MDP condemns release of suspects in Alhan stabbing

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has strongly condemned the release of two suspects arrested in connection with the stabbing of the party’s former MP Alhan Fahmy.

The Criminal Court yesterday ordered the release of the two suspects – Mohamed Sameeh of Shiny, Fuvahmulah, and Mohamed Naseem, of Ulfamanzil, Hithadhoo – who had been kept in pre-trial detention since their arrest on the night of February 1 shortly after Alhan was stabbed in the back at the Breakwater cafe’ in Malé.

The court freed the pair from custody reportedly due to delays by the Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office in formally filing charges.

Police told local media that one of the suspects was released following the court order. The second suspect was still in custody as he was serving a sentence in an unrelated case.

In a press statement released yesterday, the MDP noted that the court’s decision was evidently not based on lack of evidence as judges had been granting extension of remand detention since February.

The remand detention must have been approved because the court believed the suspects posed “a danger to society” based on preliminary evidence, the party contended.

The release of suspects in a near-fatal stabbing despite evidence showed that there was “no hope for attaining justice through the Maldivian criminal justice system,” the statement read.

The party also noted that numerous and persistent death threats to MDP MPs had not been properly investigated.

“And we note with concern that the relevant authorities have so far been unable to find Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan, who is believed to have been abducted,” it added.

The party accused the government of negligence in ensuring public safety following multiple stabbing incidents and escalating gang violence.

“The party calls on all relevant state institutions to fully investigate the dangerous murder attempt on Alhan Fahmy and punish the perpetrators,” the press release stated.

Following the stabbing, eyewitnesses saw police catch and arrest one of the assailants. Alhan had received stab wounds to the back and was quickly flown to Sri Lanka for spinal surgery.

The former MP for Addu Feydhoo returned to the Maldives in early March, walking with a crutch following initial fears that the wounds may have caused permanent paralysis.

Speaking to Minivan News at the time, a family member alleged that the attack was politically motivated and well organised, claiming that Alhan’s car had been followed three days prior to the incident.

Last year, Secretary General of the IPU, Anders B. Johnsson wrote to former Speaker of the People’s Majlis Abdulla Shahid requesting an urgent visit to the Maldives to discuss steps to ensure MPs “can do their work unhindered, without fear of intimidation and harassment or attack on their physical integrity.”

Alhan’s name appeared on an IPU list of 21 Maldivian MPs being monitored by the group. The list included Progressive Party of Maldives MP Dr Afrasheem Ali who was murdered in October 2012.


MDP questions sincerity of Islamic minister’s stance on ISIS

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has questioned the sincerity of Islamic Minister Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed’s declaration that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) would not be allowed to operate in the Maldives.

“ISIS is an extremist group. No space will be given for their ideology and activities in the Maldives,” Shaheem tweeted on Sunday night (August 24).

The main opposition party contended in a press release yesterday that Shaheem’s statement was “duplicitous” and “insincere” as it was not backed up with concrete action by the government.

“We note with concern that neither the Islamic minister nor the government has taken any action while activities related to terrorism in different forms as well as extremism are carried out in the Maldives, religious strife and hatred is incited widely, and death threats are being made against various people over religious matters,” the statement read.

The party noted that the ISIS flag was used in recent protests in Malé calling for a boycott of Israeli tourists. While the protesters had gathered outside the residence of the Islamic minister in violation of freedom of assembly laws, the MDP noted that the government had not taken any action.

The Islamic ministry has also provided a meeting hall of the Islamic centre for a religious sermon which was advertised with the ISIS logo, the MDP claimed.

The party claimed to have learned that police and army officers were involved in putting up the banners across the capital.

Dr Afrasheem

The MDP also accused the government of not attempting to find the “real killers” of murdered MP Dr Afrasheem Ali, noting that the moderate religious scholar had faced harassment over his liberal views.

Referring to his last television appearance, the party said Dr Afrasheem’s remarks suggested he was “forced” to support radical religious ideology.

Appearing on a live talk show on state broadcaster Television Maldives, Dr Afrasheem had said he was deeply saddened and asked for forgiveness if he had created a misconception due to his inability to express himself in the right manner.

Islamic Minister Shahaeem was quoted in local media at the time as saying that his ministry had not forced Dr Afrasheem to offer a public apology in his last television appearance.

Dr Afrasheem’s moderate positions on subjects such as music had drawn stringent criticism from more conservative religious elements, who dubbed him “Dr Ibilees” (“Dr Satan”).

