The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (IFM), led by Ibrahim Fauzee, has expressed concern over the “increase in sinister crimes occurring in the Maldives’’ and has called for implement harsh penalties to be applied to those who commit such crimes.
The IFM said the reason for the rise in crime was that Islamic Sharia had not been implemented. Furthermore, verdicts delivered by the judges were not being applied, and convicted criminals remained at large, the IFM said.
“It is very concerning that many new-born babies are being found abandoned, many children are being abused, and crime against women is increasing as well as assault and murder,’’ said the IFM, condemning all such actions.
The IFM said the reason why theft, robbery, assault and murder cases were increasing was due to the easy availability of drugs in the Maldives, and called on the government to stop the importation of alcohol and other drugs.
The foundation also called on the government to administer the penalty, mentioned in the Islamic Sharia, to those who produce and sells drugs.
“We call on parents to be protective of their children and to keep them away from persons who have records of child abuse, and especially do not send female children anywhere without a parent,’’ said IFM.
The organisation assured that it would “fully cooperate to curb the rising crime rate.”
Three abandoned infants have been found dead in Male’, Hulhumale and Villingili this month, and three women arrested in connection with the deaths.
On May 5 a dead infant was found in a plastic bag in the swimming track area of Male’. A medical examination later concluded that the baby had sustained cuts, bruises and other wounds.
On May 21, the corpse of a premature baby boy was discovered inside a Coast Milk tin on the island of Villingli.
On May 22, the body of a newborn baby boy was discovered in a park in Hulhumale’. The infant was found with underwear tied tightly around his neck, the most likely cause of death according to the hospital.

..The organisation assured that it would “fully cooperate to curb the rising crime rate.”..
Are these crimes related to the foundation by any chance?
Islamic Sharia have been implemented in other countries, and i dont think the crime rates in those countries are spectacularly low. This includes using the death penalty as a deterrent.
To say that lack of sharia is the cause of crime is a stupid argument.
To say that sharia will solve the crime situation is a baseless argument.
"especially do not send female children anywhere without a parent." Hahaha... This is a pathetic attempt at advocating the medieval Arabic custom of disallowing women to go out without a 'mahuram.' (sic). NO THANKS...
"The IFM said the reason for the rise in crime was that Islamic Sharia had not been implemented. "
What a stupid argument! First, if we can implement existing laws and regulations, that would make a good start. There is no such thing called "Islamic Sharia" as such. It's a complex body of rules and regulations that each and every Islamic country modifies for their own needs.
Islamic Sharia as practised in Saudi Arabia is different to that of Iran. Both claim to follow Sharia laws. Only a few weeks ago, an Iranian man was going to have acid poured into his eyes by his victim, as his punishment. Is that what we'd like to see in this country? I suspect, most people don't want to see that here.
What IFM can do, above all, is to educate people. Secondly, the rise in crime is directly proportional to the over crowding of Male and surrounding area. Thirdly, drug related crime has to be at the top of the league table.
I have a suggestion for IFM. Why don't you guys voluntarily help to keep young kids off drugs? Can you do that?
Mr. Fauzee,
Please do some research. Countries with the lowest crime rates in the world are Japan, Singapore... and they do not practice Sharia!
it is such a shame that mr.fauzy talks about child abuse as if he cares about them. i think it is all about introducing medieval in the name of shariah. nothing about humanism and islamic principles of love and care or the protection of children. :@
Does Fauzy not care about the boys? Why should only female children be stopped from going anywhere without parents. We do not want our male children to be victims of abuse either. So they should be calling all children to be protected equally. Or are they interested in getting boys alone somewhere?
One of the safest cities I know is Singapore. They do not implement Sharia but apply laws and regulations to the letter. I support NGOs like IMF helping Maldivians, specially those with criminal records, to be good Muslims and good human beings.
when the so called Mahram are the perpetrators of sexual abuse most often, how does IFM come up with that brilliant idea!
Singapore dont have Sharia laws but there follow some of the law from sharia thats y the county is safe.Maldives need to follow Singapore.Singapore is small county as Maldives.sharia law is needed to follow in the Maldives and some laws of Singapore.Maldives use to be a safe city before 2003
I strongly support the statement made by Islamic Foundation.
Today, I am scared to send my daughter alone to school because she may be raped.
I am afraid to sleep without my daughter because there is the threat that she may be sexually molested.
This is how our country is after we introduced the stupid democracy.
Ditto Gudho. Most of the 'sinister crimes' are committed by the Mahrems themselves! And IFM wan't to strengthen their grip on these girl children.
