Government trials expansion of Aasandha to Maldivians in Sri Lanka, India

The government is this month expanding the Aasandha universal health insurance for Maldives nationals with resident visas in Sri Lanka and India to specific “empanelled” hospitals.

National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) Chair and State Minister State for Health Thoriq Ali Luthfee has said that to coincide with the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan, Maldives nationals residing in the two countries would now be covered for 397 surgical and medical procedures under the universal health scheme.

The coverage will be available at a set number of hospitals that have already been providing services under Aasandha in Sri Lanka and India.

The Aasandha universal health insurance program was introduced by former President Nasheed’s government in January 2012 and retained by President Waheed’s administration after the controversial transfer of power in February the same year.

The scheme, a public-private partnership with Allied Insurance, covers up to MVR100,000 (US$6500) in healthcare costs for Maldives nationals with valid national identity cards.

State Minister Luthfee claimed that the extension of the services to Maldivians residing in Sri Lanka and India was possible as a result of cutting systematic “waste” from the Aasandha system present from its inception under the previous government.

Healthcare challenge

The government has announced the launch of the new services at a time where health authorities have continued to come under criticism about limited health services being offered to patients domestically.

In June, President Waheed told staff at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male’ that his government was working to try and overcome “budgetary challenges” it has been facing in providing healthcare services.  The pledge was made amidst concerns about limited services at domestic health centres in the country.

Earlier the same month, the Ministry of Health had told Minivan News that insufficient salaries and concerns over staff safety were key issues driving “shortages” in the number of trained medical staff coming from abroad to work at hospitals in the Maldives, resulting in impacts to services.

However, despite economic difficulties facing the provision of health care in the Maldives at domestic hospitals and health centres, Luthfee said that Aasandha was funded and overseen by the NSPA under a separate budget budget to health finance – which was handled by the health Ministry.

He claimed that the outcome of extending Aasandha coverage for residents in Sri Lanka and India would need to be monitored to see if the system could be extended to for Maldivian expatriates in other parts of the world.


Luthfee claimed that one key consideration of the success of expanding Aasandha coverage would in whether Maldivians used the scheme “responsibly”.

Shortly after the launch of the scheme in January 2012, Health Minister Dr Ahmed Jamsheed – then Chief Operating Officer at Male’s ADK hospital – said the private health centre had been overwhelmed at the time by patients. He cited a 100 percent increase in demand for basic services in the first 14 days of the scheme.

Dr Jamsheed at the time contended that limited information on Aasandha’s financial structure was leading some members of the public to exaggerate their medical needs, with the mindset that all of their MVR100,000 allowance needed to be spent without regard for the system’s sustainability.

Luthfee claimed today that initial high pressure on the Aasandha system as a result of exaggerated medical needs had seemingly been tempered by greater accountability and a better understanding among the public of how the system was being financed.

“We have been able to balance this, partly through the use of a cost share agreement with private institutions participating in Aasandha,” he said.

Luthfee argued that the potential irresponsible use of universal medical care limiting services for the most in need was an issue initially seen in the early days of public healthcare systems all over the world – pointing to the early days of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) model as one example.

He claimed that despite some of the challenges facing the system, Aasandha was now being operated in sustainable manner resulting from decreased costs to when the system was launched last year.  He claimed that despite the decreased costs, services offered through the scheme had not been compromised as a result.

Credit limits

Earlier this year, the Amrita Institute of Technology Hospital in Kochi, India, announced that it had been forced to impose a credit limit on services being offered to Maldivian nationals travelling for treatment under Aasandha.

As with other similar insurance schemes, the hospital at the time told Minivan News that it had been forced to control patient admittance as a result of over 7 million rupees (US$130,536) in unpaid charges.

Aasandha’s management said there had been some issues receiving money from the Finance Ministry to cover bills owed as a result of the insurance scheme last December – traditionally a “peak” period for Maldivians wishing to seek medical treatment abroad.

A spokesperson for the hospital could not be reached for comment today.