In 2008, the scholar was kicked and chased outside a mosque after Friday prayers, while in May 2012, the religious Adhaalath Party released a statement condemning Afrasheem for allegedly “mocking the Sunnah”.

NGO Salaf had meanwhile released at least a dozen statements against the late Dr Afrasheem at the time of his death. In a three-page press release (Dhivehi) on July 10, 2008, Salaf listed Dr Afrasheem’s alleged transgressions and advised him to “fear Allah, stop talking any way you please of things you do not know of in the name of religion and [stop] twisting [Islamic] judgments to suit your personal wishes”.

The NGO also called on the public not to listen to “any religious fatwa or any religious talk” from the scholar.

Extremist ideology

The MDP statement meanwhile noted that the US State Department’s 2013 country report on terrorism had stated that “Maldivian authorities believe that funds are currently being raised in Maldives to support terrorism abroad”.

While the report observed that “the Maldivian Central Bank believes that criminal proceeds mainly come from domestic sources, as a large percentage of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) are related to Maldivians,” the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) denied it had any knowledge of such activities.

“The MMA has neither received nor communicated any information regarding confirmed operation of terrorist financing activities,” the central bank insisted in a statement.

The MDP said it believes such activities were aided and abetted by both foreign groups and Maldivians, adding that the activities were “well organised” and carried out with “funding and training”.

“There has been particular concern that young Maldivians, including those within the penal system, may be at risk of becoming radicalised and joining violent Islamist extremist groups. Links have been made between Maldivians and violent extremists throughout the world,” the US report stated.

The party also argued that extremism in the Maldives was encouraged by the mass gathering held on December 23, 2011 to “defend Islam” against the allegedly secularist policies of former President Mohamed Nasheed as well as a pamphlet issued by the party of current Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed.

Dr Jameel’s Dhivehi Qaumee Party had issued a pamphlet titled “President Nasheed’s devious plot to destroy the Islamic faith of Maldivians.”

Both the December 23 demonstration and the pamphlet were intended to sow discord and strife for political purposes, the party contended, and reiterated its claim that extremist ideologies were prevalent in the security services.

The party also referred to President Abdulla Yameen’s response when asked about Maldivians leaving to fight in the Syrian civil war following the death of a Maldivian militant in a suicide attack.

President Yameen’s remarks about the government not being involved in sending Maldivians to join militant organisations were “extremely irresponsible,” the MDP said.


MDP submits over 300 amendments to SEZ bill

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has submitted more than 300 amendments to the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation, currently in the final stage of the legislative process.

Briefing the press on the proposed revisions (Dhivehi) yesterday, MDP MP Rozaina Adam appealed for the public and local councils to urge pro-government MPs to vote for the amendments.

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) have 48 seats in the 85-member People’s Majlis.

The MDP contends that an SEZ law would pave the way for money laundering and other criminal enterprises, undermine the decentralisation system, and authorise a board formed by the president to “openly sell off the country” without parliamentary oversight.

The party also objects to exempting investors from paying import duties or taxes for 10 years as well as allowing companies with foreign shareholders to purchase land without paying sales tax.

The government, however, maintains that SEZs with relaxed regulations and tax incentives were necessary both for foreign investors to choose the Maldives over other developing nations and to launch ‘mega projects,’ which President Abdulla Yameen has said would “transform” the economy through diversification and mitigate the reliance on the tourism industry.

Following the submission of a report (Dhivehi) by the economic affairs committee after reviewing the legislation, the third and final reading of the bill began at today’s sitting of parliament.

MDP MPs proceeded to propose and second the amendments, which would be put to a vote individually ahead of a final vote on passing the bill.


MDP MP Ibrahim Shareef explained yesterday that the main changes proposed to the bill include removing a provision to allow companies with a 49 percent stake held by foreign shareholders to purchase land.

The article would be changed to allow such companies to lease the land in lieu of ownership, he noted.

Moreover, a provision allowing leasing of land to foreign companies for 99 years would be revised to reduce the lease period.

The party further proposed adding a provision to require 75 percent of jobs in the SEZs to be reserved for Maldivians.

In line with Article 41 of the Constitution, Shareef said an amendment was proposed to require “fair and adequate compensation” to be paid for private property acquired by the state.

The MDP also proposed scrapping Article 74 of the draft legislation, which allows up to 40 percent of any zone to be tourist-related development with tax and duty exemptions.

