state that professes to be 100% Sunni/Salafi Muslim by writ of constitution)

    My simple, factual statement that religious minorities - whether foreigners or Maldivian - are severely discriminated against by the Maldivian state has been made to sound like some kind of attack on your religion.

    I appreciate the fact that you added a sentence for the benefit of your jehadi cousins here, but I do not appreciate my comments being misread on purpose.

  14. @Heck,
    How does an athiest respect Islam in this country? Pretend to be a muslim? to go mosque 5 times day? fast for a month?

    @everyone, it would be nice to call this a muslim state. But look around, go look at how many ppl even bother praying once a day. Most men only perform the friday prayer, that too join in after the Huthubaa. Such great muslims Maldivians are.
    For all those hypocrites who don't practice and still call themselves muslims, you are a bloody shame to this country and islam. Hope you all rot in hell.

  15. I agree with 'Bodu Kashi li Buruma'and you are right 'Ashfaq'.
    Anyone who has been misled will end somehow like this. And this guy made his choice by hanging himself. There is no one else to be blamed for his act other than himself and his atheist friends.

    And to all Maldivians who desire a religion other than Islam, I say you were brought up within Islamic boundaries and you are only being stubborn.

    Anybody can say ‘I am a Muslim’. Saying a Muslim will not be a follower of Islamic religion unless s/he practice & have without a doubt faith in Islam.

    Evves Islam aku ehen meehege faaf eh boluga elheykah beynumeh nuvaane. Mi Dhivehi Rajjeyah ufan hurihaa dheen gabool nukuraa meehun migothah dhiyaee aa rangalhee. Mikahala meehunnah eves hamdharu dhee eh neh. Mihaaru eynayah engeyne Islam dheenakee kihaa varehge dheeneh kamaa, adhi ALLAH ge vodigathun.

  16. y is everybody concluding this as suicide. There wasn't any post mortem. no matter what the police investigate they wont find a thing cox they are just trying to prove suicide since that is the hypotheses with which they start.

    How can cause of death be verified without post-mortem.

    Airport is a huge place with lotta ppl, dont it once cross ur mind that some one could have killed him.

    This is a killing which will be met with vengeance.

  17. TO "Jerry on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 5:20 AM" AND MINIVANNEWS EDITOR!


  18. I will also add to all this noise. A few thoughts on the concept of religion.

    1) Just like a child cannot be born a republican or a democrat, a child cannot be born a Christian, Muslim or a Hindu for that matter. To adhere to, or not to, a particular faith is a decision that a conscious mind, with the ability of thinking of abstract thought, has to make.

    2)The promise of another life devalues the current life. For believers this life is just a transit point, before moving onto their actual life.

    Religion prescribes believers to do certain things, often calling for violence, so that they will be rewarded in the afterlife. A perfect example is the call for jihad and the concept of martyrdom. Believers are promised abundant rewards, 72 virgins been a very popular one, encouraging believers to kill and be killed in the name of religion.

  19. You guys need to think....why this guy committed suicide? he may have wanted to "life after death" earlier....sick guy... rot in hell forever....i heard the words he used say against our dheen,Allah and prophet....Brave Air Traffic controllers in Male' international airport! for not giving a chance to this to promote his beliefs and making him weak!!....atheists.... did u learn a lesson????

  20. Hey, I remember in one of Sheikh Ilyas's sermon, he mentioned about one guy who he gave counseling while his mother was just beside him.

    As far as I remember, as per Sheikh Ilyas, the guy admitted he does not believe in god in front of Sheikh Ilyas and his mother. His mother was shedding tears then...

    May be this is the same guy!

    I'm just amazed at the environment we are put in by ALLAH, its filthy but we all are so tempted to get into every mess. We hardly think of ourselves. Always pointing out faults of others; government, media, scholars.

    As for the information I received on Ismail Mohamed Didi, he was the top student in his classes but he always had a tendency to speak against god/religion. some people try to get answers by debating, others by researching. But the problem is they start searching with a conclusion already in mind.

  21. We have succeeded in killing and destroying a life -camel fetish community-
    its sad that this country has fallen into this state.the young man died due to bullying and the investigation couldn't find that out cox they dont have a bully forensic expert!DUH. look into the past thinadhoo has been a place where kids are abused, women abused in both physical and mental and they say they are muslims? those arnt muslims they are trained zombies of extremists.
    rest in peace ismail
    BROTHER u would be remembered

  22. and guys, do you really think typing in RIP will bring in any peace to him?
    He is bound to face so horrifying things. Oh god!

