Thulusdhoo murder an act of revenge, reveals police

The chief suspect arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of a 35-year-old man on the island of Thulusdhoo in Kaafu atoll has confessed to murdering the victim in an act of revenge, Chief Inspector Abdulla Satheeh told the press yesterday.

Mohamed Niyaz, 34, confessed to investigators that the victim, Ali Shiham, had accused him of stealing from a construction site under the latter’s supervision, Satheeh explained.

Satheeh noted that Niyaz had previously been arrested 10 times in relation to theft and drug abuse offences.

Niyaz had voluntarily submitted to police on the night of the murder. Satheeh said police have wrapped up the investigation and forwarded the case to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Briefing press on the fatal stabbing of an 18-year-old man in Malé on August 2, Satheeh said that the victim – Mohamed Mazin, of Dhiggamaage in Noonu Miladhoo – had no connection to gangs in the capital.

Of the four suspects connection with the murder, Satheeh said a 22-year-old suspect was arrested from Vilifushi in Thaa atoll, noting that all four had criminal records for assault.


Police arrest four suspects in connection with fatal stabbing

Police have arrested four suspects in connection with the fatal stabbing of an 18-year-old man in the capital Malé.

Police said the four suspects – one aged 22 and three aged 19-years-old – were taken into custody with arrest warrants during an operation conducted over the course of several days.

On Friday (August 9), the Criminal Court extended the remand detention of the four suspects to 10 days, police said.

Mohamed Mazin, 18, from Dhiggaamaage in Noonu Miladhoo, was stabbed around 9:50am near the Henveiru Park area on Saturday, August 2, and died while undergoing treatment at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Police said at the time that Mazin had three stab wounds in his back. He was assaulted along with Ali Arif, 18, from Henveiru Shaiban – where Mazin was also residing – who was stabbed in the ribcage.

“Maldivian police have undertaken additional efforts to ensure security and ease the anxiety and fear among citizens caused by six violent assaults in Malé committed with sharp objects in recent days,” police said in a statement yesterday.

As part of “special efforts” to combat gang violence, police have been confiscating weapons from public spaces in the capital and decided last week to dismantle huts used exclusively by gangs.

Police intelligence suggests that the spate of violent assaults in Malé since the beginning of Eid Holidays on July 28 were gang reprisals “caused by a disturbance between two groups,” Chief Inspector Abdulla Satheeh told the press last week.

However, Mazin’s family told newspaper Haveeru last week that the deceased had no connection to gangs and did not have a criminal record.

After working with a construction group in Haa Alif Dhonakulhi resort, Mazin came to Malé during Eid holidays in order to travel back to Miladhoo, family members explained.

He was unable to return, however, as there was no boat traveling to the island, Mazin’s cousin told the newspaper, adding that he had been in the capital for about five days before the assault.

The few days Mazin spent in Malé was the longest period he had spent in the capital, he added.

Another family member explained that Mazin had gone to Henveiru park with his cousin while some eyewitnesses said he was stabbed while attempting to defend Arif.

According to the family, Mazin had seven deep stab wounds, including one to the head, and had died without regaining consciousness.

Meanwhile, police arrested three young men in Malé on Friday night (August 8 ) during a gang fight in the Maafanu ward.

The three suspects – aged 19, 20, and 22 – were “arrested from the crime scene,” police said.

One of the suspects was reportedly treated at IGMH for injuries and taken into police custody. All three were arrested with weapons in their possession.

Police also confiscated two motorbikes used by the youth.

report by the Asia Foundation in late 2012 found that political and corporate elites financed gangs “to carry out a range of illegal activities that serve their political or business interests”.

Police statistics meanwhile reveal 95 incidents of assault reported in July alone, bringing the total number of assault cases to 697 this year. Approximately 1,500 cases of assault are reported annually in the Maldives, of which a majority occurs in Malé.


Man arrested in Thinadhoo for child sex abuse

Police arrested a 29-year-old man from the island of Thinadhoo in Gaaf Dhaal atoll on Thursday night (August 7) for alleged child sex abuse.

Police said the suspect was taken into custody with an arrest warrant obtained after receiving information from a member of the public.

Preliminary investigations have revealed that the man had repeatedly molested the minor, police said, noting that the suspect had a criminal record.