However, Cosmopolitan Hospital in Travandrum, India, one of several health centres “empanelled” under the Aasandha scheme, said it continued to offer medical services to Maldivian nationals under the programme.

The spokesperson added that he had not been made aware of any issues presently with payments or services being provided through the system.

Nawaloka Hospital, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which is also offers treatments under Aasandha, confirmed that it was not aware of any issues with payments being received for treatments and continued to provide medical services to Maldives nationals without any significant limitations.

Last July, the present government pledged that Aasandha would “not collapse”, despite the state owing four months of unpaid premium charges sought to cover medical treatments.


Better to work with Adhaalath Party than risk “negative long-term effects”: President Waheed

President Mohamed Waheed has pledged to continue working with the religious conservative Adhaalath Party (AP) and has said he remains unconcerned about radicalisation in the Maldives.

Following a two day official visit to Sri Lanka, Waheed spoke to the AFP about his Adhaalath coalition partners and addressed concerns about rising religious fundamentalism in the Maldives.

Waheed believes excluding Adhaalath from mainstream Maldivian politics risked marginalising the party, which would have a “negative long-term effect”.

“We believe we can work with them (Adhaalath), we believe we must work them, because not working with them would be to marginalise them,” Waheed told the AFP.

“Rejecting them would have a more negative long term effect. Inclusion is better than exclusion. It is better to take them on board. Better to work with them,” he added.

Waheed described some AP members as having “extreme views”, however he believes most have “moderate Islamic beliefs”.

“I don’t worry too much about this [radicalisation]. There will always be a few extremists everywhere, even in Europe and the America,” said Waheed.

No attacks have been blamed on Islamic extremists recently, according to Waheed, but he noted that the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has accused extremists of destroying the entire collection of 12th century Buddhist artifacts at the National Museum in Male’ during the political unrest last February.

Waheed pledged that despite pressure from his coalition partners to adopt stricter Sharia Law punishments, the Maldives would remain a bastion of tolerance.

Meanwhile, recent local media reports have suggested the AP is considering backing out of Waheed’s coalition due to a lack of campaign activities, however the party has yet to overtly raise concerns over the manner in which President Waheed is campaigning ahead of September’s presidential election.

In addition to the AP, Waheed’s coalition consists of his Gaumee Ithihaad Party (GIP), the government-aligned Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), and the Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP).

Adhaalath Party

Both Adhalaath and GIP do not presently have any elected members in parliament.

The religious conservative party was previously a coalition partner in the government of former President Mohamed Nasheed, later leaving the government citing concerns at what it alleged were the irreligious practices of the administration.

This led the AP in December 2011 to join then fellow opposition parties – now members of Waheed’s unity government – and a number of NGOs to gather in Male’ with thousands of people to “defend Islam”.

During the same day, Nasheed’s MDP held their own rally held at the Artificial Beach area in Male’ claiming his government would continue to practice a “tolerant form” of Islam, reminding listeners that Islam in the Maldives has traditionally been tolerant.

“We can’t achieve development by going backwards to the Stone Age or being ignorant,” Nasheed said at the time.

Shortly after coming to power in February 2012, flanked by members of the new government’s coalition, President Waheed gave a speech calling on supporters to “Be courageous; today you are all mujaheddin”.

In December 2012, shortly after the protests led by Adhaalath Party President Sheikh Imran Abdulla under the self-titled ‘national movement’ against GMR concluded, the government of President Waheed abruptly terminated the agreement and gave GMR a seven day ultimatum to leave the country.

Subsequently, Imran has been accused of attempting to influence the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC)’s investigation into alleged corruption in the previous government’s aborted airport privatisation deal, a commission member alleged to local media outlet CNM this June.

The ACC’s findings, which were published in June, concluded that there was no corruption in the airport privatisation deal, days prior to GMR claiming US$1.4 billion in compensation for “wrongful termination” of its 25 year concession agreement.

Meanwhile, Chair of Adhaalath Party’s Scholars Council, Sheikh Ilyas Hussain was recently summoned to Parliament’s Penal Code Committee after alleging he had made misleading comments about provisions of Penal Code bill during a religious sermon.

