Further protests as MDP calls for international community to be “mindful” of Maldives judiciary

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has called for the international community to be “mindful” of the status of the Maldives judiciary, claiming it to be systematically flawed and biased.

The party’s sentiments were echoed in last night’s (February 16) protest as thousands of supporters of Nasheed once again took to the streets of Male’.

The former President has been inside the Indian High Commission since Wednesday afternoon after he sought refuge from a court warrant ordering police to present him before the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court.

Nasheed and his party have maintained that the charges – of illegally detaining Chief Criminal Court Judge Abdulla Mohamed prior to his controversial resignation on February 7, 2012 – are a politically-motivated attempt to prevent him from contesting presidential elections scheduled for later this year.

In contrast to Friday night’s protest, where 55 people were arrested following clashes with police, demonstrators last night took part in a “seated protest” in the intersection between Majeedhee Magu and Chaandhanee Magu.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) Spokesperson Sub Inspector Hassan Haneef told Minivan News today that while there had been no arrests made, a vehicle belonging to the Police Family and Child Protection Department was set on fire.

Police also allege that protesters set fire to a police barricade in the early hours of the morning.

However, MDP Spokesperson Hamid Abdul Ghafoor claimed the circumstances surrounding the barricade fire were suspicious.

“There had been reports that a police barricade was set on fire by protesters. However police tweeted about the fire two minutes before it actually happened,” Hamid claimed.

Minivan News observed around 4,000 demonstrators at last night’s gathering and witnessed multiple charges at the crowds by riot police.

MDP concern over Nasheed’s trial

statement released by the MDP yesterday expressed concern regarding the trial of former President Mohamed Nasheed, adding that the status of the judiciary and rule of law in the country was not conducive to ensuring a fair trial for the former president.

The statement accuses judges within the Maldives judiciary as being “under qualified, of dubious moral character, corrupt with political bias, and unduly influenced by members of the former regime”.

“When international actors refer to rule of law and due process, it is only a presumption that rule of law exists in the Maldives,” Ghafoor stated.

“When calling for rule of law in the Maldives our international partners must bare in mind the current state of the judiciary, and its ability to conduct a fair trial.”

Speaking to Minivan News on Thursday, trial observer Stephen Cragg, who compiled a report on Nasheed’s trial, said it was clear the former president was concerned he would not receive a fair trial with the current judges on the case.

Cragg visited the Maldives last year on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) to observe the hearings of former President Nasheed’s trial.

“I think it is clear that Mr Nasheed is concerned that he will not get a fair trial if the case goes ahead with the current judges due to hear the case, and his action is likely to highlight those concerns internationally,” Cragg said.

The report compiled by Cragg notes: “BHRC is concerned that a primary motivation behind the present trial is a desire by those in power to exclude Mr Nasheed from standing in the 2013 elections, and notes international opinion that this would not be a positive outcome for the Maldives.”

In the statement, the MDP welcomed calls from India, United Kingdom, United States, the Commonwealth, United Nations and the European Union for a free, fair and inclusive presidential election in the Maldives.

On Friday, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said she was following the latest developments “with concern” and “called on all parties to refrain from actions or statements which are liable to inflame the political climate in the country”.

“I underline the urgent need to resume dialogue between the parties, so as to ensure that the presidential elections set for September 2013 are credible, transparent, inclusive and fully representative of the wishes of all Maldivians, and so that the reforms identified by the Commission of National Inquiry in August 2012 can be rapidly implemented,” she said in a statement.

President of the Maldives, Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik released his own statement yesterday condemning Nasheed’s actions on Wednesday.

“I am dismayed that the former President Nasheed sought refuge in the Indian High Commission in Male’ when he was summoned to the court. The court order which required the Police to arrest Nasheed and have him appear before the court was due to his refusal to attend court hearing. It had expired at 1600 hours on the 13 February 2013, and there is no reason for him to remain in the High Commission and to instigate street violence.

“The court order has nothing to do with my government. Upholding the rule of law means nobody is above the law. I would like to assure the people of Maldives that the law and order will be maintained,” the President’s statement reads.


PPM Yameen meets Indian High Commissioner DM Mulay

Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Parliamentary Group Leader Abdulla Yameen met with Indian High Commissioner to the Maldives DM Mulay yesterday (February 16), local media reported.

The High Commissioner told local media that the meeting was to encourage dialogue in order to resolve the current situation in the Maldives.

According to local media, Mulay said he is in contact with officials in the government of Maldives, political parties and other intellectuals to encourage conversation towards a peaceful resolution to the current political instability.

Yameen said he met with Mulay in the PPM office and that the high commissioner visited to assure him the relationship between India and the Maldives would remain unchanged, local media reported.

The meeting follows former President Nasheed’s decision to seek refuge within the Indian High Commission in Male’ after he failed to attend a court hearing last week.


Bangladeshi waiter stabbed while delivering food

A Bangladeshi waiter was stabbed with a knife on the island of Hinnavaru in Lhaviyani Atoll whilst delivering food, local media reports.

A council member from Hinnavaru told local media that the victim had worked at “Ibiza” restaurant on the island, and was stabbed while delivering food to a house.

The councillor said that the Bangladeshi man was stabbed in the stomach, and is currently being treated in the island medical centre. His condition is not serious, the councillor said.

Police told local media that a 17-year-old had been taken into custody in relation to the attack.


Disappointment over low government turnout at One Billion Rising event

Organisers at One Billion Rising in the Maldives have expressed disappointment over the number government officials who failed to attend the event, aimed at ending violence towards women.

The international campaign was launched in the Maldives on Thursday (February 14) by NGO Hope for Women at Jumhooree Maidhaan in Male’.

