Civil Court cancels hearings of Rf 16 million case filed by MIRA against Yacht tours Maldives

The Civil Court has today cancelled the hearings of a case filed by the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) against Yacht Tours Maldives Pvt. ltd, a company owned by Jumhoory Party (JP) deputy leader Abdullah Jabir, to retrieve a sum of money worth Rf 16 million.
The case was scheduled to be held 10:00AM this morning but had to be cancelled as the defendants, Yacht Tours Maldives, failed to report to the court hearings today.

MIRA is filing to claim a total sum of Rf 16,225,463 (US 1,052,235) from 2 resorts. That is a sum of Rf 13,331,237 (US 864,542) as land rent and fine from Alidhoo Island resort and a sum of Rf 2,894,226 (US 1,052,235) as land rent and fine from Kudarah Island resort.

The case comes at a time where the owner of Yacht Tours Maldives -business tycoon Abdulla Jabir – has announced his candidacy to compete in the upcoming by-elections for the Kaashidhoo seat.


Jumhoree Party’s council appoints Gasim presidential candidate

The Jumhoore Party (JP) council yesterday appointed party leader and MP ‘Burma’ Gasim Ibrahim as the party’s presidential candidate to run for presidency in the 2013 presidential elections.

In an interview Gasim gave to his own TV station, Villa TV (VTV), he thanked the council for making the decision and vowed to bring prosperity to the Maldives, and solve all the current issues if he was elected as President.

He accused the current government of destroying the social justice, the constitution and selling state assets, and said the Maldives was “currently in a very serious situation”.

Gasim then called on the citizens to work with courage, saying that he would establish a legal administration and would keep his actions within the law.

Gasim is one of the country’s most successful local resort tycoons, and well known philanthropists, as well as an MP and leader of the JP who enjoys strong support in his home constituency of Maamigilli and was key to the development of Maamigilli airport.

Formerly a coalition partner of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), his small party subsequently aligned itself with the opposition Dhivehi Rayithunge Party (DRP), and later with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

As well as owning VTV, Gasim was last year narrowly appointed as parliament’s representative on the Judicial Services Commission (JSC), the body at the centre of the current judicial crisis following its acceptance of a civil court injunction against the investigation of Chief Judge of the Criminal Court, Abdulla Mohamed.

During the recent protests Gasim has campaigned for the judge’s release, and was also a key figure supporting the December 23 protests calling for the defence of Islam in the Maldives.

Under the former government he presided over the treasury as finance minister during a period in which expenditure on the civil service increased 400 percent, leaving the incoming government with a budget deficit of 33 percent.

In 2010 he was accused by the current government of corruption and bribery, however the case was swiftly thrown out by Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed.

MDP MP Mohamed Mustafa told Minivan News that it was “not surprising” that Gasim had been appointed as the JP’s presidential candidate.

‘’JP is owned by Gasim and it is Gasim himself that decides that Gasim should be the presidential candidate. No one should be surprised about it,’’ Mustafa said. ‘’JP is not a very democratic party, everyone knows that.’’

Mustafa contended that Gasim would be inappropriate as president because he did not have the necessary capability and knowledge.

‘’He will not win the next presidential elections. When it is time for the elections this opposition coalition will split because everyone in the coalition wants to be president,’’ he predicted, adding that Gasim would find himself competing with the ambitions of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and his half-brother Abdulla Yameen, DRP leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, and Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) Leader Dr Hassan Saeed.

‘’When Gayoom feels like he may win the elections, he will ask the others to wait,’’ Mustafa said. ‘’We are all going to wait and watch this happen.’’

He speculated that the Adhaalath Party would likely side with Gasim “because senior figures of Adhaalath are employed by Gasim.”

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Spokesperson and MP Ahmed Mahlouf did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.


Gasim will “not surrender to pressure” as government closes Villa spas

Opposition MP and tourism tycoon Gasim Ibrahim has warned the government that he would not “surrender to the pressures” of authorities after they halted operations of his airline, Flyme, and ordered the closure of spas in five resorts in his Villa chain in the past 48 hours.

In a statement released on Monday, Transport Ministry said that Flyme airline, which began operating on October 2, was asked to halt operations while the ministry carried out an audit. The audit is addressed on an incident with the aircraft which took place on December 24.

