Ismail Mohamed Didi, the 25 year-old air traffic controller who was found hanged from the control tower of Male International Airport at 4:00am on Tuesday morning in an apparent suicide, was seeking asylum in the UK for fear of persecution over his lack of religious belief.
Islamic website Raajjeislam reported yesterday that Ismail “was a person inclined to atheism” and had “declared his atheism to his friends.”
The website alleged that Ismail had refused to follow religious sermons.
“This is an issue that a Muslim government should consider,” the website said. “Because when these types of people die, they are buried in the same [cemetery] where Muslims are buried. Their funeral prayers and body washing are also conducted as for Muslims. It is questionable as to whether this is allowed according to Islam.”
Over two emails sent to an international humanitarian organisation on June 23 and 25, obtained by Minivan News, Ismail admits he is an atheist and desperately requests assistance for his asylum application, after claiming to have received several anonymous threats on June 22.
In the emails, he says he “foolishly admitted my stance on religion” to work colleagues, word of which had “spread like wildfire.”
“A lot of my close friends and girlfriend have been prohibited from seeing me by their parents. I have even received a couple of anonymous phone calls threatening violence if I do not repent and start practising Islam,” he said.
“Maldivians are proud of their religious homogeneity and I am learning the hard way that there is no place for non-Muslim Maldivians in this society.”
Ismail claimed he had been “trying for some time to seek employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded. I would already have left the country if I was sure I could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim.”
“I cannot bring myself to pretend to be I am something I am not, as I am a staunch believer in human rights. I am afraid for my life here and know no one inside the country who can help me.”
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ismail mohamed <>
Date: 25 June 2010 09:30
Subject: a plea for helpDear sir,
I’m a 25 year-old Maldivian living in Male’. I have been working as an Air Traffic Controller at Male’ International Airport for almost 7 years now.
I started becoming disenchanted with Islam around 5 years ago and am now an atheist. During my transformation, and even now, I am quite the idealist, and when i was confronted about two years back by a couple of my colleagues about my aversion from the daily practices of Islam, i somewhat foolishly admitted my stance on religion.
I had asked them to keep it a secret from the rest of our workforce at ATC, although i now realize i should have known better. It did not take long for everybody at work to find out and since then, i have faced constant harassment in my work environment.
An atheist is not a common feature at all among Maldivians and the word has spread like wildfire since then. It has now come to the point where everyone I know, including my family, have become aware of my lack of belief.
In a society that has always been proud of their religious homogeneity, you can imagine what i am being put through. I have been subjected to numerous consultations with religious scholars and even my closest friends are not allowed to see me.
My company has already begun investigating a complaint regarding me, collecting testimony from fellow workers about my apostasy.
Just 3 days ago, i received two anonymous phone calls threatening violence if i do not start openly practicing Islam.
I am at my wit’s end now. I have been trying for sometime to secure employment abroad, but have not yet succeeded.
The only other alternative i can think of is to flee the country to seek asylum elsewhere. I have already written an e-mail to your organization, and am anxiously waiting for a reply. I found your e-mail address on facebook. I am in dire need of assistance and know of no one inside the country who can guide me.
I would have already left the country if i was sure i could meet the required burden of proof in an asylum claim. I would like to know if you would be able to help me in anyway should i travel to the U.K to seek asylum and what my chances are of making a successful claim.
Thank you for your consideration
Ismail Mohamed Didi
Mohamed Ibrahim, Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), confirmed that Ismail was the subject of an internal investigation last month regarding his professed apostasy.
“I believe his family were also concerned, and tried to give him counselling through religious leaders,” Ibrahim said.
“Management decided it was outside our mandate and referred the matter to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs – we haven’t got a reply. Professionally we took no action – he was a good worker.”
A colleague of Ismail’s told Minivan News on condition of anonymity that his colleagues had learned he was an atheist “more than a year ago”, and while they did not care whether or not he believed in God, “some became irritated at the way he openly insulted God.”
“A complaint was made to the airport company’s human resources department. Based on their report – I saw a copy of the final version a month ago – they found that although he was an atheist, he was not propagating his belief in the workplace and so no action would be taken.”
The source insisted that Ismail was never mistreated by his colleagues about his religious position, “although they were sometimes irritated by the way he addressed God. He was treated as a normal controller and suffered no discrimination,” the source said, explaining that the air traffic controllers were a close-knit bunch who “lived and played together. Everybody was crying and misses him.”
Ismail was part of a large family from the island of Thinadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, the source explained.
“The family is very humble and religious. His mother tried sending him to religious classes and a couple of months back he said he went to see Sheikh Illyas, but just argued with him about religion and stormed out. That’s what he said – I don’t know what was said in person. But it is possible his friends may have distanced themselves.”
Minivan News was unable to confirm whether Ismail visited Sheikh Illyas prior to his death, as the Sheikh was not responding to calls. However Islamic Minister Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari said he was aware that Ismail’s parents had sought religious counselling for their son “because of some problems he was facing in his religious beliefs.”
“They asked for counselling but I think they met a scholar while they were in our office. I was not at the Ministry – this was during the period of [Cabinet’s] resignation. I heard he was not a ministry scholar – I don’t think it was Sheikh Illyas this time. I think he saw [Sheikh Hassan] Moosa Fikry,” Dr Bari said.
Sheikh Fikry, who is the Vice-President of religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf, was not responding to calls at time of press. Salaf’s President, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, also could not be contacted.
Last moments
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said Ismail’s body showed no sign of physical injuries.
“Police have taken samples for forensic investigation, we are seeking more information about him to try and determine how this happened,” Shiyam said.
Ismail’s colleague said the 25-year-old had returned from leave shortly before the day he died.
“It seemed like he came to work fully prepared to die,” he said. “Ismail normally took the 6:00am-8:00am shift, but on this day he requested the supervisor give him the 3:00am-5:00am shift.”
“During this time there are no air traffic movements and the tower can be staffed by one person, before operations begin at 5:30am. It seems he wanted the quiet time alone,” he said.