According to local media, on March 22 Sheikh Ilyas held a religious sermon dubbed the ‘Purpose of Islamic Sharia’ at the Furuqan Mosque after Isha Prayers, where he swore to God that the new Penal Code was “made to destroy the religion of Islam”.

In February 2013, the Adhaalath Party declared that the 15 year-old rape victim who was recently sentenced to 100 lashes and eight months of house arrest “deserves the punishment”, as this is the penalty for fornication under Islamic Sharia. While, in 2011, the AP issued a statement calling on the state to implement Islamic Sharia and execute mothers who abort their children.

In September 2012, the Islamic Minister, the party’s senior member Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed, sent a circular to all government institutions banning the holding of any mixed gender dance events.

In April 2012, the Adhaalath Party called on the Education Ministry to cancel the inter-school singing competition, claiming that music and singing is ‘haram’ [prohibited in Islam].

Despite these past objections, the AP and Waheed’s coalition held multiple campaign events – including a music show and barbecue – targeting youth in June 2013, to launch the first of its pledges and policies.

Adhaalath Party representative Hussain Wafeer said the party’s involvement was only with the policy launch, and distanced the party from other events.

Asked about the party’s official stand on the music show events being carried out under the name of the coalition they were part of, Wafeer said he would confer with party leaders as to their stand on the matter. Minivan News was later unable to contact him.

Rising extremism

Rising religious fundamentalism is negatively impacting women in Maldives, a study published this week, the “Maldives Operational Review for the ICPD Beyond 2014”, conducted under the supervision of the Department of National Planning (DNP) in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) determined.

“Even though, the Maldivian Constitution guarantees equal rights and freedom for all Maldivians without any discrimination, prevailing traditions and socio-cultural norms have limited women’s participation in the workforce and in the community,” the study stated.

“The increasing level of religious fundamentalism and conservative thinking has worsened the situation,” it added. “The sudden growth of religious fundamentalism and conservative thinking is an emerging challenge, particularly for women and young girls.”

“There has been an increase towards certain trends such as preference for home schooling and refusing vaccination and other medical services for women based on religious beliefs.”

Meanwhile, religious conservatism and extremist violence have been increasing in the Maldives over the past decade, while incidents of Maldivians joining overseas jihadist groups are becoming more common, according to a report published in the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) Sentinel, a publication based out of the West Point military academy in the US.

“The country has already suffered one terrorist attack targeting foreign tourists, and a number of Maldivians have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas to receive jihadist training. Moreover, evidence exists that jihadists tried to form a terrorist group in the country in 2007-2008,” the report states.

“This has coincided with a number of violent attacks on liberal activists and other citizens who have expressed outspoken support for moderate religious practices,” the report notes.

If current trends continue “extremist incidents may rise, with violence targeted against the country’s more liberal citizens,” it added.

Asked to clarify the President’s remarks on radicalisation, GIP Spokesperson Abbas Adil Riza told Minivan News yesterday (July 9) he was “not aware of this” and “did not have any comment” on the matter.

The Adhaalath Party was not responding to calls at time of press.


Parliament agrees extension of STELCO overdraft guarantee with BML

Parliament has today agreed to extend a government guarantee on a MVR 50 million (US$ 3.2 million) overdraft facility with Bank of Maldives (BML) for the State Electric Company (STELCO) until March 2014, according to local media.

The extension was passed with 31 votes in favour to 17 against, Sun Online has reported.
A total of 48 MPs took part in today’s vote.

The overdraft guarantee, which had originally been approved through parliament in September 2009, had been sent to expire this year.

Despite the extension agreement, STELCO last month revealed that the government owed MVR 543 million (US$35.2 million) in unpaid electricity bills as of May 2013.

According to the company, most of the money (MVR 281 million/US$18.2 million) is owed by assorted government offices. Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) owes MVR 37 million (US$2.4 million) and the National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) owes MVR 224 (US$14.5 million).

STELCO, which is wholly owned by the government, is the country’s sole provider of electricity to major urban centres, such as Male’, and many inhabited islands.