Police did not reveal any further details of the case.


Three suspects in 24kg drug bust released

Three suspects arrested in a 24kg drug bust in February have been released after the Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office decided there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the three Maldivian men, reports local media.

After taking 18 men into custody, police forwarded five cases for prosecution. However, the PG’s Office have decided to prosecute only two suspects – both Maldivians – identified as Abdulla Sofwath, from Henveiru Everpeace, and Ismail Moosa, from Galolhu Trustwood.

The Criminal Court has ordered that the pair be kept in remand detention pending the outcome of their trial.

Local media has meanwhile reported that the three locals released last week included a police officer arrested in connection with the drug bust as well as the captain of a dhoni (traditional Maldivian boat) that collected the heroin from an Iranian vessel.

Four Maldivians, three Bangladeshis, and 11 Pakistanis were taken into custody on March 10 with 24kg of heroin, which police said was “the largest amount of drugs seized in a police operation conducted in the Maldives so far.”


Police seize drugs worth MVR525,000 in drug busts

Police have seized drugs with a street value in excess of MVR525,000 (US$34,046) in two drug bust in Malé last week.

According to police media, three Maldivian men aged 32, 33, and 34 were arrested near the Hulhumalé express jetty on Thursday morning (August 7) in an operation conducted by the Drug Enforcement Department (DED).

Drugs with an estimated street value of MVR480,000 (US$31,128) was found in the backpack of the 33-year-old.

The Criminal Court has since extended the remand detention of the suspects to 10 days.

In the second operation, a 52-year-old Maldivian man was arrested with drugs worth MVR45,000 (US$2,918) from a room in the Maafaru guest house Thursday night. The guest house was raided based on intelligence information.

Police also found two cellophane wrapping rolls and a small weighing device.


Police to dismantle huts in Malé to curb gang violence

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) has decided to dismantle huts in public spaces in Malé used exclusively by gangs in the capital.

Police said that huts and other sheltered areas in Malé used as makeshift dens by gangs “facilitate the assaults happening in Malé as well as the drug trade”.

Police have decided to clear out the huts and “bring an end to the areas being used to plan criminal offences,” it was revealed in a statement, which also noted that violent assaults in the past week have occurred in such areas used exclusively by gangs that were off-limits to the public.

Earlier this week, police launched “special efforts” to curb gang violence following a spate of violent assaults since July 28 that left an 18-year-old stabbing victim dead.

As part of the efforts, police have been confiscating weapons and drugs from parks and other open spaces in the capital, Chief Inspector Ismail Naveen told the press on Sunday (August 3).

Areas where weapons have been found included the Henveiru Park – the scene of three violent assaults last week – as well as the park on Alikilegefaanu Magu and the open space near the State Trading Organisation’s head office in Maafanu.

According to police media, discussions initiated by police took place today with the Malé City Council, the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Both ministries and the city council assured cooperation with police efforts to clear out the huts and open the public spaces for sports and use by the general public.

The authorities informed police that the huts were not built with permission, police noted, adding that some areas were being used for business enterprises.

Moreover, police have found that sports facilities have been set up in areas which were being leased or used exclusively by certain groups.

The ministries and city council agreed that public spaces should be open for use by “any youth and people of all ages,” police said.

In May, police dismantled similar huts and hangouts in the suburb Vilimalé following reports of criminal activity, including drug use and gang violence.

Malé City Councillor Shamau Shareef told Minivan News at the time that the council had asked police to clear out “all such hangouts around Malé instead of just that one place in Villimalé.”

The move drew criticism from Villimalé MP Ahmed Nihan – parliamentary group leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives – who told Minivan News that destroying the huts without providing alternatives would only create more social problems.

The Malé City Council meanwhile passed a resolution on Tuesday (August 5) calling on law enforcement authorities to redouble efforts to combat gang violence in the capital, which has created an atmosphere of “fear and panic”.

Speaking at press conference yesterday, Mayor Mohamed Shihab stressed the need for long-term measures to ensure security in the capital, noting that unemployment and lack of entertainment and sports facilities for youth were factors that contributed to gang activities.

“One of the biggest problems faced by citizens of Malé is the lack of housing,” he said, adding that youth often lacked space in their homes to “hang out with friends.”