The audit would be carried out within three months to determine whether the Flyme operations are administered according to the Civil Aviation regulations, the statement read.

However, on Tuesday morning Gasim’s lawyers successfully sought a civil court order to resume Flyme operations.

Meanwhile, on Sunday the Tourism Ministry sent a notice to Gasim’s Villa resorts ordering management to shut down resort spas until further notice, claiming the ministry had received reports of prostitution in those departments.

On Monday, a police team accompanied Tourism Ministry officials to Gasim’s Paradise Island resort to investigate the reports.

However, the resort’s manager Gaisar Naseem rejected the ministry’s order, claiming that  no illegal activity is occurring in the spas, and refused to close down the spas without a court order, local media reported.

Naseem was summoned to appear at Police headquarters for further questioning at 2:00 pm on Tuesday.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam confirmed that police are cooperating with the Tourism Ministry to investigate the allegations against the resorts.

Gasim, Leader of Jumhoory party, has said the government’s recent decisions are targeted to “silence” him because of his work in the parliament and on a political platform.

In a press statement released on Monday night, Gasim assured that his businesses are of high standing and will bring only a good name to the country.

However, he warned that the government’s allegations that he is running “brothels in the resorts” will harm the tourism sector.

Gasim also warned the government that he will “not surrender to the pressures”, and that the government is “foolish” to think otherwise.

During the December 23 protest to “defend Islam”, Gasim criticized the government’s religious credentials.

“We don’t know there is a moderate, higher or lower Islam. We only know Islam, which is above all the religion. The only road we must follow is based on Allah’s callings,” said Gasim, slamming the government’s calls for “moderate Islam”.

Ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs have also recently accused Gasim of proposing amendments to “destroy” the government’s budget for 2012.


Jumhoory Party MP Muthalib resigns from party

MP Ibrahim Muthalib has resigned from the opposition-aligned Jumhoory Party (JP) led by MP ‘Burma’ Gasim Ibrahim claiming that his dreams of making JP the country’s third most active party had been “shattered due to lack of cooperation.”

“Nine months ago I joined the Jumhoory Party with the hope of making it the third most active party in the Maldives, because I felt that the Maldives was in need of a third party,’’ MP Muthalib today told Minivan News. “Currently only the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) are really heard, and no one says a word against them.’’

He said he was not originally invited to join the JP by Gasim, but joined the party on his own wish.

‘’I have worked nine months to accomplish this but it does not seem to be happening, so I thought it would be best to resign,’’ he said. ‘’The decisions we make are not implemented in the party and the JP really needs more time to stand on its own feet and walk.’’

Muthalib said he had not yet decided to join any other party for the moment.

‘’I resigned because I did not want to remain depressed with these thoughts. For now I just want to relax and remain independent for the time being,’’ he said, adding that he still believed that the Maldives was in need of an active third party other than the DRP or MDP.

Muthalib was elected to the parliament as an independent MP.

”I have officially informed the Elections Commission (EC) and the Speaker of the parliament about my resignation,” he said.

However, newspaper Haveeru quoted Muthalib as saying that his resignation came following Gasim’s vote in favor of the appointment of Dr Ibrahim Didi for Fisheries Minister and and Thalhath Ibrahim for Defense Minister.

Following Muthalib’s resignation, only two MPs of the Jumhoory Party will be left in parliament, Gasim and MP Ahmed Moosa.


Jumhoory Party MP Muthalib attacked on Thinadhoo

Jumhoory Party (JP) MP Ibrahim Muthalib has accused Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) activists of attacking him while he arrived on Thinadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll to meet the Atoll Council.

”When I arrived was this group of MDP activists, they followed me as I walked to towards the Atoll Council Office,” Muthalib said. ”I did not say anything or respond to them, but then they hit me in the eye and my spectacles fell to the ground and broke.”

Muthalib said he then turned back and walked towards his speedboat to leave the island, and again someone hit him in the mouth and stomach.

”I could not eat anything since last night, my jaw hurts,” he said. ”It is most inconvenient and it is most unacceptable.”

He said MDP activists had planned to attack him for a few days now.

”That is typical of MDP activists, they assault and have no democratic manners,” he said. ”Everyone has the freedom to travel from one place to another.”