Police summon Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed for questioning over sex tape scandal

Police have summoned Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed for questioning over his alleged appearance in a leaked sex tape.

According newspaper Haveeru, Justice Hameed was summoned to police headquarters in Male about 8:00pm in the evening and left at around 1:30am after spending more than five hours in the building.

Police however did not confirm the summoning but said only that the case is currently being investigated.

Last Thursday police formally notified the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Prosecutor General and President Mohamed Waheed Hassan regarding their investigation into the case.

The existence of a video footage allegedly involving Justice Hameed indulging in adultery came into media limelight following the arrest of Ahmed Faiz – a senior Council Member of President Waheed’s Gaumee Ihthihaad Party (GIP) and former Project Advisor at the Housing Ministry.

Following the arrest, Faiz was dismissed from his government position and the Spokesperson of President’s Office Masood Imad – who is also a GIP council member – denounced any links with the government regarding the video.

Still images from the sex tape, allegedly showing the judge committing adultery with an unidentified foreign woman, are meanwhile circulating on social media networks.

A police media official told Minivan News that individuals believed to be involved in the scandal had been either summoned to the police for questioning or had been arrested with a court warrant.

“We are currently investigating two cases concerning the video. One is the case of those who had been using the video to blackmail the people in it, and the other concerns the content of the video,” the spokesperson said at the time.

The video also prompted the JSC to establish a five-member committee to look into the matter upon receiving a letter from police. Local media reported that the committee included commission members Latheefa Gasim, Ahmed Rasheed and Abdulla Didi, and two external lawyers: Hussain Siraj and Mohamed Anil.

A second video also surfaced on social media networks apparently depicting Hameed and a local businessman discussing political influence in the judiciary. Local media identified the businessman as Mohamed Saeed, the director of local business firm ‘Golden Lane’.

Justice Hameed in the video also goes on to reveal his political ‘hook-up’ with Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom – the current Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate – claiming that he was one of Yameen’s “back-ups” and that his stand was “to do things the way Yameen wants”.

Following Sunday evening’s police questioning, local media reported that Hameed had avoided the usual exit doors at the police headquarters in order to avoid the media.

“Senior figures of the state such as Ali Hameed often use the police main entrance, however Hameed knowing that media was present at that entrance, ran to the exit doors located in Boduthakurufaanu Magu. Hameed had also rushed to get into a white car waiting for him at the door after media followed him,” reported Haveeru.

Local media reports claimed that this was the second time Hameed was summoned to the police for questioning. However, a source close to Hameed denied the reports claiming that police had not summoned Hameed at the time.

Police have also searched the house of Mohamed Saeed on the same night at around 7:45pm. The police claimed that they searched the house after obtaining a search warrant.

The raid was allegedly carried out to find if Saeed had been withholding any material related to the sex tape.

The police have previously summoned Saeed twice for investigation but details of the case or the topic of questioning have yet to be revealed.

Saeed’s lawyer Noorban Fahmy told media earlier that Saeed opted to remain silent in the later session after he was first questioned without the presence of a lawyer.


Adhaalath Party brings 34 hafiz for Ramazan prayers

The Adhaalath Party (AP) has arranged for 38 hafiz, individuals who can recite the Quran from memory, to lead tarawih (night prayer) throughout the atolls during Ramazan, reports local media.

The hafiz will be sent to islands by the first day of Ramazan (July 9) and AP is currently coordinating with island councils and associations to determine which islands they will be assigned, said Adhaalath.

This is the fifth year the AP has brought hafiz under its social responsibility program, with 34 arriving from India and four from Sri Lanka.


President opens Maldives’ first Burger King

President Mohamed Waheed has opened the Maldives’ first Burger King, one of four international restaurant chains in Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA)’s new food court.

Besides Burger King’s there are two restaurants on either side of the departure gates.  The new restaurants include ‘casual’ Thai eatery Thai Express, a Australian cafe chain selling mixed drinks and snacks called Coffee Club, and Swensen’s ice creamery, which has already been operating in the airport for several months.