“His mother said she called him in the morning at 5:30am to tell him to pray, but there was no answer. They found his cigarette lighter on the balcony.”

Maldivians majority are stupid narrow minded fools. and not to say selfish.
someone has said tht he/she was glad it was a non-muslim tht died.....what bullshit. you guys have no respect for humanity. you ought to be ashamed of your selfs.
Ismail Mohamed is a man of his words unlike you maldives (so called muslims) who are really hypocrites.
Did you say this?
"I’ve had more fruitful discussions with lamp-posts"
How about a one way ticket to GURAIDHOO then, hmmmm?
A person who have faith in God Almighty and believe in the Judgment Day, Heaven and Hell will not commit suicide.For them the Hereafter is much better; and taking own life is a sin in every major religion.
An atheist would apparently commit suicide and end his life in the most tragic way because he believes in non of the above. So faced with pressure of life, the best alternative is to commit suicide. But what an stupid cowardice act.It suggests how feeble their belief is.
prof. all-knowing yameen,
People who have pyramids on display are Egyptians. They are a muslim country now BUT NOT an arab country, just an ARABIC-SPEAKING country.
service to humanity is a universal principle..he had a loving family and he was educated and a bright future to live up to..he just didnt have the courage to live and serve humanity..this was a cowardly choice for him take his own life,,so dont make him a hero
he's no coward. he was never a hypocrite. y do ppl have to force other's into believing what they believe.
@gman on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 9:23 AM
gman says:"Ashfaq, you start spewing practice garbage from peaceTV naik, then all hope is lost for you and for the rest of us."
ME: You are pathetic. I have already addressed one of your kind. And you can go back and refer to those if you are doubtful. No! You are not doubtful but arrogant and truth twisters. That's what you and your like are. Welcome to the Club.
You are making unsubstantiated comments and trying to blame Peace TV for what they are not.
In fact You guys are spewing all the filth you can out of your own desire without any proofs.
I have my proofs,logic and my research on these topics and lot will be in line with Peace TV. Because Peace TV is for truth.
So, What is your point here? Nothing!
gman says:FYI, cause and time could have started only after the bigbang, hence you can not apply the physical laws (of now) to pre-bigbang (when there was nothing)
ME: Another scientists who is not actually a scientist. Go back and refer to my reply to one of your kind here on the same thread.
All the time(ages), and all the creations belongs to Almighty GOD (Allah). And to him only we submit and from him only we seek guidance.
May Allah help us unveil all the hypocrites and guide us to the truth.
Allah Knows Best!
@Bodu Kashi Li Buruma
You ask me to stop spreading slander, while accusing my own mother of killing small babies.
You say say that you co exist with all religious beliefs and then in the same sentence as long as they keep it to themselves. In other word you can't be a Christian in the Maldives, you can't even be an atheist without being driven to suicide or possible murdered. Is this the co existence you speak of.
I think Bodu Kaski Li Burma that you have some serious issues and probably have not got laid in a very long time. Maybe take some anger management classes or get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend.
"How in hell do you think what happened 1500 years ago, be flawlessly written down."
If its verses were quoted and comitted DAILY in whole or in part to MEMORY and if it was considered to be the COMPREHENSIVE LAW which governed all man's actions from the time it was revealed till today...then why not it be written down FLAWLESSLY after 1500 years?!
I don't think there is anything new on PEACE TV. It's just a layout of mainstream Muslims' thoughts in context in one common outlet.
So why can't Muslims quote PEACE TV, when you can quote atheists?
Truth hurts BUT he was a coward who took his own life when faced with pressure.
Who was forcing him to believe? Are you also forcing us to believe that he was NOT a coward?
Hey Hack! some very interesting points that you are making on this thread. Great Work. I Like you brother, for your wisdom and efforts on unveiling these so called "Scientists" of our Country.
These Supremacist thinkers just had a glimpse of some hardworking real scientist's findings and facts,then are mixing with the truth twisters stories to deceive the average "laymen" like us who aren't scientists, without even thinking that this is the age of knowledge and science. The famously said 21st Century. One guy is the famous Atheist Richard Dawkins who is a British Ethologist,Evolutionary biologist who is one of the stanchest believer of Darwin's theory that actually led the most of Europe to the Atheistic conviction beliefs , that again was the root cause of the major two world wars Yr 1918:WW1, & Yr 1935:WW2). Dawkins is out to prove their theory through new findings but yet he is just putting up theories and deceptions to mislead us again after Darwin. I don't deny he must have come out with some good studies that can benefit, but you can't discount the fact lot of findings and theories had gone wrong. Some findings by the same scientists who initially claims a view point and than changes through new and improved results. Science does not explain everything , and yet it will be evolving through the ages till end time.We don't deny that evolution exists. It exists, our human mind had evolved during past and in a vigorous speed during past 1400 years with the help of facts and clues given in the Glorious Quran. There was an age of darkness for Europe ( and their rise came after the fall of Islamic Empires during 14th Century. They Studied Arabic, Came to Islamic Universities and to Islamic Scholars (of Logic, Science and you name it all the fields ) and then they developed all the modern science and technological advances. We respect their work but we do not respect people like Darwin and his followers those who are just trying to deceive Humanity with the use of science. They are followers of Satan and their hidden agenda is to take over the world.
Let' See What Dawkins has to say on Evolution:
In a December 2004 interview with American journalist Bill Moyers, Dawkins said that "among the things that science does know, evolution is about as certain as anything we know". When Moyers questioned him on the use of the word theory, Dawkins stated that "evolution has been observed. It's just that it hasn't been observed while it's happening." He added that "it is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene... the detective hasn't actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue... Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence. It might as well be spelled out in words of English."
Well, He says it himself. And who says we Muslims does not believe there is evolution. But yes, If you mean we the humans came out of Apes, No, Thanks... there is no point for us to believe that at all. You and your like can do so and act like so.
Hey Hack ! Look at this jose! I'm sure you will have some kind words for him.