The MDP Parliamentary Group’s former spokesperson MP Ahmed Shifaz told Minivan News that he regretted the incident.

”I will not say they were MDP or DRP activists, but it is regrettable,” Shifaz said. ”MDP does not encourage such actions.”

He said he “does not believe that MDP activists would do something like that.”


MDP might have to “take action” against VTV, warns Reeko Moosa

Parliamentary group leader for the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik has threatened “action” against Villa Television (VTV), a TV station owned by leader of the Jumhoory Party (JP) Leader and MP Gasim ‘Buruma’ Ibrahim.

Moosa alleged the channel “repeatedly misleads and broadcasts news in a way that smears respect for MDP, [in such a way] that MDP might have to take action against VTV.”

“Citizens of the Maldives have realized that VTV is not meeting the proper broadcasting standards due to their attempts to discredit MDP, the political party which introduced democracy to the Maldives,” claiming that there were “limitations” on freedom of expression.

Opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Nihan said it was “typical” of Moosa to attack any media that “does not report the way he likes.”

“Previously when MDP was in the opposition he was against [state broadcaster] Television Maldives, and more than once he attacked the TVM building and its staff,’’ claimed Nihan. ‘’Now MDP is in power, Moosa is against VTV and DhiTV (a private television station).’’

Nihan said there was “only one action” Moosa could take.

‘’He can threaten the government and delay the issuing of a broadcasting license of VTV – I heard their license would expire very soon,’’ he said. “There is no such law that allows him to do that, but that is the only thing he can do.’’

He added that however Moosa attempted otherwise, it would be “impossible for him to bury the media.”

”The reason they hate VTV so much is that it has this TV programme that shows things President Nasheed vowed he would never do but did after coming to power, and some other things he had scheduled to do but failed to deliver on time,” Nihan claimed.


President and MDP congratulate DRP on its anniversary

President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed has congratulated opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party on it’s fifth anniversary.

“The President expressed confidence that the government would receive the full cooperation of the DRP in consolidating democracy in the Maldives,” said the president’s office. “He also expressed confidence that the DRP will cooperate with the government in its efforts to find an amicable solution to the current political impasse in the Maldives.”

The president’s office said the president forwarded congratulations to the leader of DRP Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, deputy leaders, others on different posts and its members.

Ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) also congratulated DRP on the occasion: “On this delightful occasion we wish the party progress and many successful days.”

Last night DRP held a special rally at the artificial beach to celebrate the party’s fifth anniversary. Leader of DRP, Ahmed Thasmeen Ali and Leader of the Jumhoory Party (JP) Gasim ‘Buruma’ Ibrahim addressed the people who attended the ceremony.

“We were unable to conduct our fifth anniversary as we expected due to the political challenges we have to face now,” said Thasmeen. “Today we are witnessing the executive power trying in different ways to change this country into a dictatorship, and this is the time we have to work against the threat and challenges.”

He said the opposition parties should be ready at the front line to “sacrifice” themselves to prevent the government from demolishing democracy.

“The constitution is fine, there is no place to amend or change it,” Thasmeen said, in reference to Nasheed’s suggestion yesterday that the constitution may need to be amended if the crisis continues.

“I want to say, if the president can’t obey the constitution, then he should resign,” said Gasim. “President Mohamed Nasheed is not a sincere and honest person.”

Gasim pledged that the opposition coalition would “work to eliminate corruption from the country”, and called on the president to resign.


Millions of rufiya and a 100 foot fiberglass fishing boat to join JP: leaked letters allege corruption

Letters sent by MDP MPs to President Mohamed Nasheed containing allegations of corruption against Jumhoree Party(JP) leader MP Gasim Ibrahim have been leaked to the press.

Gasim is currently under house arrest, charged with bribery and treason.

The documents are addressed to the President and signed by ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs  Mohamed Nazim, Ahmed Easa, Mohamed Gasam, Mohamed Rasheed, Mohamed Shifaz and Ilyas Labeeb.

In one of the letters, Madaveli MP Mohamed Nazim claims that Gasim offered him a 100 foot fibereglass fishing boat and Rf4 million to join the JP, adding that the offer was unlawful and could be considered attempted bribery.

In his letter Kedhikolhudhoo MP Ahmed Easa alleges that Gasim offered him Rf5 million to defect from MDP to the JP.