The chains were introduced by the Minor Food Group, a Thai-based subsidiary of the Minor International hospitality and restaurant brands conglomerate that also operates six resort properties in the Maldives, including Anantara, Naladhu and the Per Aquum brands.

The new food court was originally planned as part of the temporary refurbishment of INIA during the construction of a new terminal by Indian infrastructure giant GMR, prior to the government’s controversial eviction of the firm in December 2012. The company recently claimed it is seeking compensation in a Singapore court of US$1.4 billion, an amount four times the size of the Maldives’ state reserves.

The official opening of Burger King and the other restaurants began this morning with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by speeches, ribbon cutting, and the serving of food to the many assembled government dignitaries and school students brought across from Male’ for the event.

A company spokesperson told Minivan News that the reception and performance of the burger chain in its first two days of operation had surpassed expectation, perhaps unsurprising given the anecdotal practice by some Male’ families of bringing McDonalds and KFC takeaway back with them on weekend flights from Colombo. Certainly Burger King was extremely popular with the assembled school students, who steadily worked their way through mountains of whopper burgers.

Minor International Chairman and CEO William Heinecke meanwhile noted that the food court improved the quality of the airport by providing a variety of international food demanded by tourists.

“President Waheed told me earlier that this airport is very special to him because as a student he helped carry the stones to make the runway,” Heinecke said.

President Waheed expressed confidence that food court was a sign the airport was developing into a “world class facility”, “and all this under the leadership of our Maldivian colleagues”.

“This is the first big project since the new management took over the airport,” the president said. “Inshallah soon we shall see major investment such as a new runway, which we are currently seeking financing for.”

The manager of one outlet meanwhile identified “consistency of supply” as a key operational challenge in the Maldives for strict branded outlets, noting that chains such as Burger King in particular had extremely high standards of brand consistency.

Employment culture

Several speakers predicted that the introduction of the Maldives’ first major multinational fast food chain could usher in the concept of part-time employment to the Maldives, particularly for students, and help combat widespread youth unemployment.

Of the food court’s initial 53 employees eight were Maldivians who had been sent to Thailand for training, Heinecke said, stating that one of the company’s goals would be to increase the extent of Maldivian employment, particularly part-time students.

Minor Food Group CEO Paul Kenny observed that the firm had success introducing the concept 20 years ago in Thailand. Part-time work, he said, could contribute greatly to an individual’s development.

President Waheed urged young Maldivians to seek work in the fast food outlets, noting that during his tenure as a student he had worked as a tutor “as my parents could not afford to pay me an allowance.”

He also expressed hope that an outlet would open in Male’, and that the price of burgers would eventually come down (regular value meals were around the US$10-12 mark at time of press).


Comment: Egypt, the Maldives and the democracy experiment

As in the Maldives the Egyptian people lived under a 30 year dictatorship which favored the few against the wishes of the majority.

This dictatorship nurtured and helped build a military industrial complex which in turn helped the dictatorship to remain unchallenged. until the internet revolution that brought President Nasheed and the voice of the majority to power through the ballot box.

In Egypt President Morsi was ousted and arrested by the military, the Muslim Brotherhood targeted, its media outlets closed; policemen with Kalashinkovs dancing on the street.

In the Maldives, the ‘deep state’ nurtured by Gayyoom bought key figures in the military. A 30 million dollar cheque signed by the magnate Gasim Ibrahim was supposedly the key that unlocked whatever inhibitions the military or anyone else may have had against the popular policies of the then democratically-elected government of President Nasheed.

Nasheed was forced to resign but managed to keep himself from getting arrested. However, his party supporters and activists were getting picked up by the police on various charges as happened with Egypt’s Muslim brotherhood.

The future of the democracy experiment is yet to unfold. In Egypt it seems to be heading towards violent confrontations. In the Maldives, some may think a peaceful transition back to a democratically elected government is possible but these very same people should ask themselves the question: would those who would be charged with treason which carries the death penalty in Islamic Shariah be willing to face the consequences for their crimes?