Moreover, Shareef said an amendment was proposed to prevent resorts under development from being declared an SEZ.

Amendments were also forwarded for mandatory consultation with local councils ahead of declaring any region under council jurisdiction an SEZ.

On provisions for offshore banking, Shareef noted that an amendment was proposed for the Maldives Monetary Authority or central bank to exercise oversight over the financial services.

MDP MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi – a retired brigadier general – meanwhile proposed an amendment banning any form of gambling or casinos in the SEZs.

He also proposed outlawing the construction of churches or temples for the worship of other religions as well as any such congregation in the SEZs.

Shareef contended that the party’s amendments would not obstruct the operation of the zones “fairly and without corruption in a way that would benefit the country”.

MP Rozaina explained that the other amendments were intended to hold the government accountable through parliamentary oversight.

An amendment was proposed requiring parliamentary approval for the president’s appointees to the investment board.

Moreover, amendments were proposed to include either an opposition MP or one member from each political party represented in parliament on the investment board.

Responding to opposition criticism of the SEZ bill last week upon returning from a visit to China, President Yameen noted that the constitution allows for “freeholds” and leasing of land for 99 years.

Article 251(b) of the Constitution states, “A foreign party shall not receive a lease of, or be given in any other way, any part of the territory of the Maldives for a period exceeding 99 years.”

Large foreign investments of US$300 to US$400 million would not be made if the lease period was any lower, Yameen argued, adding that “freehold rights” were offered for 99 years in developed nations.

Referring to the ‘iHavan’ transhipment port project  in Ihavandhippolhu, Yameen noted that the creation of SEZs would involve significant land reclamation while other areas that would be designated as SEZs were presently not utilised.

“So if it is MDP or anyone else talking about it, we are going to go forward with this work. God willing, it will go forward. And God willing, the special economic zone bill will be passed,” he said.


Parliament rejects amendments to Decentralisation Act

Parliament today rejected amendments submitted by Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Riyaz Rasheed to the Decentralisation Act to transfer land and and lagoons under local council jurisdiction or ownership to the housing ministry.

The amendments were rejected with 68 votes against, six in favour and three abstentions. Pro-government MPs also voted against the amendment bill submitted by the PPM parliamentary group deputy leader.

“I am proposing amendments to the Decentralisation Act to the [People’s] Majlis today because of the disputes concerning land between councils, city councils and the housing ministry, and because the existing land law and decentralisation law does not make clear enough to us who has ownership of land,” Riyaz had said while presenting the legislation (Dhivehi) last week.

“Therefore, I certainly believe that the state’s property should be under one institution.”

In the ensuing debate, MPs of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party (JP) accused the government of attempting to “destroy” decentralisation and render councils powerless.

The amendments would defeat the purpose of devolving decision-making powers, they contended, noting that articles 234 and 235 of the Constitution state that local councils shall have the authority to “raise funds” and “own property and incur liabilities”.

Riyaz  had argued that state assets should be under the control of the executive, alleging that councils with opposition majorities were deliberately obstructing development projects by refusing to provide land.


MP Riyaz Rasheed withdraws amendments to law on privileges and protection for former presidents

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Riyaz Rasheed has withdrawn amendments proposed to the Privileges and Protection for former President’s Act of 2009.

At today’s sitting of parliament, the PPM parliamentary group deputy leader said he decided to withdraw the bill as it required revision, adding that he would resubmit during the next session after the upcoming one-month recess.

The amendment proposed denying financial benefits and protection for former presidents if they are either convicted of a criminal offence or encourages an act that threatens Maldivian sovereignty and independence.

Similar amendments proposed by the Vilufushi MP twice before had been rejected by the previous parliament.

The 2009 law stipulates a monthly allowance of MVR50,000 (US$3,243) for a president who has served one term.

Before declaring his intention to withdraw the amendments, Riyaz suggested it could be beneficial to allow the bill to be debated on the People’s Majlis floor to “recall” the alleged misdeeds of former President Mohamed Nasheed and the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) government.

He went on to allege that the party was behind all the murders that have occurred in the Maldives, prompting MDP MP Ibrahim Shareef to object with a point of order.

PPM MPs were using the Majlis floor as “a political podium,” Shareef said.

Following the controversial transfer of presidential power on February 2012, the government had questioned Nasheed’s eligibility for state benefits on the grounds that he had not completed a full five-year term in office.

In June 2012, MDP MP Ahmed Hamza revealed that the state had spent MVR1.3 million (US$84,300) on healthcare costs for former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and his wife from 2010 to April 2012.