@jose on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 2:57 AM
jose says:"u stupid intolerant piss-ants… u killed him.. wat ever the f—– happen to ‘lakum dheenakum valiya dheeen”.. and u called u muslims.. we will retaliate.. we shall unite and rise.. .. one matter im certain is u will be drained very much earlier than us.. for d regard we devote to our dullard families n elders, we were holding off for a convivial time to fight for our rights.. but not after this.. its war comrades..lets rise up and take the power back. its time the fat cats had a heart attack.. u know there time’s coming to an end.. we have to unify and watch our flag ascend.."
ME:Jose is one of the Atheistic Supremacy Cause fighter. A Militant Atheist. And Extremist Atheist who is calling for Violence and Uprisings. I thought they said they are peaceful.
This had being the their games of deception for almost 3 or even much more centuries of their existence.This is their true face. They have created confusions with the use of some scientific knowledge some of them had and has to mislead a great deal of humans to the "Party of Satan". They are Violent and Intolerant. No respect for anything other than their supreme views. Yet they don't have a clue.
Allah Knows Best.
May Allah save our nation from this "Mischief".
Did you say this?
"The world needs more people like this intelligent young man. NOT LESS."
HOW? By taking a rope in the quiet of the night and taking your own life?
Wonder how many maldivians are subjected or forced, I would say to commit suicide before the PEOPLE OF REASON step up. Its the 21 century and we believe in REASON and not in Imaginary gods. International community, especially UK should take note of this case and prevent this matter in the future. Mohamed(the so called messenger) was allowed to practice and propagate Islam in a non-muslim Family. We should learn to live side by side as humans but not as religious fanatics.
Message to Maldivians.
Having such a reputation for being a paradise, I have always wanted to visit/vacation in the Maldives and planned to do so for 3 weeks in summer 2011. I have now reconsidered and decided to never go to your country and will encourage others in UK to never go to your country. Well done.
@ Thaathu on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 10:59 PM
Taathu says:"Its really sad that he chose to end his life so tragically. A person with a sane mind wouldn’t have done anything like this but obviously he is not a believer in our beloved religion Islam, so its no surprise he chose this path (direct route to hell). And all I know is that due to this damned f****d up government we have now the Maldivians with confused religious beliefs no longer get any help from decent religious .All the screwed up greedy selfish bastards in the government don’t care even if this place fills up with Atheist, Christians, or Buddhists. All they care about is Money and power. The are the most corrupted and self-obnoxious people I’ve ever seen.So as long and Anni the insane and his corrupted fellow dick-tators rule Maldives this crisis wont be solved."
ME: Politics brought into this tragic event from supporters of ex-regimes, like the Atheists bringing their war of words. Common,Thaathu who are you going to deceive? Us or yourself?
Point to be noted:
Our ISLAMIC fabric was lost long ago during past 30-50 Years.
A Political comment I would like to quote from : Bismuth on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 10:36 PM (on the news article:
"This is what I need to bring to attention of everyone. Those who deny “GOD” or deny certain laws of ISLAM are totally unaware of the reality. They are mislead by their own desires or out of confusion created by Satan. The community they live is to be blamed. (The leaders and parents of this generation inclusive.)
*40% of our youth is intoxicated by illegal drugs and above youth age tycoons are spreading this “Sickness” for their convenience, as a lucrative business.
*Killings & Gang violence on the streets is now a simple thing (of Drugs and Corruption). No one bothers about it.
*Rapes, child abuse, fornication, are common now. (Mostly drug related cases and if not by imposters)
*Corruption is leading to all the above.
*Mistrust on the trustworthy and trust on the Mafia Style is established.
I believe this not an over-nightly created crisis in the wake of a new era in our political spectrum. But rather due to years of negligence and misguidance from this community.
Hey Hack! Very interesting points that you are making on this thread. Great Work! I Like you brother, for your wisdom and efforts on unveiling these so called “Scientists” of our Country.
These Supremacist thinkers just had a glimpse of some hardworking real scientist’s findings and facts,then are mixing with the truth twisters stories to deceive the average “laymen” like us who aren’t scientists, without even thinking that this is the age of knowledge and science. The famously said 21st Century. One guy is the famous Atheist Richard Dawkins who is a British Ethologist,Evolutionary biologist who is one of the stanchest believer of Darwin’s theory that actually led the most of Europe to the Atheistic conviction beliefs , that again was the root cause of the major two world wars Yr 1918:WW1, & Yr 1935:WW2). Dawkins is out to prove their theory through new findings but yet he is just putting up theories and deceptions to mislead us again after Darwin. I don’t deny he must have come out with some good studies that can benefit, but you can’t discount the fact lot of findings and theories had gone wrong. Some findings by the same scientists who initially claims a view point and than changes through new and improved results. Science does not explain everything , and yet it will be evolving through the ages till end time.We don’t deny that evolution exists. It exists, our human mind had evolved during past and in a vigorous speed during past 1400 years with the help of facts and clues given in the Glorious Quran. There was an age of darkness for Europe ( and their rise came after the fall of Islamic Empires during 14th Century. They Studied Arabic, Came to Islamic Universities and to Islamic Scholars (of Logic, Science and you name it all the fields ) and then they developed all the modern science and technological advances. We respect their work but we do not respect people like Darwin and his followers those who are just trying to deceive Humanity with the use of science. They are followers of Satan and their hidden agenda is to take over the world.
Let’ See What Dawkins has to say on Evolution:
In a December 2004 interview with American journalist Bill Moyers, Dawkins said that “among the things that science does know, evolution is about as certain as anything we know”. When Moyers questioned him on the use of the word theory, Dawkins stated that “evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.” He added that “it is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene… the detective hasn’t actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue… Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence. It might as well be spelled out in words of English.”
Well, He says it himself. And who says we Muslims does not believe there is evolution. But yes, If you mean we the humans came out of Apes, No, Thanks… there is no point for us to believe that at all. You and your like can do so and act like so.