Meanwhile, speaking at a scholarship awarding ceremony of the Trans-Maldivian Airways’ youth pilot training programme last night, President Abdulla Yameen said it was “about time that youth come to their senses with what they are doing.”

“Maldives is not a country that is infested with stabbing, Maldives is not a country that is infested with these kinds of juvenile delinquencies or crime. These are isolated incidents,” he said.

“Whatever foreign media writes about Maldives, what can clearly be said about Maldives today is that after all the political difficulties we have had in the past, and thanks to some of the foreign interventions in these – that certainly did not make our lives easier –  but that is a story of the past.”

“Today we have a strong government, we have the support of the public and we also have a strong support in the parliament.”


Government’s reaction to death threats is a test of democracy: IPU

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has called on the Maldives to make a speedy investigation into the death threats against opposition MPs and to offer them full protection.

The statement follows a series of death threats made against seven Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs on Saturday night (August 2).

“IPU is deeply concerned by these acts of intimidation against MPs in a country where many parliamentarians have been victims of attacks, harassment and arbitrary arrests in recent years,” said the IPU.

Secretary General Martin Chungong said “the authorities’ response to the threats and their capacity to promote, with the help of the opposition, real inclusiveness and political dialogue will be a litmus test for the democratic process in the Maldives.”

“The authorities must act with the necessary resolve to bring the culprits to justice,” continues the statement.

MP Eva Abdulla – a recipient of the threats, and the first Maldivian member of the IPU – told Minivan News that she had received no update from the authorities regarding any investigation or protection after reporting the incident three days ago.

“I am alarmed the parliament has not said anything,” she said.

“The MNDF should take some action, the Majlis have not said anything, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union is speaking before the parliament,” Eva added.

Meanwhile, police claimed that an investigation had been launched on the day the threats were received, with a spokesman describing the investigation as “going very fast”.

When asked about the level of security offered to MPs, the spokesperson stated that it was the responsibility of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) to provide a bodyguard.

Both the police and the MNDF were unwilling to comment on the level of protection currently offered to MPs.

The Sergeant-at-Arms – the head of the Majlis’ independent security team – told Minivan News that he had been informed of the threats, adding that the usual procedure was to inform MNDF and the police.

He suggested  that authorities have no capacity to track who sends these threats, a point previously contested by the opposition who have suggested those culpable are being protected from prosecution.


In the death threat sent to MPs on Saturday, the perpetrators referred to the murder of Ungoofaaru constituency MP and Islamic scholar in October 2012.

“It is not a sin to kill those who challenge Allah’s words and call for freedom of religion. Afrasheem Ali was an example,” read the message.

While the murder of Dr Afrasheem was the most shocking attack on an elected representative in the country’s history, former MDP MP Alhan Fahmy was left unable to walk for months after being stabbed in the back in February this year.

The safety and rights of MPs have previously been a concern of the IPU, who in November 2013 arranged an emergency visit to the Maldives.

The organisation’s request for an urgent visit was prompted by the growing list of cases involving Maldivian MPs – 24 in total – filed with the IPU’s Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.

Death threats made against those in the public eye have become a norm in Maldivian cyberspace. Politicians, bloggers, and social media users have reported receiving threats for a range of reasons, from their support of a particular political party to their advocacy of freedom of religion.

Earlier this week, 15 journalists from different media outlets received SMS threats in relation to the coverage of gang violence in the capital Malé.

The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has previously expressed concern over the prevalence of cyber threats, and urged victims to report threats made via Facebook, Twitter, or comments on blog posts to the police.

“In light of recent events, at a time of high levels of intolerance, and increase in gang related violence, do not treat any form of cyber threat as an idle threat,” said HRCM Vice President Ahmed Tholal.


Policing not affected by reduction of ministerial powers, insists Umar Naseer

The restriction of the home minister’s prerogative to order individual police officers has not affected police effort’s to combat gang violence, Home Minister Umar Naseer insisted in parliament today.

Appearing for minister’s question time, Naseer explained that the home minister could no longer issue direct orders to police officers due to “changes” made to his mandate by President Abdulla Yameen, who exercised “his discretion under the law”.

“However, there has been no change to the role of police in this country. Police are fulfilling their responsibilities and will continue to do so,” Naseer insisted, adding that “special measures” were being taken to ensure security in the capital Malé.