In November 2012, Riyaz threatened to sue the finance minister and attorney general for providing state benefits to former President Nasheed.


MDP slams president’s response to journalist’s disappearance

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has slammed President Abdulla Yameen for a perceived lack of empathy when questioned about the missing Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan.

When asked by a journalist about the matter upon his return from China yesterday, Yameen refused to comment, saying that the police and Home Ministry had already spoken on the matter.

“A journalist is missing, I think. So work will be done to find the journalist, right? And, God willing, that will be successful,” said Yameen.

The President’s Office had previously noted that the government is “deeply saddened and concerned” over Rilwan’s disappearance 13 days ago.

An MDP statement today, however, accused the president of being “irresponsible” in his reply to the question, and criticised him for failing to publicly express concern over the disappearance, now believed to have been an abduction.

With international concern growing over the disappearance of Rilwan – 28-years-old – the opposition party noted the example of US President Barack Obama, who addressed the nation yesterday following the murder of journalist James Foley.

“We note this is how a president in a democratic state becomes accountable to citizens,” read the statement.

The Home Ministry yesterday revealed the the Maldives National Defence Force had joined a team of 40 police officers in a search which now included the Hulhumalé lagoon.

Rilwan was last seen on a ferry heading to Hulhumalé in the early hours of August 8, while neighbours reported a man being forced into a car close to Rilwan’s apartment less than an hour later.

Ascribing the case “top priority” status, Home Minister Umar Naseer acknowledged reports of the abduction incident, but said police had not yet been able to establish a link to Rilwan.

The Home Ministry failed to inform Minivan News of the latest press conference, with officials later explaining that the oversight had not been intentional.

International groups including Reporters Without Borders and the United Nations Office for the Commissioner of Human Rights have expressed concern over Rilwan’s disappearance, calling for a thorough investigation.


Bill proposed to transfer land from local councils to central government

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Riyaz Rasheed has proposed transferring land and lagoons under local council jurisdiction or ownership to the housing ministry.

“I am proposing amendments to the Decentralisation Act to the [People’s] Majlis today because of the disputes concerning land between councils, city councils and the housing ministry, and because the existing land law and decentralisation law does not make clear enough to us who has ownership of land,” said Riyaz while presenting the legislation (Dhivehi) at yesterday’s sitting of parliament.

“Therefore, I certainly believe that the state’s property should be under one institution.”

In the ensuing debate, MPs of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party (JP) accused the government of attempting to “destroy” decentralisation and render councils powerless.

The amendments would defeat the purpose of devolving decision-making powers, they contended, noting that articles 234 and 235 of the Constitution state that local councils shall have the authority to “raise funds” and “own property and incur liabilities”.

Riyaz  meanwhile argued that state assets should be under the control of the executive, alleging that councils with opposition majorities were deliberately obstructing development projects by refusing to provide land.

The deputy leader of the PPM’s parliamentary group claimed that some island councils have yet to arrange land for the fisheries ministry and youth ministry to build ice plants and sports arenas, respectively.

The current administration was “facing serious difficulties” in implementing its policies, he contended.

Following disputes between the housing ministry and councils, Riyaz noted that councils have recently been informed not to conduct transactions involving state-owned land or lease property without obtaining permission from the president.

In June, the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure removed two parks from the jurisdiction of the MDP-majority Malé City Council, while Dharubaaruge convention centre was reclaimed by the government in May.

Riyaz also criticised the city council for leasing parks in the capital for restaurant businesses. While councils should have authority over land, Riyaz said the law should not allow that power to be misused.

“It should be done in accordance with the government’s policies,” he insisted.


During the debate, MDP MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa said the amendments would make councils “toothless” and the decentralisation law “useless.”

Ghafoor denied Riyaz’s allegations of non-cooperation from MDP-majority councils, adding that the claims were intended to “mislead” the public.

JP MPs also noted that property and lagoons under council ownership were the only significant means available for generating an income.

MDP MP Rozaina Adam said the government was trying to “cut off the arms and legs” of councils as they would not be able to do “any work when the government steals land from small islands.”

Several MPs suggested that there were many island councils doing exemplary work for the benefit and development of their islands or atolls. All local councils should not be punished or blamed for the actions of a few, the MPs said.

JP MP Hussain Shahid suggested amending the law to allow councils to function more efficiently, arguing that the number of councillors in each island were excessive.