Hey Hack ! Look at this jose! I’m sure you will have some kind words for him.
@jose on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 2:57 AM
jose says:”u stupid intolerant piss-ants… u killed him.. wat ever the f—– happen to ‘lakum dheenakum valiya dheeen”.. and u called u muslims.. we will retaliate.. we shall unite and rise.. .. one matter im certain is u will be drained very much earlier than us.. for d regard we devote to our dullard families n elders, we were holding off for a convivial time to fight for our rights.. but not after this.. its war comrades..lets rise up and take the power back. its time the fat cats had a heart attack.. u know there time’s coming to an end.. we have to unify and watch our flag ascend..”
ME:Jose is one of the Atheistic Supremacy Cause fighter. A Militant Atheist. And Extremist Atheist who is calling for Violence and Uprisings. I thought they said they are peaceful.
This had being the their games of deception for almost 3 or even much more centuries of their existence.This is their true face. They have created confusions with the use of some scientific knowledge some of them had and has to mislead a great deal of humans to the “Party of Satan”. They are Violent and Intolerant. No respect for anything other than their supreme views. Yet they don’t have a clue.
Allah Knows Best.
May Allah save our nation from this “Mischief”.
JJ, go corrupt some place else and leave this country alone. I wonder who pays you to do this.
I bow down before your superior intellect. You may now take me prisoner.
" In laymen’s language it is saying somewhat what I have written."
You are wrong. I stated the law of Entropy about how it relates to -> closed systems <-, and you think it applies to your misbegotten idea of 'big bang'.
I am not a scientist - but I do have more than a passing interest on the subject.
'Qur'an is not a book of science, it is a book of SIGNS'
Stop repeating the tired, worn out talking points of Adnan Oktar and Naik and passing it off as your viewpoint.
And stop pretending that I have quoted you "out of context". I am quite familiar with those very quotes right from the time I first read them at the age of 10.
Science and Enlightenment ARE the biggest enemies of Wahhabism/Salafism - for this ideology DEPENDS on ignorant, underachieving riffraff to base itself on.
I am entirely in agreement that the early Muslims were great scientific and intellectual heavyweights.
But the very fact that you have to go back 9 centuries to find any Muslim achievers worth mentioning is a point made for ME - and other Muslims who are PRO-Science and PRO-Englightenment.
You fear science. You fear knowledge.
You fear the law of evidences and experimentation. You like to cherry pick what you want and denounce what you cannot digest.
Science doesn't work like that. And it shouldn't work like that, or we wouldn't be enjoying the overwhelming achievements of the scientific method.
Your religious insecurity is not a good enough reason for all Muslims to shun science.
Wahhabism/Salafism and Science cannot co-exist - and we have to look no further than recent Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, the "ideal Sunni states" for proof of this.
Wahhabism is a failure. A historical blunder and a curse imposed upon the Muslim society.
It takes the mind numbing hypocrisy of your ideology to enjoy all the fruits of science in every breath you take, while constantly belittling its achievements to further promote your ideology.
I have asked this question before (and never received any answer), and I ask this again.
What are the achievements of Wahhabism, if any? Ever? At any point of history?
There isn't. None. I dare you to point out a SINGLE achievement of your backward arab filth.
Don't you know there are countless muslims who have committed suicide?
To those Maldivians here who seems to be almost gloating over this guy's death. You bring shame to this country and you bring shame to our religion also.
Harrasing non-muslims or gloating over their deaths does not make one a better muslim.
As a muslim i still face difficulty in living here due to the extreme religious views that are fast gaining popularity. I can't imagine what Ismail must have gone through.
Maldivians have practiced Islam for dozens of years now, we never behaved in this narrow minded extremist fashion before.
Wahabbism is the worst thing this country has imported. And these beardies don't realize its them who is driving the youth away from religion with their totally warped and backward interpretation of religion.
there's more to come....
@ Aicha
Just because some one bears an Arabic name or borne to an Muslim mother and father does not make him a Muslim; it involves total faith in Allah and obeying his Command.
As for this person, many people were traumatized to see him hanging from the Tower. But my prayer is may Allah forgive him; because, Allah is the Merciful and the Compassionate
@Abul_Q on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 3:50 PM:
You are most welcome if you think you can judge our country from one news article. I wonder if you are living in paradise? or a sinless, non-criminal, 100% pure place. Are you? Don't try to show your superiority. This is nothing but hypocrisy.
In any society things that are not widely acceptable will happen. I don't think any one with sense will deny this fact.
We Maldivians has the right to be part of the this world. 😉
@Aicha on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 5:12 PM :
I agree with you partly,but not with the latter part.
"Aicha says:"As a muslim i still face difficulty in living here due to the extreme religious views that are fast gaining popularity. I can’t imagine what Ismail must have gone through.
Maldivians have practiced Islam for dozens of years now, we never behaved in this narrow minded extremist fashion before.
Wahabbism is the worst thing this country has imported. And these beardies don’t realize its them who is driving the youth away from religion with their totally warped and backward interpretation of religion."
WE: This just a statement to show that you are secular and a moderate Muslim. There's nothing such as secular Muslims, Extreme Muslims, or Moderate Muslims. A Muslim by definition is a person who submits his/her will to Almighty GOD and then live a peaceful life honoring all duties of life here and be always ready for hereafter.
In Fact I see the other-way round. Extreme westernization of this society. I don't believe all western cultures are bad. But sadly morally, ethically, and behaviorally wrong and filthy practices are introduced and openly practiced in our society.
*40% of our youth is intoxicated by illegal drugs and above youth age tycoons are spreading this “Sickness” for their convenience, as a lucrative business.
*Killings & Gang violence on the streets is now a simple thing (of Drugs and Corruption). No one bothers about it.
*Rapes, child abuse, fornication, are common now. (Mostly drug related cases and if not by impostors)
*Corruption is leading to all the above.
*Mistrust on the trustworthy and trust on the Mafia Style is established.
May Allah guide us and make our hearts unite with love towards each other.