The One Billion Rising campaign began after research revealed that one in three women around the world will be raped or beaten in their lifetime.

The gathering in Male’ featured live music and dance performances, and saw many young men and women in the crowds dancing together.

Despite the event’s popularity with youth in Male’, Chair of Hope for Women, Aneesa Ahmed, said the poor turnout from government officials “showed their lack of commitment” in tackling the issue of violence against women.

“We have been working alongside the Ministry of Gender, Family and Human Rights, and they have invited all government agencies and ministries, but I have hardly seen any of them here,” she said.

“I really don’t know what to say – the commitment is just not there. In the last few years nothing has really been done to help this particular cause,” Aneesa said.

Speaking to Minivan News, President’s Office Media Secretary Masood Imad said that the government was a broad entity consisting of many ministries and that he had not been aware of any specific invite to members of the government.

“As I understand, Acting Minister of Gender, Family and Human Rights] Dr Mariyam Shakeela attended. Some other ladies from the the government were there,” he said.

Masood said a member of staff from the President’s Office had also attended the event, as he had “skipped a meeting he was supposed to attend”.

Last month a study by Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) found that support for women’s equality in the country had experienced a “significant drop”.

The report found that fewer respondents – compared to the 2005 survey – believed that women should have equal rights to men.

Aneesa said that the event was aimed towards the younger generation in the Maldives as they do not possess the “prejudices” elderly people have in regard to equality.

“I am particularly happy because there were so many young people here, it is very encouraging. These people will stand up against violence, they are going to be a very strong force.

“In the past few years we have this increasing influence of conservatism in the country and because of this the older generation are more cautious about coming to such an event. Things like dancing, as you see today, we are not supposed to do this,” Aneesa added.

Speaking at the event, Heat Health and Fitness Managing Director Aishath Afra Mohamed spoke about her concerns regarding violence against women in the Maldives.

“Some men are trying to keep their wives in the house, they don’t want women to work and socialise with their friends. They are very possessive.

“The rate of violence is going up and women are keeping quiet about it here. But this event is good to see, the more we make light of the matter, the better it will be,” Afra added.


Irritant and dye to be used in water cannons against violent protestors

A new method to break up violent protests involving the use of an irritant in water cannons is to be implemented by police this year, local media reported.

During a meeting to provide information on the peaceful assembly bill, Chief Inspector of Police Ahmed Shameem told local media that police will add “dye” and “irritant” to water in order to break up protests.

The irritant will be used in water sprayed at protesters, and will cause itching of the skin that can only be relieved when the affected area is washed.

“It will force protesters to temporarily leave the area. The skin will continue to itch until it is washed,” Shameem was quoted as telling Sun Online.

Shameem added that the dye will be used in order to identify protesters who escape the scene after causing damage to property during protests.

The colour will apparently remain on the body for two to three days.

Shameem said that the new substances are not harmful or dangerous and that similar methods are employed by developed countries to break up protests.


MVR 11.7 million awarded to nine political parties from state budget

MVR 11.7 million (US$762,215) has been awarded to nine political parties from the state budget according to local media.

Secretary General of Elections Commission (EC) told local media that the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) had been awarded MVR 3.6 million (US$ 234,527) alone – the most money given to a political party this year.

Out of the 16 political parties registered at the EC, the nine that were awarded money include: MDP Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Adhaalath Party (AP), Maldives National Congress (MNC), Jumhooree Party (JP), Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP), Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Maldives Development Association (MDA).

PPM received a total of MVR 1.98 million (US$128,990), DRP were awarded MVR 1.9 (US$123,778) million and JP received MVR 1.2 million (US$78,175).

Islamic Democratic Party, Maldives Social Democratic Party, Social Liberal Party, People’s Party, People’s Alliance, Maldivian Labour Party and Maldives Reform Movement, received no funding from the EC.

President of the EC, Fuad Thaufeeq, told local media that some parties were not awarded the money this year due to the commission being unable to contact them through the details the party had provided.

Parties were also not awarded money due to lacking the minimum number of members required by political party regulation.

The EC will disburse money to the political parties if the courts issue an order to do so, local media reported.


Special harbour to be constructed for safari vessels

A special harbour is to be constructed in order to serve safari vessels catering for tourists, the Tourism Ministry has announced.

Deputy Minister for Tourism Mohamed Maleeh Jamal told local media that the harbour will be constructed along with the second phase of the Hulhumale’ development project and that work will begin soon.

“Safaris are in need of a good harbour. So far we have not been able to facilitate this. It is included in the fourth master plan, and during our various meetings, the idea is to build a harbour especially for safaris,” Maleeh was quoted as saying in local media.

The deputy minister did not specify the size or the facilities the harbour would provide, local media reported.


Adhaalath Party opt out of presidential race for sake of “national stability”

The Adhaalath Party (AP) will not be nominating a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections for the sake of “national stability”, the party president was quoted as saying in local media.

AP President Sheikh Imran Adbulla claimed that if the party were to declare a candidate for the presidential elections it could throw the country’s political situation into turmoil, local media reported.

“We have decided not to put forth a candidate and form a coalition. Our hope is not to form a coalition with just one party, but a coalition made with many parties,” Imran was quoted as saying in local newspaper Haveeru.

Imran said that the party’s committee will have to submit a report in two months in regard to the coalition arrangement.


Dead body found between Villimale’ and Gulhi Falhu

A dead body has been found in the sea between Villimale’ and Gulhi Falhu today (February 13), local media has reported.

Authorities are currently searching for a German tourist who went missing on Sunday after jumping into the sea from an anchored yacht near Male’.

According to local media, police confirmed a body had been found in the sea but refused to disclose any further details.

Local newspaper Haveeru reported that the missing man jumped from the yacht MY Enok to conduct some repair work.