The current model of more than 1,000 elected councillors approved in 2010 by the then-opposition majority parliament was branded “economic sabotage” by the MDP government, which had proposed limiting the number of councillors to “no more than 220.”

Following the release of the UNDP’s second Human Development Index report in June – which found the rest of the country lagging behind the Malé area with its ‘highly developed’ score – Salma Fikry, a prominent campaigner and proponent of decentralisation, told Minivan News that lack of political will was to blame for the disparity.

“The whole point of decentralisation is scary for the Maldivian government because they like to keep people dependent, they like to think of themselves as doing people favours,” she said.

She predicted that “three quarters of the population would probably move to the capital and the rest of the country will be taken over by the corporations.”


Parliament sitting adjourned amid disorder

Today’s sitting of parliament was adjourned by Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed amid vociferous protests by opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs over an amendment proposed to the parliamentary rules to require a vote ahead of debating bills and resolutions.

MDP MPs accused the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) of attempting to “silence the voice of the minority party” by blocking debate on resolutions.

The PPM together with the five MPs of coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) have a combined 48 seats in the 85-member house.

Under the existing rules or standing orders, bills and resolutions submitted to the People’s Majlis have to be tabled in the agenda and debated on the floor ahead of a vote.

If MPs decide to accept a bill or resolution following preliminary debate, it would be sent to committee for further review ahead of a final vote.

Previously, motions without notice – which opens the floor for a one-hour debate on matters of urgent public importance – submitted by MDP MPs have been defeated by the majority party.

In July, pro-government MPs voted against a motion without notice submitted by MDP MP Imthiyaz Fahmy to debate the Judicial Service Commission’s (JSC) controversial decision to clear Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed of misconduct over his appearance in a series of sex tapes.

Imthiyaz revealed to the press this week that Speaker Maseeh – a member of the PPM – had sent a letter on Saturday (August 16) to the general affairs committee requesting the revision.

Imthiyaz noted that a resolution he submitted in July calling for a parliamentary debate on the JSC decision regarding Justice Ali Hameed’s sex tapes has yet to be tabled in the agenda by the speaker.

Today’s sitting became disorderly during debate on a report (Dhivehi) compiled by the general affairs committee after evaluating the amendments proposed by the speaker.

The committee had rejected the amendment proposed to section 77(a) after MDA MP Ahmed Amir voted in favour of a proposal by Jumhooree Party (JP) MP Ahmed Mubeen to keep the section unchanged.

The proposal was passed with five votes after Amir voted with JP and MDP MPs on the committee.

However, PPM MP Jameel Usman proposed the same amendment during today’s debate, prompting MDP MPs to object with points of order.

Several MDP MPs also sprang from their seats and surrounded Usman while he was proposing the amendment. Under the rules, once an amendment is proposed to a committee report and seconded, the speaker must put it to a vote.

MDP and JP MPs accused the ruling party of attempting to overrule the committee decision by using their majority in the full house floor.

However, Usman reportedly said later that he was not in favour of requiring a vote ahead of preliminary debates for bills and resolutions, claiming that he was going to propose giving each party and independent MP five minutes during debates but was shouted down.


Committee rejects amendment requiring vote for debating resolutions

The People’s Majlis’ general affairs committee yesterday rejected an amendment proposed to the parliamentary rules to require a vote ahead of debating bills and resolutions on the floor.

At a press conference on Sunday (August 17), opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Imthiyaz Fahmy revealed that Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed – a member of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives – had sent a letter to the general affairs committee requesting the revision.

Under the existing rules or standing orders, a resolution submitted to parliament has to be debated on the floor ahead of a vote.

Imthiyaz contended that the move by the majority party – which holds a comfortable majority in the 85-member house – was intended to “silence” the minority.

According to opposition-aligned private broadcaster Raajje TV, Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) MP Ahmed Amir voted in favour of a proposal by Jumhooree Party (JP) MP Ahmed Mubeen to keep the section unchanged.

The proposal was approved despite PPM MPs voting against it after JP and MDP MPs voted in favour. Amir’s was the deciding vote.

The MDA is a coalition partner of the ruling party.

MP Imthiyaz had noted that a resolution he submitted in July calling for a parliamentary debate on a controversial decision by the Judicial Service Commission clearing Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed of misconduct has yet to be tabled in the agenda by the speaker.

The resolution was submitted after pro-government MPs voted down a motion without notice submitted by the MDP for a parliamentary debate on the issue.