We can blame the parents, we can blame the education or we can blame the social community. But the only tortured soul who has to appeal his actions to god is the victim himself. Victim because of his own cowardly decisions. His life was given to him by a power way greater than anything any human being can imagine. It will be taken back from him in due course, but he has disrupted the natural course of his destiny by taking his own life. our lives are not ours to end.
I know that atheist believes that our creation and birth to the world can be explained by simple scientific explanations. But who are we kidding, our creation, the world and the universe go beyond science. its the divine signature of god who created all and who will destroy all.
I don't sympathize with all who are mourning the death of a coward. I don't hate him for not embracing the religion of peace. I feel sorry for him, that he had to take his own life because he has forgotten the one thing he was given to do when he was sent to this world, to live his life out as a Muslim. That was all what was expected of him and nothing more. He failed his family, he failed his education and he failed him self.
There will be more emerging in the coming years, as Maldives struggle with youths who cannot digest the simplest of truths. The truths that paved the foundations of our constitution, democracy and law. That to be a Maldivian is to be a Muslim but go on ahead, fight for your claim to be only a Maldivian and nothing more. But remember, when the day comes, only one question would matter, did you practice Islam or did you turn your back on Allah?
I want to say may the man rest in peace but he won't. He won't ever rest in peace.
"I have now reconsidered and decided to never go to your country and will encourage others in UK to never go to your country. Well done."
REALLY! Don't tell me you are headed to the GULF OF MEXICO to attend that PRICELESS oily seafood BANQUET hosted by BP!
Do us a favour in 2011. Stay home and PRAY for BP with your friends! That would be a wiser decision closer to OWN home and MAKE sure you don't end up in the DOLE queue!! LOL!
As they say in the UK these days, if BP sneezes the UK economy is likely to catch a bad cold! Achoooo! Achooo!
By the way I heard that they are going to cut spending even on the Queen?
I feel pity for her. The coalition government might have no option but to pull out the jewels in her crown, one by one, and sell them in the open market if BP sneezes!
@Mike on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 1:26 PM
@Bodu Kashi Li Buruma
Hey Mike, You have a point there. No one should bring filth in replies.
I think what "Bodu Kashi Li Buruma" was trying to tell us all is that we can co-exist but not if each other goes on abusing. Perhaps he can shed some light on that.
Mike, Frankly your anger is quite obvious as well. May be you can take the same type of anger management treatment but of course I wouldn't advice you to go get laid for that.Now that is a very vulgar approach. Instead you can meditate and do some serious work. Or Maybe take a good time off with you family. That would revitalize you and your family bonds as well.
Best of luck!
May GOD bless us all
jose wrote on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 2:57 AM
"u stupid intolerant piss-ants… u killed him.. wat ever the f—– happen to ‘lakum dheenakum valiya dheeen”.. and u called u muslims.. we will retaliate.. we shall unite and rise.. .. one matter im certain is u will be drained very much earlier than us.. for d regard we devote to our dullard families n elders, we were holding off for a convivial time to fight for our rights.. but not after this.. its war comrades..lets rise up and take the power back. its time the fat cats had a heart attack.. u know there time’s coming to an end.. we have to unify and watch our flag ascend.."
DOWN BOY! DOWN! Barking dogs DON'T bite!
You want to know what happened to "lakum dheenakum valiya dheeen” ??
Listen carefully.
It was eaten by TRUTH which stood out clear from error, and you went WOOF! WOOF, but couldn't bite!!
Now SIT boy!
Who is this JJ who is so bold enough and say this guy died because of his fear of religious persecution????????How dare he attack Maldives. He is saying we are a radical state. S-n of a gun……. This is deliberate. This country have been so clam and peaceful.. this is all slander. This whole thing is choreographed by these lunatics. See how timely this article is published ..see the dates..My People please use your brains… they will never leave even a stone unturned to jeopardize our peaceful nation.
They want to spread their violent ideologies to every corner of the Earth. We are so much fools everyone of us. Just look at all round you. What is happening now. Lets unite and do something about this
to all those who thought of a dream holiday in maldives, but decided not to cos of "this"...:
"we maldvians don't are not the ONE who provide our "bread"...we have been here livin a much better life before tourism was introduced here....
Also,you think there are place in this world where there are no bullies, murderers, or whatever that you guys can spend you holidays???
i don't think so :P..."
Just now this same article has been published on DO..this is a deliberate attack on Islam…they are trying to pressure our government to make this nation a secular state. Will see … nikan hadaabala…. Maruvandhen ves thi alaaathunaaa hanguraama kuraaaanun..
Athesits go to your mama lands!! You have no place here!! if you dare try come on street in protest for your rights we will see in blood!
Those who commented to this writing from the article featured by minivan news has several suspected questions:
Why minivan news featured this as a news
Why Do sappe republishing or linking this to his website.
Are all whose commented who says I am Muslim n a Maldivian are what they say?
Third is this deliberate nonsense attack saying Muslims are intolerance and maldivians doesn't know how to tolerate.
For you all my advise is what ever you commented this guy should understand what ever he believe in, the sensitivity and the cause of action against managing his nature ans situation.
Maldivians are fully deserved the majority what they believing. Dont even think undermine this nation and dont even think what ever you guys talked has base to change the fundamental principal of this country. This country has been as quite open muslim country and will not deserved other foreigners to practice in front of public population.
Beware citizens of the U.S.A. This is what a theocracy looks like. No room of non believers. Have you ever heard of The Family on C street in Washington D.C.?
That's the organization leading the charge toward theocracy in America.
I think the headline is wrong.
It should be;
"Air traffic controller who COMMITTED SUICIDE sought asylum for fear of religious persecution"
Not "HANGED air traffic controller"
No one else, but he hung himself!
It is quite understandable that JJ would try to make MINIVAN NEWS articles more "EYE CATCHING" to economically active Maldivians and foreigners including tourists, to increase the opportunity of securing more banner advertisements from tour operators and airlines, so that ANNI's brother who runs MINIVAN NEWS can beat HAVEERU DAILY's number of hits register on the internet.