Police should have a database of people ( photo included)with child abuse records. This database should be available to our people so that they know who they are and be careful of them. There were discussions on such a project some time back. We take so long to finish a task that meanwhile children get molested and abused constantly. Can these people be forgiven. I don’t think we cud forgive. We see them get a sentence for 3 or 6 years but for the abused child it’s for her life. Have pity on these children, the future of our nation.
its a shame that minivan news havent updated and become modern like the other online news papers in town.. one wants to click "like" on many of the comments.. but cant..
not even a "like" button on the article itself...
a few tips for minivan news...
and its free..
if minivan news was social network enabled, this would be by far more popular website than what is it now.. with more traffic coming to the site.. and the messages delivered to the audience better... and quicker...
please undate your site with the times...
IFM should first tell how to interpret Sharia! What is Sharia? Who has the authority to interpret or define Sharia in the Maldives? Constitution is vague on the subject... maybe IFM could tell us how they interpret the constitution. But then again... who is IFM to interpret constitution when it was drafted by the people (by their representatives)?
IFM has a converging perspective on everything that directs themselves towards this so-called Sharia. I wonder if they know that, Sharia is vague and efforts by many Arab/Islamic nations, to codify and streamline Sharia has not been successful... and here in the Maldives, IFM comes up with a clean slate version of Sharia... ya right!
Agree with "Me @ Gmail Dot Com "
"...especially do not send female children anywhere without a parent..." said IFM.
This is their twisted version of Islam. Females are deemed as sexual pray. I wonder if they would ever consider rolling their tongue to express and at the least, acknowledge that boys could be victims as well... maybe they forgot about the silver tray promises...
"Today, I am scared to send my daughter alone to school because she may be raped. I am afraid to sleep without my daughter because there is the threat that she may be sexually molested.This is how our country is after we introduced the stupid democracy."
You are a lovely case study to gauge the influence of the invading pseudo-arabs!
What you're feeling is exactly what the mullahs want you to feel. Fear. Fear of rape, fear of darkness, fear of light, fear of moving and fear of standing still - and then once all these various fears have been completely fed into your brain, they'll pull out the magical (if utterly stupid) idea that all your fears are somehow the result of democracy and the 'ONLY SOLUTION' is um.. lets see.. how about "Islamic Shariah"!
It is plain ridiculous. Islamic SHaria hasn't worked anywhere, and only allows Mullahs to subjugate women (so your daughter can go to school everyday without getting raped apparently, except in Afghanistan where they weren't even allowed to go to School for similar reasons) and crush dissenters with an iron fist of punishment.
The Mullah's bullshit claims doesn't match with easily verifiable reality.
Iceland is apparently the most peaceful state in the world. Singapore. Japan. Sweden. Norway. All liberal democracies, and all highly successful societies.
IFM just lusts after authoritarian power, in the most easy way. Hence 'Islamic Sharia'.
Credible information has it that this is the very Fauzy who was a terrorist and locked up in Guantanamo Bay..
"A Maldive national, Ibrahim Fauzi, was one of the Islamic terror suspects captured in Pakistan and detained in Guantanamo Bay."
Paragraph 4...
The site needs nested commenting functions and ability also... so that comments can be replied to and discussed better..
Also the site needs a way to get rid of this anonymous commenting... this country needs constructive dialogue... not stupid people like us who hide behind aliases and in fear, same time other more stupid mullah inspired people also hiding behind their false identities creating fear... this is not freedom of speech...
I think anonymous commenting should be allowed. Let the voices of those who feel deprived of freedom to speak spill out their 'constructive' arguments too. Maybe they could too, shed some light on the reason of fear.
For those just waking up to the maldivian movement against islam...
meet bjorn enfiddle (pronounced "born infidel"..
she is our best maldivian asset in our fight against islam...
islam is the problem, not anything else, and your trying to replace blood with blood by introducing sharia, its will be the end of it all. ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM!!!
wanted to share some more work done by colleagues of mine...
and look for rainbow maldives on facebook..
although our fight is different as they fight for gay rights... but our enemy is a common one...
thus the enemy of my enemy is my friend..
Islam promotes homosexuality... lol
quran Sura 52 17 29:’’And they shall have sexy young boys circulating among them as if they were see-through pearls.’’
“quran 76 19: And immortal sexy young boys will seductively whirl in their presence, when you see them you will count them as shining pearls.
prove me wrong maldivian muslims..
Handing out Islamic Sharia as a solution to rising crimes is easy. But the real problem lies in executing verdict of of the convicts. Time and again we see convicts being caught on criminal offences when they should have been serving their sentences in jail.