The letter from Mohamed Gasam, MP for Thinadhoo, claims Gasim had offered him “many rewards” to recruit him away from MDP.

In a letter signed by Hulhu-Meedhoo MP Ilyas Labeeb, the writer mentions that Gasim offered him Rf5 million to buy and construct a house in Hulhumale’.

Press Secretary for the President’s Office, Mohamed Zuhair, said that he could not confirm whether the letters were genuine, or that the letters were the same as those received by the president.

‘’Similar complaints were forwarded to president by several MPs,’’ said Zuhair. ‘’I cannot confirm whether the [leaked] letters are the actual letters.’’

Zuhair said that police were currently investigating the allegations of corruption against the opposition leaders.

Spokesperson for the MDP parliamentary group, Baarah MP Mohamed Shifaz, one of the MPs whose name was on one of the leaked letters, revealed that the leaked letter in his name was an edited version of the letter he actually wrote.

Shifaz said that the middle paragraph of the leaked document in his name was edited.

‘’I did not mention any amount of money Gasim offered me,” Shifaz said. “I wrote that he had offered me different amounts on different occasions.”

‘’I did send a letter to president last month, because of a rumor that circulating in those days that I was about to join the JP,” he said. “It dragged me into a situation where MPs almost lost confidence in me, and I thought the president might feel the same way. So I sent him a letter to make him confident that I would not leave MDP.”

MDP’s Council adopted a resolution late last month to terminate its coalition agreement with JP.

Gasim did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.


Supreme Court hears Gasim’s appeal

The Supreme Court of the Maldives has concluded  the hearing of Jumhoory Party (JP) leader and MP Gasim ‘Buruma’ Ibrahim’s appeal to the High Court’s ruling that his house arrest be extended.

On July 3 the High Court, in response to an appeal filed by police concerning Gasim and People’s Alliance party leader MP Yameen Abdul Gayoom, extended their house arrest to 15 days.

The Criminal Court had earlier ruled their house arrest was to be for three days.

Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed was the Chief Judge at today’s hearing at the Supreme Court. Gasim’s legal team included former Attorney General Aishath Azima Shukoor, Leader of Dhivehi Qaumy Party and former Attorney General Dr Hassan Saeed and former Justice Minister Dr Mohamed Jameel.

Senior Assistant Public Prosecutor Dheebaanaz Fahmy, Assistant Public Prosecutor, Police Inspector Ahmed Jinah were among the eight members of the police legal team.

When judge asked police who reported the case, police Inspector Ahmed Jinah replied “the president’s office.”

Shukoor said that Gasim was misled and arrested illegally in an abuse of his rights, and that therefore extension of detention would also be unlawful.

“The Criminal Court judge ruled that to keep him under house arrest for three days and that police violated many articles of the consitution,” Shukoor claimed.

“As the case has now come this far, the police have not even once denied that they abused the right on arrest given under article 48(b),” Shukoor said. “Gasim Ibrahim was taken to the police station to clarify something and then police arrested him.”

Police in their defence said that they had the power to investigate crime, conserve evidence and prepare cases for disposition by the court under article 244(C) of the constitution.

“And under circumstances police can arrest someone without a court warrant,” said the lawyer. “Police have the right to arrest someone if the arresting officer observes the offence being committed, or has reasonable and probable grounds or evidence to believe the person has committed an offence or is about to commit an offence.”

He claimed that the constitution did not preclude police from arresting a MP who is charged on a criminal offence.

“If Gasim Ibrahim was under house arrest and could attend parliament it could potentially disrupt the evidence,” he said. “We request the Chief of Justice to transfer Gasim from house arrest to police custody.”

Chief of Justice Abdulla Saeed queried the lawyer as to the seriousness of the case.

“Gasim is accused of bribery, and we need time to investigate the case in order prove it,” the police lawyer answered. “He is also accused of treason, and that affects the whole of society.”

When judge queried whether the lawyer was concerned that Gasim might flee, and he replied that it was “difficult to say.”

Meanwhile, Dr Hassan Saeed presented a list of unanswered questions by the police, and police requested the judge to give them time to research the case.

Saeed also observed that the criminal court judge had ruled that police violated many articles of the constitution in arresting Gasim.