To be succesfull in this endeavour, JJ has to justify to his clients that it would be commercially worthwhile to advertise on MINIVAN NEWS WEBSITE.
It's also proportionately realted to the EDUCATION MINISTER'S policy to change ISLAM AND DHIVEHI as optional subjects in higher secondary education syllabus!
So they can slowly deteriorate the need among Maldivians to communicate in Dhivehi for any purpose, thus, most if not all switching to English and thereby getting rid of the impediment to brainwash the Maldivians, with the overwhelming intermeddling of English speaking foreigners in Maldivians' socio-economic and religious affairs via MINIVAN NEWS WEBSITE!
Be afraid, Haveeru! Be very afraid!
he was jus another loser who mistakenly thought they (british) will take him just cos he abandoned islam. the brits are not exactly short of manpower in their atc so they have no need of scumbags like this didi who was killed. may his soul never achieve peace..
Agreed a hundred percent with Aicha. Also, to anybody who says they are not going to come to Maldives or something similar, don't judge a country by one incident like this.
Wed 7:55PM
'Damn you England and the West for failing to accept this soul quickly, you merciless …' Mr & Mrs Westerner supposed to be on top of every controversy from dysfunctional parts of the world? This story is still not mainstream in GB as of Fri 16 July. Your problem is the backward, cloud-worshipping culture of the Maldives.
Wed 9:03PM
'..beautiful religion of Islam ..who don’t support the religion .. Take drugs,, drink as much as you like.. walk naked on the roads…. talk shit to your parents..'
Why do islamaniacs always try this to sum up Western culture in such preposterous terms? You are SO envious.
My friends and I have always avoided drugs and are well aware it is illegal to walk around naked in public!
And those drugs you appear to be so concerned about come mainly from dysfunctional places like MUSLIM Afghanistan..
Wed 10:17 PM
What, like scientology, islam, wicca, spiritalism and mormonism?
Is the Maldives entirely made up of navel-gazing idiots?
The sky is indifferent to your show of palms; meanwhile, the West and its allies, nay China too, are probing beyond the clouds to the actual moon and stars.
'Beautiful' islam squanders energy on trivia and doesn't matter in the modern world.
Religion is a private matter. its not a birth right to be a Muslim but its a birth right to have freedom of choice. Evry1 can live the life they want by their choice. Its a very basic human right.
Call yourself Muslims and peace loving people and judge him by his religious stance. Judge him what he did last seven years as a ATC. He served this community for good.
i just wonder how many Maldivians try to find meaning of Quran for themselves rather than reciting aloud or listening to fairy tales from sheik Ilyas and fareed
@ heck (the all knowing)
i am not forcing u to believe anything. i just said he was forced to practice what he doesnt beleive without a choice.
and under such pressure and harrassment no one else cud feel wht he was going thru. true
If he cannot tolerate the persecution..he is not good enough to live in this world...committing suicide is not an option whether he is a atheist or a peoples of the Book...shame on ppl
@Donald M Maze on Sat, 17th Jul 2010 12:39 AM
Donald M Maze Says:"Beware citizens of the U.S.A. This is what a theocracy looks like. No room of non believers. Have you ever heard of The Family on C street in Washington D.C.?
That’s the organization leading the charge toward theocracy in America."
ME: Oh, really... Beware all my fellow people this is what the Atheists rule would look like. No room for us the believers of GOD. That is the reason at least most of the world population believes in GOD, not them. They will lead us to the pit of HELL in this world metaphorically and literately hereafter. We are seeing that in our small community. A living example.
They are from the "Party of Satan". Who is a devoted enemy of the whole humanity. Read all the scriptures. Especially as Muslims The Glorious Quran and Authentic Hadiths with understanding.
Some Hints for us to do our research for better understanding: Illuminati, Age of Enlightenment, New World Order, Fall of the Islamic Empires (See the dates and corresponding events), Crusaders, Hitler, Starlin, Lenin, World War 1 & 2, Zionist movements, Holocaust, Gog & Magog (Yajuj & Majuj) [Refer to Chapter21,Al-Ambiya Verse 95-96 ; I believe according to this sign given in Glorious Quran,Gog & Magog are already here.)
Who were the people who ran over the world with their imperialism? What was Balfour Declaration of 1917 for?(WW1 started on 1918 & since their target was not reached, the war again started on 1935 as WW2).
WW2 ended on 1945 & 1948 which land was occupied with who's support. and the people who came to the land. Who are they?
What we see here is a part of the game of deception in making.They have done enough damaged but heedless of fact that killing and misleading some of us would not stop the Deen to flourish. Because GOD himself will make this Deen to be eternal here on earth as long as people are living till the end of times. They plan and plot , but GOD too plans, And He is the best of the planer.
May Allah forgive us and show us the right path.
Some MORE Hints for us to do our research for better understanding: Darwin [12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882], Evolution Theory (Or Darwin's Theory) during 1856, And it's effect on such people like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Marxism), Now today there is this guy Richard Dawkin (A follower of Darwin, An Atheist)
Find the hints and relation to these with Illuminati and their secret movements. The Idea of New World Order and it's implications in this age,
Also: do a research on Satanism, Satan, Dajjal &( Means in Arabic: Deceiver), Islamic Eschatology & Comparison with other world major Religion.
Keep the track of dates, years and the whole thing will on come to be more visible and clear. “The Games of Deception.”
These people use lot of tricks and traps.
* Mass Mind Control
* Emotional Blackmailing (Using other people's beliefs)
* Sympathy Events (Or as they called false flag events)
* Mass Media to spread all lies and deceptions.
* Deceptions in the name of Freedom of rights, Arts and Cultures
* Defame anyone against them with continues lies over and over again.
* And not to mention - assassinations and secret abductions.
And many more: while the research is done all these will come into light.
I hope this will benefit a lot.
Please spread the word and educate all those who you know with these and all the truths.