  23. @ibrahim on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 11:07 AM
    u are saying anything u want and u want to delete someone else view on the topic? see that proves ur selfish and self centered and a true extremist

  24. Just a final comment.

    A lot of commentators appear to think of 'democracy' as a system where the "majority" is free to tyrannize the minority.

    That, in itself, is a tragedy.

    Democracy and rule of law mean nothing if it cannot protect and safeguard the weakest of the society.

    In an actual democracy, there would be NGOs and civilians and legal authorities and governments stepping in at this juncture to take up this issue - and to make sure no more Dhivehin have to undergo the trauma that this young man did.

    It is the responsibility of society to PREVENT this.

    But here, in this theocracy posing as a delusional, make-believe democracy for the benefit of someone, there is still no one to speak up for the man.

    Hate comments, horrifying justification, pointless utterances from the 'Ministry' (who, I believe, are very directly culpable in this) and ridicule being heaped upon the dead man in the fundamentalist blogs is all that is expected, and visible.

    This country doesn't have a democracy, much less does it deserve one.

    It's at moments like this that I have the unfortunate wish that other countries and our neighbors treat Maldivians just like we treat them. Like dirt.

  25. @Bettina

    The 72 virgin thing is not the reason they are tempted to go kill themselves. Its injustice done to them.

    Spiritually, its not the 72 virgins that encourage people, who faced injustice, to do jihad, but the promised paradise without counting the deeds cause for everyone who's deeds are counted would be seeing the hell. The 72 virgins is just a propaganda spread by the media.

  26. @Firza on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 11:21 AM
    he would be remembered as a athiest who hanged him self by some and for others he would be remembered as a open minded person who was a friend and colleague who was bullied till he found no way out of it.
    and i know the consequences of suicide.
    so why are u comparing him to Hitler?

  27. some of the most intolerant people i have ever met in my life are the so called Maldivian atheists. it's quite amazing how much hate propaganda they managed to spawn on internet in the past decade or so.. completely forgetting they were insulting the majority people of society. surprisingly unlike any other society we do not see any violence related to this except for the staged event at Dr.Naik's lecture.

  28. @yokyok
    Did you ask "How does an athiest respect Islam in this country? Pretend to be a muslim? to go mosque 5 times day? fast for a month?"

    NO! But that's a silly question, you KNOW?

    Shows your real intentions! MORON!

  29. Firza: Do you think just by typing 'He is bound to face so horrifying things' that he would be bound to face horror?

  30. @Firza,
    I agree with you!

    We remember Curt Cobaine also. He shot himself to achieve NIRVANA after living a happy life!

  31. sad, very sad, rest in peace, u made the right choice, u will be part of the change!

  32. @JJ Robinson

    Where is the remaining part of my comment posted at 11:55pm, based on another "interesting" fact which I discovered from Ismail's facebook profile??

    Are you trying to promote same sex marriage here by deleting the 'OFFENSIVE?' part of my comment above?

    The publication of a third party's allegations against an individual concerning a crime under Maldivian law, regardless of whether the subject of those allegations is living or deceased, constitutes defamation and contravenes Article 6 of our commenting guidelines. We would also urge respect for the family of the individual concerned. -Minivan News team

  33. For those who don’t believe in Islam and existence of God.. Just think of how your body came into existence and how it functions. Just think of the laws of Nature, how orderly the Earth is sustained. Think of your own consciousness.
    God laid rules and regulations for the safety and wellbeing of humans as a whole. We humans are so sensitive to changes, we get hurt too easily and carried away by worldly benefits with the expanse of other humans beings. We humans are so emotional and get easily influenced on earthy interests hence making us harm others by committing outrages acts of evil. So as a society as a whole what is the best thing to do to have peace and harmony? In America some people who commit sins like murder and child rape are put to death. In many countries people who deal with drugs are put to death. Many families get corrupted because of married man committing adultery with other woman, small children having sex at early age,,, the human society is so entangled with and emotionally fragile that there need to be a law to protect the society as a whole.
    Look at what AIDS is doing to our World. Look at the environmental impact. Look at the net … naked pictures of man and woman .In some countries adult movies are allowed freely. All these is so painful to human minds that they get influenced and commits outrages acts of evil which later in time gets normalized to be regarded as acts of evil in the society. This normalization is a very dangerous thing.
    So out of all these .. which religion gives the best solution with the rules and regulations. Read whatever the books you have …if you don’t believe in religion dhen leave it.
    As for me Islam is the only religion which looks at and give solutions to the human society as a whole . That’s my opinion.