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) alleged yesterday that “the present climate of fear in Malé and several islands began to escalate following [Naseer’s] constitutional powers as the minister in charge of police being reduced”.

Local daily Haveeru reported last week that President Yameen’s decision to reduce the home minister’s powers came after Naseer ordered police officers to investigate Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb – deputy leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) – for alleged unlawful activities.

Contrary to Naseer’s remarks today, President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali had denied any changes to the home minister’s mandate.

Crime wave

Naseer meanwhile told MPs today that a “special police operation” was ongoing to curb gang violence in the capital following a spate of violent assaults during the past six days.

Naseer suggested that the problem was exacerbated by insufficient police resources, revisions required for “some laws”, and drug trafficking.

Crime in the Maldives stemmed from drug use, Naseer said, adding that efforts to combat drug trafficking have increased “manifold” under the current administration.

Efforts were currently underway to renovate and upgrade the rehabilitation centre in Himmafushi, he noted.

The government would continue “supply reduction” and “harm reduction” efforts, he added, reiterating that a period of 15 years would be needed with a “sustained effort” by successive administrations to address the country’s drug problem.

Asked by PPM MP Ahmed Nihan if there was any intelligence information suggesting that opposition politicians were behind the gang violence in a “deliberate attempt to incite unrest”, Naseer said he could not share confidential information at “an open forum”.

“But I would say that it is likely that scheming by some people might be involved in what’s going on now,” he said.


Naseer was summoned to the People’s Majlis today after a question was tabled by MDP MP Eva Abdulla concerning his allegations made in the wake of losing the PPM presidential primary to Yameen in March 2013.

Naseer had contended that the election was “rigged” and alleged that criminal gangs, convicts and drug smuggling “networks” were part of Yameen’s campaign team.

The PPM subsequently expelled Naseer from the party after he refused to apologise.

Asked how far any investigation of the president’s links to gangs and drug trafficking had progressed, Naseer said he was not legally obliged to answer the question as the remarks preceded his appointment as home minister and was not related to his present duties.

Naseer had previously retracted the allegations and categorically asserted that there were no links between Yameen and criminal enterprises.

In an interview with Minivan News in January, Naseer had dismissed the allegation as “political rhetoric” borrowed from the MDP.

Moreover, in April, Naseer told state broadcaster Television Maldives that he was “not a political threat” to Yameen.

At today’s sitting, Naseer repeatedly alleged that former President Mohamed Nasheed encouraged drug use and had resigned in “a state of intoxication”.

Nasheed would test positive for drug use “even if his urine is tested right now,” Naseer said.

Moreover, Nasheed was responsible for attacks against police officers and their families following the transfer of power in February 2012, he claimed.

In followup questions, MDP MPs suggested that Naseer could not answer truthfully for fear of losing his job.

Naseer responded by saying that he would not hesitate to order investigations of senior government officials “if a case reaches me.”

MDP MP Imthiyaz Fahmy meanwhile argued that Naseer by his own admission must have been lying either in parliament or when he made the allegations against Yameen last year and asked whether he had apologised either to the president or the public.

Naseer said he had “nothing to apologise for” and suggested that MDP leaders should apologise for causing MVR200 million worth of damage by allegedly setting fire to police stations, vehicles and courts on February 8, 2012.

Asked by an irate MP ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik – former MDP chairperson – if provoking the main opposition party was part of his mandate, Naseer said he was “responding in kind” to MDP MPs’ “pestering” questions.

The deputy speaker advised Naseer to show more respect to a party with the support of over 105,000 people.


Five suspects arrested in connection with gang violence

Police arrested four suspects with drugs and weapons from a residence in the Maafanu ward of the capital Malé last night.

According to police media, police searched Maafanu Badufangige with a search warrant at around 11:00pm and took four men into custody after discovering weapons, four balaclavas, and a packet containing illicit narcotics.

A fifth male suspect was also arrested last night with weapons and drugs after searching a residence in Malé.

The suspect was taken into custody from Maafanu Azma after obtaining a search and arrest warrant.

As part of efforts to curb gang violence, police have also been questioning and frisking individuals “loitering on the streets with no purpose” both after midnight and during the day.