May Allah Guide us and give us success here and hereafter and save us from the torment of Hellfire.
Allah Knows Best.
Did you say this?
"i just said he was forced to practice what he doesnt beleive without a choice."
What nonsense!
We elected a "WATHAN EDHEY" coalition government in Maldives?
Now we are being forced to accept a singular MDP mafia style government! We are living under great duress in Male for the past couple of weeks!
No other country can feel what we are going through.
DOES that mean we all commit SUICIDE in front of MULEE-AAGE?
Islam is a fanatic religion which doesn't allow religious freedom, but muslim when they go to other countries (where muslims are a minority) ask for religions freedom.
What a hypocrisy ! Phew !!!!
In our community, more suicidal cases are expected. There are lots of Isses out there who are confused, divided and unstable who do not know what to do with their lives. Maldivians committing suicides have come to a phase that the government should recognize this problem as a major national disaster.Instead of fighting each other and wrangling to breed violence and mass protests, its time the government institutions wake up and come out to fore front to prevent young Maldivians taking their own lives.
Ofcourse god knows best.
Most religions has a "god" who knows it all.
I am a Maldivian and a muslim. I dont for 1 second believe the crap that comes out of Fareed, Naik, or Ilyas. It is these that make our religion so unpopular.
What I do believe is
a) You should be kind to your family, friends, neighbours etc.
b) You should help anyone who asks for it, in any way you can.
c) You pray. But i dont believe in the current practice. Personally I don't understand Arabic, and the recitations during prayers make no sense to me. But I do it, cos i was brought up like that. However, it would make more sense to me if they were in a language I understand. I believe praying achieves three key things for us; build society, exercise, and spiritual calmness. I dont believe god wants more from us on prayers.
d) Against Reciting Quran in Arabic. I don't for a second believe it helps me. It would help me lots if I read Dhivehi or English transliteration. I believe Quran is there guide me to live life, and it doesnt do me any good reciting it in arabic Raivaru. I have been told transliterations are not accurate, but for me, some light is still better than pitch black, which is the case with Arabic. As a Maldivian, I would laugh if somebody tries to pass / talk to be in Raivaru chant. I feel it would be the same for an Arab, with the chanting recitations of Quran.
But I have questions that bug me
a) The only reason why I am a muslim is because I was born here and told that this is the best. BUT, is it? When the MFxxker Z Naik, was asked that question, he talked of food. There are 4+ billion who believe otherwise. There must be something there. I am not saying it is better, i dont know it, and I give them the benefit of doubt; I don't believe they could all be wrong.
b) It would really be easy for our "God" to prove his existence, in a way even a stupid one to realize it. Irrefutably. I don't believe this is the case, because there are so many disputing the case, and they are not all stupid. or ignorant. After all, heaven is not a small place like Maldives, and the objective would be to allow maximum entrants. So why chuck out 4/5 of population?
c) I believe the other religions are following their 'gods' in the same manner are we are. sincerely believing that it is their salvation. But WHY? Why should it be so, if what we claim is true; that we the only and best. Which cannot be doubted by any logical person.
d) I have trouble applying logic to some religious stances. They just dont make sense.
The religious freedom you are talking about is a main aspect of western
man-mad(e) democracy!
Not only religious freedom,but any freedom or liberty you can think of HAS to be given and guaranteed LEST they become automatic HYPOCRITES!
I think there are SCOPES within Islam to deal with freedom of religion and apostsy and human rights.
It would be foolish of you to compare it with western democratic values the CONCEPT of which is EVER evolving and DEVOLVING!
Hay where's everybody? We need to talk and come to a common understanding.
I think we have all gone too far with this.
Shall we all convene for a dialog?
MY Comment for Yaamyn:
@yaamyn on Fri, 16th Jul 2010 4:36 PM
Yaamyn Says: @heck
Yaamyn Says: I bow down before your superior intellect. You may now take me prisoner.
ME: You should.;) He is much intelligent than most of us. By the way I know it’s out of sarcasm that you wrote it. But quite true!
Yaamyn Says:
” In laymen’s language it is saying somewhat what I have written.”
You are wrong. I stated the law of Entropy about how it relates to -> closed systems <-, and you think it applies to your misbegotten idea of 'big bang'.
I am not a scientist – but I do have more than a passing interest on the subject.
'Qur'an is not a book of science; it is a book of SIGNS'
Stop repeating the tired, worn out talking points of Adnan Oktar and Naik and passing it off as your viewpoint.
And stop pretending that I have quoted you "out of context". I am quite familiar with those very quotes right from the time I first read them at the age of 10.
Science and Enlightenment ARE the biggest enemies of Wahhabism/Salafism – for this ideology DEPENDS on ignorant, underachieving riffraff to base itself on.
ME: How pathetic you are. From 10 years? How old are you now? I knew you will not have any explanation in simple language. This is exactly why I feel sorry for you and your kind. “Blind Believers” Unaware of where you are heading. Here, learn something from the “Layman”.
By the way I must admit I am a student and one of my “lecturers” is Dr.Zakir Naik. I like his simplicity in his answers and simple logic he uses to illustrate complex phenomenon and subjects. As for Adnan Oktar, I have only heard about him from you. But Insha Allah I will do a research on him soon.
I will repeat it if necessary a million or even billion times. Because for fact I know it's Truth and 1000% correct.
"'Qur'an is not a book of science; it is a book of SIGNS" It's the divine book and word of Allah preserved for 1400 Years and will be till last day, end of times.
I am not pretending. The case is as clear as crystal. Everyone with commonsense will see it so obviously. I think now you are pretending that you didn't quote me out of context. Isn’t that more correct?
Why are you talking about Wahhabism/Salafism? I don’t get it. Are you trying to label all Muslims as one sect? Or do you think that everyone who says Allah is one, God is one and we have to live by the rule of our Creator has to be one of them.
I am a Muslim. Nothing more, Nothing Less.