  34. @t

    Is this the change ANNI is also talkign about?

    Takign us to ANEH DHIVEHI RAAJJE?

  35. “some became irritated at the way he openly INSULTED God.”

    At least he should NOT have rebuked Allah and Islam.

    Rebuking Allah is the real INTOLERANCE and a very wicked and stupid thing to do.

    I call upon the GOVERNMENT not to bury him in a Muslim GRAVEYARD. It could be a STATE sin.

    Now I want to lend him a prayer also. But how can I. He was not a Muslim.

    So here goes. RUST IN PIECE!

  36. This just shows that the maldivies islands are ruled by islamists. The sea needs to swallow up these tyrants. I am never going to holiday there.

  37. Even in injustice Muslims are not allowed to lives of others , Remember that you so called 'muslims'

  38. Why are we bothered about him - he did what he wanted - he went into boundary less freedom - now no one can intrude to his freedom

  39. Oh you who comment on this minivan.Behold! u must know this is a country belogs to MUSLIMS ONLY by LAW and by PEOPLE. What are ur problems. we never claims for isreal and USA. go live there. n do ur best to harrash ISLAM.we dont mind. but remmber. anyone who gose to someones house, he must live acordinly. but not for his own wish. try to learn others feelings.he dided. its not our problem. he is free. he can think what he wants. POOR guy..so sad. now we cant help him from fire if he realy died as KAFIR.

  40. > For those who don’t believe in Islam and existence of God.. Just think of how your body came into existence and how it functions. Just think of the laws of Nature, how orderly the Earth is sustained. Think of your own consciousness.

    Your explanations are so simple that even a 3 year old child can understand them.

    However, they are also wrong. We know quite a bit about natural phenomena than we did 1400 years ago. Scientific explanations for these are not simple to understand - it takes years of study and a certain amount of intelligence to get a good grasp of them.

    But scientific explanations WORK and modern civilization is proof of this. There are things we do not know yet (consciousness, origin of life, etc.), but we will know answers to these in a few hundred years.

  41. Cedric,

    Your stream of abuse does not constitute an argument.

    I do not claim any right to "insult" your beliefs. But here again, you choose to play the victim card, which is what I cannot digest.

    You're living in a country that is 100% Sunni Muslim by the writ of constitution, a country where religious minorities have ZERO rights, where hard working foreigners who form an important backbone of our country's economy (teachers, laborers, administrators, waiters) cannot practice their faith openly.

    You claim to feel victimized by THEM? We Maldivians treat our fellow south asians - of the same race, color and ancestry - worse than Israelis treat Arabs. (Hey, Arabs are recognized in Israel - and participate in their Knesset, at the very least. Unimaginable in the Maldives)

    Have you bothered to count the number of posts here telling secular Muslim Maldivians to leave this country? You're not the only one.

    Also, the "only" harm caused to Hilath was by himself?

    Are you sure? Having known him a bit, I can state with absolute authority that few humans can bear the kind of intense pressures that Hilath did.

    Least of all the moral cowards who chose to issue death threats and post rumors about him behind the cover of anonymity.

    Hilath had to abandon living in the capital, Nazim will now live forever in the danger of getting lynched by a jihadi mob on the streets, and now another man has committed suicide.

    As an outspoken advocate for secularism on my former blog, I have received innumerable death threats - from anonymous cowards.

    You still think it is YOU who is being oppressed?

    As to answer the hordes of comments here seeking to know why we liberals/secularists do not go to live in the Vatican.

    The answer is that we're Dhivehin - true flesh and blood Maldivians.

    Our parents, greatparents and their parents and great grand parents were Dhivehin born in these very islands. We are greater patriots for not abandoning our liberal cultural values in favor of Arab/Afghan cultural practices.

    You're in no position to request us to leave, any more than we are to order you to move back to the backward, theocratic kingdom of Saudi Arabia where you truly belong.

  42. I dont know what to say. Even after he is no more in this world, we all seem to be picking on him. Leave him in peace. Thats probably what he wanted. So sad. Stop the comments now minivan.

  43. I just wonder why Minivan News have to get the opinion of religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf for all issues concerning religion ans society. Is Salaf the authority on this?

  44. @Bodu Kashi li Buruma

    Yes how about an exchange. Britain can take none Muslims and the Maldives can take Muslims living in Britain.

    There they can be free to practice their beautiful religion of peace, which generally means killing daughter because they happen to love someone the family doesn't approve of, suicide bombing of innocent people on trains and planes, making women dress up as letter boxes etc etc.


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