Criminal Court sentences Kinanath for possession of “self defense” knife

The Criminal Court has sentenced Kinanath Ahmed (King, Tug) of Henveiru Loby to one year imprisonment after the court found him guilty of possession of a sharp weapon in public.

Police were informed on January 13 that a person in possession of a knife was near the Finance Ministry. During a police patrol of the area, Kinanath was found in front of Abvillage in Mahchangolhi ward carrying a foot-long knife, according to the Criminal Court.

The Criminal Court said police then handcuffed and took Kinanath to Atholhuvehi police custodial and searched his person, finding the sheath for a bayonet underneath his t-shirt. When police searched Kinanath’s vehicle they discovered an eight-inch knife underneath the seat.

The Court said Kinanath had confessed to the ownership of one of the knives, and had told police that he used it for self defense.

Recently enacted laws prohibiting gang violence and possession of weapons does not allow for the use of weapons in self-defense, the Criminal Court noted.

Police have recently listed Kinanath as one of the most dangerous gangsters in Male’, and have warned that these persons were threats to society.

Police also said that Kinanath had been arrested 15 times on different charge, and had four cases pending in the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Kinanath is a member of the ‘Masodi’ gang, according to police.

Along with Kinanath, Inspector Abdulla Nawaz revealed the names of Asil Ismail, H. Agi, arrested ten times; Mohamed Sufyan, Gaaf Alif Gahdoo, arrested six times; Maadhih Mohamed, Laamu Gan, arrested seven times; Mohamed Rimah, Seenu Maradhoo, arrested 19 times; Ibrahim Ihusan Rasheed, Gaaf Dhaal Vaadhoo, arrested eight times; and Athif Rasheed, Ma. Scenery View, arrested ten times.


School children lured to guest houses and sexually abused, warn police

School children are being lured to guest houses by adults and sexually abused, police have claimed.

Head of the police Family and Child Protection Unit (FCPU), Chief Inspector Ahmed Shujau, told the press that school children between the ages of 14 to 18 were being sexually abused after being lured to guest houses during school hours.

Shujau said that police had learned that the minors were usually befriended or seduced through the internet.

While school children were found to visit guest houses with children of the same age, he continued, there had been incidents where children were being taken by adults.

According to Shujau, 27 such cases were recently reported to the FCPU, 16 of which involved child sexual abuse while 11 cases were forced sexual assaults on women.

Shujau told revealed that the perpetrators included adult males and females as well.

The Chief Inspector advised parents to nurture closer relationship with their children and to always be aware of their child’s whereabouts.

The age of consent in the Maldives is 18 years and above. Unless proven otherwise, sexual relations with a minor is considered non-consensual under existing Maldivian laws.


Convicted criminals brought before judges on fresh charges

A person previously sentenced to life imprisonment for drug trafficking has appeared before the criminal court charged with vandalising a shop and assaulting the shopkeeper, the Criminal Court has said in a statement.

The Criminal Court in a statement said that Ismail Waheed of Galolhu Sundance had been handed to the Department of Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Services (DPRS) to implement the verdict of life imprisonment, and was under the impression he was behind bars until he was brought before the court by police on fresh charges.

Waheed was found guilty of drug trafficking and sentenced to life imprisonment after 25 packets of illegal drugs were discovered on him.

The Criminal Court said police had been ordered to keep Waheed in custody and hand him over to the DPRS within 15 days.

DPRS Director General Mohamed Rasheed told local media that Waheed escaped prison when he was brought Male’ for medical treatment, and had been at large as a fugitive.

According to Rasheed, Waheed’s family requested he be taken abroad for medical treatment and he was brought to Male’ prior to the journey.

On March 18 police brought a person to the Criminal Court who had previously been sentenced to 45 years imprisonment after he was found guilty of theft, objection to order and three drug related charges, said the Criminal Court.

A second person was also brought before the court who had been sentenced 10 times on different charges and was supposed to be serving 27 years imprisonment, after he was found guilty of five robbery cases, two cases of objection to order, two cases of driving without a license and one case of possession and use of drugs.

”The court’s documents show that those two persons were handed over to the concerned authorities to implement the verdict,” the court said at the time. ”But Ttey were brought before the judges on March 18 on charges of robbery after being arrested during a police special operation to curb violence in Male’.”