Our justice system need a major overhaul before justice can be served and currently the clean up has begun with corrupt judges being kicked out.
we need qualified judges with integrity before we can even imagine to deliver justice according to Islamic norms.
Understanding why our people are inclined to criminal behavior is the key to save the nation.
@ Bjorn & Smoky Lungs:
People who believe in islam have all the rights to follow their beliefs as much you have not to follow it. The issue here is tolerance. As long as people dont interfere with my rights i dont give a f*** who believes what, and i hope they feel the same way. promote tolerance if you want. You guys sound no better than the mullahs, and will do the same damage.
Skeptical Inquirer
We will be tolerant towards islam, when you muslims can be tolerant towards our beliefs... if not... its war!
can you tolerate us in the maldives?
how can you promote tolerance when you talk about it muslims wants you dead for criticizing islam? how can maldives have any diversity or freedom when islam is at war with those who try? islam can never be reformed, islam can never be transformed.
its is muslims who need to learn about tolerance, but muslims cant take the fact that someone might not believe in islam, and muslims who does not agree with sharia.
this is the problem we face, muslims disagreeing with Muslims, the reason is simple, ISLAM!!! cos it calls for blood for those who dont believe, apostates of islam should be killed.
and all our rights are being violated by islam, talented artists in male have no future, they suffer, dancers, musician all suffer, and its banned to have a party that have dance music with both sexes dancing, but its alright for ministers to go watch primary school student dance on events.
islam prohibits homosexuality, but promotes pederasty, YES!!! getting sexual pleasure from as a young as a baby is ok, (said by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) why?
and what more who these comments i'm making i will be hunted for it. this is islam, they dont tolerate any criticism, just like and arrogant childish ignorant.
a muslims country can have anything about other religion, but its ok for islam to go and promote islam in non islamic countries.
muslims are hypocrites
a muslims country cant* have anything about other religion
@Smoky Lungs
So you've declared war? Show us your troops; c'mon let's see if you are as good as your word. We're prepared to fight. Or are you all just talk on anonymous blogs?
And by the way, no one is going to get fooled by your distortion of the Quran. Surah 76:19 reads as follows:
"Serving them will be immortal servants. When you see them, they will look like scattered pearls."
Trust me, you don't have the brain power to understand what that means.
"and all our rights are being violated by islam, talented artists in male have no future, they suffer, dancers, musician all suffer, and its banned to have a party that have dance music with both sexes dancing, but its alright for ministers to go watch primary school student dance on events."
I can see that you're a very confused individual. You are confusing the practice of Islam in countries like the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc, with Islam the religion itself.
Muslims have done what you've described hundreds of years ago without any problem. There is nothing in the religion that prohibits you to question ANYTHING. Nothing is untouchable in Islam. Islam encourages you to actively engage your brain. After all, that's how the whole religion came about in the first place!
Go and read some poetry from Omar Khayyam or learn about the life and work of the Muslims of Al-Andalus. There are innumerable examples of fine Muslim music, art, literature and science. Don't be blinded by a particular axe wielding group of idiots claiming to uphold Islam.
@ Smoky Lungs
Islam is the religion of tolerance. Silly man go back to history, Muslims gave christian minority in Egypt freedom of practicing their faith and everything relating to their faith even have their own legal system.
Do the Muslims living Europe have that freedom.
"quran Sura 52 17 29:’’And they shall have sexy young boys circulating among them as if they were see-through pearls.’
[52:17] ‘Burn ye therein; and whether you show patience or you show it not, it will be the same for you. You are requited only for what you used to do.’
[52:29] ‘We used to pray to Him before. Surely, He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Please read the above actual meaning of the verse that you mentioned.
Man check the authenticity of the book that you quote.
You filthy soul, filthy mind..Seems facts honesty and truth these words you never heard.
All drug addicts in the jails must get 40 slashes and should be immediately released according to sharia ... and too many hands to cut off dho ... sorry IFM
"islam prohibits homosexuality, but promotes pederasty, YES!!! getting sexual pleasure from as a young as a baby is ok, (said by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) why?"
We look guidance from Allah and his prophet Muhamad(PBUH). Not from any Ayatullah, if thats what he thinks than it must be his own opinion. Even you can tell anything what you want as long as nobody stops you, right?
Man why do you want to criticize any religion. We dont criticize christianity, actually we believe Jesus is a prophet, If we dont believe Jesus is a prophet than we are not Muslims either.