The top brass of the military and the police are peopled by pro-dictatorship Gayyoom forces and the only guns in town belong to them. The only way to ensure that the military do not revert to the use of force on some trumped up terrorism charge – the fact Defence Minister Nazim recently alluded that terrorist elements trained in different war zones are in the country should be taken as a hint of what these renegades plan to do – is to ensure a timely visit by a naval presence by a country friendly to the Maldivian peoples’ will. Then – and only then, can the outcome of the ballot box be fully realised.

The Egyptian democracy experiment is unlikely to favor the Muslim brotherhood anytime soon despite the fact they reflect the will of the majority. The armed forces are far too organised and well entrenched and unless a massive bloodbath ensues the present status quo is unlikely to change.

Unlike the Egyptian military, the Maldives military is not strong enough to circumvent the will of the people should they be prepared to make the sacrifices that the challenges will bring. Only a few die-hard figures from the Gayoom era does not carry the necessary moral weight – especially since the fact that they were paid off have come to the fore – to push the armed forces to align with their thinking.

The biggest miscalculation by the ousted President Nasheed was his failure to cleanse the system of the Gayoom era viruses. The same corrupt forces of the ‘deep state’ put in place by Gayoom. He did get the opportunity but he failed to act until too late. President Morsi too made the same miscalculation.To build up a loyal following one needs to catch them while young and then groom them and place them in key positions.

All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to [email protected]


Police charge Sun Media Group CEO for giving women jobs in return for sex

Police have issued a statement declaring that CEO of the Sun Media Group, Sinan Ali, is to be charged with criminal offences after he allegedly brought girls into his office and had sex with them after offering them job opportunities.

According to the statement, a 25 year-old woman identified by the police as Murishidha Shafeeq is to be charged in the same case along with Sinan.

Local newspaper Haveeru reported that the paper understands the woman is to be charged for having sex with Sinan and assisting Sinan in having sex with other girls.

Under Maldivian law, the punishment for fornication (sex outside marriage) is 100 lashes and a period of house arrest.

Editor of Sun Media Group and head of the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), Ahmed ‘Hiriga’ Zahir, told Minivan News the issue was a personal matter for Sinan and said he would not like to comment on the matter.

Sinan meanwhile told Minivan News he had no knowledge of the case.

‘’I don’t know anything about this,’’ he said. “Two years ago I was summoned to the police headquarters and they queried about a video. I said I didn’t know anything.’’

Local newspapers reported that Sinan Ali was accused of having sex with six girls after offering them job opportunities while he was the head of Job Market Maldives.


US government pledges US$9.7 million for Maldives climate change adaptation, election preparations

The United States government has pledged US$9.7 million (MVR 149 million) to the Maldives as technical assistance for climate change adaptation and election preparations.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two nations was signed yesterday afternoon (July 7) by the Maldives Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador-at-large Abdul Azeez Yoosuf and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Acting Mission Director Todd Sorenson.

The United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Michele J Sison highlighted the importance of the agreement during the American Embassy’s Independence Day reception held last night (July 7) in Male’.

“The MoU will allow us to expand and enhance our bilateral cooperation, it is a truly special day… [it is my] sincere hope that the many ties that bind our two nations will grow ever stronger,” Sison stated.

Under the MoU, USAID will provide US$7.2 million for a global climate change adaptation project, and US$2.5 million as technical assistance for election preparations.

The Ambassador highlighted the importance of consolidating democracy and promoting the integrity of the electoral process prior to the September 7 presidential elections as the impetus for the US working with Maldivian partners to prepare for elections. One of the new programs covered under the MOU, through USAID, was launched by the U.S.-based International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

“These efforts will promote the integrity of the electoral process in Maldives in advance of the September 2013 presidential elections, but also support efforts aimed at the local council and parliamentary elections which are to follow [in 2014],” said Sison.

“The US has urged all parties all actors here to work together to chart a positive way forward that respects the Maldivian constitution, Maldivian democratic institutions, human rights and the will of the Maldivian people,” she continued.