Criminal Court releases Gabbarey, ”a potential threat to the society” warn police

The Criminal Court has released Ibrahim Abdulla ‘Gabbarey’, who was arrested and kept in pre-trial detention for conspiracy to conduct assault and battery and disrupt the peace.

He was arrested along with 49 others during a special operation police conducted to avoid potential clashes between gangs after the murder of 21 year-old Ahusan Basheer.

The Criminal Court cited Ibrahim’s medical condition and lack of evidence as reasons for his release.

A police spokesperson said that Ibrahim was potential threat to the society if he was at large.

”But the Criminal Court has today released him,” he added. ”He is on our list of the nine most dangerous criminals.”

Ibrahim was recently attacked with a machete and barely survived after suffering a major head injury. He was taken abroad for further treatment.

Police statistics show that Ibrahim was arrested 14 times for allegedly committing several offenses.

Ahusan Basheer, 21 died last month after a group of assailants stabbed him near NC Park in the Galolhu district of Male’.

”He was stabbed four times in the back and three times in the chest,” police said in a statement.

Police arrested Ibrahim Shahum, who was recently charged in a murder case and released by the court after being kept in detention for six months, in connection with the case. He is currently being held in pre-trial detention.


19 year-old stabbed, days after police said most dangerous nine criminals were detained

Unknown assailants stabbed a person in the Mahchangolhi ward of Male’ last night, three days after the Deputy Head of the police’s Serious and Organized Crime Department (SOC) Inspector Abdulla Nawaz told the press that the most dangerous criminals in Male’ had been detained.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said the victim was attacked in Nikagasmagu of Mahchangolhi ward.

”His condition was not too serious,” Shiyam said. ”It is too early to say whether it was a gang fight.”

He said two men were arrested in connection to the case.

Only last week, a 25 year-old man identified as Ahmed Mirza died after he was attacked with iron bars and other weapons while he was sitting in the children’s park in Villingili.

Mirza was attacked after he reportedly made some comments about a girl.

Last Thursday, Inspector Nawaz informed the press that nine persons police believed to be dangerous criminals were now held in detention.

The nine persons Nawaz identified were: Ibrahim Shahum, Rilwan Faruhath, Ahmed Shiruhan, Abdulla Naseer, Ahmed Shareef, Mohamed Visham, Ibrahim Abdulla, Gassan Ali and his brother Hassan Ali.

Meanwhile, the parliament has commenced work to amend the Clemency Act to execute persons sentenced to death, while the Criminal Justice Procedure Bill was also presented to the parliament at the same time and is now currently at the committee stage.

In an effort to curb the rise in gang violence, President Mohamed Nasheed has formed a Crime Prevention Committee led by former Defense Minister Ameen Faisal.

So far the committee has held meetings with the Supreme Court and almost all concerned authorities, although it has yet to announce any progress.


Inmates start fire after imprisoned inside shipping container

An inmate brought to Male’ for medical treatment started a fire inside a shipping container in Male’ Prison where he was temporarily kept.

State Home Minister Ahmed Adhil said the inmate was kept inside a container made to keep prisoners.

”He set fire to the pillows,” said Adhil. ”It’s nothing too serious, the media is reporting it as if it is very serious. We are investigating the incident and then we will know what actually happened,” he added.

He noted that prisoners were allowed to smoke and therefore had access to fire.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam also confirmed that a fire occurred inside Male’ prison.

”Police were informed that a fire incident occurred inside the prison,” Shiyam said. ”We are currently investigating the incident, so far it does not seem like it is a very serious issue.”

Journalists present outside Male’ jail while the incident occurred reported that riot police were seen entering the Male’ prison and that inmates were heard shouting that they were being tortured.

A while later some prisoners were brought out and transferred to a boat by prison officers.

A Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) fire vehicle was seen entering the prison, but no smoke was observed.

Persons familiar with the matter claimed that inmates were furious that they had to stay inside the metal container and were desperate to get out.


Police dismiss allegations that officer was arrested in connection to haul of 10 alcohol bottles

Police have denied reports that one of three men arrested in a Heniveru house last week in possession of 10 bottles of alcohol was a police officer.