Why do you want to go away from the truth. Please read the Quran you will know the truth yourself. Authentic version please!!!!
attacking any religion is an international offence. You may believe whatever God you want to believe in and that is fine! everyone is free to choose from among many gods that are on offer or be an atheist.
Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb
Q 52:24 And round them shall go boys of theirs as if they were hidden pearls.
Q 56:17 Round about them shall go youths never altering in age,
Q 56:23 The like of the hidden pearls:
Q 76:19 And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls
how muslims manage to decorate a man like mohammed is absolutely mind blowing
i'm not doing anything, its you who need to know islam, read the hadith in which your mohammed tell muslims they will get 80,000 boys.
and this is all you muslims can do, the moment someone shows you the truth you say "false information" misinterpretation" or simply "your just making it look bad" islam has been sugar coated for 1400 years now, this is the truth, and if you muslims cant handle the truth shut me up if you can. and if you can prove to me the verses i used are wrong from the quran i will stop
and @musician guidance? like these from the Quran?
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and their abode is the fire, and evil is the abode of the unjust.
And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to terrorize thereby the enemy of Allah…
I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
or perhaps
The Qur’an
You can have sex with captive (wives of enemy) women even when their husbands are alive (i.e., sexual intercourse with married captive women is allowed)… 4:24
not your style? than how about
2:191, And slay them wherever ye catch them
2:193, And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression
2:216, Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you
3:28, Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah
learn about islam, not about the peaceful verses in Quran thats been taught to you since you were an infant. there are many things in islam that scholars will avoid. and its for you to ask the questions
"Worried about rapists while you're on a nice peaceful walk? Don't worry! Buy an Ahmed Aliased Brand Type-52 Assault Rifle and waste those repressed gangsters with a shower of hot lead!."
Today, islamic shari'a has never resolved any crimes, but makes a fantastic job of covering everything up. (Their judiciary system only depends on accusations.) And coverups are the last thing we need in Maldives.
People need to wake up and realize that what those people are calling 'shari'a law' is something worse than Maumoon's regime.
We will not come out.. but if you like we extend an invitation to debate Bjorn on a written only online forum by any of your Mullah's.
We will confidently prove you wrong!!
You just dont seem to get it caz those verses that you mentioned is related to specific events in the history. To know the Quran you have to have understand everything not just the literal meaning of it.
Also the fact is the nonbelievers take our hand just bcaz they need it to fulfill their greedy needs. Believe me I have seen it many times over.
You guyz advocate women rights but its ok for you guyz to see them dancing in the bars. Do you think they like it or its just they dont have choice. You people dont even care their suffering, you just simply laugh and pay money and cheat your wives. Its humiliating, dont you think??? If you have doubts imagine your own daughter dancing, You will get it...
Why dont you think everything that goes against the women in your own country.
Go and look news papers from your own country you will be ashamed..the failed legal system, crimes everywhere, even now in Maldives the same thing is happening caz we don't implement Sharia.
Have you not killed more innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Kosovo now in Libya why????...Why cant you people mind your own business...Do you people own this world???
Another important piece of information about this Ibrahim Fauzee and his Non-Profit organization (, The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (;
According to them, they are;
"The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (IFM) is a non-profit organisation registered in Male’, Rep of Maldives on 26 April 2009, whose aim is to promote and protect Islamic tenets and ethics, create religious awareness, and to organize social events"
Now have a good look at their website..Why the hell are they taking commercial advertising for their site if they are a non-profit organization? All this is very much about money with mr. terrorist fauzee... you self important piece of dirt!!!
but they sell islamic merchandise with their advertising partners... some of the items they sell are;
Prayer Caps
Books (English & Dhivehi)
Madhaha CD (Featuring Ali Rameez)
Some of the for-profit shops on display for advertising partners are
SWIFT ENGINEERING (They make mosques Apperantly)
SWIFT MART (They sell non-halaal corn beef cans)
All partners for advertising with this so-called non-profit organization...
People's faith is a joke to these self styled mullahs who are in it for the money... otherwise why sell merchandising?
is it justifying able? now they are going to say that they need money to run the organization and that is why they have commercial for-profit partners selling their merchandise...
Another point is that they accept donations... and we can all see that by the widget on the sidebar... How is these money spent? the people should hold these guys accountable if they keep claiming that they are a non-profit organization...