“As such, we’ve called on all sides here to work closely together to ensure the elections in Maldives are free, fair, transparent, credible and inclusive and that the results are accepted by all stakeholders,” she added.

The US government in partnership with the UN is also “actively supporting” a small grants program for Maldivian civil society.

“Democracy – good governance – is not just about elections it’s about the process of governance and the interaction between the government and the people,” noted Sison. “Which is why… we are looking to support projects to enhance the democratic space and to effectively engage civil society organisations in promoting good governance.”

“The US is proud to be supporting Maldivian efforts to strengthen civil society and consolidate the democratic transition,” she added.

The Ambassador also reflected on the founding of the United States, the evolution of democracy within the country over the last 237 years, and the democratisation process in the Maldives. She noted the personal responsibility of citizens to strive toward a more perfect union by pushing forward, speaking out when there is injustice, and advocating for those who cannot advocate for themselves, as President Barack Obama noted in a 2008 presidential campaign speech.

“I thought of those words – both of our founding fathers and of President Obama – as I thought about the Maldives, because in the coming weeks and months ahead, reflecting the vibrancy of Maldivian institutions, the Maldivian people will once again make their voices heard in a democratic process,” said Sison.

The American Embassy’s other current initiatives include “robust USAID projects” aimed at increasing Maldivian capacity to cope with the impact of climate change and improving water security. USAID is also working with the Maldivian government to identify additional areas of cooperation related to climate change adaptation.

The US is also becoming “increasingly active” in the Maldivian economic and commercial sector.

“I’m happy to report that a number of other US companies are looking to expand their operations here, their presence and investment in the Maldivian economy,” noted Sison.

Furthermore, US initiatives have also been extend to the education sector with the “Access English Language” teaching program – with programs in Male’, Addu City, and Kulhudhuffushi in Haa Dhaal Atoll – and “Access Microscholarship”.

“The goal of these english language enrichment microschoarlips is to enable Maldivian secondary school students to pursue higher education and to increase their employment opportunities – we hope – in the job market,” Sison explained.

She also noted that US is “very proud” that the cooperation, joint exercises, and training endeavours conducted with the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) and the Maldives Police Service remain “very strong and robust”.

“The US knows that all of you are as committed as we are to the prosperity of Maldives, to the democracy of Maldives, and to the well being of Maldives. We hope to work together with you in a way that will inspire and benefit future generations of young Maldivians,” the ambassador concluded.

Maldives’ Minister of Defence Mohamed Nazim assured the attendees of the US Embassy’s independence day event – who included the Indian High Commissioner Rajeev Shahare, various UN agency officials, and Maldivian government ministers – that the government of Maldives was committed to ensuring elections were “free, fair and competitive”.

“Exactly two months from today maldives will vote in a historic election to elect a president,” said Nazim.

“Free and fair elections are the strongest and most visible manifestations of a country’s democratic development. The Maldives remains committed to moving forward to consolidating democracy,” he stated. “We are continuing to further strengthen our democratic institutions.”

“We are grateful to the United States for the Maldives election program 2013-14 which will contribute profoundly to strengthen the capacity of state institutions and civil society organisations in preparing for the presidential elections,” he added.

Nazim also highlighted other “key global issues of mutual concern” both governments and working closely on, particularly in the areas of national defence, promoting democracy and the respect of fundamental human rights, as well as climate change adaptation.

“The Maldives-US defence cooperation which has been vital in enhancing our national defence capabilities,” he noted.

“Climate change is an existential threat to the Maldives. As a low-lying state, no country is more vulnerable and none is more committed to increasing investments in renewable energy,” said Nazim. “I salute President Obama for his recent initiative aimed at finding a global solution to the question of climate change.”

“Climate change is too critical an issue to be left unaddressed. We need to find solutions and be ready to make hard decisions and hard choices,” he added.

“The relationship is based on a solid foundation of friendship, shared beliefs, and mutual respect. The US continues to be a close partner of Maldives through diverse spheres and greatly contributes toward the socio-economic development of the country,” Nazim concluded.