Alcohol is banned on inhabited islands in the Maldives.

”[The officer] was arrested while he was inside that house with two others,” claimed a person familiar with the matter. ”He is currently under house arrest, the other two are still in police custody.”

Deputy Head of the Serious and Organised Crime Department (SOC), Inspector Abdulla Nawaz, told the press that three men were arrested inside Aadhage in Henveiru Aadhage, after police discovered eight bottles of alcohol inside a bag in the house and other two more bottles in a second bag.

Six empty alcohol bottles were discovered inside the house, Nawaz said, and a bayonet.

Nawaz did not give further information about the three persons arrested.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that no police officer had been arrested in connection with discovery of the ten bottles and the knife.

”A police officer may have been arrested in an operation conducted,” he said. ”But we can confirm that no police officer was arrested in connection with the alcohol bottles.”


Villingili observes moment of silence in memory of assault victim

A group of about 200 people living in Villingili on Friday observed a moment of silence to commemorate Ahmed Mirza, 25, who died after  suffering severe injuries to his head in a violent attack last week.

The group marched on the streets of Villingili calling for the death penalty to be issued to murderers. Demonstrators also marched towards the houses of five suspects arrested in connection with the case and gathered outside.

Media reported that police blocked the entrance of the houses as demonstrators gathered around.

The march was also attended by opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Nihan and family members of Mirza, and ended peacefully at the Children’s Park in Villingili where Mirza was last sitting before he was attacked

Nihan did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.

Mirza was assaulted last Monday with iron bars and other weapons in Villingili after he allegedly made comments concerning a girl.

He died early Thursday morning in Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Mirza was declared brain-dead after doctors at the IGMH examined him and was kept on life support for almost two days according to the family’s wishes.

Mirza’s father told local newspaper Haveeru that his son had made plans to marry his girlfriend after a month.

Currently a Criminal Procedure Bill and an amendment to the Clemency Act to uphold death sentences withdrawing the authority president has to grant clemency on those sentenced to death are being presented to the parliament to curb the gang violence.

The Criminal Procedure Bill presented by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader MP ‘Reeco’ Moosa Manik was accepted by the parliament has now been sent to the National Security Committee.

The amendment to the Clemency Act presented by Jumhoree Party (JP) MP Ibrahim Muthalib requires to uphold death sentences if upheld by the Supreme Court or if the Supreme Court itself delivered a death sentence.

Currently all the death sentences issued are implemented as a 25 year imprisonment.


14 death sentences issued in the past 10 years: Criminal Court

The Criminal Court has said that 14 death sentences have been passed in the last decade, however many of those convicted and given the sentence have been rearrested and brought before judges on different cases.

The court said that a total of 9197 persons had been given sentences for various crimes within the past 10 years – approximately three percent of the Maldives’ population.

2950 persons of the total 9197 convicted were banished, while 798 persons were placed under house arrest and 5435 persons were imprisoned, said the Criminal Court.

However, the court said many of the convicts who are supposed to be serving their time were brought before the judges accused of committing further offenses.

Meanwhile, the parliament has commenced its preliminary debate on the amendment presented by Jumhoory Party (JP) MP Ibrahim Muthalib to the Clemency Act, which requires death penalties to be implemented if the Supreme Court upholds a death sentence issued by a lower court or of the Supreme Court itself issues a death sentence.

If the amendment is passed the President will not have the authority to grant clemency for those who are found guilty of any offense that serves a death penalty.

The amendment was originally presented by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Ibrahim Rasheed, who withdrew it claiming that he would resubmit it after bills relating to evidence and penal code were passed.

Parliamentary Group Leader of MDP ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik has now presented the Criminal Justice Procedure Bill, which parliament has accepted and is awaiting preliminary debate.

As MPs present bills to try and control rising gang violence, early this morning a 25 year-old victim died in hospital after an assault two days ago that left him in a coma.

Another youth, Ahusan Basheer, 21, was stabbed to death last month on a busy street in Male. Ibrahim Shahum, 20, who was released by the court after being held in pre-trial detention for six months in connection with another murder case, was arrested along with two others. An under-aged girl, who reportedly witnessed the crime, was also arrested and kept in pre-trial detention.