ME: Just to illustrate one source of information on Entropy:
Entropy is a macroscopic property of a system that is a measure of the microscopic disorder within the system. It is an important part of the second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems are made up of microscopic objects, e.g. atoms or molecules, which "carry" energy. In applied thermodynamics, as a matter of convention, entropy is measured in units of energy per temperature (SI: joules per kelvin). If thermodynamic systems are described using thermal energy instead of temperature, then entropy is just a number by which the thermal energy in the system is multiplied. The resulting energy is an energy for which no information is available which would be required to convert the energy in technical systems from one form (e.g. electrical) into another form (e.g. mechanical).
In technical applications, machines are basically energy conversion devices. Thus, such devices can only be driven by convertible energy. The same applies to biological organisms. The product of thermal energy (or the equivalents of thermal energy) and entropy is "already converted energy". This is the reason why Rudolf Clausius in 1850 coined the term "entropy" based on the Greek εντροπία [entropía], from εν- [en-] and τροπή [tropē] (turn, conversion).
This Law in “Laymen’s” language is talking about disorder, chaotic situations, and its measurements. Entropy is a measure of disorder. That is simple as that but I know it has more complexities. Everyday average man does not have to have in-depth knowledge of Science to go on living a peaceful life. If the “Atheists” are up to belittle the average person they can do so. We will not. Our “Deen” advices to teach each other and If we don’t know to go and ask those with knowledge. Every Muslim must seek knowledge. In fact every human being should seek knowledge. I admit I am a human and can make mistakes. But I will not pretend to know everything.
All controlled events might not end perfectly as it is planed, but surely any uncontrolled situation will result in chaos and disorder. That’s where we are making a point here.
If you don’t understand the relation between Big Bang and Entropy, It doesn’t mean I am wrong and you are correct. We both are “laymen” as far as Science is concerned. Why not you do your research again?
Now read below statement by Dr.Brown & my statement again and you might understand what I am talking about:
By the way I am using everyday average man’s language:
“The Big Bang may explain the origin of the universe, but it doesn’t explain the origin of the primordial dust cloud. This dust cloud (which, according to the theory, drew together, compacted and then exploded) had to come from somewhere. After all, it contained enough matter to form not just our galaxy, but the billion other galaxies in the known universe. So where did that come form? Who, or what, created the primordial dust cloud?”
-Dr. Laurence Brown, Medical Doctor, USA-
ME:THE Big Bang does not eliminate the fact that Universe was created in such a perfect manner , a system by a supernatural being who is far superior to be understood by our tiny little minds (We call him Almighty GOD, In Arabic “Allah”)
Yaamyn Says:
I am entirely in agreement that the early Muslims were great scientific and intellectual heavyweights.
ME: So, you knew that and was trying to conceal that. What a hypocrite.
But the very fact that you have to go back 9 centuries to find any Muslim achievers worth mentioning is a point made for ME – and other Muslims who are PRO-Science and PRO-Englightenment.
ME: ? Why? Why isn’t that a point? Because you wanted me not to mention that?
Sure lot’s of Muslims and in fact all true Muslims are for Knowledge and exploration.
Yaamyn Says: You fear science. You fear knowledge.
You fear the law of evidences and experimentation. You like to cherry pick what you want and denounce what you cannot digest.
ME: I think I should have said that to you and your like.
Yaamyn Says:Science doesn't work like that. And it shouldn't work like that, or we wouldn't be enjoying the overwhelming achievements of the scientific method.
ME: Science works like what? Can you explain this statement? Let me explain.
Science (from Latin: scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about nature and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories (Source:
Yaamyn Says:Your religious insecurity is not a good enough reason for all Muslims to shun science.
ME: What makes you think that? Any proof. This is an empty statement.
I'm a Muslim and I'm tankful to be a Muslim. I feel more secure and happy even when I fail in several day to day things I do. Like all humans I have to go through the hardship of life as that is the test I have to pass. Believing isn't a conditional thing. It's an unconditional thing we have to do. Believe or not the hardships of life will be a part of the package in life. For that we have to practice our patience and work hard and even getup and run at the most difficult situations of our time here. I am more than happy to believe in Allah, & I know Allah will show me the right path the next day. And Insha Allah, Always there's light at the end of tunnel.
Yaamyn Says:Wahhabism/Salafism and Science cannot co-exist – and we have to look no further than recent Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, the "ideal Sunni states" for proof of this.
ME: What about WW1, & WW2- And all the atrocities of recent and past. Why are you stuck with Afghanistan? Even they are much better than the WW1 & WW2 era people of Europe. At least they didn't kill their own people in Millions.Didn't you know these nations are corrupted when the European powers came there and occupied them and left them with a state of confusion. Be practical. Do your History lessons first.
& About Saudi Arabia: Their Leadership is corrupt but the majority of them are good Muslims. They follow the Islamic Sharia and did you know that is the only Country that has the least crime records.
I know you will come up with some unsubstantiated comments very soon. But No Worries. I'm ready for anything. Try me!
Yaamyn Says:Wahhabism is a failure. A historical blunder and a curse imposed upon the Muslim society.
It takes the mind numbing hypocrisy of your ideology to enjoy all the fruits of science in every breath you take, while constantly belittling its achievements to further promote your ideology.
ME: The case is clear: I have already explained my view point. If you think you have the right to utter anything that comes to your mind then it explains itself.
“Dumb, Deaf and Blind” That is the best way I can characterize you and your kind. Sorry but there is no better compliment I can award right now.
Yaamyn Says: I have asked this question before (and never received any answer), and I ask this again.
Yaamyn Says:What are the achievements of Wahhabism, if any? Ever? At any point of history?
There isn't. None. I dare you to point out a SINGLE achievement of your backward arab filth.
ME: I think my answer for that is clear from my view point. I don’t know why you are so fond of Wahhabism? Do you know anything about them? That is a topic we can discuss on a common term. 😉 I hope you got my point.
All I know is that “I am just a Muslim, bowing down to Allah and him alone; I seek his guidance for me for all my fellow humans. “
Allah Knows Best