Bjorn is Maldivian... why do you keep saying you people and imply that she might be an american with your stated examples? she is a dhiveseh just like you and me.. lives in Male'.. parents are maldivian too... is it so hard for you all to believe that we are all maldivians who are fighting the oppression that your islam brings to the people of this country?
and their media reach is horrible....
only 14 people visit their site daily...
does it matter what time it was? does it not matter how unethical it is for this to be in a book claiming to be from god? so your just suppose to say "yeah killing and raping was when they were at war, so i guess its ok" WTF??? so what if we had to go to war are we to follow the Quran? and please stop sugar coating islam, it just makes me sick. to even for you to say that islam preaches peace. they dont
islam means SUBMISSION not peace!!
peace is only when all manmade governments are replaced by sharia. till than its a muslims duty to promote sharia. this is islam political agenda
islam is a political life system that demand 100% submission, true right? (islam goes as far as to tell women how to keep their pubic hairs)
your trying to justify so many unethical doing of your prophet thats recorded in the Q&H, you can give a blind eye, "they it had its reasons for that to happen", and you justify and defend it. and in Quran it encourages muslims to lie, to protect and promote islam is its 1 of 3 principles of lying in islam.
if islam is a perfect religion no one will question it, no one will even think about it. IF it was perfect, but its not, there are many contraversies regarding Quran authenticity, not to mention the many time Quran contradicts itself. (earth is flat: (Q 19:6, 79:30, 18:7, and 21:30, H pp. 270-271) the earth is the shape of an egg: Q 79:30). the claim of abrogation and evidence regarding it. if islam is perfect i would not question islam today.
the only science that Quran has is borrowed from the Greek scientists, and the best science is making verses compatible from Quran to modern science discoveries. if the Quran knew it all, from the atom to the expansion of the universe it would be muslims today that are at the top of it, but its not, it was the infidels who dared to question and researched for generation. these infidels denied god to do their research. muslims were just quick to find what they need in Quran to make it compatible, its the best science without getting your ass off to do anything.
ex : 7 layer of heaven is NOT 7 layers on the atmosphere
do you know what i want for my child? i want her to have art classes, i want her to question. i want her to have the freedom to choose, the freedom to speak, the freedom to think. and be proud to be a women, not tell her "your chance of burning in hell is very high, and dont forget to cover yourself, cos if a muslim man get a boner cos of you it is your sin", "they eyes of lust may fall on you" or "this is how you show your love for your husband, hide behind the veil and obey your husband, and let him hit you if he feels like am about to disobey"
i want our children to live in a world where reason and rationality is served on one plate, logic and philosophies are encouraged, figure drawing and sculptures have classes.
it is not right to make people submit without their consents. it is not right to fear your religion. its is not right to to punish those who wants to leave islam.
Smoky Lungs, do not underestimate those terrorist-backed ventures. They're backed by the biggest drug cartel in the world, with a 4/5 percentage control of heroin production. They've got the money to buy any greedy fool to their schemes. In fact, they could buy the entire United States Army on their petty cash. That's the level of their funding.
By the way, did you know that the Islamic Foundation is often called the "Homosexual Foundation of Maldives", because of their extreme stance against heterosexual relationships?.
@ musician
'Islam is the religion of tolerance' Really?............I have to sit down now before I die laughing!!Egypt gave christians the right to practice their religion? Is that why the majority muslims are attacking the coptic churches? Sharia will make Maldives (100% muslim country....puhleese!!)another Somalia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Tajikistan.........all muslim states..........all FAILED STATES.
@Smoky Lungs
OOPS!!! you dont find better things to do to help your own country than spreading hatred among your own people.
Shame on you!!!Theres wide spread poverty, corruption, so many social problems, instead of giving helping hand to them you are busy promoting your ideology and your damn website.
"Just like me" No way man If I have that much money and time I would spend that to help the society not create rift between religions.
So sad that you belong to Maldives, I thought you belong to hell.
Someday you will understand and hope it would be not too late for you.
Just dont be an emotional freak, think what you are doing, taking pieces from Quran, even you dont know the meaning of it, while dropping the stuffs that you dont like.
"Their media reach is horrible"
Cmon Maldivians already know their religion very well, we dont need to visit websites, we have more important things to do.
Dont you guyz have nothing meaningful to do than doing this kind of cheap work.
Den Lalala
@ Happy Infidel
Ohh Puhleese!!!It doesn't change anything. You just Google the history of the countries that you named. You will know how things change in those countries and you will know its the western influence that changed everything.
Also I am not talking about the current status of Egypt, it seems you have the problem of digesting everything. So hereafter please read line by line.
this thread is getting old.. i am out.. until next time that minivan news publishes an article on the subject... see ya guys!
bjorn on Your comment is awaiting moderation. Mon, 30th May 2011 11:09 PM
hmmm? so i guess this comes under strict censorship eh?